Academic Calendar 2024-2025

History - Master of Arts

Master of Arts

The department offers alternative options for the master's degree. Both provide excellent preparation for PhD study in History:

M.A. Pattern I

All incoming full-time students enrolled in the MA degree programme must in their first year of study take six term-length graduate courses (or the equivalent in term-length courses) plus a Master's  Thesis [HIST-899]. A mandatory workshop-based research methods and professionalization course will be taken by all MA students in the winter term. The Master's thesis will be subject to an oral examination under the general regulations of the School of Graduate Studies (See Sections Thesis and Research in this calendar).

The Pattern I M.A. can be completed in twelve months but may take longer. It should be completed within 16-20 months from initial registration. Candidates must have Graduate Committee approval to be enrolled in Pattern I.

M.A. Pattern II

All incoming full-time students enrolled in the MA degree programme must in their first year of study take six term-length graduate courses (or the equivalent in term-length courses) plus a Master's  Essay [HIST-898], also known as the Master's cognate essay. A mandatory workshop-based research methods and professionalization course will be taken by all MA students in the winter term. The Master's cognate essay will not be subject to an oral defence but will be read by one other member of the department for approval in addition to the essay supervisor.

The Pattern II M.A. is designed to be completed within twelve months.

In either option, the student must choose the courses in consultation with the instructors and the chair of graduate studies. One of the courses should be closely related to the subject of the student's thesis or essay. Students may take a maximum of one third of their courses as combined MA and upper year undergraduate seminars in History.

One session-length (6.0 credit units) or two term-length (3.0 credit units) courses may be taken in another department or at RMC. One of the courses must be closely related to the subject of the student's thesis/cognate essay. The three courses are not to be taken in the same field. Change from MA Pattern II to MA Pattern I requires approval of the MA supervisor, the Graduate Chair and the Graduate Committee.

Please consult the graduate page of the Department of History website for further information about the MA program.