Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Academic Standards and Requirements

Academic Integrity

Queen’s University is dedicated to creating a scholarly community free to explore a range of ideas, to build and advance knowledge, and to share the ideas and knowledge that emerge from a range of intellectual pursuits.

Queen’s students, faculty, administrators and staff therefore all have responsibilities for supporting and upholding the fundamental values of academic integrity. Academic integrity is constituted by the five core fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility (see and by the quality of courage. These values and qualities are central to the building, nurturing and sustaining of an academic community in which all members of the community will thrive. Adherence to the values expressed through academic integrity forms a foundation for the "freedom of inquiry and exchange of ideas" essential to the intellectual life of the University.

The following statements from “The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity” (2nd edition), developed by the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI), contextualize these values and qualities:

  1. Honesty: Academic communities of integrity advance the quest for truth and knowledge through intellectual and personal honesty in learning, teaching, research, and service.
  2. Trust: Academic communities of integrity both foster and rely upon climates of mutual trust. Climates of trust encourage and support the free exchange of ideas which in turn allows scholarly inquiry to reach its fullest potential.
  3. Fairness: Academic communities of integrity establish clear and transparent expectations, standards, and practices to support fairness in the interactions of students, faculty, and administrators.
  4. Respect: Academic communities of integrity value the interactive, cooperative, participatory nature of learning. They honor, value, and consider diverse opinions and ideas.
  5. Responsibility: Academic communities of integrity rest upon foundations of personal accountability coupled with the willingness of individuals and groups to lead by example, uphold mutually agreed- upon standards, and take action when they encounter wrongdoing.
  6. Courage: To develop and sustain communities of integrity, it takes more than simply believing in the fundamental values. Translating the values from talking points into action -- standing up for them in the face of pressure and adversity — requires determination, commitment, and courage.

Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with and adhering to the regulations concerning academic integrity. General information on academic integrity is available at Academic Integrity @ Queen's University, along with School specific information below.

Departures from Academic Integrity

A departure from academic integrity includes any deliberate attempt to gain unfair advantage academically for oneself or others. All forms of departure from academic integrity are considered serious offences within the University community. The following defines the domain of relevant acts without providing an exhaustive list:


Allowing it to be thought that another's ideas or phrasings are one's own by failing to provide proper acknowledgement. Some examples are:

  • Copying and pasting from the internet
  • Copying a printed source or other resource without proper acknowledgement
  • Copying from another student in the same or different year of the Program or another Program
  • Copying from another’s test paper
  • Using direct quotations or large sections of paraphrased material in an assignment without appropriate acknowledgement
  • Buying term papers or other assignments and submitting them as one's own
  • Submitting the same piece of work in more than one course without the permission of the instructors
  • Obtaining a copy of, or information about, a test or exam from an earlier section of the course and writing the test or exam later in the day or subsequent days.

Use of Unauthorized Materials

  • Possessing or using unauthorized study materials or aids during a test
  • Copying from another's test paper
  • Using an unauthorized calculator or other aids during a test
  • Unauthorized removal of materials from the library, or deliberate concealment of library materials
  • Obtaining materials such as answer keys and using them to obtain an unfair advantage.


  • Enabling another's breach of academic integrity
  • Making information available to another student, such as knowingly allowing one's essay or assignment to be copied by someone else, giving a copy of a test or exam to a student writing the same test or exam later in the day or subsequent days
  • Selling or distributing term papers or other assignments
  • Knowingly assisting another person to conceal their departure from academic integrity.

Unauthorized Collaboration

  • Working with others, without the specific permission of the instructor, on assignments that will be submitted for a grade
  • This applies to in-class or take-home tests, papers, or homework assignments. Students may not collaborate without the instructor’s authorization.


  • Utilizing counterfeit documents or statements (e.g. creating or altering a transcript, medical note or other official documents).


  • Misrepresentation of one's self, one's work or one's relation to the University
  • Altering transcripts or other official documents relating to student records
  • Impersonating someone in an examination or test
  • Submitting a take-home examination written, in whole or in part, by someone else
  • Fabricating or falsifying research data or source material (whether by commission or by omission)
  • Allowing someone else to do research work without the knowledge and approval of the instructor
  • Failing to appropriately recognize contributions of others
  • Attributing authorship of work to persons other than those who have contributed to the work in a meaningful way.

Process for Investigating Suspected Departures from Academic Integrity

The Smith School of Business Policy on Academic Integrity sets out complete procedures and processes for handling suspected departures from academic integrity. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the policy. Normally, where a course professor has a concern about a possible departure from academic integrity, the professor will notify the student and investigate in accordance with Smith policy. The student will have an opportunity to respond and their response will be considered part of the evidence in the case.

In complex cases the professor may refer the case to the Smith School of Business Academic Integrity Panel for investigation. In this situation, the Academic Integrity Panel will notify the student of the potential departure and investigate in accordance with Smith policy.

In cases of a subsequent departure from academic integrity (that is, where there is a previous departure on record for the student), the professor will make a finding but refer the case to the Academic Integrity Panel for the determination of a sanction.

Sanctions for Departures from Academic Integrity

Following the investigation of the suspected departure from Academic Integrity, the professor/Academic Integrity Panel will either: i) make a finding of a departure from academic integrity and impose a sanction (or refer the matter to the AI Panel for sanction); or ii) determine there was no departure and destroy all evidence of the notice and investigation.

Any student who is found to have committed a violation of academic integrity may face a range of sanctions, including but not limited to: receiving a warning, a grade of zero on the assignment, a failure in the course, a recommendation to Queen's Senate that the student be required to withdraw from the University for a period of time, or that a degree be rescinded.

Records of findings of departures from AI are kept in the Dean’s Office and in the Program Office. Students who are found to have subsequent violations of academic integrity will normally face progressively more serious sanctions.

Illness and Extenuating Circumstances Policies 


A student who claims illness as a reason for missing academic obligations is responsible for informing the professor and the Program Director and may be required to provide evidence of illness. In keeping with University Policy on Academic Consideration for Students in Extenuating Circumstances, a student suffering from a short-term illness should submit the appropriate form outlining their needs.

A notification of absence from an examination must be accompanied by documentation as follows:

  • in cases of illness when a student is under the care of a physician, the student should provide a note from the physician. Retroactive doctors’ notes (i.e. notes dated from physicians after the illness) are not acceptable.
  • If a student is ill, but not under the care of a physician prior to and during an exam, they can provide the appropriate form(s) outlining their situation.

As a matter of academic integrity, a student is responsible for making an honest declaration concerning the nature of their illness and its impact on their academic obligations. False declarations may be investigated under the Smith Academic Integrity Policy.

Extenuating Circumstances

The Program adheres to Queen’s Policy on Academic Consideration for Students in Extenuating Circumstances and the principle of a good faith response to requests for consideration.

Extenuating circumstances means a personal circumstance beyond the student’s control that has a direct and substantial impact on the student’s ability to meet essential academic requirements or expectations. Extenuating circumstances include but are not limited to a sudden or acute physical or mental illness, serious injury to self or significant others, bereavement, a traumatic event, or other serious personal/family crisis. Extenuating circumstances may also include officially representing the university at a sanctioned event or through an invitation to participate in an event as a distinguished guest (e.g. national tournament, Olympics).

A student who is unable to satisfy the requirements of a course or the Program due to extenuating circumstances must notify the Program Director in writing as soon as possible. Students should submit the appropriate form(s).

If the student is requesting an alternate means of satisfying the Program requirements, a formal written request should be submitted to the Program Director. The request should include an explanation of the connection between the effects of the extenuating circumstances and the student’s academic performance, as well as the remedy being proposed.

The Program Director will respond to the student’s request for consideration promptly. The Program is committed to responding to students in a fair and consistent manner, taking into account the specific individual circumstances. The Program is also committed to upholding academic standards and ensuring that essential academic requirements are met.

Official Documentation

Official documentation, including notes from health care professionals, need not outline the specific details of the student’s condition, but must clearly indicate ways in which the circumstances directly affect the student’s performance, and verify that these effects were substantial enough to cause the academic disruption. Information about the start, duration and present state of the condition or circumstances, as well as a clear statement on whether the condition or circumstances have either improved or are being managed so that they will not have a significant detrimental effect on future academic performance, are essential.

Documents submitted may be verified by the Program administration. False statements or documents may be investigated in accordance with the Smith Policy on Academic Integrity.

Unresolved Circumstances

The appeals process does not compensate for circumstances that the student is unable to resolve, or for which the student is unwilling to actively seek accommodation. In addition, the appeals process does not compensate for circumstances that are actively being accommodated, for example where a student’s permanent disabilities are being accommodated through Queen’s Student Accessibility Services Office.

Multiple appeals citing the same circumstances will be reviewed very closely. This review may include, with the permission of the student, consultation with the appropriate professionals involved to obtain more detailed information. In order for such an appeal to succeed, there must be convincing evidence that the circumstances that affected the student’s academic performance will be resolved within a reasonable timeline, or will be appropriately managed on an ongoing basis.


In accordance with Queen’s University Language Policy, examinations and assignments are to be submitted in English, except where a Faculty Board has approved an alternative practice or where a special agreement has been entered into between the Program and a student.

Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy

All members of the Queen’s community are bound by the Queen’s policy on the Acceptable Use of Information Technology (IT) Resources. The policy states:

The use of Queen's University information technology (IT) resources must be consistent with the academic mission of the University. These IT resources are provided to support the teaching, learning, research and administrative activities of the Queen's community. As a member or guest of the Queen's community, you may have access to valuable internal and external networks and resources, and Sensitive Information, and you are expected to use these resources in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner. Your actions should not adversely affect the ability of others to use these resources, or compromise the security and privacy of sensitive information.

Submission of Electronic Assignments

Students may be required to submit assignments electronically. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all electronic submissions are corruption-free.
Any assignment that is detected to be carrying a corrupt file will be immediately destroyed, and the student must re-submit the assignment corruption-free. If the assignment is not re-submitted before the assignment deadline it will be marked “late.”


Access to Examinations

The term final examination paper refers to the final examination question paper in a course together with the graded answer paper written by the student. These documents, in accordance with the Senate Policy on Student Access to Final Examination Papers, must be retained by the professor or the School for a period of 12 months.

Informal Access

Professors may informally review the final examination paper with a student who requests it and are encouraged to do so. However, access may not be granted before the final marks are released.

Formal Access

A student may obtain access to their final exam as part of an appeal process. This may be supervised access to, or a copy of, the final examination paper. The student should contact the Program administration to arrange for formal access to their final exam.

Changes to Examination Times

Requests for changes to an individual examination time must be made to the Program Director as soon as the student is aware of a conflict. Normally, such requests will only be granted if extenuating circumstances (beyond the student’s control) will prevent the student from writing the exam at the scheduled time.

The exam dates for the courses with exams will be posted well in advance of the date of the exam. The policies regarding exam locations and change of dates are set out below.

  1. At least one month in advance of the first exam date, students will receive a survey from the Program administration through an online survey setting out the upcoming exam locations. Each student must choose their site preference no later than two weeks in advance of the first scheduled exam date, and this will become the default location for all subsequent exams.
  2. Changes to the preferred exam location can be made up to two weeks prior to any subsequent exam by sending a request in writing to both the Program Manager and the Administrative Coordinator, Assignments and Exams at Queen’s. Students should understand that changes requested within two weeks of the exam may not be permitted.
  3. All requests for changes to exam dates must meet the following criteria:
    1. A written request for the change of date must be received by the Program Manager at Queen’s at least two weeks in advance of the exam; the request must clearly state the reason for the change.
    2. All requests must be approved by the Program administration in consultation with the course professor; this process may require supporting documentation.
    3. The student requesting the change of exam date must secure their own proctor and secure their own exam location and pay all associated costs. The student will be provided with a list of persons who qualify to be proctors for exams conducted by Queen’s.
    4. In extenuating circumstances, changes to exam dates may be considered if the criteria set out in 1 and 2 above are not met.

Queen's University Student Code of Conduct

Queen’s University is dedicated to learning, intellectual inquiry, the dissemination and advancement of knowledge, personal and professional development, and good citizenship. All students are required to read and adhere to Queen’s University Student Code of Conduct (PDF 1.43 MB).

Students are expected to adhere to and promote the University’s core values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and personal responsibility in all aspects of University life, academic and non-academic. These core values are intended to inform and guide student conduct as they foster mutual respect for the dignity, property, rights and well-being of others.

As a member of the Queen’s community, every student accepts the University’s policies, rules and procedures and acknowledges the right of the University to set standards of conduct, as well as the right of the University and/or its Authorized Agent(s) to impose sanctions for conduct found to have violated those standards.

Professionalism and Facilities Etiquette

All study and work spaces provided by Smith School of Business should be treated with respect and care. All students are expected to properly reserve space, use the facilities for the purposes for which they are intended, and to leave spaces clean, tidy, in the proper furniture configuration and with the room supplies.