Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Admission Regulations

Admission Requirements

The admission requirements stated in sections 1 through 5 pertain to direct entry into the Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc) program. The outlined requirements are minimum requirements. Preference will be given to applicants with the best overall qualifications. The actual standing required for admission may be higher than the minimum levels stated. Sections 6 through 7 pertain to admission into the online Bachelor of Health Sciences Program via the Interest Progression Route.

Students interested in studying in the on-campus BHSc program (Kingston Campus or Bader College) would normally apply through the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC). Students interested in studying in the online BHSc program may apply through OUAC or through Queen’s Admission Portal. Non-degree students must apply through Queen’s Admission Portal.

Academic Requirements

Applicants must meet the academic requirements under one of the following categories:

1 Admission from Ontario secondary schools

Applicants from the Ontario Secondary School system must complete the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and a minimum of four Grade 12 U courses (including ENG4U*, SBI4U, SCH4U, and one of MHF4U or MCV4U) and two additional 4U or 4M courses.

* Minimum grade of 80% in ENG4U.

2 Admission from non-Ontario secondary schools

2.1 Admission from Other Canadian Provinces and Territories

Applicants from Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Yukon, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut must complete university preparatory courses in Grade 12 Biology, Chemistry, English*, and Mathematics in addition to meeting the minimum requirements for their province, and must complete their Provincial High School Diploma. Quebec applicants must have a minimum of one academic year in CEGEP beyond the Secondary V diploma. Prerequisite courses in Biology, Chemistry, English*, and Mathematics must be at the CEGEP level. Applicants are encouraged to visit for region-specific admission requirements.

* Minimum grade of 80% in Grade 12(or equivalent) English.

2.2 Admission from American school systems

Applicants who will be graduating from a university preparatory program will be considered for admission. Applicants may be required to provide either SAT I results (a minimum combined score of 1200 with no less than 580 in Evidence Based Reading and Writing and 520 in Mathematics) or ACT results (a minimum score of 26 is required) regardless of citizenship, and a profile of their high school. Applicants must have two terms of Grade 12 (Senior Year) English, four full-year courses in Mathematics, and one (preferably two) full-year courses in each of Biology and Chemistry. Prerequisite courses must be completed in the Junior or Senior year.

2.3 Admission from other educational systems

Specific admission requirements may be viewed on the Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment website at

3 Admission from the International Baccalaureate (IB) System

Applicants completing the IB Diploma with passes in six subjects with three at the Higher Level (HL), no mark lower than 4 in pre-requisite subjects (i.e. English*, biology, chemistry and mathematics), and who accumulate a minimum grade total of 28 (not including diploma points) are eligible for admission consideration to first year. A maximum of 18.0 credit units may be granted for HL courses completed with a score of 5 or greater.

* Minimum score of 5 in English.

4 Admission for University students

Queen's students who are wanting to transfer from another degree program, or current students at another university, may be eligible to apply for the Bachelor of Health Sciences online or on-campus program.

In order to be eligible for consideration, all applicants must present completed senior high school courses or university courses in Math, English,* Biology, and Chemistry.

* Minimum grade of 80% in English.

Applicants who have completed 24.0 units or more at Queen’s or another university are considered Upper Year Transfer applicants and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7/4.3 (B-) for all university courses taken.

Applicants who have attended Queen’s or another university and have completed less than 24.0 units must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7/4.3 (B-), as well as a minimum high school average of 75% based on the above requirements for high school applicants.

Applicants who have successfully progressed from non-degree interest studies into the Bachelor of Health Sciences degree program at Queen’s University are considered Upper Year Transfer applicants and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7/4.3 (B-) for all university courses taken.

Applicants who have attained a university degree from Queen’s or another university may be eligible to be considered for admission to the online Bachelor of Health Sciences program as a second degree student. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7/4.3 (B-), which will be calculated from the most recent 48.0 Queen’s equivalent units taken. The Faculty only accepts candidates into second degree combinations that are academically viable, such that there is minimal overlap in course content between the two programs. Applicants should contact the Bachelor of Health Sciences office to determine viability.

5 Admission for College students

Applicants must present completed senior high school courses or university courses in Math, English* Biology, and Chemistry.

* Minimum grade of 80% in English.

Applicants who have completed a College Certificate or have completed 1 year of a 2 or 3-year program are not eligible for admission consideration unless articulation agreements with their specific program and the Bachelor of Health Sciences program are in place, or they have completed the high school requirements mentioned above.

Applicants who have completed a 2-year diploma (or 2 years of a 3-year diploma), a 3-year diploma (or 3 years of a 4-year degree) or a 4-year degree are eligible for the online Bachelor of Health Sciences program only, at this time. They must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7/4.3 (B-) In addition to a minimum high school average of 75% based on the requirements mentioned above.

6 Admission via The Interest Progression Route

The admission route outlined in this section only pertains to the online Bachelor of Health Sciences program. Individuals lacking the minimum admission requirements stated above may still be eligible to earn the Bachelor of Health Sciences degree online by progressing into the degree program after a trial period as an interest student. Applicants to the category of “non-degree interest student” are not expected to have the aforementioned requirements for admission into the program and are not required to submit transcripts from previous education*. Progression into the degree program based on the routes described in sections 6.1 and 6.2 are all handled within the Bachelor of Health Sciences program office. Applicants interested in progression to the degree program must first apply to “non-degree interest” through the Queen’s Admission Portal.

* if an applicant determines they do not have the program requirements but does have a previous degree, second degree restrictions still apply.

6.1 Accelerated Interest Progression Route
6.1.1 Progression to Full-Time Honours

To be eligible to progress into the Bachelor of Health Sciences degree program as a full-time Honours program student, students are required to take three specific courses over a minimum of two semesters and achieve a cumulative average of 3.0 (B-) (minimum of 2.3 in any one course, excluding repeats) in those three courses. These three courses are:

  1. PHGY 170 (Human Cell Physiology)
  2. One of ANAT 100 (Anatomy of the Human Body) or PHAR 100 (Introductory Pharmacology)
  3. One of IDIS 173 (History and Philosophy of Health and Healthcare) or GLPH 171 (Social and Physical Determinants of Health and Disease)

To be eligible to progress into full-time status, non-degree interest students are limited must take two courses per semester. Normally, it would take a student two semesters to be eligible to progress into the full-time degree program.

6.1.2 Progression to Part-time General

To be eligible to progress into the Bachelor of Health Sciences degree program as a part-time General program student, students are required to take the aforementioned course requirements and achieve a cumulative average of 2.3 (minimum of 1.7 in any one course) in these three courses. Repeats are permissible.

6.2 Long Interest Progression Route

An alternate progression route into the Bachelor of Health Sciences Honours online program is available to students who do not achieve the requirements of the Accelerated Progression Route. In this route, non-degree interest students are required to take 36.0 units (12 courses), of which 24.0 units (8 courses) must be courses within the Bachelor of Health Sciences curriculum that are offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences. Students must attain a cumulative GPA of 2.7 in these courses in order to be eligible to progress into the degree program.

7 Admission For An Individual Course

Admission routes outlined in this section only pertain to online Bachelor of Health Sciences courses. Applicants wanting to take one (or more) courses offered by the Bachelor of Health Sciences program, but are uninterested in attaining a degree, can do so as either a non-degree interest student or as a non-degree continuing student. Applicants for any category listed in this regulation should apply through Queen’s Admission Portal.

7.1 Non-Degree Interest Student

Applicants should apply to the “Non-degree interest student” category if they are interested in taking up to 6.0 units (2 courses) per term and are unable to submit transcripts from previous education or do not meet the basis of admission as described in sections 1 through 5.

7.2 Non-Degree Continuing Student

Applicants should apply to the “Non-degree continuing student” category if they are interested in taking a full-time course load as a non-degree student. Transcript submission is required. As a non-degree continuing student, the student would not be eligible to receive the Bachelor of Health Sciences degree.

7.3 Visiting Students from Other Institutions

Visiting students from other post-secondary institutions may apply for non-degree studies with the Bachelor of Health Sciences program using a Letter of Permission. Visiting students are able to access either online or on-campus courses, pending space.

7.4 Post-Degree Students from Queen's University

Students who have completed an undergraduate degree from any Faculty or School at Queen’s University, including students registered in the School of Graduate Studies or Professional schools at Queen’s University, may complete undergraduate courses for upgrading or general interest in the by contacting the Bachelor of Health Sciences Program Office to register for courses.

No application through Undergraduate Admission is required.

Students registered in the School of Graduate Studies or Professional Schools at Queen’s University who do not hold an undergraduate degree from Queen’s must apply for admission through the Queen’s Admission Portal to register as post-degree students.

All post-degree students are subject to the limitations on access to online and on-campus courses outlined in Academic Regulation 1.1.3.

8 Application for Upper-Year Study to Bader College

Students in the on-campus or online Bachelor of Health Sciences program may participate in in-person Upper-Year Program at Bader College (formerly the BISC) by applying through Undergraduate Admission. Students must be entering their 3rd year of study at the start of the Bader College term, and have a minimum cGPA of 2.6. Priority will be given to students who have completed all necessary prerequisite courses for 3rd year BHSc core courses.