Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Chemistry (CHEM)

CHEM 109  General Chemistry I: From Atoms to Matter  Units: 3.00  
A quantitative treatment of chemical phenomena and materials. Critical thinking and problem solving are emphasized. Topics include atomic structure and molecular bonding, nomenclature, thermodynamics, phase-transitions and condensed phases. Using information technology, labs, and problem-solving strategies, students will develop an appreciation for the relevance of chemistry to the solution of modern-day societal challenges.
NOTE Not offered at Queen's; only available as a transfer credit.
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 110  General Chemistry II: Thermodynamics and Kinetics  Units: 3.00  
A quantitative treatment of chemical phenomena and materials. Critical thinking and problem solving are emphasized. Topics include thermodynamics, chemical equilibria, acids and bases, kinetics, electrochemistry and organic reactions. Using information technology, labs, and problem-solving strategies, students will develop an appreciation for the relevance of chemistry to the solution of modern-day societal challenges.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Blue Lab Book): estimated cost $67.
NOTE CHEM 109 and CHEM 110 together, are equivalent to CHEM 112.
Learning Hours: 144 (36 Lecture, 18 Laboratory, 18 Group Learning, 24 Online Activity, 48 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 109/3.0. Recommended 4U Chemistry or equivalent. Exclusion CHEM 112/6.0; CHEM 114/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand equilibrium theory and manipulate equilibrium conditions, calculate K and understand how activities are used in the ICE table.
  2. Know the second and third laws of thermodynamics, work with and manipulate equations related to entropy and Gibbs energy changes in systems under standard and non-standard conditions.
  3. Recognize different types of acids and bases, understand how to manipulate acid/base systems using the ICE table, know the concepts of strong and weak acids and bases.
  4. Recognize and calculate first, second and third order rate laws and understand how to manipulate systems to study the kinetics of systems and reaction mechanisms.
  5. Understand the basic concepts of oxidation/reduction, electrochemistry and calculate the cell potential of standard and non-standard systems.
CHEM 112  General Chemistry  Units: 6.00  
A survey of modern chemistry: structure and bonding, phases of matter, thermodynamics, acids, bases, electrochemistry, equilibria, kinetics and organic chemistry. Using information technology, labs, and problem-solving strategies, students will develop an appreciation for the relevance of chemistry to the solution of modern-day societal challenges.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Blue Lab Book): estimated cost $67.
NOTE Also offered at Bader College, UK (Learning Hours may vary).
Learning Hours: 288 (72 Lecture, 36 Laboratory, 36 Group Learning, 48 Online Activity, 96 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite None. Recommended 4U Chemistry or equivalent. Exclusion CHEM 109/3.0; CHEM 110/3.0; CHEM 113/3.0; CHEM 114/3.0; CHEM 117/1.5.  
Course Equivalencies: CHEM 112B/116B / APSC 131/132  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 113  General Chemistry I (with Virtual Laboratory): From Atoms to Matter  Units: 3.00  
A quantitative treatment of chemical phenomena and materials. Critical thinking and problem solving are emphasized. Topics include atomic structure and molecular bonding, nomenclature, thermodynamics, phase-transitions and condensed phases. The virtual laboratory provides basic practice in different types of chemistry.
NOTE Only offered online, consult Arts and Science Online.
Learning Hours: 126 (72 Online Activity, 54 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite None. Exclusion CHEM 112/6.0. Recommended 4U Chemistry. Note Not normally intended for on-campus degree plans and certificates. Not appropriate for pre and upper level courses that have a laboratory component.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 114  General Chemistry II (with Virtual Laboratory): Thermodynamics and Kinetics  Units: 3.00  
A quantitative treatment of chemical phenomena and materials. Critical thinking and problem solving are emphasized. Topics include thermodynamics, chemical equilibria, acids and bases, kinetics, electrochemistry and organic reactions. The virtual laboratory provides basic practice in different types of chemistry.
NOTE Only offered online, consult Arts and Science Online.
Learning Hours: 126 (72 Online Activity, 54 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 113/3.0. Exclusion CHEM 112/6.0. Note Not normally intended for on-campus degree plans and certificates. Not appropriate for pre and upper level courses that have a laboratory component.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 117  General Chemistry Laboratory  Units: 1.50  
Laboratory course intended for students who have taken CHEM 113 and CHEM 114 online and wish to add a laboratory component (i.e., that of CHEM 112) that affords foundational experience in different types of chemistries (physical, analytical, etc.) through experiments in thermodynamics, neutralization, electrochemistry, equilibria, kinetics and organic chemistry.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Blue Lab Book): estimated cost $67.
Learning Hours: 84 (36 Laboratory, 48 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 114/3.0. Exclusion CHEM 112/6.0.  
Course Equivalencies: CHEM 117, CHEM 117B  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Analyze experimental data critically.
  2. Do error analysis and reporting.
  3. Better understand some of the first-year chemistry material.
  4. Understand equipment principles and limitations.
  5. Understand and use concepts of equilibrium systems including acid/base, solubility, oxidation/reduction and precipitation systems.
  6. Determine and describe the kinetics of a system using different experimental procedures and relate the results to reaction mechanisms.
CHEM 211  Main Group Chemistry  Units: 3.00  
An introduction to chemistry of main group inorganic and organic compounds with the use of fundamental quantum mechanics, molecular orbital diagrams and Lewis structures to describe the structure and bonding. The stereochemistry and chirality of organic compounds, solid state inorganic chemistry, and descriptive chemistry of compounds of the main group elements will be covered. The laboratory will introduce skills in inorganic and organic synthesis.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Carbon Lab Book): estimated cost $73.
Learning Hours: 144 (36 Lecture, 36 Laboratory, 9 Tutorial, 63 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (CHEM 109/3.0 and CHEM 110/3.0) or CHEM 112/6.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 212  Principles of Chemical Reactivity  Units: 3.00  
An introduction to the kinetics and mechanisms of reactions in gaseous and condensed phases, including acid-base and nucleophilic substitution reactions at carbon and other main group centers. Other topics will include molecular dynamics and reactions in solution. The laboratory illustrates measurement techniques and develops laboratory skills.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Blue Lab Book): estimated cost $67.
Learning Hours: 126 (36 Lecture, 18 Laboratory, 9 Tutorial, 63 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite ([CHEM 109/3.0 and CHEM 110/3.0] or CHEM 112/6.0) and (MATH 120/6.0 or MATH 121/6.0 or [MATH 123/3.0 and MATH 124/3.0] or MATH 130/3.0). Exclusion CHEM 281/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 213  Introduction to Chemical Analysis  Units: 3.00  
Introduction to analytical chemical methods and science. Topics include statistical analysis of data, titrations and equilibrium theory, spectrophotometry and instrumental elemental analysis.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Blue Lab Book): estimated cost $67.
Learning Hours: 144 (36 Lecture, 36 Laboratory, 9 Tutorial, 63 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (CHEM 109/3.0 and CHEM 110/3.0) or CHEM 112/6.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 221  Material, Solutions, and Interfaces  Units: 3.00  
A survey of the thermodynamic properties of gases and liquids, including phase and chemical equilibria and electrochemistry. An introduction to the properties of materials, interfaces, surfaces and aqueous solutions. The laboratory uses modern software to facilitate equilibrium calculations, illustrates measurement techniques and develops laboratory skills.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Blue Lab Book): estimated cost $67.
Learning Hours: 126 (36 Lecture, 18 Laboratory, 18 Tutorial, 54 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite ([CHEM 109/3.0 and CHEM 110/3.0] or CHEM 112/6.0) and (MATH 120/6.0 or MATH 121/6.0 or [MATH 123/3.0 and MATH 124/3.0]).  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 222  Methods of Structure Determination  Units: 3.00  
A survey of practical spectroscopic and spectrometric methods for the determinations of the structures of organic and inorganic compounds. Methods will include nuclear magnetic resonance, electronic, infrared/Raman spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. Tutorials will involve solving compound structures using spectroscopic data, and include an introduction to computational methods in spectroscopy.
Learning Hours: 126 (36 Lecture, 18 Tutorial, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 112/6.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 223  Organic Reactions  Units: 3.00  
Mechanistically oriented study of organic reactions with emphasis on applications to synthesis. The laboratory affords experience in organic synthesis.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Carbon Lab Book): estimated cost $73.
Learning Hours: 144 (36 Lecture, 36 Laboratory, 9 Tutorial, 63 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 211/3.0 and CHEM 212/3.0. Exclusion CHEM 282/3.0; CHEM 285/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 224  Mathematical Tools for Chemical Problems  Units: 3.00  
This course aims at providing chemistry students with mathematical skills that are borrowed from Calculus and Linear Algebra, which are necessary to explore kinetics, quantum chemistry, and spectroscopy. The course will be based on chemically-relevant problems.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 12 Tutorial, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (CHEM 109/3.0 and CHEM 110/3.0) or CHEM 112/6.0. Recommended MHF4U and MCV4U or equivalent, or 4U AFIC, or permission of the Department.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Translate chemical problems into mathematical language, determine which mathematical tools are useful for which problem.
  2. Use the mathematical methods (especially linear algebra and (multivariate) calculus) that are most relevant for chemical problems.
  3. Interpret chemical phenomena through mathematical modelling.
  4. Identify which types of chemical problems can be understood using mathematical tools and apply the appropriate tools.
  5. Identify, and correct, imprecise and incorrect mathematical reasoning and statistical fallacies.
  6. Present mathematical concepts and tools required for quantum chemistry and spectroscopy courses.
  7. Explain how mathematical models are used in chemistry.
CHEM 281  General Organic Chemistry I (with Virtual Laboratory)  Units: 3.00  
An introduction to the basic principles of organic chemistry with emphasis on bonding, stereochemistry, reaction intermediates and reaction mechanisms, and structure-reactivity correlations. Intended for students in biological and life sciences. Students in chemistry or biochemistry programs should not enrol in this course.
NOTE Molecular Model Set: estimated cost $26.
NOTE Also offered online, consult Arts and Science Online (Learning Hours may vary).
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 24 Online Activity, 48 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (CHEM 109/3.0 and CHEM 110/3.0) or CHEM 112/6.0 or CHEM 114/3.0. Exclusion CHEM 212/3.0. Note Students in BCHM or CHEM programs should not enrol in this course.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 282  General Organic Chemistry II  Units: 3.00  
A continuation from CHEM 281 intended for students in biological sciences, life sciences, and other programs taking no further courses in organic chemistry. Students in chemistry or biochemistry programs should not enrol in this course. Organic molecules and their reactions; relevance to biological systems. Illustrations using biomolecules such as carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. The laboratory affords experience in elementary organic syntheses.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Carbon Lab Book): estimated cost $73.
Learning Hours: 141 (36 Lecture, 33 Laboratory, 12 Online Activity, 60 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite ([CHEM 109/3.0 and CHEM 110/3.0] or CHEM 112/6.0) and CHEM 281/3.0. Exclusion CHEM 223/3.0; CHEM 285/3.0. Note Students in BCHM or CHEM programs should not enrol in this course.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 285  General Organic Chemistry II (with Virtual Laboratory)  Units: 3.00  
A continuation from CHEM 281 intended for students in biological sciences, and other plans taking no further courses in organic chemistry. Students in chemistry or biochemistry plans should not enrol in this course. Organic molecules and their reactions; relevance to biological systems. Illustrations using biomolecules such as carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. The virtual laboratory provides knowledge of elementary organic syntheses.
NOTE Only offered online, consult Arts and Science Online.
Learning Hours: 99 (60 Online Activity, 39 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 281/3.0. Exclusion CHEM 223/3.0; CHEM 282/3.0. Note Students in CHEM, BCHM, or LISC (Hons) programs should not enrol in this course.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 286  General Organic Chemistry II (Laboratory)  Units: 1.50  
Laboratory course intended for students in biological sciences, life sciences, and other programs who have taken CHEM 285, and wish to add a laboratory component (i.e., that of CHEM 282) that affords experience in elementary organic syntheses, and do not intend to take any further courses in organic chemistry.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Carbon Lab Book): estimated cost $73.
Learning Hours: 77 (33 Laboratory, 44 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 285/3.0. Exclusion CHEM 223/3.0; CHEM 282/3.0. Note Students in BCHM or CHEM programs should not enrol in this course.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Conduct laboratory experiments that focus on performing chemical reactions relevant to synthesis, extraction and other purification techniques, chemical tests for functional groups, and the characterization of organic compounds.
  2. Critically analyze scientific results.
  3. Critically communicate scientific results.
CHEM 311  Mechanistic Organic Chemistry  Units: 3.00  
Fundamental mechanistic concepts of organic reactions, structure-activity relationships, solvent effects and catalysis. Mechanistic aspects of substitution, addition, elimination and pericyclic reactions.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 12 Tutorial, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 223/3.0 or CHEM 282/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 312  Transition Metal Chemistry  Units: 3.00  
Introduction to the chemistry, bonding and structures of coordination compounds of the transition metals; transition metals in the solid state and in biological systems; industrial and environmental aspects of transition metal chemistry.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 12 Tutorial, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 211/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 313  Quantum Mechanics  Units: 3.00  
Elementary principles and applications of wave mechanics with special reference to molecular orbitals and chemical bonding.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 12 Tutorial, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (CHEM 211/3.0 or CHEM 222/3.0) and (CHEM 224/3.0 or MATH 110/6.0 or MATH 111/6.0* or MATH 112/3.0) and (MATH 120/6.0 or MATH 121/6.0 or [MATH 123/3.0 and MATH 124/3.0]) and (PHYS 104/6.0 or PHYS 106/6.0 or [PHYS 115/3.0 and PHYS 116/3.0] or PHYS 117/6.0). One-Way Exclusion May not be taken with or after PHYS 344/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explain the postulates and general principles of quantum mechanics.
  2. Solve the Schrödinger equation for systems such as the particle in a box, harmonic oscillator, rigid rotor, and the Hydrogen atom.
  3. Apply the variational method and perturbation theory to chemical systems.
  4. Apply quantum mechanics to describe the electronic structure of molecules and calculate molecular properties.
  5. Provide a quantum-mechanical description for chemical concepts such as atomic and molecular orbitals.
CHEM 314  Strategies in Organic Synthesis  Units: 3.00  
One further step in mastering synthetic organic chemistry. Building on knowledge of introductory organic reactivity, essential principles underlying strategies in synthetic organic chemistry will be covered, with an emphasis on regio- and stereo-controls.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 12 Tutorial, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 223/3.0 or CHEM 282/3.0. Corequisite CHEM 311/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 321  Instrumental Chemical Analysis  Units: 3.00  
Overview of instrumental methods of chemical analysis. Topics include gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectrometric detection, new separation methods, electrochemical analysis, inductively coupled plasma-based elemental analysis.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 213/3.0. Exclusion ENSC 471/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 322  The Chemical Bond: Computation and Spectroscopy  Units: 3.00  
The application of quantum mechanics to the structures and internal motions of molecules. The foundations of electronic, vibrational, rotational and NMR spectroscopy will be discussed together with their applications.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 12 Tutorial, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 313/3.0 or PHYS 344/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 323  Biological Chemistry  Units: 3.00  
Introduction to the chemical basis of biological systems and biomolecules, protein structure and synthesis, enzyme catalysis, nucleic acids (DNA, RNA), carbohydrates, membranes, cell signalling, biosynthetic and metabolic pathways.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 223/3.0 or CHEM 282/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 326  Environmental and Green Chemistry  Units: 3.00  
The first part examines chemical contaminants in the atmosphere, water, soils and sediments, including sources, behaviour, transport, and distribution among these environments. The second part introduces Green Chemistry, examining industrial sources of contaminants and the modification of industrial processes in order to minimize environmental impact.
Learning Hours: 108 (33 Lecture, 3 Group Learning, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite ([CHEM 223/3.0 or CHEM 281/3.0] and 6.0 units of CHEM at the 200-level).  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 347  Applied Surface and Colloid Science  Units: 3.00  
The course covers four major topics.
1. The thermodynamic properties of interfaces (surface energy, wetting, surface area and porosity, capillary effects, work of adhesion/cohesion).
2. Models of adsorption/desorption phenomena. 
3. The dynamics of phase transitions (meta-stability, nucleation, spinoidal decomposition).
4. The stability and characterization of colloidal systems.
Student appreciation for the importance of these phenomena is cultivated using examples drawn from industrial processes/products including inks, paints, foods, polymer blends, and nanocomposites.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 12 Tutorial, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 221/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 397  Experimental Chemistry  Units: 6.00  
Laboratory course introducing modern experimental methods in chemistry, including synthesis, analytical instrumentation and computational methods. The integration of several methods will be emphasized in the synthesis and characterization of molecules.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Carbon Lab Book): estimated cost $73.
Learning Hours: 300 (144 Laboratory, 12 Tutorial, 144 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 222/3.0 and CHEM 223/3.0 and 6.0 units of CHEM at the 200-level. Corequisite 6.0 units of CHEM at the 300-level. Exclusion CHEM 398/3.0; CHEM 399/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 398  Experimental Chemistry I  Units: 3.00  
Laboratory course. In consultation with the course coordinator, and subject to availability, students may select experiments as are relevant to their degree program including synthesis, analytical instrumentation and computational methods. The integration of several methods will be emphasized in the design and characterization of molecules.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Carbon Lab Book): estimated cost $73.
Learning Hours: 156 (72 Laboratory, 12 Tutorial, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 222/3.0 and CHEM 223/3.0 and 3.0 units of CHEM at the 200-level. Corequisite 3.0 units of CHEM at the 300-level. Exclusion CHEM 397/6.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 399  Experimental Chemistry II  Units: 3.00  
Laboratory course. In consultation with the course co-coordinator, and subject to availability, students may select experiments as are relevant to their degree program including synthesis, analytical instrumentation and computational methods. The integration of several methods will be emphasized in the design and characterization of molecules.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Carbon Lab Book): estimated cost $73.
Learning Hours: 156 (72 Laboratory, 12 Tutorial, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 222/3.0 and CHEM 223/3.0 and 3.0 units of CHEM at the 200-level. Corequisite 3.0 units of CHEM at the 300-level. Exclusion CHEM 397/6.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 411  Advanced Analytical Chemistry  Units: 3.00  
A discussion of recent advances in analytical chemistry and its applications to the environmental, materials and biomedical fields. At least four topics will be covered from sample preparation, separation methods, multidimensional chromatography, elemental spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, and surface analysis methods. Additional topics will be selected from the current literature.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 213/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 412  Statistical Mechanics  Units: 3.00  
The fundamentals of statistical mechanics with applications to thermodynamic properties of gases, liquids and solids and to chemical equilibrium in dilute gases.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (CHEM 221/3.0 and CHEM 313/3.0) or (PHYS 345/3.0 and PHYS 372/3.0). Exclusion PHYS 472/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 413  Computational Chemistry  Units: 3.00  
The application of quantum mechanics to chemical structures, energetics, internal motions of molecules, and chemical reactions. An introduction to the use of modern electronic structure software in chemistry.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 313/3.0 or PHYS 345/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 414  Catalysis  Units: 3.00  
An advanced treatment of the concepts and applications of catalysis, including the kinetics of catalysis and topics selected from the areas of homogeneous, heterogeneous, and biocatalysis.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 223/3.0 and CHEM 312/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify the specific role of a catalyst in a transformation and thereby predict the outcome of the combination of one or more catalyst.
  2. Draw complete catalytic cycle for important reactions having been able to decipher the appropriate mechanism.
  3. Rationalize the outcome of a particular reaction in the context of chemo-, regio- and stereoselectivity based on the catalyst combination.
  4. Develop proficiency at reading and searching the primary chemical literature and using relevant search engines, Google Scholar, SciFinder, etc.
  5. Identify potential problems with specific catalytic combinations.
CHEM 415  Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis  Units: 3.00  
The course covers concepts of equilibrium electrochemistry and examines the structure of the electrode-solution interface. It discusses the basics of electron transfer and derives electrochemical kinetics equations. It shows examples of several electrochemical reactions and overviews experimental methods used to study electrochemical phenomena.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 12 Online Activity, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 212/3.0 and CHEM 221/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 416  Advanced Biological and Bioanalytical Chemistry  Units: 3.00  
An advanced discussion of the chemical basis of biologically relevant molecules, pathways and methods of their characterization. Topics covered will draw from advanced properties, characterization and application of DNA/RNA, proteins/peptides, lipids, carbohydrates, alkaloids, terpenes and polyketides and bioanalytical/molecular biology techniques.
Learning Hours: 120 (33 Lecture, 3 Seminar, 12 Online Activity, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 323/3.0 or BCHM 310/9.0 or (BCHM 315/3.0 and BCHM 316/3.0).  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Propose reasonable chemical mechanistic hypotheses for production of biomolecules.
  2. Evaluate and articulate appropriate chemical analytical and bioanalytical techniques for investigating biomolecule structure, function and application.
  3. Develop an appreciation of how chemistry can be applied to study biomolecules, and how biomolecules can be synthesized or produced using molecular biology tools.
  4. Apply their understanding of biomolecule synthesis and production, and chemical/bioanalytical techniques, to new topic areas within biological chemistry, assessment of the new topic will include an analysis of the contribution of indigenous knowledge and the impact of colonial science.
CHEM 421  Advanced Methods in Physical Chemistry  Units: 3.00  
Modern spectroscopic methods for the structural and electronic characterization of molecules will be discussed, including: NMR, X-ray and synchrontron-based spectroscopies, laser spectroscopy, surface spectroscopic methods and scanning probe methods.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 313/3.0 or PHYS 345/3.0. Corequisite CHEM 322/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 422  Synthetic Organic Chemistry  Units: 3.00  
Modern synthetic methods in organic chemistry. Principles of strategy in planning organic syntheses based on simple classifications of reagents and reactions, and on the control of stereochemistry.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 12 Tutorial, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 223/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Rationalize the outcome of a particular transformation in the context of chemo-, regio- and stereoselectivity.
  2. Draw reaction mechanisms for specific reactions through the identification of the type of process.
  3. Be Proficient at searching the chemical literature using SciFinder, etc.
  4. Design the stereoselective synthesis of small molecules.
  5. Develop selection skills for suitable reaction conditions for a specific transformation.
  6. Diagnose potential problems in synthetic reactions and sequences.
CHEM 423  Topics in Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry  Units: 3.00  
An examination of aspects of modern inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Topics will include metal-ligand bonding in organometallic complexes, applications of organometallics in organic synthesis, metal-metal bonding in dinuclear and polynuclear metal complexes, and may include reaction mechanisms of transition metal complexes, bioinorganic chemistry, and symmetry.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 312/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 424  Polymer Chemistry  Units: 3.00  
Specific properties of polymers (glass transition, crystallinity, polydispersity, etc.) and their dependence on macromolecular structure and isomerism. Polymer synthesis overview: step and chain polymerization (free-radical, ionic and insertion mechanisms) and reactions on polymers. Examples of polymers and their uses.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 223/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 425  Self-Assembly and Materials  Units: 3.00  
Four topics covering a range of self-assembled molecular systems will be discussed: monolayers and bilayers, block co-polymers, nanoparticles, and liquid crystals. Material properties, synthetic methods and application of these systems in current and emerging technologies, including nanotechnologies, will be covered.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 72 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 221/3.0 and CHEM 223/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 497  Research Project  Units: 6.00  
A full-year research project on a topic in chemistry, supervised by a member of staff. Normally limited to students in the final year of a major or subject of specialization concentration in Chemistry. May be taken in the Summer Term with permission. Additional restrictions may apply.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles): estimated cost $55.
Learning Hours: 240 (216 Laboratory, 24 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 397/6.0. Exclusion CHEM 498/3.0; CHEM 499/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 498  Research Project I  Units: 3.00  
A Fall Term research project on a topic in chemistry, supervised by a member of staff. Normally limited to students in the final year of a major or subject of specialization in Chemistry. Additional restrictions may apply.
Learning Hours: 120 (108 Laboratory, 12 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Permission of the Department. Exclusion CHEM 497/6.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 499  Research Project II  Units: 3.00  
A Winter Term research project on a topic in chemistry, supervised by a member of staff. Normally limited to students in the final year of a major or subject of specialization in Chemistry. Additional restrictions may apply.
Learning Hours: 120 (108 Laboratory, 12 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Permission of the Department. Exclusion CHEM 497/6.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 594  Independent Study  Units: 3.00  
Exceptionally qualified students entering their third- or fourth-year may take a program of independent study provided it has been approved by the Department or Departments principally involved. The Department may approve an independent study program without permitting it to be counted toward a concentration in that Department. It is, consequently, the responsibility of students taking such programs to ensure that the concentration requirements for their degree will be met.
NOTE Requests for such a program must be received one month before the start of the first term in which the student intends to undertake the program.
Requirements: Prerequisite Permission of the Department or Departments principally involved.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 595  Independent Study  Units: 6.00  
Exceptionally qualified students entering their third- or fourth-year may take a program of independent study provided it has been approved by the Department or Departments principally involved. The Department may approve an independent study program without permitting it to be counted toward a concentration in that Department. It is, consequently, the responsibility of students taking such programs to ensure that the concentration requirements for their degree will be met.
NOTE Requests for such a program must be received one month before the start of the first term in which the student intends to undertake the program.
Requirements: Prerequisite Permission of the Department or Departments principally involved.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  
CHEM 598  Independent Study  Units: 9.00  
Exceptionally qualified students entering their third- or fourth-year may take a program of independent study provided it has been approved by the Department or Departments principally involved. The Department may approve an independent study program without permitting it to be counted toward a concentration in that Department. It is, consequently, the responsibility of students taking such programs to ensure that the concentration requirements for their degree will be met.
NOTE Requests for such a program must be received one month before the start of the first term in which the student intends to undertake the program.
Requirements: Prerequisite Permission of the Department or Departments principally involved.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science