Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Legal Services Management (LSM)

LSM 810  Financial Literacy for Lawyers  Units: 3.00  
This course is designed to introduce students to concepts of financial literacy in order to support them in their interactions with business clients and practice management. It focuses on basic financial accounting techniques, construction and understanding of financial statements, financial statement analysis tools, valuation of assets, tax implications of different legal services delivery mechanisms, and financial accounting and management issues as they relate to professional services firms.
Requirements: LSM810 Exclusion  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Law  
LSM 820  Business Fundamentals  Units: 3.00  
The focus of this course is understanding the basic core functions of the business of a legal practice. The course will cover topics such as strategy, marketing, sales, operations, and business development. Course content includes a mix of theory and application through the use of cases.
Requirements: GDLSM students only  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Law  
LSM 830  Shaping the Future of Legal Practice  Units: 3.00  
This course explores the economic, political, technological, and demographic forces that are disrupting the traditional modes of delivery of legal services. In the context of these disruptive forces, the course will examine the theory and practice of entrepreneurship and innovation in the context of a professional services firm. Finally, the course will explore how the legal profession can take advantage of changes in the delivery of legal services to improve access to justice for all.
Requirements: LAW850 Exclusion  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Law  
LSM 840  Working with Teams and Managing People  Units: 3.00  
The focus of this course is managing human resources in a legal professional environment. Lawyers need to manage not only staff, but also other lawyers, professional advisors like accountants, and clients. The course will provide students with the foundational knowledge and tools to lead, engage, and manage employees and professional performance. Students will learn through case studies and simulations how to build and manage effective teams. Students will explore best practices to manage change within an organization and respond to internal and external challenges. The course will be highly interactive, in that students will have to work with each other and with the instructor to apply theory towards real world challenges faced by legal practices.
Requirements: GDLSM students only  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Law  
LSM 850  Project Management for Lawyers  Units: 3.00  
Project management is a framework that allows lawyers to provide more reliable fee estimates, better matter management and improved matter profitability. In a highly competitive, fixed-fee environment that is becoming the `new normal¿, legal project management can be a law firm¿s lifeline. This course will introduce students to the principles and practice of project management, including the implementation of alternative fee arrangements. The course will examine best practices used by firms around the world. Particular attention will be given to involving clients in legal project management systems while still meeting lawyers¿ professional obligations. The course will, for those who are interested, lead to Professional Management Institute (PMI) certification. Students completing the course will be able to qualify for the first level of the Project Management Professional (PMP) designation. To become fully certified as a PMP, graduates will have to complete a certain number of hours of actual project management work, as set out by the PMI.
Requirements: GDLSM students only  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Law