Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Academic Regulation 16: Professional Conduct, Attendance and Course Work

16.1- Professional Conduct

All students are expected to familiarize themselves with the School of Nursing Professional Student Policy (Appendix E).

Students are also accountable for their actions during clinical practice in accordance with the principles as described in the Professional Standards of the College of Nurses of Ontario. These expectations for professional behaviour are consistent with the level of competence of the student nurse. Specifically, students must practice within their level of competence and refrain from misrepresenting their level of competence or from practicing beyond that level without supervision by a faculty member or delegate.

16.2- Participation and Conduct in Classes

Students must be registered in a course to attend or otherwise participate in lectures, clinical practice, seminars, laboratories, tutorials, tests, and examinations associated with the course. Students are expected to be present at all lectures, clinical practice, seminars, laboratories, tutorials, tests, and examinations in their courses and to submit essays, exercises, reports, and other assignments on time according to the course syllabus or Instructor’s direction. 

16.3- Absence and Missed Course Work in a Theory Course

All lectures and related course work are mandatory.  Missing a lecture or a course work deadline is not acceptable unless the student advises the course Instructor in advance (if known in advance) and presents acceptable supporting documentation as may be required by the Course Instructor or the Associate Director (Undergraduate Nursing Programs) as soon as possible.

If there is a significant impact on attendance or academic performance such that the student may wish to request an incomplete grade, the student must obtain and submit appropriate documentation at the time of treatment, illness or event.

16.4- Supplemental Course Work

After completion of all course elements that contribute to the determination of a student’s final grade in the course (as outlined in the course syllabus), a student may not submit additional work for the purpose of raising the student’s final grade.

16.5- Compulsory Attendance in a Clinical Course

All clinical, seminar and learning lab experiences are compulsory. Absences prevent students from obtaining the required level of learning experiences needed to meet the objectives of the Program. Students are responsible for notifying their Instructor and their clinical area in advance if they are unable to attend. While attendance is compulsory, students cannot be in the clinical setting if they have restrictions that could affect the safety of the patients under their care, their colleagues as well as themselves (e. g. documentation from a qualified health care professional indicating ‘no lifting’ for a certain time period) as determined by the SON in consultation with the clinical practice agency.  

Students need to complete all clinical/laboratory work to receive a grade in a clinical course. A student who has missed clinical practice due to illness, restrictions or extenuating circumstances may be permitted an opportunity to make up the time if:

  1. The number of hours missed within a clinical course does not exceed 15% of the total number of clinical hours,
  2. Permission is provided by the Course Coordinator and the Associate Director (Undergraduate Nursing Programs),
  3. Arrangements can be made to obtain a Clinical Instructor, and
  4. The clinical agency concerned gives its approval.

The student will be required to submit acceptable supporting documentation to the Academic Advisor.

Students are responsible for financing any absent clinical experience.

As outlined in the Involuntary Student Placement Withdrawal Policy (Appendix J), students who have missed more than 15% of the total number of clinical/lab hours (at any point within the term) will not be eligible to return to the clinical setting, regardless of when they started and will be involuntarily withdrawn from the clinical course. Students who miss less than 15% of the total number of clinical/lab hours may be subject to review if they have been unable to meet the course outcomes and clinical competencies.

16.6- Transportation

Clinical experiences and Community clinical placements may require access to suitable transportation.  Students are required to arrange such transportation at their own cost.