Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Academic Regulation 2: Academic Standing and Promotion

Students lacking the prerequisites for a course in which they are registered will be withdrawn from that course by the School of Nursing.

For promotion, students must achieve a minimum Grade Point of 1.7 (60%/C-) in all undergraduate courses (including electives) studied each academic year and a pass in all clinical courses (Clinical courses are graded as pass or fail). All required courses must be successfully completed prior to promotion to the next year.

2.1 - Assessment

Academic standing is assessed at the end of each of the Fall, Winter, and Summer terms each year. If a Requirement to Withdraw is issued via a letter from the UAPGC Chair, the withdrawal will commence immediately following the end of the Term in which the Requirement to Withdraw was issued unless otherwise noted. 

2.2 - In Good Academic Standing

Students are considered to be in good academic standing unless otherwise notified.

2.3 - Academic Probation 

Academic probation is only allowed once while a student is registered in the School of Nursing. Academic probation signifies unsatisfactory performance that places the student's academic future in question. The academic standing “Placed on Academic Probation” shall be placed on the student’s transcript. Students placed on academic probation will not be allowed to transfer units from another post-secondary institution for courses taken while on probation.

2.3.1 - Failed Course

A single failed course will result in a student being placed on academic probation unless the student successfully appeals the failure or obtains a Regulation Waiver to Drop a Course after the Last Date (see Academic Regulation 21).  A student may only repeat a failed course once. A second failure in the same course will result in a Requirement to Withdraw (see Academic Regulation 21) unless the student successfully appeals the failure or obtains a Regulation Waiver (to Drop a Course after the Last Date or for the Requirement to Withdraw) (see Academic Regulation 21).  While on academic probation, the student will not be eligible for promotion and may not take courses for which the failed course is a prerequisite. To be released from academic probation, the student must successfully complete the failed course and have no further failures at the time of the next academic assessment. If a student has been released from academic probation after remediating a failing grade any subsequent course failure in the Program will not result in a further period of academic probation; rather, with the 1 exception noted immediately below (Academic Regulation 2.3.2), the Student will be Required to Withdraw from the BNSc Program, unless the student successfully appeals the subsequent failure or obtains a Regulation Waiver (to Drop a Course after the Last Date or for the Requirement to Withdraw) (see Academic Regulation 21).

2.3.2 - Students in First Year of the Four Year BNSc Program 

A student at the end of the first year of study in the Four Year BNSc Program who has no more than 2 course failures for the courses studied that year (Fall, Winter and Summer Terms) can remain registered in the School of Nursing. The student will be placed on academic probation unless the student successfully appeals the failure(s) or obtains a Regulation Waiver to Drop a Course after the Last Date  (see Academic Regulation 21). The student will not be eligible for promotion and may not take courses for which the failed course(s) is/are a prerequisite. To be released from academic probation, the student must successfully complete the failed course(s) and have no further failures at the time of the next academic assessment. A student may only repeat a failed course once. A second failure in the same course will result in a Requirement to Withdraw (see Academic Regulation 2.7) unless the student successfully appeals the failure or obtains a Regulation Waiver (to Drop a Course after the Last Date or for the Requirement to Withdraw) (see Academic Regulation 21).  If a student has been released from academic probation after remediating the 1 or 2 course failures in their first year of the four-year BNSc Program, a failing grade in any subsequent course in the Program will not result in a further period of academic probation; rather, the student will be Required to Withdraw from the BNSc Program unless the student successfully appeals the subsequent failure or obtains a Regulation Waiver (to Drop a Course after the Last Date or for the Requirement to Withdraw) (see Academic Regulation 21).

2.3.3 - Review of Academic Probation Status

Academic probation status is assessed at the end of each of the Fall, Winter, and Summer terms each year. Students will return to good academic standing at the time of assessment provided the requirements of academic probation have been met. The notation “Released from Academic Probation” shall be placed on the student’s transcript. If the student has not met the requirements of academic probation, the student will be required to withdraw from the School of Nursing for a minimum of 1 year (see Academic Regulations 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 below).

2.4 - Appeal of Decisions on Academic Probation

Because decisions related to this regulation are solely dependent on particular levels of academic performance, the academic standing of academic probation may not be appealed.

2.5 - Requirement to Withdraw for One Year (RTW1) for students in the First Year of the Four Year BNSc Program 

A student in the first year of the Four Year BNSc Program is required to withdraw from the BNSc Program for a minimum of 1 year if the student fails more than 2 courses during the first year of study.

2.6 - Requirement to Withdraw for One Year (RTW1) for all other students in the BNSc Program

A student, except as referenced in Academic Regulation 2.5 above, will be required to withdraw from the BNSc Program for a minimum of 1 year if the student:

  1. Fails more than 1 course during their program; or
  2. Fails to meet the conditions of academic probation as outlined in Academic Regulation 2.3.

2.7 - Requirements to Withdraw for Three Years (RTW3)

A student will be required to withdraw from the BNSc Program for a minimum of 3 years if the student:

  1. Fails 2 clinical courses; or
  2. Fails the same course twice.

2.8 - Requirement to Withdraw: Transcript Notations and Re-admission

In the case of a Requirement to Withdraw under Academic Regulation 2.5 or 2.6, the academic standing “Required to Withdraw for a Minimum of One Year” shall be placed on the student’s transcript. In the case of a Requirement to Withdraw under Academic Regulation 2.7, the academic standing “Required to Withdraw for a Minimum of Three Years” shall be placed on the student’s transcript.  Following withdrawal, it is necessary to apply for re-admission to resume study in the School of Nursing.  Re-admission is not guaranteed. Refer to School of Nursing Calendar, Admission to the School of Nursing.

Please note: Students who are required to withdraw from the BNSc Program for safety reasons cannot re-apply to the School of Nursing.