Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Nursing - Master of Nursing Science

The Program

The M.N.Sc. is a two-year program that focuses on nursing research.   The program is built on a foundation of nursing theory and clinical expertise. Nursing research is operationally defined as the scientific investigation of health, health promotion, illness and care-related questions and hypotheses of interest to nursing. It includes the identification of factors influencing nursing care decisions and testing the effectiveness of nursing interventions on patient outcomes. The graduate of this research-intensive master's program will have:

  1. the theoretical knowledge and skills to conduct small nursing research projects and participate on research teams;
  2. an area of expertise as well as the knowledge and skill to introduce and use their own and published research findings; and,
  3. critical appraisal skills needed for developing the scientific basis for nursing practice.

There are two fields of study offered: chronic health conditions, and transitions in health and illness. The program provides course work in research methods and skills, nursing theories and the conceptualization of nursing research. Theoretical and empirical analysis and conclusions on special topics of critical concern to the student's clinical field are integral to course and thesis work.

Thesis-based option (Pattern I)
The M.N.Sc. (Pattern I) requires 5 half courses plus, a thesis. Typically, required course work is completed in year one with classes held on 2 consecutive weekdays. Thesis work begins in year one and is the primary focus of year two. This is a unique approach, as other nursing graduate programs focus on advanced clinical practice or a combination of advanced practice and research. 

Course-based option (Pattern Ill)
Students in the M.N.Sc. (Pattern Ill) program take the same 4 foundation courses as the thesis-based students, plus a two-term project course (NURS 897), and 3 elective courses. The three (3.0 credit) electives may be chosen from a list of existing courses within the School of Nursing, the School of Rehabilitation Therapy, and the Department of Public Health Sciences. If a student selects a 1.5 credit course, they must then take an additional 1.5 credit course.

Research (Required)

  • NURS 899 Master's Thesis Research; OR 
  • NURS 897 Advanced Nursing Practice Project (Pattern Ill)

The M.N.Sc. requires 5 half courses (3.0 credit units) plus, a thesis. The course work is as follows:

Foundation Courses (Required)

  • NURS 800 Intermediate Statistics and Analysis
  • NURS 802 Qualitative Methodology & Methods
  • NURS 803 Intermediate Quantitative Research Design
  • NURS 811 Theoretical Bases of Nursing Research

Special Topics (One of these half courses is required for thesis students; course-based students may take these to fulfill their elective requirements. Some years only one of these courses may be offered.)

  • NURS 805 Nursing, Health Services & Public Policy in Canada
  • NURS 822 Nursing Research in Women's & Children's Health Issues
  • NURS 832 Nursing Research for Complex Chronic Health Conditions
  • NURS 833 Nursing Research for Persons at Risk for Mental Health Conditions
  • NURS 862 Health Care Management Systems

Optional Electives

  • NURS 801 Topics in Nursing Research
  • NURS 892 Independent Study
  • Graduate level courses in RHBS, AGHE, EPID

All NURS courses listed are 3.0 credit unit courses except for NURS 897 and NURS 899, which are 6.0 credit units.

Students whose research is closely linked to other disciplines, such as basic, behavioural, or social sciences, may be advised or may wish to complement core nursing courses with courses in the relevant discipline.
In the Graduate Nursing Programs in the School of Nursing, any student who fails to obtain a minimum grade of B- (B minus) in two primary courses shall be required to withdraw.  For further details please see the School of Nursing’s Graduate Handbook.