Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Administrative Policies

The Faculty Board of Smith School of Business

In May 1963, the Faculty Board of Smith School of Business was established by the Board of Trustees of the University on the Senate's recommendation, to provide an appropriate body for the regulation of the conduct of the School's academic programs.

The Faculty Board of Smith School of Business (Smith) is constituted as follows: the Principal (ex officio), the Dean and Associate Dean(s) of Smith School of Business, all regular faculty of Smith, all adjunct academic staff of Smith, all other persons, who are currently teaching or whose appointment is in force at the date of the meeting or those in other faculties giving required courses for any of the degree programs in Smith; one senior administrative officer from each of the major teaching programs (eg., BCom, Queen's MBA, Exec MBA, AMBA, Exec MBA Americas, Master of Management, MSc/PhD); a representative of all non-academic, non-teaching staff of Smith School of Business (to be elected by this group); President of the Commerce Society, two BCom student Senators, two other representatives from the Commerce Society, one student representative from the Queen's MBA program, one student representative from the Executive MBA Programs, one representative from the AMBA Program, one representative from the Exec MBA Americas Program, one student representative from the Master of Management Programs, one representative from the MSc Program, one from the PhD Program.

Review of Record by Faculty Board

The Faculty Board of the School of Business reserves the right to review the record of any student. The Faculty Board will recommend to the Senate the granting of the Degree, after all courses have been completed in accordance with the provisions specified in this Calendar.

Student Names 

As the University is committed to the integrity of its student records, each student is required to provide either on application for admission or on personal data forms required for registration, their complete, legal name. Any requests to change a name, by means of alteration, deletion, substitution or addition must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation in accordance with the University Policy on Student Names.


The Program acknowledges that confidentiality is a serious and important issue for students. Students may be submitting and developing confidential business plans and strategies, and these submissions are carefully protected. All staff sign confidentiality agreements. These confidentiality agreements are kept on file in the Program office, and students may request a copy at any time.

Class discussions will frequently include company-specific examples. In order to encourage open class discussions, all in-class discussions should be held in the strictest confidence by students and professors, and must not be discussed outside of class. Recorded classes are for the purpose of helping students in their studies and must not be copied, shared or distributed in any way.

Sharing of Student Data

During the course of the program, the Program may share the names of persons enrolled in the GDA program with the institutes of the professional accounting bodies in order to facilitate the record keeping on the part of those professional bodies. This is intended to prevent those students taking the GDA program from having their qualifications judged on a course by course basis, which would not be appropriate given the accreditation status of the Smith GDA program. Should a candidate choose not to have this information shared with the professional accounting bodies, the Program Manager must be informed in writing (email is acceptable) within two weeks of the beginning of the Program. Likewise, students enrolled in the GDA Program grant the institutes of the professional accounting bodies permission to share their results on the professional exams with Smith School of Business.

Conflict of Interest

Fairness or objectivity may be compromised if academic evaluation is conducted, even in part, by someone to whom there is a close personal or professional tie (for example, a family member or consulting relationship). Where such a tie does exist between student and instructor, the parties involved have the responsibility to declare a potential conflict of interest, normally to the Program Director who will assist, without prejudice, in arranging evaluation by alternative means.

Conflicts of interest may also arise with the sharing of confidential company information on projects, as well as within teams. When this occurs, the parties involved must declare the potential conflict to the Program Director who will make, without prejudice, alternative arrangements.

Withdrawal and Re-Admission

A student who withdraws from the Program, whether voluntarily or as a result of a requirement to withdraw, is subsequently no longer considered to be an enrolled student of Queen's University. There is no opportunity for students to take a leave of absence from the Program, except in extraordinary circumstances.

Following withdrawal from the Program, former students may apply for re-admission. It is important to note that prior admission to the Program is not a guarantee of future re-admission. To initiate an application for re-admission, former students must submit all documents and materials required by the admissions procedures in place at the time of their application for re-admission.

In some cases a student who has withdrawn will be re-admitted on Academic Probation. Students who withdraw while on Academic Probation will continue on Probation if they are re-admitted to the Program. Students who have been required to withdraw from the Program will not normally be re-admitted to the Program.

Students with Queen’s or Smith scholarships will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Program Fees and Withdrawals

Depending on the date of withdrawal and the fees already paid, a participant who withdraws from the Program may be eligible for a refund of fees as follows:

  1. Program fees are due in full for all completed courses
  2. For partially completed courses, 50% of the course fee is due up to and including half-way point of the course. After the half-way point of the course, the fee will be prorated based on the length of time the participant is enrolled in the course.
  3. The fee for the projects will be prorated based on the credits earned in non-project courses by the participant at the time of withdrawal.
  4. There will be no refund of in-residence fees incurred.
  5. There will be no refund of advisor fees incurred for individual projects.
  6. The amount allocated for the Global Business Project travel is non-refundable in the event that a participant leaves the program.
  7. For refund calculation purposes the fee per course credit is calculated by the Finance Office. The refund per course is adjusted according to the credit weight of the particular course taken.

Financial Policy

Students should consult the Program website or Director for the fee schedule and late payment policies.

Outstanding Debts

Queen’s University Senate Policy on Student Debtors provides that:

Any student with an overdue debt with the University will not be permitted to register or receive examination results, official transcripts or marks reports until the outstanding account is settled in full or until an acceptable arrangement for settling the account is made. In no case will a diploma be released to a student with an outstanding debt with the University.

Students with outstanding debts may also be restricted from registering for, or attending, courses and residential sessions until all debts have been paid in full or an acceptable arrangement for the payment of debt has been reached.

Interest will be charged to the student account on any overdue amount. Interest is calculated on a compound basis. Account queries should be addressed to the Smith Finance Office.

Trademark and Copyright

Smith School of Business is the owner of its trademarks (logo, name, colours) and custom materials (workbooks, study guides, cases). Smith School of Business retains ownership of all trademarks and copyrights, and students may not duplicate or reproduce these trademarks and copyrights without specific written permission from the Dean of Smith School of Business and the Program Director. This is particularly important regarding the use of the logo, which may not be reproduced on clothing or other materials without the prior written consent of the Dean and the Program Director. The School assumes no responsibility for any costs incurred by students who proceed to use the School logo without receiving prior written permission. Persons who use the School trademark and copyrights without permission will be subject to legal action to block usage.