Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Global Development Studies - Master of Arts

The MA program has been designed with two streams: a course-based Master's degree and a research-based Master's degree. All students are initially accepted into the one-year course-based stream. Interested and qualified students may then apply to switch to the research option with up to an additional full year to complete.

The course-based stream focuses on the development of conceptual thinking and analytical skills.  This stream does not demand primary research; instead students will complete a supervised major research project (MRP) of 50-60 pages based on secondary research (DEVS 898). For this MRP, students design and answer an interdisciplinary question directly relevant to Global Development Studies. Six half courses (18.0 units), which must include DEVS 801, DEVS 802, DEVS 803,and DEVS 850 are required under the course-based stream.

The research-based stream will follow the traditional sequence of graduate training with advanced courses and the undertaking of extensive research. Six half courses (18 units), which must include DEVS 801, DEVS 802, DEVS 803 and DEVS 850, are required under this option. The research will result in the submission of a written thesis (DEVS 899) of between 75-100 pages that demonstrates the student's ability to produce original work, often but not always involving primary fieldwork. This option requires an application with a well-developed proposal, the support of a supervisor, discussion of funding options, and a minimum GPA of 3.7 to be approved by the Graduate Chair. The deadline for application to the research-based MA stream is May 15. 

For both streams, students may select up to two courses from related departments and programs. Refer to the Global Development Studies website for details on suggested courses. Students also have the option to undertake as one of their required courses a reading course DEVS 890 Directed Readings in Development Studies, which allows in-depth study of a specific topic.

The overall objective of the Master's program is to offer students a well-rounded perspective of development debates, with a focus on foundational theoretical and methodological concepts. Our vision values a combination of intellectual engagement and practical skills, imagining and working toward a more equitable world.