Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Courses by Field of Study


Accounting is defined as "the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof." (CICA Terminology for Accountants, 1983) 

Accounting Profession

Canada’s three professional accounting bodies (Chartered Accountant (CA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Certified General Accountant (CGA)) have unified under the banner of the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA).  The new professional body, CPA Canada, and its provincial affiliates offer the Professional Education Program (or PEP) as a post-undergraduate means of becoming a CPA.  Given the breath of choice in the accounting profession, CPA Canada offers numerous paths to becoming a CPA including via the Graduate Diploma in Accounting program at Smith School of Business. All paths lead to the rigorous three-day Common Final Evaluation (CFE).  The Smith GDA program is the fastest route to writing the professional examination taking thirteen months from the completion of the GDA.  The professionally-based PEP program takes twenty-seven months from the date of completion of the Commerce degree and involves taking six modules and four examinations over the two year period.

See the CPA Canada Education website for more details.

COMM 311Fin Acctng Pract Prin & Concep3.00
COMM 312Intermed Management Accounting3.00
COMM 313Financial Accounting II3.00
COMM 317Auditing3.00
COMM 319Income Taxation3.00
COMM 392Introduction to Data Management and Analytics for Business3.00
COMM 411Financial Statement Analysis & Accounting Based Valuation3.00
COMM 414Management Control3.00
COMM 415Corporate Governance and Control3.00
COMM 416Organizational Fraud3.00
COMM 417Business Combinations Accounting3.00

Course offerings vary year to year, the course term is subject to change, course enrolment is limited, and courses may be cancelled due to instructor availability or low enrolment. Use SOLUS to get the most up-to-date course offerings.

Smith School of Business offers two areas of focus that leads students to be prepared for becoming professional accountants: Public Accounting Practice and Performance Management. Public accounting practice prepares a student for working in a public accounting firm environment and is the traditional path towards becoming a licensed public accountant. The performance management focus prepares a student to take a job in the industry (e.g. banking, oil and gas, etc.) or the non-public accounting areas of public accounting firms. Students in both streams can become professional accountants but those enrolled in the performance measurement stream are not eligible to become licensed public accountants without additional educational requirements.

See 4.4.5 Chartered Professional Accounting (CPA) Requirements

Business Economics

Every day globalization makes the world economy an increasingly competitive environment. Thriving firms in today’s markets owe their continued success to their managers’ savvy decision-making, as they attempt to gain and retain a competitive edge over their rivals. Business economics is essential to effective decision-making in this environment, as it provides the necessary tools for managers to thoroughly analyze and predict the dynamics of their product markets. Understanding economics also assists managers in improving the overall efficiency of their firms, through selecting the most cost-efficient production methods or implementing incentive schemes for employees to enhance their motivation and performance. Not surprisingly, 56 percent of firm bankruptcies in Canada in 2010 were attributed to knowledge deficiencies of managers.

Everyone with a BCom degree should therefore have a solid knowledge of business economics; it ultimately helps you understand the environment you will be working in, no matter whether you plan on pursuing a career in management consulting, marketing, finance, accounting, or human resources (imagine an accountant who cannot count numbers!). Advanced knowledge of business economics is indispensable for anyone who wishes to succeed in the world of business.

COMM 172Managerial Economics3.00
COMM 307Canadian Business-Government Relations3.00
COMM 350The Future: Forecasting and the Business Environment3.00

Course offerings vary year to year, the course term is subject to change, course enrolment is limited, and courses may be cancelled due to instructor availability or low enrolment. Use SOLUS to get the most up-to-date course offerings.


Finance is about how to allocate monetary resources in an optimal way to maximize value and minimize risk. It could be a portfolio manager trying to choose an optimal combination of stocks and bonds to maximize the return. It could be a financial manager in a corporation trying to determine an optimal mix of debt and equity financing to maximize the value of the firm or minimize the cost of capital. It could be a risk manager trying to determine the minimum risk while achieving a certain level of return. It could be parents trying to allocate their income into daily activities and savings to optimize a combination of spending and investment. Studying finance is important not only to financial professionals but also to pretty much everybody.

Everyone should learn a bit of finance. The finance group here at Smith School of Business offers a variety of courses to meet students' learning objectives and career pursuits.

COMM 321Derivative Securities *Sales & Trading, Hedge Funds, Investment Banking, Risk Management, and Corporate Treasury3.00
COMM 322Advanced Corporate Finance *Corporate Finance, Investment Bankers, Security Analysts3.00
COMM 323Corporate Financial Decision Making * Security Analysts, Portfolio Managers, Investors Corporate Finance, Investment Bankers, Buyside3.00
COMM 324Investments & Portfolio Management *Security Analysts, Portfolio Managers, Investors, Hedge Funds and Risk Management3.00
COMM 326Private Equity *Bankers, Financial Economists, Corporate Finance3.00
COMM 328International Finance *International Corporate Finance, Investment Bankers3.00
COMM 329Global Financial Institutions *Bankers, Managers of Financial Institutions, Corporate Finance and Buyside3.00
COMM 420Financial Technology and Innovation3.00

Course offerings vary year to year, the course term is subject to change, course enrolment is limited, and courses may be cancelled due to instructor availability or low enrolment. Use SOLUS to get the most up-to-date course offerings.

General Management

The General Management category includes special interest courses such as Law, Ethics, Real Estate, and other areas which are important to management but do not constitute an entire sub-field of study in the business school.

COMM 303Business And Ethics3.00
COMM 305Introduction To Entrepreneurship3.00
COMM 309Real Estate Management3.00
COMM 354Relationships & Reconciliation in Business and Beyond3.00
COMM 381Business Law I3.00
COMM 382Business Law II3.00
COMM 404Discovering New Knowledge: Introduction to Research in Business3.00
COMM 408Sustainability Strategies and Practices3.00
COMM 504Is In Consult & Prof. Service3.00

Course offerings vary year to year, the course term is subject to change, course enrolment is limited, and courses may be cancelled due to instructor availability or low enrolment. Use SOLUS to get the most up-to-date course offerings.

International Business

The field of International Business (IB) focuses on the issues which are encountered by firms that conduct business across national boundaries, including importing and exporting and foreign direct investment. These firms face the challenges of how to identify, adapt to and take advantage of the cross-national differences in factor costs, consumer demands, competitive forces, regulatory environments, human resources, and socio-cultural norms.

International Business electives help students develop the global mindset and cross-cultural awareness necessary for effective management and leadership in today's globally integrated economy; these skills are vital to all functional interests and career goals, and also help students maximize the learning and understanding gained from their international exchange experiences. With their broad portfolio of research expertise and international experience, the IB group here at Smith School of Business offers a variety of courses to meet your learning and career objectives.

COMM 353Managing Across Cultures *Micro Level: Focus on individual behaviour and social interaction in the international context3.00
COMM 373International Business Negotiations *Micro Level: Focus on individual behaviour and social interaction in the international context3.00
COMM 374International Business Strategy *Firm Level: Focus on firm-level strategy in IB3.00
COMM 375International Business and the Nonmarket Environment *Macro Level: Focus on the economic, political, and regulatory environment of IB3.00
COMM 376Doing Business In the Asia-Pac Rim *Firm Level: Focus on firm-level strategy in IB3.00
COMM 398Business, Government and the Global Economy *Macro Level: Focus on the economic, political, and regulatory environment of IB3.00
COMM 472Business And Development3.00

Course offerings vary year to year, the course term is subject to change, course enrolment is limited, and courses may be cancelled due to instructor availability or low enrolment. Use SOLUS to get the most up-to-date course offerings.

Digital Technology

As the global economy enters the digital age, Digital Technology) deals with the use of information and technology by organizations to enable essential business capabilities and derive new strategic opportunities that are relevant for business success.

COMM 392Introduction to Data Management and Analytics for Business3.00
COMM 394Coding Literacy for Managers3.00
COMM 395Digital Strategy & Transformation3.00
COMM 493Coding AI for Business3.00
COMM 495Project Management3.00

Course offerings vary year to year, the course term is subject to change, course enrolment is limited, and courses may be cancelled due to instructor availability or low enrolment. Use SOLUS to get the most up-to-date course offerings.


Marketing is an essential, highly dynamic business discipline supporting the creation of value for customers, in turn benefiting and creating value for the organization, its owners and stakeholders.

As a business function, marketing is more than a "department" or the responsibility of one or more individuals or groups - it is an organizational mindset. In successful companies, brands and causes, a marketing mindset permeates the organization and how it analyzes, plans, executes and assesses performance. Why? Because without customers and delivering customer value - there is no business model!

Smith students pursue career paths in for-profit or commercial settings (e.g. sports, fashion, packaged goods, software, entertainment, consulting), as well as not-for-profit or social cause settings (e.g. public service, charitable organizations) In for-profit settings, value is typically derived from the exchange of monies for the benefits provided by products or services. In cause-based settings, value is derived from personal actions taken (e.g. changing behaviours, participating in a cause) and the resulting broader social benefits (e.g. reduced healthcare costs). Whatever the setting, marketing mindset is a critical organizational success factor.

In the Smith marketing program, our approach is to focus on a triangle of competencies that, when crafted together, facilitate creation of value for customers and the firm. As a business student, regardless of whether or not marketing is your chosen career path, you should strongly consider courses beyond the required first and second year marketing courses, COMM 131 and COMM 132.

COMM 332Marketing Research 3.00
COMM 333Marketing Strategy3.00
COMM 335Marketing Communications3.00
COMM 336Consumer Behaviour3.00
COMM 338Marketing & Society3.00
COMM 339Channels and Internet Marketing3.00
COMM 431Advanced Topics In Marketing3.00
COMM 432Brand Management3.00
COMM 433Marketing Analytics3.00
COMM 434Sales Management3.00

Course offerings vary year to year, the course term is subject to change, course enrolment is limited, and courses may be cancelled due to instructor availability or low enrolment. Use SOLUS to get the most up-to-date course offerings.

Operations Management and Management Science

Operations Management and Management Science (OM/MS) are primarily involved with the design, control, improvement, and execution of processes or systems that create goods and/or provide services. While some businesses produce physical products with limited service elements, others produce almost pure service with few, if any, physical products; and the majority lie in between these extremes. Therefore, operations activities are at the core of all organizations, regardless of what business they are in. OM/MS aims to provide sensible options and recommend courses of action to reduce any operational risk and improve the quality of recurring or one time decisions. It is also aware of the changes in the competitive environment and investigates what to do in order to meet current and future challenges while providing a basis for sustainable advantage.

Typical applications include, but are not limited to, capacity management, location, global networks and off-shoring, sourcing, outsourcing, supply chain management, demand and revenue management, risk management and operational hedging, and lean manufacturing.

Of Possible Interest


Course offerings vary year to year, the course term is subject to change, course enrolment is limited, and courses may be cancelled due to instructor availability or low enrolment. Use SOLUS to get the most up-to-date course offerings.

 Organizational Behaviour

Organizational behaviour, at its most basic level, is the study of individuals and groups in organizations. More specifically, the area of OB focuses on the role of individuals and groups in creating dynamic, successful organizations by connecting organizational effectiveness with the management practices relating to people. At Smith, the organizational behaviour area also encapsulates human resource management (HR), which deals more specifically with talent management in an organization.

Organizational behaviour is characterized by its different levels of analysis

  • At an individual level, the field looks at topics such as personality, learning, perception, creativity, task performance, and deviant behaviour;
  • At a group level, the field looks at topics such as group dynamics, group diversity, leadership, power, and communication; and
  • At an organizational level, the field looks at topics such as organizational culture, structure, and work design.

For more information about the field of organizational behaviour, please refer to the organizational behaviour division of the Academy of Management.

Elective Courses

Electives in OB will help students develop their portfolios of practical tools to create organizations, groups, and jobs that encourage excellence.

Even if you are not pursuing a career in the functional areas of OB or HR, these courses will aid you in designing and facilitating contexts in which others can be successful, as well as understanding the contexts in which you will perform at your best.

COMM 351Leadership3.00
COMM 353Managing Across Cultures3.00
COMM 354Relationships & Reconciliation in Business and Beyond3.00
COMM 356Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations3.00
COMM 357Interpersonal Skills For Managers3.00
COMM 358Managing Human Capital3.00
COMM 385Negotiation Theory & Behaviour3.00
COMM 389Topics In Industrial Relations3.00
COMM 407Critical Perspectives on Business: The Limits of Capitalism3.00

Course offerings vary year to year, the course term is subject to change, course enrolment is limited, and courses may be cancelled due to instructor availability or low enrolment. Use SOLUS to get the most up-to-date course offerings.

Strategy and Organization

The field of Strategy and Organization deals with the functions and responsibilities of general managers. Although knowledge of separate business functions (e.g., marketing, finance, or accounting) is important, it is insufficient for making decisions about the entire organization. The Strategy and Organization field provides concepts, theoretical frameworks and models for developing and implementing effective strategies to achieve the desired financial, social, or environmental objectives of the organization.

Students in Strategy and Organization will learn how to identify and develop various internal and external sources of competitive advantage, how to develop corporate and business strategies that build on those advantages, and how to deal with the complex issues of social responsibility and social impact facing contemporary organizations.

COMM 301Funding New Ventures3.00
COMM 302Launching New Ventures3.00
COMM 304Organizational Intelligence and Strategy3.00
COMM 305Introduction To Entrepreneurship3.00
COMM 306Business for Good: An Introduction to Impact-Driven Leadership3.00
COMM 401Business and Corporate Strategy3.00
COMM 405New Business Development3.00
COMM 406Social Impact and Innovation3.00
COMM 410Strategies of Social Enterprise3.00

Course offerings vary year to year, the course term is subject to change, course enrolment is limited, and courses may be cancelled due to instructor availability or low enrolment. Use SOLUS to get the most up-to-date course offerings.