Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Academic Regulation 20: Assessment of Performance

20.1- Determination of the Final Grade for a Course

At the beginning of the year or term, a clear statement of required elements of each course and the weight assigned to each element as part of the final grade will be provided. The choice of the elements to be used in determining the final grade for a course and the weighting of these elements are decided by the Instructor(s). When courses are required for the BNSc Program of Study, academic standards are set in consultation with the Curriculum Committee of the School of Nursing. The following elements may be used:

  • Essays and exercises,
  • Class tests and quizzes,
  • Reports,
  • Clinical practice,
  • Seminar participation,
  • Laboratory work, and,
  • A final examination.

In arriving at the final grade, only work completed by the day of the examination in the course concerned will be considered. Exemptions from this are allowed only by prior permission from the course Instructor.

The instructor reserves the right to retain term papers, examinations, and other written materials following grading.

Students are expected to complete all course requirements. Students who do not complete all requirements for a course in which they are registered shall be considered to have been unsuccessful in the course.

Students who feel their final grade has not been accurately assessed or who believe their academic performance was affected by factors beyond their control may request an appeal of the final grade.

20.2 - Scheduling of Class Elements

Before the end of the second week of the term in which a class starts, Instructors must provide a written outline of the basic features of the class. At a minimum, the class outline should include a description of the class objectives and a clear statement of the basis on which final marks are assigned. Instructors should specify the term work expected and weight, if any, that it will contribute to the final mark.

Subject to Academic Regulation 20.3, tests in regular class periods may be held by Instructors at any time. An instructor may not schedule a test or examination outside of the scheduled class time if doing so creates a conflict with a student’s other officially scheduled class time.

20.3 - Restrictions on Assessment 

Major tests and de facto examinations are strictly prohibited in the last 2 weeks of classes and in the study period designated by Senate prior to the examination period. A test or quiz is deemed to be major if it:

  1. Takes place outside of a regular course time,
  2. Covers more content than the preceding 6 weeks, and
  3. Counts for more than 10 percent of the final grade in a 6.0 unit course or 20 percent of the final grade in a 3.0 unit course.

De facto examinations are essentially replacements for final examinations or end-of-term tests for which the Senate provides a schedule. A take-home examination that conforms to (2) and (3) above may not be due between the beginning of the 11th week of classes and 7 days after the beginning of the examination period. A major term essay - one that conforms to (3) above - should be assigned in the first half of the term if it is due anytime between the beginning of the 11th week of classes and the end of the examination period. A seminar presentation that conforms to (1), (2), or (3) above should be assigned in the first half of the term if it is to be held in the last 2 weeks of term. Examinations and assessments in clinical courses should be assigned in the first half of the term if they are to occur anytime between the beginning of the 11th week of classes and 7 days after the beginning of the examination period.

Exceptions must be approved by the Director, School of Nursing. Exceptions to the above guidelines might include laboratory examinations requiring the hands-on use of apparatus or materials.

20.4 - Assessment of Performance in a Clinical Course

All clinical nursing courses are graded on a pass/fail basis. At the beginning of each course, the Learning Outcomes and Evaluation Criteria are provided in the course syllabus.

For a clinical course that has 2 separate rotations (i.e.: NURS 371 or NURS 345): A student registered in a clinical course in the School of Nursing may not drop the course on academic grounds after 80% of the clinical hours for a rotation has been completed. Students must also be aware of sessional dates specifically the last sessional date to drop a course without faculty/school permission.

It is incumbent upon the student to know the criteria for passing a clinical course. Such criteria may include but are not limited to written assignments, medication tests/lab quizzes, Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs), and patient/client care.


If, during a clinical nursing course, an Instructor and/or Course Coordinator concludes that a student may be compromising patient safety, the Associate Director (Undergraduate Nursing Programs) and the Director, School of Nursing will be notified immediately by the instructor.

The process, as outlined in Academic Regulation 17 will be followed.


The student and Instructor will both contribute to the clinical evaluation throughout the term. Feedback will be provided in verbal and written format. If a student feels they are not receiving adequate feedback, they should discuss this with their instructor. Students are expected to consistently meet the Learning Outcomes.


Any student’s failure to progress satisfactorily will be discussed by the instructor with the Course Coordinator.


The Instructor will meet with the student (zoom/phone or in person) to explain how the Learning Outcomes are not being met. Direction will be provided on how the student can be successful in meeting these Learning Outcomes.


If the student does not meet the Learning Outcomes, a meeting of the student and instructor will be arranged. The Course Coordinator may be invited to attend. When the Instructor is the Course Coordinator, another member of the teaching team may be asked to attend. The student will be informed of the failure by the Instructor verbally and on the written Evaluation of Performance form as soon as marking is completed, which normally would be no later than 2 weeks after completion of the course.

The Academic Advisors will be informed of the student’s failure.