Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Management - Doctor of Philosophy

The program of study leading to the Ph.D. in Management provides for a specialization in one major field (Accounting, Analytics, Business Economics, Finance, International Business, Management Information Systems,  Marketing, Organizational Behaviour and Strategy). Together with  courses in research methods, quantitative analysis and teaching, the program provides knowledge of the necessary theory and research methods to enable students to engage in high quality research and teaching. Emphasis is placed on research, initially in the form of a first-year research paper, conference presentations and submission of manuscripts to journals, and ultimately in the completion of the doctoral thesis.

Course Requirements

Students must complete the required coursework as outlined by each area group on the Smith School of Business, PhD Program website.

Course selection offerings are at the discretion of the department and may change due to faculty availability.

Comprehensive Examination

A comprehensive examination must be taken in the student's selected area. This examination may include a written and an oral component. Normally students are required to take this exam after course work completion in the 2nd year of studies. For complete information consult the department.


The major research requirement in the program is the thesis. Students are encouraged to make an early start in developing their research interests and skills, and the program is designed to support this. Completion of a research project in the first summer in residence is an important ingredient in the evaluation of each student's performance. This research paper may form the basis of the thesis proposal. Students are also strongly encouraged to engage in additional research projects, and attendance at major conferences is encouraged and supported.

Thesis Proposal

All students are required to submit and present a thesis proposal. An acceptable proposal should demonstrate that the candidate has developed a research plan that leads to an acceptable thesis, that the candidate has a clear understanding of the problem addressed, the relevant literature and the research methodology. The intent of the proposal is to give constructive comments to the candidate and should not be construed as a contract which guarantees acceptance of the completed thesis.


The dissertation research must be original and contribute to knowledge in the field. The defense of the dissertation will be an oral examination conducted according to the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies.


All students complete a teaching course (MGMT-993) comprised of a series of teaching workshops and practicum. An exemption may be granted based on prior coursework or teaching experience.

Program Timing

The Ph.D. program begins each year in September and normally requires four to five years of full-time study. In addition to regular course work, first year students become involved in research through a research project where they work closely with a faculty advisor to develop research skills. In the second year, students will complete course requirements and take a comprehensive examination during that year. In the third and fourth years, they will develop and defend a thesis proposal, and then complete and defend the dissertation. Each spring, all students meet with the Associate Dean to discuss program planning and submit an Annual Student Progress Report.

The program is designed so that the course work and comprehensive examination should be completed in the first two years of study. This enables the student to devote two full years to their research thesis, with the expectation that the program requirements can then be completed in a four to five year period.