Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Electrical Engineering (ELEC)

ELEC 221  Electric Circuits  Units: 4.25  
This course introduces the circuit analysis techniques which are used in subsequent courses in electronics, power, and signals and systems. Circuits containing resistance, capacitance, inductance, and independent and dependent voltage and current sources will be studied. Emphasis is placed on DC, AC, and transient analysis techniques.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.75, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 112 or APSC 114, APSC 171, APSC 172, APSC 174 Corequisites: MTHE 235 or MTHE 237 or MTHE 225 or MTHE 232 Exclusions:   
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 38  
Engineering Design 13  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 224  Continuous-Time Signals and Systems  Units: 3.75  
This is a first course on the basic concepts and applications of signals and systems analysis. Continuous time signals and systems are emphasized. Topics include: representations of continuous-time signals; linear time invariant systems; convolution, impulse response, step response; review of Laplace transforms with applications to circuit and system analysis; transfer function; frequency response and Bode plots; filtering concepts; Fourier series and Fourier transforms; signal spectra; AM modulation and demodulation; introduction to angle modulation.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.25, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 221, MTHE 225 or MTHE 235 or MTHE 237 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 12  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 33  
Engineering Design 0  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 252  Electronics I  Units: 4.25  
This course is an introduction to semiconductor electronics for students in the Electrical Engineering program and related programs. Topics studied include: operational amplifiers; dc and small signal models for diodes, basic principles of bipolar transistors and field effect transistors, dc analysis of electronic circuits and practical applications of the devices to the design of power supplies, amplifiers and digital logic circuits.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.75, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 221 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 36  
Engineering Design 15  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 270  Discrete Mathematics with Computer Engineering App  Units: 3.50  
Introduction to the mathematics of representing and manipulating discrete objects. Topics include numbers, modular arithmetic, counting, relations and graph theory. Methods of proof and reasoning - such as induction and mathematical logic - will also be covered. Some applications to cryptosystems, hashing functions, and job scheduling will be included.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 142 or APSC 143 or MNTC 313 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 31  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 11  
Engineering Design 0  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 271  Digital Systems  Units: 4.00  
Boolean algebra applied to digital systems; logic gates; combinational logic design; electronic circuits for logic gates; arithmetic circuits; latches and flipflops, registers and counters; synchronous sequential logic and state machine design; implementation in programmable logic chips.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 171, APSC 172, APSC 174 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 21  
Engineering Design 27  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 274  Computer Architecture  Units: 4.00  
Number and data representation. Logical structure of computers. Instruction set architecture. Instruction execution sequencing. Assembly-language programming. Input/output interfaces and programming. Processor datapath and control unit design. Semiconductor memory technology and memory hierarchy design.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 142 or APSC 143 or MNTC 313, ELEC 271 or MTHE 217 Corequisites: Exclusions: CISC 221  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 26  
Engineering Design 22  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 278  Fundamentals Of Information Structures  Units: 4.00  
Fundamentals of Data Structures and Algorithms: arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, deques, asymptotic notation, hash and scatter tables, recursion, trees and search trees, heaps and priority queues, sorting, and graphs. Advanced programming in the C language. Introduction to object oriented programming concepts in the context of data structures.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 142 or APSC 143 or MNTC 313 Corequisites: Exclusions: CISC 235, MREN 178  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 12  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 24  
Engineering Design 12  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 279  Introduction to Object Oriented Programming  Units: 4.00  
Introduction to object-oriented design, architecture, and programming. Use of packages, class libraries, and interfaces. Encapsulation and representational abstraction. Inheritance. Polymorphic programming. Exception handling. Iterators. Introduction to a class design notation. Applications in various areas.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 1, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 142 or APSC 143 or MNTC 313, ELEC 278 or MREN 178 Corequisites: Exclusions: CISC 124, CMPE 212  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 26  
Engineering Design 22  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 280  Fundamentals of Electromagnetics  Units: 3.75  
A study of the fundamental aspects of electromagnetic fields. The following topics are covered: the Maxwell's equations and the 3-dimensional wave equation for transmission lines; vector analysis, including orthogonal coordinate systems, and the calculus of field quantities; electrostatic fields including the concepts of electric potential, capacitance, and current and current density; magnetostatic fields including inductance; time-varying fields and the complete form of Maxwell's equations; basic transmission line phenomena including steady-state sinusoidal behaviour and standing waves, transient performance and impedance matching.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.25, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 112 or APSC 114, APSC 171, APSC 172, APSC 174 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 27  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 18  
Engineering Design 0  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 290  Electrical and Computer Engineering Design and Practice  Units: 5.00  
This course encompasses team-based design to solve complex open-ended problems. Instruction is provided on problem definition, creation of ideas, and decision making that considers technical, economic, societal, and environmental factors. Attention is given to safety considerations, technical codes and regulations, and engineering ethics. Effective skills for oral and written communication are also emphasized. These aspects are applied in design project activity related to electrical and computer engineering.
K5 (Lec: Yes, Lab: Yes, Tut: Yes)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 100 or APSC 103; APSC 199 or have passed the English Proficiency Test Corequisites: Exclusions: APSC 200, APSC 293  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 18  
Engineering Science 0  
Engineering Design 42  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 292  Introduction to Data Science  Units: 3.00  
Fundamentals of data science: data capture, organization and maintenance, processing, and visualization. Implementation of data processing methods using Python. Application of the methods to design and implement a solution to a project-based data science problem.
K3 (Lec: Yes, Lab: Yes, Tut: No)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 278 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 18  
Engineering Design 18  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 299  Mechatronics Project  Units: 1.50  
A team design project based around an autonomous, programmable, robotic vehicle. Students explore different sensors and software strategies for vehicle control and navigation, in addition to wiring up sensor and motor circuits. The design goal is to configure and program a vehicle to accomplish a specified task. A final project report that documents the experimentation, design, and testing must be produced.
K1.5(Lec: No, Lab: Yes, Tut: No)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 221, ELEC 271 Corequisites: ELEC 252, ELEC 280 Exclusions:   
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 0  
Engineering Design 18  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  
ELEC 323  Continuous-Time Signals and Systems  Units: 3.75  
This is a first course on the basic concepts and applications of signals and systems analysis. Continuous time signals and systems are emphasized. Topics include: representations of continuous-time signals; linear time invariant systems; convolution, impulse response, step response; review of Laplace transforms with applications to circuit and system analysis; transfer function; frequency response and Bode plots; filtering concepts; Fourier series and Fourier transforms; signal spectra; AM modulation and demodulation; introduction to angle modulation.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.25, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisite of ELEC221 and (MTHE235 or MTHE237) and registered in a BSCE or BASC Academic Program.  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 12  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 33  
Engineering Design 0  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  
ELEC 324  Discrete-Time Signals and Systems  Units: 4.00  
This second course on signals and systems studies basic concepts and techniques for analysis and modeling of discrete-time signals and systems. The topics of this course are: sampling, reconstruction, and digitization; representations and properties of discrete-time signals and systems; linear time-invariant (LTI) systems; difference equations; discrete Fourier series; discrete-time Fourier transform; discrete Fourier transform; z-transform; analysis of LTI systems; filtering and spectral analysis. Computational realizations of the analysis tools and their applications are explored in the laboratory.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 224 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 12  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 36  
Engineering Design 0  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 326  Probability & Random Processes  Units: 3.50  
This course provides an introduction to probabilistic models and methods for addressing uncertainty and variability in engineering applications. Topics include sample spaces and events, axioms of probability, conditional probability, independence, discrete and continuous random variables, probability density and cumulative distribution functions, functions of random variables, and random processes.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 171 Corequisites: Exclusions: MTHE 351 (STAT 351)  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 31  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 11  
Engineering Design 0  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 333  Electric Machines  Units: 4.25  
An introduction to the basic principles, operating characteristics, and design of electric machines. Topics to be studied include: three-phase circuits; magnetic circuits; transformers; steady state behaviours of dc generators and motors; rotating magnetic fields; steady state operation of induction machines and synchronous machines; introduction to fractional horsepower machines; speed control of electric motors.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.75, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 221 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 13  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 25  
Engineering Design 13  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 344  Sensors and Actuators  Units: 3.75  
This course provides an introduction to sensing and actuation in mechatronic systems. The topics include physical principles for the measurement and sensing of displacement, motion, force, torque, pressure, flow, humidity, radiation (visible and IR) and temperature using analog and digital transducers; actuating principles using continuous drive actuators, stepper motors, optical encoders and servo motors; and methods for signal collection, conditioning and analysis.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.75, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 221, ELEC 271 and ELEC 252 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 27  
Engineering Design 18  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 345  Sensor Fabrication Technologies  Units: 3.25  
This course introduces sensor fabrication technologies. The topics include various types of sensors' design, fabrication processes, and applications. Students will learn standard micro and nano fabrication and cleanroom processing such as lithography, material deposition methods and systems, wet and dry etching, encapsulation, characterization methods and systems, etc. The effect of design parameters and fabrication processes on the performance of sensors will be discussed. The lab component of the course includes demonstration of the fabrication process in the cleanroom and operation of some sensors.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.25, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 221, ELEC 271, ELEC 252 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 27  
Engineering Design 12  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 353  Electronics II  Units: 4.25  
Transistor-level modeling and design of analog and digital electronic circuits. Differential amplifiers, Gilbert Cell multipliers, multi-stage amplifiers, amplifier frequency response, negative feedback amplifiers, LC-tank and crystal oscillators, two-port networks. Advanced concepts in logic design. Students learn the basics of computer aided design (CAD) of integrated circuits including schematic simulation, layout, design rules, layout versus schematic verification and extracted circuit simulation. Laboratory work is design-oriented and students are introduced to advanced test and measurement techniques using vector network analyzers.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.75, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 252 Corequisites: ELEC 224 or MREN 223 or MTHE 335 or ENPH 316 Exclusions:  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 26  
Engineering Design 25  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 371  Microprocessor Interfacing and Embedded Systems  Units: 4.00  
Microprocessor bus organization and memory interfaces; parallel input/output interface design; assembly-language and high-level-language programming; interrupts and exceptions; timers; embedded systems organization and design considerations; integration in microcontrollers and programmable logic chips; interfacing with sensors and actuators; embedded system case studies.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 271, CISC 231 or ELEC 274 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 36  
Engineering Design 12  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 372  Numerical Methods and Optimization  Units: 3.50  
Number representation in digital computers, error analysis, and iterative calculations. Methods for finding roots of equations, solving systems of linear algebraic equations, single- and multi-variable optimization, least-squares analysis, curve fitting, differentiation and integration, and solving ordinary differential equations. Implementation of numerical algorithms in software.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 142 or APSC 143 or MNTC 313, APSC 174, MTHE 235 or MTHE 237 or MTHE 225 Corequisites: Exclusions: MTHE 272, CIVL 222, ELEC 273  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 21  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 21  
Engineering Design 0  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 373  Computer Networks  Units: 3.50  
Network architecture with physical, data link, network, and transport layers for frame transmission and packet switching, standards such as Ethernet and 802.11 for wired and wireless networks, protocols such as TCP/IP, internetworking, routing, and socket programming.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 326 or MTHE 351 (STAT 351), ELEC 274 or CISC 221 Corequisites: Exclusions: CISC 435  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 31  
Engineering Design 11  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 374  Digital Systems Engineering  Units: 4.25  
High-performance logic design for arithmetic circuits; memory system designs based on static and dynamic RAMs; computer bus protocols and standard I/O interfaces; mass storage devices; hardware description languages (VHDL, Verilog); fault testing, design for testability, built-in self-test, memory testing, and boundary-scan architectures; asynchronous sequential circuit design; introduction to GPU architectures and GPU computing. The course is supplemented by a CPU design project that allows students to become proficient with Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices and associated CAD tools, as well as with GPU computing through nVidia CUDA or OpenCL languages.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 1, Tut: 0.25)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 252, ELEC 271, ELEC 274 or permission of the instructor Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 28  
Engineering Design 23  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 376  Software Development Methodology  Units: 3.50  
Methodology for object-oriented software design and implementation, modeling notations/languages, template libraries, considerations for graphical user interfaces, techniques and tools for managing software projects in teams, and documentation for requirements analysis and system design.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 278 Corequisites: Exclusions: CMPE 320  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 21  
Engineering Design 21  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 377  Operating Systems  Units: 4.00  
Operating systems for conventional shared memory computers. System services and system calls, concurrent processes and scheduling, synchronization and communication, deadlock. File systems and protection, memory management and virtual memory, device management and drivers. Unix operating system. Real-time and distributed systems. Security.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 1, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 274 or CISC 221 and ELEC 278 or CISC 235 Corequisites: Exclusions: CMPE 324 (CISC 324)  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 26  
Engineering Design 22  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 379  Algorithms with Engineering Applications  Units: 4.00  
Algorithm design and analysis; techniques based on divide and conquer, branch and bound, dynamic programming, and the greedy approach; computer engineering applications such as circuit partitioning and logic circuit technology mapping; computational complexity and NP-completeness.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 278, ELEC 270 or any discrete mathematics course Corequisites: Exclusions: CMPE 365  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 24  
Engineering Design 24  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 381  Applications of Electromagnetics  Units: 3.75  
Partial differential equation solutions to Maxwell's Equations; Introduction to the Smith chart; uniform plane waves; reflection of plane waves; normal and oblique incidence; analysis and applications of rectangular waveguides; resonant cavities; optical fibres; introduction to antennas; aperture antennas.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.25, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 280 or ENPH 239 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 24  
Engineering Design 21  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 390  Principles of Design and Development  Units: 3.50  
The goal of this course is to prepare students for definition, design, management, and development of engineering projects and products. Students will learn about problem definition and impact analysis from an economic standpoint as well as other perspectives. Different design principles, management techniques, and development methodologies will be described. Culture and communication in teams will be discussed, followed by important concepts in ethics and intellectual property. Specific software and tools that are available for facilitating design/development activity will be introduced and utilized throughout the term. Students will apply concepts and explore issues through projects and laboratory activity.
K3.5(Lec: Yes, Lab: Yes, Tut: Yes)
Requirements: Prerequisites: Successful completion of Fall term 3rd year studies in either the Electrical Engineering program, or the Computer Engineering program. Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 15  
Engineering Science 0  
Engineering Design 27  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 408  Biomedical Signal and Image Processing  Units: 3.00  
This is an introductory course in biomedical signal and image processing.
Topics include: biopotential generation and detection; the biomedical signals
with a focus on the electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram; recording artifacts and signal compression; major medical imaging modalities; 2D and 3D image formation; image processing techniques including spatial and
frequency-domain filtering, feature extraction and convolutional neural networks; applications in diagnostics, therapeutics, and interventions.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 224 or MREN 223 or permission of the instructor Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 9  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 18  
Engineering Design 9  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 409  Bioinformatic Analytics  Units: 3.00  
The course surveys: microarray data analysis methods; pattern discovery, clustering and classification methods; applications to prediction of clinical outcome and treatment response; coding region detection and protein family prediction. At the end of this course, students should be able to appreciate some approaches related to individualizing medical treatment, as well as to apply some of the methods, such as alternatives to PCA, to more traditional engineering problems.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 174, ELEC 224 or MREN 223, ELEC 326 or ENPH 252 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 9  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 18  
Engineering Design 9  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 421  Digital Signal Processing  Units: 4.00  
Sampling theorem, discrete and fast Fourier transform, filter realization structures, quantization errors, finite and infinite impulse response filter design techniques. LMS adaptive filtering, Wold decomposition and spectral modeling, linear prediction. Experiments use Matlab to model and process random signals.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 324 or MTHE 335, ELEC 326 or MTHE 351 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 24  
Engineering Design 24  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 422  Digital Signal Processing: Random Models and Applications  Units: 3.50  
Recent DSP topics including: bandpass sampling, oversampling A/D conversion, quantization noise modelling, multi-rate signal processing, filterbanks, quadrature mirror filters, applications to communications systems, speech and image compression; processing of discrete-time random signals.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 324 or MTHE 335; ELEC 326, or MTHE 351. Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 15  
Engineering Design 27  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 425  Machine Learning and Deep Learning  Units: 3.50  
Supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods for regression, classification, clustering, and time series modeling. Methods of fitting models. The problem of overfitting and techniques for addressing it. Deep learning and neural network models. Processes for how to refine/ implement/ test applications of machine/deep learning algorithms.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.25, Tut: 0.25)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 278 or CISC 235 or MREN 178, ELEC 326 or permission of the instructor Corequisites: Exclusions: CMPE 452  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 11  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 20  
Engineering Design 11  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 431  Power Electronics  Units: 3.25  
This course introduces the basic concepts of power electronics, which include power semiconductor devices and switching power converters. Emphasis is placed on the analysis and design of various power electronics circuits. Their industrial application, such as in telecommunications and computing, will also be discussed. More specifically, the course will cover the characteristics of switching devices, especially that of MOSFET. The course will also cover the operation of various switching converters such as phase controlled ACto- DC converters, AC voltage controllers, DC-to-DC switching converters, DC-to-AC inverters and switching power supplies. The requirements and configurations of power systems for telecommunications will be introduced. The techniques to analyze and design these power systems using available components will also be discussed. Computer simulation will be used to analyze the detailed operation of switching converters.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.25, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 252 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 15  
Engineering Design 24  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 433  Energy and Power Systems  Units: 3.50  
Energy resources and electric power generation with particular emphasis on renewable energy systems such as solar, wind, and biomass; review of balanced and unbalanced 3-phase systems; review of per-unit systems; real and reactive power, sequence networks and unsymmetrical analysis; transmission line parameters; basic system models; steady state performance; network calculations; power flow solutions; symmetrical components; fault studies; short circuit analysis; economic dispatch; introduction to power system stability, operating strategies and control; modern power systems and power converters; DC/AC and AC/DC conversion; and introduction to DC transmission.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 333 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 24  
Engineering Design 18  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 435  Energy Storage Technology  Units: 3.50  
Energy storage technology will play a key role in future energy systems. In this course, the students will learn various energy storage technology, simulate energy storage systems, and learn how to design and evaluate energy storage systems. Topics include different types of energy storage systems, electrical characterization of energy storage systems, applications of storage, economics of various storage technologies, integration of energy storage into electrical grids, off-grid systems and architectures, and sizing of energy storage systems.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 221, ELEC 252, ELEC 224 or MREN 223 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 21  
Engineering Design 21  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. n/a
ELEC 436  Electric Machines and Control  Units: 3.00  
Review of basic electric machines. Salient pole synchronous machines. Transient and dynamic behaviour of electric machines. Characteristics and applications of special motors such as servo motors, stepper motors, PMmotors, brushless dc motors, switched reluctance motors and linear motors. Solid state speed and torque control of motors.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 333 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 18  
Engineering Design 18  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 443  Linear Control Systems  Units: 4.00  
Introduction to linear systems and feedback control. Topics include introduction to automatic control, overview of Laplace transformation, linear models of dynamic systems, time-domain specifications of first and second order systems, stability analysis using Routh-Hurwitz criterion, steady-state error and disturbance rejection, PID control, stability analysis and linear controller design using root locus method, Nyquist criterion, and Bode plots, and introduction to state-space analysis. These methods are applied and tested using software such as MATLAB/Simulink, and laboratory experiments.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 224 or MTHE 335 or MREN 223 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 15  
Engineering Design 33  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 444  Modeling and Computer Control of Mechatronic Systems  Units: 3.25  
This course provides an introduction to modeling and analysis of the dynamics of mechatronic processes and computer control of such systems. Topics include modeling and simulation of mechanical, electrical, thermal, and fluid systems, sampled-data systems and equivalent discrete system, overview of Z-transform, dynamic response of second-order discrete systems, stability analysis and design of linear discrete-time control systems using root locus and frequency response methods. The modeling and controller design methods are implemented and tested using MATLAB/Simulink and laboratory experiments.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.25, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 324 or MREN 223, ELEC 344 or ELEC 345 or MREN 318, ELEC 443 or MECH 350 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 29  
Engineering Design 10  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 446  Mobile Robotics  Units: 3.50  
From self-driving cars, robot vacuums and lawnmowers, to autonomous mining, construction, and agricultural vehicles, applications for mobile robots are widespread. This course provides students with a broad introduction to the fundamental tools and techniques of mobile robotics. Specific topics include rudimentary vehicle modelling, control systems design for trajectory tracking, sensing and perception methods, state estimation for navigation, localization, and mapping (SLAM), as well as the basic elements of motion planning. Computer-based simulations (Python) are employed in tutorials and assignments to help students develop a practical understanding of the course topics.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 224 or MREN 223 Corequisites: ELEC 443 or MECH 350 Exclusions:  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 22  
Engineering Design 20  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 448  Introduction To Robotics  Units: 3.50  
Robotics is an interdisciplinary subject concerning areas of mechanics, electronics, information theory, control systems and automation. This course provides an introduction to robotics and covers fundamental aspects of modeling and control of robot manipulators. Topics include history and application of robotics in industry, rigid body kinematics, manipulator forward, inverse and differential kinematics, workspace, singularity, redundancy, manipulator dynamics, trajectory generation, actuators, sensors, and manipulator position and contact force control strategies. Applications studied using MATLAB/Simulink software simulation and laboratory experiments.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: Corequisites: ELEC 443 or MTHE 332 or MECH 350 Exclusions: MECH 456, MREN 348  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 16  
Engineering Design 26  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 451  Digital Integrated Circuit Engineering  Units: 3.25  
Review of MOS transistor structure and operation; overview of wafer processing and device implementation, layout and design rules. CMOS gate design; static and dynamic logic; modelling of transients and delays. Clocked circuits; interconnect effects, and I/O. Memory and programmable logic arrays. Technology scaling effects; design styles and flow.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.25, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 252 , ELEC 271 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 21  
Engineering Design 18  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 454  Analog Electronics  Units: 3.25  
Topics include; an introduction to noise and distortion in electronic circuits, analysis and design of biasing circuits, references, ADCs and DACs, power amps, mixers, modulators and PLLs along with a short introduction to analog filter design.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.25)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 224 or MREN 223 or MTHE 335, ELEC 353 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 20  
Engineering Design 19  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 457  Integrated Circuits and System Application  Units: 3.50  
In the first part of this course modern microelectronic circuits are covered and in the second part these circuits are used in new and emerging applications. Topics include: active and passive filtering circuits, phase locked loops, frequency synthesizers, RF modulators, clock and data recovery circuits, RF energy harvesting, ultra low-power circuits, biotelemetry systems, biological sensors, neurostimulator circuits, introduction to radiometry and radar imaging.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 353, ELEC 224 or MTHE 335 or MREN 223 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 21  
Engineering Design 21  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 461  Digital Communications  Units: 3.50  
Representation of signals and noise, Gaussian processes, correlation functions and power spectra. Linear systems and random processes. Performance analysis and design of coherent and noncoherent communication systems, phase-shift-keying, frequency-shift,-keying, and M-ary communication systems. Optimum receivers and signal space concepts. Information and its measure, source encoding, channel capacity and error correcting coding.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 324 or MTHE 335 or MREN 223, ELEC 326 or MTHE 351, or permission of instructor Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 21  
Engineering Design 21  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 464  Wireless Communications  Units: 3.00  
Fundamental principles and practice of current wireless communications systems and technologies. Historical context, the wireless channel including path loss, shadowing, fading, and system modes in use. Capacity limitations on transmission rate, transmission of data by signaling over wireless channels via digital modulation, optimum receivers, countermeasures to fading and interference via diversity and equalization, multiple user systems including multiple access FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, FDMA/TDMA, uplink and downlink; capacity and power control, design of cellular networks. Selected standards and emerging trends are also surveyed.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 324 or MREN 223 and ELEC 326 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 18  
Engineering Design 18  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 470  Computer System Architecture  Units: 3.50  
This course covers advanced topics in computer architecture with a quantitative perspective. Topics include: instruction set design; memory hierarchy design; instruction-level parallelism (ILP), pipelining, superscalar processors, hardware multithreading; thread-level parallelism (TLP), multiprocessors, cache coherency; clusters; introduction to shared-memory and message-passing parallel programming; data-level parallelism (DLP), GPU architectures.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 371, ELEC 274 or CISC 221 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 11  
Engineering Design 31  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 471  Safety Critical Software Engineering  Units: 3.50  
Methods and tools for software engineering in safety-critical systems. This is a project-based course where students develop software for a safety-critical real-time system from requirements. Topics include model-based design, hazard analysis, requirements tracing, real-time scheduling, code coverage analysis, coding standards, and formal verification.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 279 or CMPE 212 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 21  
Engineering Design 21  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 472  Artificial Intelligence  Units: 3.50  
Fundamental concepts and applications of intelligent and interactive system design and implementation. Topics include: problem formulation and experiment design, search techniques and complexity, decision making and reasoning, data acquisition, data pre-processing (de-noising, missing data, source separation, feature extraction, feature selection, dimensionality reduction), supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and swarm intelligence.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 278 or MREN 178, ELEC 326 or permission of the instructor Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 31  
Engineering Design 11  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 473  Cryptography and Network Security  Units: 3.00  
Cryptography topics include: block ciphers, advanced encryption standard, public key encryption, hash functions, message authentication codes, digital signatures, key management and distribution, and public-key infrastructure. Network security topics include: user authentication, network access control, Kerberos protocol, transport layer security (TLS), IP security (IPSec), electronic mail security, and wireless network security.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 373 or CISC 435, ELEC 270 or CISC 102 or permission of instructor Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 26  
Engineering Design 10  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 474  Machine Vision  Units: 3.50  
Image acquisition and representation, histogramming, spatial- and frequency-domain filtering, edge detection, motion segmentation, color indexing, blob detection, interest operators, feature extraction, camera models and calibration, epipolar geometry and stereovision. The lab and assignments will emphasize practical examples of machine vision techniques to industrial and mechatronic applications.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 278 or CISC 235 or MREN 178 Corequisites: Exclusions: CMPE 457  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 31  
Engineering Design 11  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 475  Computer Vision with Deep Learning  Units: 3.50  
Deep learning methods are highly effective at solving many problems in computer vision. This course serves as an introduction to these two areas and covers both the theoretical and practical aspects required to build effective deep learning-based computer vision applications. Topics include classification, convolutional neural networks, object detection, encoder-decoders, segmentation, keypoint and pose estimation, generative adversarial networks, and transformers. Labs and assignments will emphasize practical implementations of deep learning systems applied to computer vision problems.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 292 or (MREN 203 and MREN 223) Corequisites: Exclusions: CISC 473  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 31  
Engineering Design 11  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 476  Software Engineering for Social Good  Units: 3.50  
This course is centered around developing user-centric software solutions for societal benefit. Students will create user-centric software using target population research, building personas, software development, and evaluation of a software solution. The focus will be on creating an inclusive software solution for two slices of the population (one marginalized by current software, and one that is not). The chosen project will address one or multiple of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Topics include persona lifecycle, prototyping (both low and high fidelity), software engineering methodologies, Unified Modeling Language (UML), object-oriented design patterns, methods for evaluating the usability and inclusiveness of software solutions, and an introduction to empirical software engineering.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 279 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 9  
Engineering Science 16  
Engineering Design 17  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 477  Distributed Systems  Units: 3.00  
Client/server architectures, multicasting, real-time distributed protocols, naming and name services, fault tolerance, security, and embedded-systems considerations.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 373, ELEC 377 Corequisites: Exclusions: CMPE 434  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 24  
Engineering Design 12  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 481  Applications of Photonics  Units: 3.00  
Overview of light-matter interaction, design of optical waveguides, modeling of photonic devices, light propagation in periodic and subwavelength structures. Applications of photonics in LIDAR for autonomous vehicles, design of optical phased array, design of holography, medical imaging and sensing, optoelectronics and renewable energy.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 381 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 18  
Engineering Design 18  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 483  Microwave and RF Circuits and Systems  Units: 4.25  
This course introduces the analysis and design of microwave components and systems. Topics include: modeling of high frequency circuits; transmission lines; scattering parameters; impedance matching; passive microwave components; amplifiers, mixers and oscillators; noise in receivers; elemental antennas and simple and phased arrays; communication links - microwave land, cellular and satellite systems; performance and link budget analysis. The laboratory work is design oriented and implements the lecture material.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.75, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 353, ELEC 381 or ENPH 431 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 26  
Engineering Design 25  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 486  Fiber Optic Communication  Units: 3.75  
This course introduces fundamental principles and applications of fiber optic communication systems. Topics include Fabry-Perot and distributed feedback semiconductor lasers, planar dielectric waveguides, propagation characteristics of single-mode optical fibers, p-i-n and avalanche photodiodes, and digital receiver performance. Device technology and system design applications are considered.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.25, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 381 or ENPH 431 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 21  
Engineering Design 24  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 490  Electrical Engineering Project  Units: 7.00  
Students work in groups of three on the design and implementation of electrical engineering projects, with the advice of faculty members. This course is intended to give students an opportunity to practice independent design and analysis. Each group is required to prepare an initial engineering proposal, regular progress reports, and a final report together with a formal seminar on the project and its results.
K7(Lec: Yes, Lab: Yes, Tut: Yes)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 324, ELEC 326, ELEC 353, ELEC 371, ELEC 372, ELEC 381, ELEC 390, or permission of the department Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: FW  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 21  
Engineering Science 0  
Engineering Design 63  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 491  Advanced ECE Thesis I  Units: 6.00  
Students will be assigned individual Research Topics. Students must work under the supervision of a faculty member. Grade will be based on the progress in arriving at a solution to the assigned problem.
(Lec: 0, Lab: 6, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Permission of Thesis Supervisor  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 54  
Engineering Design 18  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  
ELEC 492  Advanced ECE Thesis II  Units: 6.00  
The students continue working on their assigned problems in ELEC 491 under the supervision of the same faculty member. Upon completion of their thesis, students must give oral and written presentations. Grades will be based on the quality of the analysis of the problem, the proposed solution, and written and oral presentations. Demonstration of effective written and oral communications skills is required.
(Lec: 0, Lab: 6, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 491 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: FW  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 54  
Engineering Design 18  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  
ELEC 497  Research Project  Units: 3.50  
The student works on a research project under the supervision of a faculty member. A research problem is formulated and the problem is contextualized within the discipline. The student does a current literature review, and explores in detail a solution to the research problem. Subject to Department approval.
K3.5(Lec: No, Lab: No, Tut: No)
Requirements: Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd-year core courses in the Electrical Engineering, or the Computer Engineering program. Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: FWS  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 21  
Engineering Design 21  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.
ELEC 498  Computer Engineering Project  Units: 7.00  
Students work in groups of three on the design and implementation of computer engineering projects, with the advice of faculty members. This course is intended to give students an opportunity to practice independent design and analysis. Each group is required to prepare an initial engineering proposal, regular progress reports, and a final report together with a formal seminar on the project and its results.
K7(Lec: Yes, Lab: Yes, Tut: Yes)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ELEC 326, ELEC 371, ELEC 374, ELEC 377, ELEC 390, CMPE 223 (CISC 223) or CMPE 320 (CISC 320), or permission of the department Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: FW  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 21  
Engineering Science 0  
Engineering Design 63  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.