Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering - Master of Science

The general requirements for the Master's degrees are as noted below.

Pattern I

The candidate must complete two session-length or four term-length graduate courses. Selection of courses is subject to departmental approval. The student must obtain satisfactory standing in the courses. The student must prepare a satisfactory thesis and successfully defend it.

"To conform with Ontario Council on Graduate Studies guidelines, students enrolled in a Pattern I M.Sc. Program are advised that only one of their four primary courses can contain more than 50% undergraduate students. Exceptions must be approved by the Supervisor(s) and the departmental Coordinator of Graduate Studies."

Patterns II & III: The Master of Science in Applied Geology

This is a one-year, non-research program leading to enhanced knowledge in Mineral Exploration/Resource Geology (Stream A) or Geological Engineering (Stream B). The program normally commences in September and can be completed by the end of April or August of the following year depending on the project. In addition to the normal academic qualifications required for entry to a Master's program, the Applied Geology program requires that candidates should have previous geological/geoengineering experience in industry or with government agencies.

The M.Sc. in Applied Geology degree is based either on a project/course-work program (Pattern II) or a course- work program (Pattern III). Under the project/course-work pattern II program, a student is required to complete six primary term length course credits. The project course is in addition to these six courses and is taken under the code GEOL-898. At least four primary courses must be taken in the Department of Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering. The project culminates in a written report.

The requirements for the course-work pattern III program are eight term length course credits and at least four courses must be in the Department of Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering.

Selection of courses in both the Pattern I and II programs is subject to Supervisor and Graduate Coordinator approval. Students must obtain a satisfactory standing in all courses in both pattern programs.