Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Life Sciences – Specialization (Science) – Bachelor of Science (Honours)

LISC-P-BSH [----]-O (where [----] is a Life Science Sub-Plan)

Subject: Administered by the Associate Dean, (Life Sciences and Biochemistry).
Plan: Consists of 57.00 core units and 27.00 – 36.00 units in one Sub-Plan, as described below.
Program: The Plan, with sufficient electives to total 120.00 units, will lead to a Bachelor of Science (Honours) Degree.

Note: Requirements for this program have been modified. Please consult the 2023-2024 Calendar for the previous requirements.

1. Core
A. Complete the following:
BIOL 102Fundamentals of Biology: Molecular and Cell Biology3.00
BIOL 103Fundamentals of Biology: Organisms to Ecosystems3.00
B. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
General Chemistry I: From Atoms to Matter
and General Chemistry II: Thermodynamics and Kinetics
General Chemistry
C. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Introduction to Biochemistry
Understanding Human Disease in the 21st Century
D. Complete the following:
CISC 151Elements of Computing with Data Analytics3.00
E. Complete the following:
ANAT 215Principles of Human Morphology I3.00
ANAT 216Principles of Human Morphology II3.00
F. Complete the following:
BCHM 218Molecular Biology3.00
G. Complete the following:
CHEM 281General Organic Chemistry I (with Virtual Laboratory)3.00
CHEM 282General Organic Chemistry II3.00
H. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Fundamental Microbiology
Introduction to Microbiology
I. Complete the following:
PHGY 215Principles of Mammalian Physiology l3.00
PHGY 216Principles of Mammalian Physiology ll3.00
J. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to Statistics
K. Complete the following:
PHAR 370Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Therapeutics3.00
L. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
MICR at the 300-level or above
2. Sub-Plans
A. Complete one of the following Sub-Plans:27.00-36.00
i. Biomedical Discovery (BMDS-O) (36.00 units)
ii. Biomedical Sciences (BMSS-O) (27.00 units)
iii. Cancer Research (CANC-O) (36.00 units)
iv. Cardiorespiratory Science (CRSS-O) (36.00 units)
v. Drug Discovery and Human Toxicology (DDHT-O) (36.00 units)
vi. Neuroscience (NSCI-O) (36.00 units)
3. Supporting
A. Complete the following:
MATH 130Mathematics for Biochemistry and Life Sciences3.00
B. Complete the following:
PHYS 115Introduction to Physics I3.00
Total Units84.00-93.00


i. Biomedical Discovery (BMDS-O) (36.00 units)

1. Core
a. Complete the following:
BCHM 315Proteins and Enzymes3.00
BCHM 316Metabolism3.00
b. Complete 12.00 units from the following:12.00
Research Project in Anatomy and Cell Biology
Research Project in Cancer Biology and Genetics
Research Project in Epidemiology
Research Project in Microbiology and Immunology
Research Project in Neuroscience
Research Project in Pathology
Research Project in Physiology
Research Project in Pharmacology and Toxicology
Research Project in Reproduction and Development
2. Option
a. Complete 3.00 units from the following course list:3.00
b. Complete 9.00 units from the following course list:9.00
LISC_List_C at the 300-level or above
c. Complete 6.00 units from the following course list:6.00
LISC_List_C at the 200-level or above
Total Units36.00

ii. Biomedical Sciences (BMSS-O) (27.00 units)

1. Core
a. Complete the following:
BCHM 315Proteins and Enzymes3.00
BCHM 316Metabolism3.00
2. Option
a. Complete 12.00 units from the following course lists:12.00
LISC_List_D at the 400-level or above
LISC_Labs_E at the 400-level or above
b. Complete 9.00 units from the following course lists:9.00
3. Additional Requirements
a. 6.00 units must be from LISC_Labs_E
Total Units27.00

iii. Cancer Research (CANC-O) (36.00 units)

1. Core
a. Complete the following:
BCHM 315Proteins and Enzymes3.00
BCHM 316Metabolism3.00
b. Complete the following:
CANC 440Cancer Biology and Therapeutics3.00
c. Complete the following:
CANC 499Research Project in Cancer Biology and Genetics12.00
2. Option
a. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
b. Complete 6.00 units from the following course list:6.00
LISC_List_F at the 400-level
c. Complete 6.00 units from the following course list:6.00
Total Units36.00

iv. Cardiorespiratory Science (CRSS-O) (36.00 units)

1. Core
a. Complete the following:
BCHM 315Proteins and Enzymes3.00
BCHM 316Metabolism3.00
b. Complete the following:
PHGY 355Biomedical Respiratory Physiology3.00
c. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
Principles in Cardiorespiratory Science I
Cardiovascular Sciences
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiovascular Disease
d. Complete 12.00 units from the following:12.00
Research Project in Anatomy and Cell Biology
Research Project in Pathology
Research Project in Pharmacology and Toxicology
Research Project in Physiology
2. Option
a. Complete 3.00 units from the following course list:3.00
b. Complete 6.00 units from the following course list:6.00
Total Units36.00

v. Drug Discovery and Human Toxicology (DDHT-O) (36.00 units)

1. Core
a. Complete the following:
BCHM 315Proteins and Enzymes3.00
BCHM 316Metabolism3.00
b. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
Principles of Drug Discovery
Principles of Drug Development
Xenobiotic Disposition and Toxicity
Drug Discovery and Development
c. Complete 12.00 units from the following:12.00
Research Project in Anatomy and Cell Biology
Research Project in Cancer Biology and Genetics
Research Project in Epidemiology
Research Project in Microbiology and Immunology
Research Project in Neuroscience
Research Project in Pathology
Research Project in Physiology
Research Project in Pharmacology and Toxicology
Research Project in Reproduction and Development
2. Option
a. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
b. Complete 3.00 units from the following course list:3.00
c. Complete 6.00 units from the following course list:6.00
LISC_List_K at the 200-level or above
Total Units36.00

vi. Neuroscience (NSCI-O) (36.00 units)

1. Core
a. Complete the following:
BCHM 315Proteins and Enzymes3.00
BCHM 316Metabolism3.00
b. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Foundational Neuroscience
Systems Neuroscience
c. Complete the following:
NSCI 499Research Project in Neuroscience12.00
2. Option
a. Complete 3.00 units from the following course list:3.00
b. Complete 6.00 units from the following course list:6.00
LISC_List_L at the 400-level
c. Complete 6.00 units from the following course list:6.00
Total Units36.00

4. Additional Requirements

A. Students may take no more than 12.0 units from: ANAT 499/12.0; ANAT 599/6.0; BCHM 421/6.0; BCHM 422/6.0; BCHM 594/3.0; BCHM 595/6.0; BCHM 596/12.0; CANC 499/12.0; DISC 591/3.0; DISC 592/3.0; DISC 593/3.0; DISC 594/3.0; DISC 598/6.0; DISC 599/6.0; EPID 499/12.0; HSCI 591/3.0; HSCI 592/3.0; HSCI 593/3.0; HSCI 594/3.0; HSCI 595/3.0; HSCI 598/6.0; HSCI 599/6.0; LISC 499/12.0*; LISC 594/3.0; LISC 595/6.0; LISC 596/6.0; MICR 499/12.0; NSCI 499/12.0; PATH 499/12.0; PHAR 499/12.0; PHGY 499/12.0; REPD 499/12.0.

5. Substitutions

A. Students who have completed MATH 120 or MATH 121, may count 3.00 units towards Supporting 3.A. The other 3.00 units will be counted towards the student's elective requirement.  

B. Students who have completed PHYS 104, PHYS 106, or PHYS 118 may count 3.00 units towards Supporting 3.B. The other 3.00 units will be counted towards the student's elective requirement.

6. Notes

A. PSYC 100 is a prerequisite for all higher-level psychology courses. Some psychology courses listed as approved science options have limited enrolments and may not be available to Life Sciences students.

B. Students wishing to take 300- and 400-level BIOL courses as options should review the prerequisites for these courses.  Some upper year BIOL courses require BIOL 205 as a prerequisite which is an option under 2.C.

C. A maximum of 6.00 units from courses offered by other Faculties and Schools may be counted toward the program and/or Plan requirements. This includes courses in COMM, LAW, NURS, and courses offered by Smith Engineering.

Life Sciences Course Lists

The following lists contain courses offered through other Departments. In accordance with Academic Regulation 2.6 (Access to Classes), students do not have enrolment priority in all of these courses. Access to these courses may only be made available during the Open Enrolment period, and then only if space permits.


Options in the Biomedical Discovery Sub-Plan (BMDS-O)
BIOL 205Mendelian and Molecular Genetics3.00
BIOL 321Animal Behaviour3.00
BIOL 322Environmental Physiology of Animals3.00
BIOL 330Cell Biology3.00
BIOL 331Analytical Genomics3.00
BIOL 334Comparative Biochemistry3.00
BIOL 339Animal Physiology3.00
BIOL 350Evolution and Human Affairs3.00
BIOL 369Sex and Evolution3.00
BIOL 401Experimental Approaches to Animal Physiology3.00
BIOL 403Experimental Techniques in Biology3.00
BIOL 404Techniques in Molecular Biology3.00
BIOL 430Molecular Genetics of Development3.00
BIOL 441Molecular Genetics3.00
CHEM at the 200-level
HLTH 323Epidemiology3.00
HSCI 270Fundamentals of Health Research Methodology3.00
HSCI 383Advanced Research Methodologies3.00
HSCI 483Applied Qualitative Methods for Health Research3.00
MATH at the 200-level
MATH 300Modeling Techniques in Biology3.00
PHYS at the 200-level
PSYC 271Brain and Behaviour I3.00
PSYC 305Introduction to Comparative Cognition3.00
PSYC 323Laboratory in Attention3.00
PSYC 360The Neurobiology and Psychology of Sleep3.00
PSYC 370Brain and Behaviour II3.00
PSYC 470Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience3.00
PSYC 471Behavioural Pharmacology3.00
PSYC 501Honours Thesis9.00
STAT at the 200-level

The following courses cannot be used towards an Option requirement: ANAT 270, BCHM 270, MICR 270, PHAR 270/3.0*. 


Options in the Biomedical Sciences Sub-Plan (BMSS-O)
BIOL 205Mendelian and Molecular Genetics3.00
BIOL 321Animal Behaviour3.00
BIOL 330Cell Biology3.00
BIOL 331Analytical Genomics3.00
BIOL 334Comparative Biochemistry3.00
BIOL 339Animal Physiology3.00
BIOL 350Evolution and Human Affairs3.00
BIOL 401Experimental Approaches to Animal Physiology3.00
BIOL 403Experimental Techniques in Biology3.00
BIOL 404Techniques in Molecular Biology3.00
BIOL 430Molecular Genetics of Development3.00
BIOL 431Cellular Basis of Adaptation3.00
BIOL 433History and Philosophy of Biology3.00
BIOL 441Molecular Genetics3.00
HSCI 270Fundamentals of Health Research Methodology3.00
HSCI 383Advanced Research Methodologies3.00
HSCI 483Applied Qualitative Methods for Health Research3.00
MATH 300Modeling Techniques in Biology3.00
PSYC 470Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience3.00
PSYC 471Behavioural Pharmacology3.00
PSYC 473Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders3.00
STAT 361Applied Methods in Statistics I3.00

The following courses cannot be used towards an Option requirement: ANAT 270, BCHM 270, MICR 270, PHAR 270/3.0*. 


Laboratory Options in the Biomedical Sciences Sub-Plan (BMSS-O)
ANAT 312Functional Neuroanatomy3.00
ANAT 315The Human Musculoskeletal System3.00
ANAT 316The Human Visceral Systems3.00
ANAT 391Introduction to Cadaveric Dissection3.00
ANAT 409Selected Topics in Histology3.00
ANAT 499Research Project in Anatomy and Cell Biology12.00
BCHM 311General Biochemistry Laboratory3.00
BIOL 205Mendelian and Molecular Genetics3.00
BIOL 212Scientific Methods in Biology3.00
BIOL 321Animal Behaviour3.00
BIOL 322Environmental Physiology of Animals3.00
BIOL 330Cell Biology3.00
BIOL 331Analytical Genomics3.00
BIOL 334Comparative Biochemistry3.00
BIOL 339Animal Physiology3.00
BIOL 401Experimental Approaches to Animal Physiology3.00
BIOL 403Experimental Techniques in Biology3.00
BIOL 404Techniques in Molecular Biology3.00
BIOL 441Molecular Genetics3.00
CANC 499Research Project in Cancer Biology and Genetics12.00
EPID 401Biostatistical Data Analysis3.00
EPID 499Research Project in Epidemiology12.00
LISC 390Integrated Life Science Laboratory I3.00
LISC 391Integrated Life Sciences Laboratory3.00
MICR 290Antibiotic Resistance Lab3.00
MICR 435Advanced Procaryotic Structure and Function3.00
MICR 436Microbial Genetics3.00
MICR 499Research Project in Microbiology and Immunology12.00
NSCI 433Cellular Elements of the Nervous System: Responses to Injury and Disease3.00
NSCI 499Research Project in Neuroscience12.00
PATH 499Research Project in Pathology12.00
PHAR 499Research Project in Pharmacology and Toxicology12.00
PHGY 290Investigation of Human Physiological Responses3.00
PHGY 499Research Project in Physiology12.00
PSYC 305Introduction to Comparative Cognition3.00
PSYC 323Laboratory in Attention3.00
PSYC 360The Neurobiology and Psychology of Sleep3.00
REPD 499Research Project in Reproduction and Development12.00


Options in the Cancer Research Sub-Plan (CANC-O)
BCHM 410Protein Structure and Function3.00
BCHM 411Advanced Molecular Biology3.00
BCHM 432The Molecular Basis of Cellular Function3.00
BIOL 205Mendelian and Molecular Genetics3.00
BIOL 330Cell Biology3.00
BIOL 331Analytical Genomics3.00
BIOL 430Molecular Genetics of Development3.00
BIOL 441Molecular Genetics3.00
CANC 380Evolutionary Biology of Cancer3.00
CHEM 311Mechanistic Organic Chemistry3.00
EPID 301Principles of Epidemiology3.00
HSCI 270Fundamentals of Health Research Methodology3.00
MICR 360Immunology3.00
MICR 386Fundamentals of Immunology in Health and Disease3.00
MICR 436Microbial Genetics3.00
MICR 450Principles of Molecular Virology3.00
MICR 451Viral Pathogenesis3.00
MICR 461Advanced Immunology3.00
PATH 310Introduction to Pathology and Molecular Medicine3.00
PATH 411Applied Data Science in Molecular Medicine3.00
PATH 425Current Topics in Human Genetics3.00
PHAR 380Toxicological Inquiry3.00
PHAR 416Xenobiotic Disposition and Toxicity3.00
PHAR 450Principles of General Pharmacology II3.00
PHGY 350Pathophysiology3.00
PSYC 332Health Psychology3.00


Options in the Cardiorespiratory Sub-Plan (CRSS-O)
CRSS 453Principles in Cardiorespiratory Science I3.00
CRSS 454Cardiovascular Sciences3.00
CRSS 456Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiovascular Disease3.00
EPID 301Principles of Epidemiology3.00
HLTH 323Epidemiology3.00
HSCI 270Fundamentals of Health Research Methodology3.00
LISC 391Integrated Life Sciences Laboratory3.00
PHGY 350Pathophysiology3.00


Some of these courses may also appear on LISC_List_K. They may only be used to fulfill requirements from one list.

Options in the Drug Development and Human Toxicology Sub-Plan (DDHT-O)
CANC 440Cancer Biology and Therapeutics3.00
CHEM 213Introduction to Chemical Analysis3.00
CHEM 222Methods of Structure Determination3.00
CRSS 454Cardiovascular Sciences3.00
CRSS 456Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiovascular Disease3.00
EPID 301Principles of Epidemiology3.00
HSCI 270Fundamentals of Health Research Methodology3.00
HSCI 383Advanced Research Methodologies3.00
NSCI 414Progress in Neuroanatomy and Neuropharmacology3.00
PATH 310Introduction to Pathology and Molecular Medicine3.00
PATH 430The Molecular Basis of Disease3.00
PHAR 380Toxicological Inquiry3.00


Some of these courses may also appear on LISC_List_J. They may only be used to fulfill requirements from one list.

Options in the Drug Discovery and Human Toxicology Sub-Plan (DDHT-O)
BIOL 205Mendelian and Molecular Genetics3.00
BIOL 321Animal Behaviour3.00
BIOL 322Environmental Physiology of Animals3.00
BIOL 330Cell Biology3.00
BIOL 331Analytical Genomics3.00
BIOL 334Comparative Biochemistry3.00
BIOL 339Animal Physiology3.00
BIOL 350Evolution and Human Affairs3.00
BIOL 401Experimental Approaches to Animal Physiology3.00
BIOL 403Experimental Techniques in Biology3.00
BIOL 404Techniques in Molecular Biology3.00
BIOL 430Molecular Genetics of Development3.00
BIOL 441Molecular Genetics3.00
CHEM 213Introduction to Chemical Analysis3.00
CHEM 221Material, Solutions, and Interfaces3.00
CHEM 222Methods of Structure Determination3.00
HSCI 270Fundamentals of Health Research Methodology3.00
HSCI 383Advanced Research Methodologies3.00
MATH 221Vector Calculus3.00
MATH 225Ordinary Differential Equations3.00
MATH 228Complex Analysis3.00
MATH 300Modeling Techniques in Biology3.00
NSCI 323Foundational Neuroscience3.00
NSCI 324Systems Neuroscience3.00
NSCI 422Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience3.00
PHYS 206Dynamics3.00
PHYS 216Introduction to Astrophysics3.00
PHYS 242Relativity and Quanta3.00
PSYC 271Brain and Behaviour I3.00
PSYC 370Brain and Behaviour II3.00
PSYC 375Comparative Cognition: Animal Learning Laboratory3.00
PSYC 470Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience3.00
PSYC 471Behavioural Pharmacology3.00
PSYC 501Honours Thesis9.00
STAT 268Statistics and Probability I3.00

The following courses cannot be used towards an Option requirement: ANAT 270BCHM 270MICR 270, PHAR 270/3.0*, PHGY 170


Options in the Neuroscience Sub-Plan (NSCI-O)
ANAT 312Functional Neuroanatomy3.00
LISC 300The Process of Discovery in the Biomedical Sciences3.00
LISC 400Neuro-Immune Interactions in Health and Disease3.00
LISC 426Current Concepts in Sensorimotor Neuroscience3.00
NSCI 323Foundational Neuroscience3.00
or NSCI 324 Systems Neuroscience
NSCI 325The Science of Psychedelics3.00
NSCI 401Introduction to Theoretical Neuroscience3.00
NSCI 403Introduction to Neuroimaging3.00
NSCI 414Progress in Neuroanatomy and Neuropharmacology3.00
NSCI 422Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience3.00
NSCI 424Neurodegeneration and Brain Health3.00
NSCI 429Disorders of the Nervous System3.00
NSCI 433Cellular Elements of the Nervous System: Responses to Injury and Disease3.00
NSCI 444Controversies in Neuroscience3.00
NSCI 483Neurobiology of Learning and Memory3.00
PHGY 424Ion Channels of Excitable Cells3.00
PHGY 494Neuroendocrinology3.00
PSYC 271Brain and Behaviour I3.00
PSYC 370Brain and Behaviour II3.00
PSYC 398Selected Topics in Psychology I3.00
PSYC 470Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience3.00
PSYC 471Behavioural Pharmacology3.00
PSYC 473Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders3.00


Options in the BMDS, CANC, CRSS, DDHT, and NSCI Sub-Plans
ANAT 312Functional Neuroanatomy3.00
ANAT 391Introduction to Cadaveric Dissection3.00
ANAT 409Selected Topics in Histology3.00
BCHM 311General Biochemistry Laboratory3.00
LISC 391Integrated Life Sciences Laboratory3.00
MICR 290Antibiotic Resistance Lab3.00
PHGY 290Investigation of Human Physiological Responses3.00