Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Writing (WRIT)

WRIT 120  Fundamentals of Effective Writing  Units: 3.00  
A focus on the principles and practical applications of effective writing. Students apply effective writing strategies to address a variety of professional and academic audiences. Students plan, outline, write, and revise reader-centred documents that relate to forms and contexts they will encounter in the workplace and in educational environments.
NOTE Only offered online, consult Arts and Science Online.
Learning Hours: 114 (36 Online Activity, 78 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite None.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Describe the importance of purpose, audience, and tone and their use in various contexts
  2. Identify and correct errors in sentence structure and grammar to effectively edit own and others' writing
  3. Participate in a writing community through forums that foster independent, peer, and collaborative writing skills to become a more intentional communicator
  4. Practice writing in different styles and formats to meet the needs and expectations of academic and professional audiences
  5. Recognize the iterative nature of the writing process and use effective strategies to revise own writing
  6. Use active reading and thinking strategies to engage analytically with a text
WRIT 125  Fundamentals of Academic Essay Writing  Units: 3.00  
A study of the basic principles of academic writing, including a series of assignments that emphasize logical organization, stylistic clarity, and grammatical precision.
NOTE Also offered online, consult Arts and Science Online (Learning Hours may vary).
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 24 Online Activity, 60 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite None.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Analyze writing to identify argumentative strategies and assess how effective they are.
  2. Apply strategies to revise, edit, and proofread writing to make it more polished and clearer.
  3. Assess research material and use documentation techniques to integrate source material effectively into own writing.
  4. Identify the basic parts of the academic essay and use them effectively in essay-writing.
  5. Interpret and apply feedback from peers, TAs, and instructor to own writing to make it more persuasive, coherent, and clear.
  6. Recognize common grammar and style errors and how to correct them.
WRIT 175  Effective Writing II  Units: 3.00  
An intensive study of the essay-writing process, from techniques of prewriting and outlining through revising for grammatical correctness and argumentative clarity, with particular emphasis on critical reading skills. Enrolment is limited.
Requirements: Prerequisite (WRIT 125 or WRIT P75) or permission of the Instructor. Note A 100-level course with a writing component such as (DRAM, ENGL,FILM,HIST,PHIL,POLS,SOCY) can be used a prerequisite for this course, contact the Instructor for permission to enrol.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
WRIT 225  Writing for Research, Analysis, and Reflection  Units: 3.00  
This course enables students to develop a clear, concise writing style while enhancing their critical thinking, research, reflective writing, teamwork, and presentation skills. Students may choose from a number of assessments - including reviews, personal essays, and research proposals - according to their interests and writing goals.
NOTE Offered only online, consult Arts and Science Online.
Learning Hours: 114 (36 Online Activity, 78 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (WRIT 120 or WRIT 125 or ENGL 100) or permission of the Instructor. Equivalency WRIT 195.  
Course Equivalencies: WRIT195; WRIT225  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Assess whether or not a source is reliable or pertinent to a research topic
  2. Demonstrate ability to write for audiences in both academic and workplace environments
  3. Develop and apply critical thinking skills through writing, constructive peer evaluation, and discussion
  4. Enhance knowledge of the mechanics of writing such as grammar, syntax, diction, and sentence structure
  5. Strengthen teamwork skills by working with peers to create writing that effectively communicates a message to an audience
  6. Use reflection in conjunction with narrative to create an effective and affective piece of writing
WRIT 235  Writing in the Community  Units: 6.00  
An interdisciplinary course that uses experiential learning to develop specialized writing skills. Students will complete a writing project with a local organization. Written and oral work will facilitate individual reflection on the placement experience. In-class components will develop critical thinking, editing, and research skills.
Learning Hours: 240 (72 Seminar, 48 Off-Campus Activity, 120 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite WRIT 120/3.0 or WRIT 125/3.0 or 3.0 units from ENGL 111 - ENGL 162.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate a sense of social responsibility as they reflect on their role and experiences as writers in a community.
  2. Identify key aspects of various rhetorical contexts and the expectations of their audiences, and respond to those aspects in their own writing.
  3. Identify and use the formats required by various genres of writing.
  4. Use a writing style that is effective in terms of clarity, coherence, rhetorical sophistication, and grammatical correctness.
WRIT 240  Writing for Social Media and the Web  Units: 3.00  
Students are introduced to professional writing in the context of online media. As students write and critically assess writing in the genres of blog entries, Twitter essays, and other forms of social media, they strengthen writing and editing skills, write according to purpose and audience, and recognize various styles in social media writing.
NOTE Only offered online, consult Arts and Science Online.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Online Activity, 84 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite WRIT 120 or WRIT 125.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Apply rhetorical modes of persuasion, definition and analysis to create communications that develop, maintain and increase readership
  2. Create visually appealing documents and interfaces
  3. Critique and revise website content so it is relevant and appropriate for particular audiences and purposes
  4. Evaluate forms of web-based writing to assess how effectively they meet the needs of a variety of online audiences
  5. Identify and correct grammatical errors
  6. Recognize, adopt and adapt conventions of social media writing to meet the requirements of the genre and the needs of a variety of audiences
WRIT 250  Writing in Business Contexts  Units: 3.00  
A focus on the principles of business writing. Students analyze workplace contexts and identify writing strategies best suited to address business problems. Students research, organize, design, and create reader-centred documents and various electronic and print texts that relate to practical situations they will encounter in the business world.
NOTE Only offered online, consult Arts and Science Online.
Learning Hours: 114 (36 Online Activity, 84 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (WRIT 120 or WRIT 125) or permission of the Instructor.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Conceptualize, draft, and revise documents of various length, detail, and visual design that incorporate elements of business writing
  2. Create documents using various rhetorical modes such as persuasion, definition, and analysis
  3. Identify and apply aspects of business writing to set objectives, conduct relevant research, plan documents, and communicate ideas to resolve problems and achieve outcomes
  4. Participate in online collaboration and communication as a way to peer-edit written submissions
  5. Practice critical thinking when selecting a writing style and format best suited for the purpose and audience
WRIT 265  Editing in Academic and Professional Contexts  Units: 3.00  
This course introduces the levels of editing - substantive, stylistic, and copyediting - and how to apply these skills to academic and professional documents such as reports, essays, articles, and newsletters. The course will give students the tools both to revise their own work and to edit the work of others for greater clarity.
NOTE Only offered online, consult Arts and Science Online.
Learning Hours: 114 (36 Online Activity, 78 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (WRIT 120 or WRIT 125 or ENGL 100) or permission of the Instructor. Note A 100-level course with a writing component such as (DRAM, ENGL,FILM,HIST,PHIL,POLS,SOCY) can be used a prerequisite for this course, contact the Instructor for permission to enrol.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Describe the three main levels of editing -- structural, stylistic, and copy editing -- and the purposes of each in the publishing process
  2. Edit documents in different genres as appropriate for the intended audience
  3. Identify and correct common errors in grammar, punctuation, and usage
  4. Restructure a document to achieve a coherent organization and logical progression of ideas for a specific audience
  5. Revise sentences, paragraphs, and passages to resolve ambiguities, ensure logical connections, and clarify meaning
  6. Write clear, respectful, and diplomatic queries and comments for the appropriate person (author, managing editor, peer, instructor)
WRIT 275  Analytical Writing  Units: 3.00  
An interdisciplinary course on analytical writing, applying selected principles of rhetoric and linguistics. Collaborative exercises and peer-edited essays are supplemented by critical reading of diverse articles and narratives. Enrolment is limited.
Requirements: Prerequisite WRIT 175 or permission of the Instructor.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science