Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Fine Art (ARTF)

ARTF 100  Introductory Drawing  Units: 6.00  
A basic introduction to the principles of line and form, intended as a foundation for further studies in the visual arts.
NOTE Offered during Spring-Summer Sessions only. Not available for credit towards a B.F.A. program.
Requirements: Prerequisite None. Exclusion ARTF 127/6.0; ARTF 128/6.0. Note This course cannot be used as credit towards a BFA Program.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 101  Fundamentals of Drawing and Painting  Units: 3.00  
A foundation course aimed at developing basic skills in drawing and painting, embracing a variety of subjects, materials and techniques.
NOTE Also offered online, consult Arts and Science Online (Learning Hours may vary).
Learning Hours: 144 (48 Laboratory, 96 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Permission of the Instructor. Exclusion ARTF 106/3.0; ARTF 127/6.0; ARTF 128/6.0. Recommended ARTH 120/6.0. Note This course cannot be used as credit towards a BFA Program.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 102  Fundamentals of Drawing and Sculpture  Units: 3.00  
A foundation course in drawing and sculpture aimed at examining the visual, tactile and structural characteristics of various materials in relation to 3 dimensional space.
Learning Hours: 144 (48 Laboratory, 96 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite ARTF 101/3.0 or permission of the Instructor. Recommended ARTH 120/6.0. Exclusion ARTF 127/6.0; ARTF 128/6.0. Note This course is only available to students in the Faculty of Education.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 106  Introductory Fine Art (Drawing and Painting)  Units: 3.00  

An exploration, through the processes of drawing and painting, of a wide variety of visual problems encountered by the contemporary artist.
NOTE Only offered at Bader College, UK.

Requirements: Prerequisite Registration at Bader College. Exclusion ARTF 101/3.0; ARTF 127/6.0; ARTF 128/6.0. Note This course cannot be used as credit towards a BFA Program.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
ARTF 125  Introduction to Studio Art in Printmaking  Units: 3.00  
This survey course introduces various Printmaking techniques including monoprint, relief, etching, digital and hybrid methods. Students focus on applying the various methods to personal research interests to create original print based imagery that demonstrates formal, conceptual, historical and contemporary consideration.
NOTE Materials: estimated cost $105.
NOTE Also offered online, consult Arts and Science Online.
Requirements: Prerequisite None. Recommended Some drawing experience. One-Way Exclusion May not be taken with or after ARTF 227/6.0; ARTF 265/3.0. Note This course is not open to BFAH students.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Adapt learned skills to ones own artistic practice and assess the potential for advanced course work.
  2. Analyze and evaluate printworks through the process of critique using terms and concepts appropriate to the medium.
  3. Create original and editioned printworks that demonstrate technical, conceptual and critical consideration.
  4. Demonstrate the ability produce a print based body of work that meets professional, exhibition and curatorial practices.
  5. Describe and employ low and non toxic methods/substitutes in regards to traditional materials, techniques and equipment.
  6. Recall and describe the four major printmaking processes, their visual properties, historical and contemporary significance.
ARTF 127  Introductory Fine Art I  Units: 6.00  
A foundation course that offers two of the sections from the four media areas available at this level: painting, drawing, two-dimensional fundamentals, and three-dimensional fundamentals. One class per week will be devoted to learning safe procedures and technical skills in the wood-shop. There will be a half-day WHMIS safety training workshop.
NOTE Materials: estimated cost $630 (includes technical skills fee of $25).
Learning Hours: 288 (144 Laboratory, 144 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Registration in a BFA Program. Exclusion ARTF 100/6.0; ARTF 101/3.0; ARTF 102/3.0; ARTF 106/3.0. One-Way Exclusion May not be taken with or after ARTF 125/3.0; ARTF 260/3.0; ARTF 265/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 128  Introductory Fine Art II  Units: 6.00  
A continuation of ARTF 127, this course offers two of the sections from the media available at this level: painting, drawing, two-dimensional fundamentals, and three-dimensional fundamentals.
NOTE Materials: estimated cost $525.
NOTE A $250 deposit is required by students who intend on participating in the voluntary 2nd year field trip to New York.
Learning Hours: 288 (144 Laboratory, 144 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Registration in a BFA Program and a minimum grade of C- in ARTF 127/6.0 and a cumulative GPA of 1.60 or higher. Exclusion ARTF 101/3.0; ARTF 102/3.0; ARTF 106/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 227  Intermediate Fine Art I  Units: 6.00  
This course offers two of the sections from the four media areas available at this level: painting, drawing, print media and sculpture. Course content builds on concepts developed in ARTF 127 and ARTF 128. New techniques, skills and concepts are introduced.
NOTE Materials: estimated cost $420.
NOTE The voluntary field trip to New York is highly recommended; the estimated cost is $735.
Learning Hours: 288 (144 Laboratory, 144 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Registration in a BFA Program and a minimum grade of C- in ARTF 128/6.0 and a cumulative GPA of 1.60 or higher.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 228  Intermediate Fine Art II  Units: 6.00  
This course offers two of the sections from the four media areas available at this level: painting, drawing, print media and sculpture. Course content builds on concepts developed in ARTF 127 and ARTF 128. New techniques, skills and concepts are introduced.
NOTE Materials: estimated cost $420.
NOTE The voluntary field trip to New York is highly recommended; the estimated cost is $735.
Learning Hours: 288 (144 Laboratory, 144 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Registration in a BFA Program and a minimum grade of C- in ARTF 227/6.0 and a cumulative GPA of 1.60 or higher.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 260  Studies in Studio Practice  Units: 3.00  
Non-B.F.A. students work with media, techniques and strategies of contemporary and earlier artists. Coursework includes drawing, painting, and studio visits. Discussion on artists' writings on studio practice/theory, and art practice as research. Emphasis on understanding process rather than skill development.
Requirements: Prerequisite None. Recommended ARTH 120/6.0. Note This course cannot be used as credit towards a BFA Program.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 265  Intermediate Studies in Studio Practice  Units: 3.00  
An intermediate studio practice course exploring the practical and pedagogical aspects of print-based artwork, processes and strategies, as well as the resulting theoretical implications that have accompanied recent technological changes in production and distribution.
Requirements: Prerequisite ARTF 101/3.0 or ARTF 102/3.0 or permission of the Department. Recommended ARTH 120/6.0. Note This course is only available to students in the Faculty of Education.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Acquire the ability and vocabulary to situate artistic practices within broader socio-cultural and political contexts.
  2. Acquire verbal skills and contribute to classroom discussions and responding to the work of peers.
  3. Assess the multidisciplinary relationships among art, studio practices, research and pedagogy.
  4. Develop and demonstrate an effective knowledge of historical and contemporary print processes and techniques.
  5. Develop and demonstrate the ability to produce a body of print-based artwork for public presentation exhibiting a high level of material exploration and creative experimentation.
  6. Perform time-management, organizational and problem-solving skills in moving projects from concept to actualization.
ARTF 275  Digital Media in Studio Practice  Units: 3.00  
In this introductory studio e-course, students will examine the current nature of digital media practices in relation to Contemporary Art. Through studio research, students will explore the context of digital practices and theories, and its effect on the production of images and objects within the digital landscape.
NOTE Only offered online. Consult Arts and Science Online.
Learning Hours: 120 (60 Online Activity, 60 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Level 2 or above.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Discuss and write about exemplary works of visual culture from other cultures and historical periods including current contemporary practices at an informed level of inquiry.
  2. Conceptualize and create work from idea to physical form by accessing visual and textual information from a variety of sources in concept development.
  3. Demonstrate through visual and textual material, an understanding of the role of digital media and its applications across the fields of visual culture.
  4. Discern and apply a variety of approaches to the making of art and identify and solve aesthetic, formal and conceptual problems in their discipline areas.
  5. Have the ability to think critically, analytically, and conceptually about works of visual culture, and communicate their thoughts effectively in form, and writing.
  6. Produce creative works that demonstrate imagination and inventive use of processes, materials and concepts.
  7. Write critically and conceptually about works of visual culture.
ARTF 337  Advanced Programs I  Units: 9.00  
In this advanced course students select one media choice from these areas: paint media, sculpture/new media or print media.
NOTE Materials: estimated cost $367.50.
Learning Hours: 324 (144 Laboratory, 180 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Registration in a BFA Program and a minimum grade of C- in ARTF 228/6.0 and a cumulative GPA of 1.60 or higher.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 338  Advanced Programs II  Units: 9.00  
In this second advanced-level course students choose two media sections from these areas: paint, media, sculpture/new media, or print media. The media area chosen must be different from that studied in ARTF 337. The course will include seminars introducing elements of professional practice.
NOTE Materials: estimated cost $367.50.
Learning Hours: 324 (144 Laboratory, 180 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Registration in a BFA program and a minimum grade of C- in ARTF 337/9.0 and a cumulative GPA of 1.60 or higher.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 447  Individual Programs I  Units: 9.00  
In fourth year, each student must submit a proposal for an individual program of creative exploration and research. This can be based on one or more of the following areas: painting, print media, 3-D media. Instruction at this level is through individual tutorials and critiques, although all students will meet once a week for a common seminar.
NOTE Materials: estimated cost $52.50 to $157.50.
Learning Hours: 309 (9 Seminar, 12 Individual Instruction, 288 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Level 4 or above and registration in a BFA Program and a GPA of 2.60 in ARTF 337/9.0 and ARTF 338/9.0 and a minimum grade of C- in ARTH 120/6.0 and a minimum of 6.0 units in ARTH at the 200-level and a cumulative GPA of 1.90 or higher.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 448  Individual Programs II  Units: 9.00  
In fourth year, each student must submit a proposal for an individual program of creative exploration and research. This can be based on one or more of the following areas: painting, print media, 3-D media. Instruction at this level is through individual tutorials and critiques, although all students will meet once a week for a common seminar.
NOTE Materials: estimated cost $52.50 to $157.50.
Learning Hours: 309 (9 Seminar, 12 Individual Instruction, 288 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Registration in a BFA Program and a minimum grade of C- in ARTF 447/9.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 594  Independent Study  Units: 3.00  
Exceptionally qualified students entering their third- or fourth-year may take a program of independent study provided it has been approved by the Department or Departments principally involved. The Department may approve an independent study program without permitting it to be counted toward a concentration in that Department. It is, consequently, the responsibility of students taking such programs to ensure that the concentration requirements for their degree will be met.
NOTE Requests for such a program must be received one month before the start of the first term in which the student intends to undertake the program.
Requirements: Prerequisite Permission of the Department or Departments principally involved.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
ARTF 595  Independent Study  Units: 6.00  
Exceptionally qualified students entering their third- or fourth-year may take a program of independent study provided it has been approved by the Department or Departments principally involved. The Department may approve an independent study program without permitting it to be counted toward a concentration in that Department. It is, consequently, the responsibility of students taking such programs to ensure that the concentration requirements for their degree will be met.
NOTE Requests for such a program must be received one month before the start of the first term in which the student intends to undertake the program.
Requirements: Prerequisite Permission of the Department or Departments principally involved.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science