Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Life Sciences (LISC)

LISC 300  The Process of Discovery in the Biomedical Sciences  Units: 3.00  
Teams of students will identify the critical questions that must be answered to resolve major controversies or gaps of knowledge that impede the application of fundamental principles in the Life Sciences to health care. The end product will be a written report and public presentation that is accessible to a wide audience.
NOTE Restricted to students registered in Level 3 or above in a (LISC Specialization or Major Plan or BCHM Specialization or Major Plan or BIOL Plan or PSYC Plan).
NOTE Limited enrollment available to BIOL and PSYC students.
Learning Hours: 126 (6 Lecture, 6 Seminar, 33 Group Learning, 33 Online Activity, 48 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Minimum 3rd year (Level 3) standing and registration in one of (LISC Honours Plan; BCHM Honours Plan; BHSc Program; BIOL Plan; PSYC Plan).  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Search for, identify, and critically assess sound scientific manuscripts and sources
  2. Work effectively in groups to integrate and present data from various scientific sources
  3. Produce written works that synthesize information they have gathered
  4. Present their findings in both lay and scientific language in either a scientific poster or oral presentation format.
LISC 387  Sex Differences in Health and Disease  Units: 3.00  
This course will focus on the role of sex/gender related differences in etiology, pathogenesis and immune responses of human diseases. Conventional and advanced tools in diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting men and women.
Learning Hours: 120 (24 Lecture, 12 Seminar, 36 Group Learning, 48 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (Level 3 and registration in a LISC/BCHM Major or Specialization Plan or BHSC program) and (a GPA of 2.5) and one of (MICR 270/3.0; MICR 360/3.0; MICR 386/3.0) and BCHM 218/3.0. Exclusion REPD 387/3.0*.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will have the basic understanding of immunological and hormonal mechanisms that integrate and impart sex differences in diseases with an emphasis on those that associate with the urogenital tract.
  2. Students will gain a basic knowledge of recent advances in diagnosis and treatment of diseases exhibiting sex differences.
  3. Students will be able to apply the concepts acquired in critical assessment and identification of knowledge gaps in immunologically driven sex differences in disease pathology and outcomes.
LISC 390  Integrated Life Science Laboratory I  Units: 3.00  
Students will learn a number of different laboratory techniques, developing skills in scientific methodology, data acquisition, and interpretation. Students will also attain skills in critical thinking and hypothesis development, as well as gain experience in writing a laboratory report, and participating in research presentations.
NOTE Priority will be given to students registered in a LISC Specialization Plan.
Requirements: Prerequisite (PHGY 210/6.0 or PHGY 214/6.0 or [PHGY 215 and PHGY 216]) and (LISC 391 or PHAR 230 or PHAR 340 or PHAR 370 [formerly PHAR 270/3.0]). Exclusion BMED 384.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Apply qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to test hypotheses, generate data, and interpret results spanning the fields of biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, immunology, pharmacology, and microbiology.
  2. Conduct, analyze, and interpret their own research, and discuss the significance of the findings within the context of respective fields.
  3. Justify and support an experimental plan by searching through and scrutinizing the available scientific literature of the topic in question.
  4. Navigate human anatomical specimens, identifying different tissues, organs and systems, while discussing links between their structure and function.
  5. Perform laboratory experiments using appropriate technique, with emphasis on efficiency and multitasking.
LISC 391  Integrated Life Sciences Laboratory  Units: 3.00  
An intermediate laboratory course on the Physiology and Pharmacology of Cardiorespiratory Sciences and Neuroscience. Students develop skills to acquire and evaluate data and methods. Critical thinking skills are used for the development of arguments, assumptions, and information required to evaluate concepts and hypotheses.
NOTE Priority will be given to students registered in a LISC Specialization Plan.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Laboratory, 36 Online Activity, 36 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite PHGY 210/6.0 or PHGY 214/6.0 or (PHGY 215 and PHGY 216). Exclusion BMED 384.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Apply understanding of physiology and pharmacology principles to an experimental laboratory setting of neuroscience and cardiorespiratory physiology.
  2. Develop qualitative and quantitative research methodologies including data acquisition and analysis to effectively test a hypothesis, generate data, and interpret results using appropriate statistics, and data analysis including graphing and curve fitting.
  3. Work collaboratively in a group to effectively design, execute, analyze, and present experimental data.
  4. Discuss the significance of their findings in the form of informal reports, formal laboratory report in a defined format, scientific poster, and oral presentation.
LISC 400  Neuro-Immune Interactions in Health and Disease  Units: 3.00  
This course is designed to advance critical thinking skills, as well as oral and written communication skills, via an inquiry-based approach in neuroimmunology. Teams of students identify the critical cellular and molecular processes regulating neuro-immune interactions in health and disease.
Learning Hours: 120 (24 Group Learning, 36 Individual Instruction, 36 Online Activity, 24 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Minimum 3rd year (Level 3) standing, registration in a LISC/BCHM/BHSc Major or SSP, a GPA of 2.5, and one of ([PHGY 290/3.0 and MICR 270/3.0]; LISC 300/3.0; NSCI 323/3.0; NSCI 324/3.0; MICR 360/3.0; MICR 386/3.0).  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Accumulate relevant scientific evidence through scholarly review of the neuroimmunology literature and critically evaluate the content as it relates to the proposed topic.
  2. Identify gaps in knowledge and/or paradoxes and/or obstacles in the collected neuroimmunology literature with regard to limitations in resolving fundamental questions in the specific area under study.
  3. Communicate (verbal and written) their knowledge, insights and a conceptual framework to their peers and a lay audience; providing justification/rationale that investigation of the critical issues they have identified provide a constructive strategy to advance the field of neuroimmunology.
  4. Capitalize on the power of group dynamics, to support and advocate for team members, and manage diverse opinions and personalities.
  5. Provide thoughtful, logical and innovative questions to the projects proposed by other groups.
LISC 426  Current Concepts in Sensorimotor Neuroscience  Units: 3.00  
A multi-disciplinary course exploring advanced concepts of sensorimotor integration from a systems neuroscience perspective. Topics include the neural basis of perception, action selection, reinforcement learning, and motor control. Students will learn to critically evaluate scientific literature and present these concepts to classmates.
Requirements: Prerequisite Level 4 or above and registration in the LISC Major or Specialization Plan, or BHSc Program, and a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher and (NSCI 323/3.0 or NSCI 324/3.0).  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  
LISC 594  Independent Study  Units: 3.00  
Exceptionally qualified students entering their fourth-year may take an independent study provided it has been approved by the Program Office(s) principally involved. The Program Office may approve an independent study without permitting it to be counted toward a concentration in that Program Office. It is, consequently, the responsibility of a student taking an independent study to ensure that the concentration requirements for their degree will be met.
NOTE Requests for an independent study must be received one month before the start of the first term in which the student intends to undertake the independent study.
NOTE Also offered at Bader College, UK.
Requirements: Prerequisite Permission of the Program Office(s) principally involved. Exclusion Maximum 12.0 units from: ANAT 499/12.0; ANAT 599/6.0; BCHM 421/6.0; BCHM 422/6.0; BCHM 594/3.0; BCHM 595/6.0; BCHM 596/12.0; CANC 499/12.0; DISC 591/3.0; DISC 592/3.0; DISC 593/3.0; DISC 594/3.0; DISC 598/6.0; DISC 599/6.0; HSCI 591/3.0; HSCI 592/3.0; HSCI 593/3.0; HSCI 594/3.0; HSCI 595/3.0; HSCI 598/6.0; HSCI 599/6.0; LISC 499/12.0*; LISC 594/3.0; LISC 595/6.0; LISC 596/6.0; MICR 499/12.0; NSCI 499/12.0; PATH 499/12.0; PHAR 499/12.0; PHGY 499/12.0; REPD 499/12.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  
LISC 595  Independent Study  Units: 6.00  
Exceptionally qualified students entering their fourth-year may take an independent study provided it has been approved by the Program Office(s) principally involved. The Program Office may approve an independent study without permitting it to be counted toward a concentration in that Program Office. It is, consequently, the responsibility of a student taking an independent study to ensure that the concentration requirements for their degree will be met.
NOTE Requests for an independent study must be received one month before the start of the first term in which the student intends to undertake the independent study.
Requirements: Prerequisite Permission of the Program Office(s) principally involved. Exclusion Maximum 12.0 units from: ANAT 499/12.0; ANAT 599/6.0; BCHM 421/6.0; BCHM 422/6.0; BCHM 594/3.0; BCHM 595/6.0; BCHM 596/12.0; CANC 499/12.0; DISC 591/3.0; DISC 592/3.0; DISC 593/3.0; DISC 594/3.0; DISC 598/6.0; DISC 599/6.0; HSCI 591/3.0; HSCI 592/3.0; HSCI 593/3.0; HSCI 594/3.0; HSCI 595/3.0; HSCI 598/6.0; HSCI 599/6.0; LISC 499/12.0*; LISC 594/3.0; LISC 595/6.0; LISC 596/6.0; MICR 499/12.0; NSCI 499/12.0; PATH 499/12.0; PHAR 499/12.0; PHGY 499/12.0; REPD 499/12.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  
LISC 596  Independent Study  Units: 12.00  
Exceptionally qualified students entering their fourth-year may take an independent study provided it has been approved by the Program Office(s) principally involved. The Program Office may approve an independent study without permitting it to be counted toward a concentration in that Program Office. It is, consequently, the responsibility of a student taking an independent study to ensure that the concentration requirements for their degree will be met.
NOTE Requests for an independent study must be received one month before the start of the first term in which the student intends to undertake the independent study.
Requirements: Prerequisite Permission of the Program Office(s) principally involved. Exclusion Maximum 12.0 units from: ANAT 499/12.0; ANAT 599/6.0; BCHM 421/6.0; BCHM 422/6.0; BCHM 594/3.0; BCHM 595/6.0; BCHM 596/12.0; CANC 499/12.0; DISC 591/3.0; DISC 592/3.0; DISC 593/3.0; DISC 594/3.0; DISC 598/6.0; DISC 599/6.0; HSCI 591/3.0; HSCI 592/3.0; HSCI 593/3.0; HSCI 594/3.0; HSCI 595/3.0; HSCI 598/6.0; HSCI 599/6.0; LISC 499/12.0*; LISC 594/3.0; LISC 595/6.0; LISC 596/6.0; MICR 499/12.0; NSCI 499/12.0; PATH 499/12.0; PHAR 499/12.0; PHGY 499/12.0; REPD 499/12.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  
LISC 598  Independent Study  Units: 9.00  
Exceptionally qualified students entering their fourth-year may take an independent study provided it has been approved by the Program Office(s) principally involved. The Program Office may approve an independent study without permitting it to be counted toward a concentration in that Program Office. It is, consequently, the responsibility of a student taking an independent study to ensure that the concentration requirements for their degree will be met.
NOTE Requests for an independent study must be received one month before the start of the first term in which the student intends to undertake the independent study.
Requirements: Prerequisite Permission of the Program Office(s) principally involved. Exclusion Maximum 12.0 units from: ANAT 499/12.0; ANAT 599/6.0; BCHM 421/6.0; BCHM 422/6.0; BCHM 594/3.0; BCHM 595/6.0; BCHM 596/12.0; CANC 499/12.0; DISC 591/3.0; DISC 592/3.0; DISC 593/3.0; DISC 594/3.0; DISC 598/6.0; DISC 599/6.0; HSCI 591/3.0; HSCI 592/3.0; HSCI 593/3.0; HSCI 594/3.0; HSCI 595/3.0; HSCI 598/6.0; HSCI 599/6.0; LISC 499/12.0*; LISC 594/3.0; LISC 595/6.0; LISC 596/6.0; MICR 499/12.0; NSCI 499/12.0; PATH 499/12.0; PHAR 499/12.0; PHGY 499/12.0; REPD 499/12.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences