Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Health Quality - Master of Science

Program of Study

The objective of the M.Sc.(H.Q.) is to prepare individuals who are skilled and capable of linking theoretical foundations of quality, risk and safety with practical applications in healthcare settings, and to assume leadership roles to promote excellence. These skills will be achieved through course work; networking with fellow students, national and international faculty; and a program project.

The specific program objectives are to prepare graduates who will:

  1. Promote, innovate and disseminate, in theory and methods, the discipline of Quality, Risk and Safety in Healthcare.
  2. Engage in research that will enhance quality improvement, risk reduction and promote safety within the healthcare system.
  3. Systematically examine, evaluate and measure and apply current tools and approaches for system improvements.
  4. Assume leadership roles in their organizations to ensure the patient safety mandate is fulfilled.
  5. Practice health care safely in the 21st century with the competencies outlined by Healthcare Excellence Canada (formerly the Canadian Patient Safety Institute ) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
  6. Practice in an interdisciplinary environment understanding perspectives of other disciplines and incorporating patient perspectives on quality and safety, and have the capacity to move beyond their immediate local environment to inspire change at the policy level.

The Program

Foundation Courses (Required)
HQRS 840Introduction to Quality, Risk and Safety3.00
HQRS 841Precoess Improvement in Health Care3.00
HQRS 842Research and Evaluation Methods to Assess Quality, Risk and Safety3.00
HQRS 844Law, Risk and Healthcare3.00
HQRS 845Organizational Behaviour in Healthcare3.00
HQRS 846Human Factors in Healthcare3.00
HQRS 847International Perspectives on Policy, Economics, and Quality Healthcare3.00
Research (Required)
HQRS 898Project in Healthcare Quality3.00
Total Units24.00

Applicants will be helped to develop their HQRS 898 Project in Healthcare Quality project and ensure they have the most appropriate course instructor as a supervisor. The Course Professor may also assist in finding mentors from practice settings to help promote a network for graduates on completion of the program.