Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Academic Regulation 9: Number of Units in a Term and Academic Year

9.1 - External Agencies and Queen’s University Athletics

The primary purpose of this regulation is to define the number of units in which a student may register during any term. For this purpose, students are designated as having either Full-Time or Part-Time Registration Status. Full-Time or Part-Time Registration Status defines a student’s maximum allowed course load and is based solely on academic criteria. Many external bodies (e.g., OSAP, Revenue Canada, scholarship agencies, or other academic institutions) and Queen’s University Athletics may have different definitions of Full-Time or Part-Time course loads for the purposes of grant funding, scholarship eligibility or taxation status. Students should confirm their Course Load Status for other than academic purposes by contacting the Office of the University Registrar, or the external agency directly, as appropriate.

9.2 - Normal Course Loads for Full-Time Students

Full-time status is defined as registration in 60% or more of a full normal course load. Registration status is assessed per term. Students should be aware that if they drop a course, space may not be available in a future term.

9.3 - Maximum Course Loads for Full-Time Students

Full-Time students cannot be registered in more than 18.0 units in either of the Fall or Winter Terms, and, in any combined Fall-Winter period cannot be registered in more than 36 units. A student must obtain written permission from the Undergraduate Academic Advisor to take more than 18 units in any 1 term and more than 36.0 units in any Fall-Winter period.

More than the normal course load for full-time students is not available for the purpose of repeating a prior failed course.

First year students are discouraged from attempting more than 30.0 units in the Fall-Winter period.

9.4 - Summer Term

Students may be registered in no more than 12 units over the Summer Term (with the exception of the AST students who will be registered in the required courses).  A student must obtain permission from the Undergraduate Academic Advisor to take more than 12.0 units in the Summer Term.