Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Global Development Studies – Major (Arts) – Bachelor of Arts (Honours)


Subject: Administered by the Department of Global Development Studies.
Plan: Consists of 60.00 units as described below.
Program: The Plan, alone, or in combination with a Minor in another subject, and with sufficient electives to total 120.00 units, will lead to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree.

Note: Requirements for this program have been modified. Please consult the 2023-2024 Calendar for the previous requirements.

1. Core
A. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
Canada and the "Third World"
Development Studies in Global Perspective
and Canada in the World
DEVS 105/3.00* and 3.00 units from DEVS at the 200-level or above
B. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Introduction to Indigenous Studies
Indigenous Knowledges and Perspectives
C. Complete the following
DEVS 230The Global Political Economy of Development3.00
DEVS 240Decolonizing Development3.00
D. Complete the following:
DEVS 340Theories of Development3.00
E. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Cross-Cultural Research Method
Development in Action
Policy Advocacy in Global Development
F. Complete the following:
DEVS 492Topics in Development Studies I3.00
G. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Topics in Development Studies I
Engaging Development Studies
2. Option
A. Complete 9.00 units from the following:9.00
DEVS at the 300-level or above
B. Complete 9.00 units from the following:9.00
DEVS at the 200-level or above
C. Complete 12.00 units from the following:12.00
DEVS at the 200-level or above
DEVS_Eligible at the 200-level or above
D. Complete 3.00 units from the following course list:3.00
Elective Courses60.00
Total Units120.00

3. Notes

A. Note that non-DEVS courses from the DEVS_Eligible and DEVS_Languages course lists are offered through other departments and may be subject to availability; DEVS students may not have enrolment priority.

B. Students pursuing a Major in Global Developmental Studies and a Minor in Indigenous Knowledges and Perspectives, please contact the department to discuss course substitutions. 

C. A maximum of 6.00 units from courses offered by other Faculties and Schools may be counted toward the program and/or Plan requirements. This includes courses in BMED, COMM, GLPH, HSCI, LAW, NURS, and courses offered by Smith Engineering.

Global Development Studies Course Lists

The following lists contain courses offered through other Departments. Most courses have more than thematic or regional connection to Global Development Studies. Students are encouraged to consult course outlines and course descriptions for more information. In accordance with Academic Regulation 2.6 (Access to Classes), students do not have enrolment priority in all of these courses. Access to these courses may be made available during the Open Enrolment period, and then only if space permits.


Courses Eligible for Global Development Studies Plans
ARTH 260Culture and Conflict3.00
ARTH 272Latin American Art3.00
ARTH 277Artists and Artisans in South Asia3.00
ARTH 348Arts of the Artic3.00
ARTH 372Art of Colonial Latin America3.00
ARTH 378Global Textiles3.00
ARTH 383The City3.00
ARTH 420Art and Activism3.00
ARTH 434Non-Western Art in Western Collections3.00
ARTH 472Art and Global Encounter in Asia, the Americas and Africa, 1492-18503.00
BADR 2003.00
CLST 309Caravan Cities of the Ancient Near East3.00
COMM 407Critical Perspectives on Business: The Limits of Capitalism3.00
DRAM 303Indigenous Playwrights3.00
ECON 239Economic Development3.00
ECON 244Economics of Indigenous Communities3.00
ECON 280Population and Economic Change3.00
ECON 290Environmental Economics and Assessment3.00
ECON 325International Trade Policy3.00
ECON 390Natural Resource Economics3.00
ECON 425international Trade Theory and Policy3.00
ECON 426International Macroeconomics3.00
ECON 435Development Economics3.00
ENGL 217Postcolonial Literatures3.00
ENGL 218Introduction to Indigenous Literatures in Canada3.00
ENGL 259Global Shakespeare3.00
ENGL 467Topics in Modern/Contemporary Canadian Literature II3.00
ENGL 476Topics in Postcolonial Literature I3.00
ENGL 477Topics in Postcolonial Literature II3.00
ENGL 481Topics in Indigenous Literatures I3.00
ENGL 482Topics in Indigenous Literature II3.00
ENSC 290Introduction to Ecological Economics3.00
ENSC 315Sustainable Food Systems3.00
ENSC 321Environmental Justice in Global Context3.00
ENSC 390Sustainability3.00
ENSC 407Global Water Resources: Challenges and Opportunities3.00
FILM 303World Cinemas3.00
FREN 351Ecrits de la Francophonie3.00
GLPH 271Global and Population Health3.00
GLPH 471Advanced Global and Population Health3.00
GNDS 211Feminist Histories3.00
GNDS 212Racism, Colonialism and Resistance3.00
GNDS 215Introduction to Sexual and Gender Diversity3.00
GNDS 311Feminist Thought3.00
GNDS 312Black Feminist Thought: An Introduction3.00
GNDS 320HIV/AIDS Movements: Histories of Community Health Activism3.00
GNDS 325Indigenous Meanings of Reproduction and Health3.00
GNDS 330Gender and the Global South3.00
GNDS 340Indigenous Women, Feminism and Resistance3.00
GNDS 352Gender, Cloth and Globalization3.00
GNDS 375Queer/Race Studies3.00
GNDS 401Debates on Feminism and Islam3.00
GNDS 432Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Politics3.00
GPHY 228Geographies of the Global Political Economy3.00
GPHY 254The Caribbean in Globalizing World3.00
GPHY 327The Geographical Imagination3.00
GPHY 351Geographies of Indigenous and Settler Relations3.00
GPHY 365Geography, Development, and Environment in the 'Third World'3.00
GPHY 368Environments and Society3.00
HIST 200India and the World3.00
HIST 207Global Indigenous Histories3.00
HIST 214Food in Global History3.00
HIST 217Indigenous Peoples and New France, 1534-18003.00
HIST 252Africa in the Modern World3.00
HIST 258Slavery in North America from the Colonial Era to 18653.00
HIST 267The (Un) Making of the Modern Middle East3.00
HIST 270Contemporary China3.00
HIST 273New Imperialism3.00
HIST 285Latin America to 1850: The Colonial Experience3.00
HIST 286Latin America from 1850 to Today: The Modern Era3.00
HIST 288The Rise of the British Empire3.00
HIST 294Arab-Israeli Conflict and Regional Security3.00
HIST 296The Making of the Muslim Middle East (550-1350 C.E.)3.00
HIST 298Imperial China3.00
HIST 299China Since 18003.00
HIST 318Modern East Asia6.00
HIST 337Multiculturalism in the Ottoman Empire3.00
HIST 344Insiders/Outsiders: Jewish Identity in the New World3.00
HIST 442New World Societies3.00
HIST 446Gender, Sexuality, and Race in South Asia3.00
HIST 461Race and Ethnicity in Latin America3.00
HIST 462Social History of Modernizing Latin America 1860 to 19603.00
HIST 467First Nations of North America3.00
HIST 498China's Revolutions, 1911-19493.00
HIST 499China Since 19493.00
HLTH 350Topics in Global Health3.00
IDIS 302Race and Racism3.00
INDG 301Indigenous Ways of Knowing3.00
INDG 302Indigenous Theories and Methodologies: Learning through Indigenous Worldviews3.00
LAW 202Aboriginal Law3.00
LLCU 205Investigating Cultures3.00
LLCU 206Rebel Cities3.00
LLCU 209Rio de Janeiro: the Marvelous City3.00
LLCU 244Hips Don't Lie? Music and Culture in Latin America3.00
LLCU 248Introduction to Latin American Cultures3.00
LLCU 249Latin Lovers: Love, Sex and Popular Culture3.00
LLCU 270Contemporary Events and Indigenous Cultural Politics3.00
LLCU 302Unsettling: Indigenous Peoples and Canadian Settler Colonialism3.00
LLCU 326Film in the New Europe3.00
LLCU 328Gender, Development and Film in Latin America3.00
LLCU 354Women's Voices in Latin America3.00
LLCU 358Film and Politics in Argentina3.00
LLCU 370Indigenous Women and Power3.00
LLCU 432Field Research Practicum at Fudan University6.00
MECH 333Gender, Engineering and Technology3.00
MUSC 289Global Musics3.00
MUSC 486Area Studies in Ethnomusicology3.00
PHIL 247Practical Ethics3.00
PHIL 324Africana Philosophy II3.00
POLS 241Comparative Politics: Transformations3.00
POLS 242Comparative Politics: Contemporary Regimes3.00
POLS 261International Politics3.00
POLS 262International Political Economy3.00
POLS 320Indigenous Politics3.00
POLS 341Chinese Politics3.00
POLS 342Latin American Politics3.00
POLS 346Development Theory3.00
POLS 347The Politics of Africa3.00
POLS 348Middle East Politics3.00
POLS 358Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Capitalism3.00
POLS 361Regional International Organization3.00
POLS 364International Peace and Security3.00
POLS 366The United Nations3.00
POLS 395Topics in International Political Economy3.00
POLS 440The Politics of Ethnicity and Nationalism3.00
POLS 442Latin American Politics3.00
POLS 443Gender and Globalization3.00
POLS 445Dialectics of Development3.00
POLS 457Issues in Global Justice3.00
POLS 461International Regimes3.00
POLS 466Politics of War in Africa3.00
POLS 467International Political Economy3.00
POLS 468The International Relations of the Middle East3.00
POLS 471Politics and Science in Technological Societies3.00
POLS 484The Politics of Globalization3.00
RELS 200Religion and Global Development3.00
RELS 212Mythology of the Ancient Near East3.00
RELS 222The Hindu World3.00
RELS 223Buddhism3.00
RELS 224Taoism3.00
RELS 226Islam3.00
RELS 227Indigenous Religious Traditions3.00
RELS 229Confucianism3.00
RELS 257Indigenous Sages and Wisdoms3.00
RELS 322Yoga in India and the West3.00
RELS 326Religion and Politics in Muslim Societies3.00
RELS 332Race, Ethnicity, and Religion3.00
RELS 393Buddhism in the Modern World3.00
RELS 394Religion and Politics in Contemporary China3.00
RELS 396Islam in the Modern World3.00
SOCY 225Sociology of Globalization3.00
SOCY 235Race and Racialization3.00
SPAN 351Panorama literario latinoaméricano I3.00
SPAN 352Panorama literario latinoaméricano II3.00
SPAN 354Voces femeninas en America Latina3.00
SPAN 428Gender, Development and Film in Latin America3.00
SPAN 458Film y Politica en Argentina3.00


Languages Courses Eligible for Global Development Studies Plans
ANSH 101Beginning Anishinaabe Language and Culture I3.00
ANSH 102Beginning Anishinaabe Language and Culture II3.00
ARAB 100Introductory Arabic (Modern Standard)6.00
ARAB 200Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic6.00
ARAB 201Intermediate Arabic (Modern Standard)3.00
CHIN 100Introductory Mandarin Chinese I6.00
CHIN 200Introductory Mandarin Chinese II6.00
CHIN 300Intermediate Mandarin Chinese6.00
FREN 106Communication et culture I3.00
FREN 107Communication et culture II3.00
FREN 118Communication et culture III3.00
FREN 150Français intermédiaire6.00
FREN 219Communication et culture IV3.00
FREN 225French in the Professional Workplace3.00
FREN 230Analyse textuelle et étude de la langue3.00
FREN 231Rédaction et style3.00
FREN 304Introduction à la littérature française du Moyen Age3.00
FREN 305Le théâtre depuis 19453.00
FREN 315Littérature française de la Renaissance3.00
FREN 320Communication et culture V3.00
FREN 324Le roman français du 20e siècle3.00
FREN 325Littérature contemporaine3.00
FREN 327Le Cinéma aujourd'hui: Études thématiques3.00
FREN 331Rédaction et style II3.00
FREN 342Histoire culturelle et littéraire de la France moderne et contemporaine3.00
FREN 343Histoire culturelle et littéraire de la francophonie et du Québec3.00
FREN 351Ecrits de la Francophonie3.00
FREN 360Grammaire avancée3.00
FREN 363Histoire de la langue française3.00
FREN 387Littérature du 17e siècle3.00
FREN 388Littérature du 18e siècle3.00
FREN 390Genre et littérature3.00
FREN 391Auteurs et thèmes en littérature québécoise3.00
FREN 394Montréal interculturel: une métropole en représentation3.00
FREN 450Travaux pratiques: stylistique et traduction3.00
GRMN 101Beginner's German I3.00
GRMN 102Beginner's German II3.00
GRMN 201Intermediate German I3.00
GRMN 202Intermediate German II3.00
GRMN 306Business German in Workplace3.00
GRMN 307Business German II: German in the Workplace3.00
GRMN 308Topics in Cultural History I3.00
GRMN 309Topics in Cultural History II3.00
GRMN 311Culture Through Stories in the 18th and 19th Century3.00
GRMN 312Culture Through Stories in the 20th and 21st Century3.00
GRMN 317Contemporary Germany through Media and News3.00
HEBR 301Topics in Hebrew3.00
HEBR 393Reading Modern Hebrew Literature3.00
HEBR 502Directed Reading Hebrew3.00
INUK 101Beginning Inuktitut Language and Culture l3.00
INUK 102Beginning Inuktitut Language and Culture ll3.00
ITLN 111Beginning Italian I3.00
ITLN 112Beginning Italian II3.00
ITLN 204Italiano intermedio3.00
ITLN 205Italiano avanzato3.00
JAPN 100Introductory Japanese I6.00
JAPN 200Introductory Japanese II6.00
MOHK 101Beginning Mohawk Language and Culture l3.00
MOHK 102Beginning Mohawk Language and Culture ll3.00
PORT 103Beginning Portuguese and Culture l3.00
PORT 104Beginning Portuguese and Culture ll3.00
SPAN 111Beginning Spanish I3.00
SPAN 112Beginning Spanish II3.00
SPAN 204Español intermedio3.00
SPAN 205Español avanzado3.00
SPAN 206Spanish Conversation and Culture3.00
SPAN 301Gramática avanzada y composición I3.00
SPAN 302Gramática avanzada y composición II3.00
SPAN 351Panorama literario latinoaméricano I3.00
SPAN 352Panorama literario latinoaméricano II3.00
SPAN 354Voces femeninas en America Latina3.00
SPAN 380Introducción: Literatura de España I3.00
SPAN 381Introducción: Literatura de España II3.00