Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Economics - Doctor of Philosophy

The doctoral program comprises course work, including preparation in economic theory and areas of specialization, comprehensive examinations in micro- and macro-theory, and a doctoral thesis. Students with an honours bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) and a master’s degree, both in economics or related disciplines, usually take at least four (4) years to complete the program. 

The minimum course requirements consist of eleven (11) graduate half-courses (3.0 credit unit course). Students must complete four (4) graduate courses in economic theory (ECON 811, ECON 813, ECON 816, and ECON 817); three (3) 900-level courses with an ECON course code prefix; and two (2) additional 800-level or 900-level courses in economics or related disciplines. Students must take a minimum of three (3) half-courses in their first term and three (3) half-courses in their second term of the program. 
A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher must be maintained in all courses taken towards the Ph.D. degree. This average will be computed on each anniversary of first registration. Students must also satisfy the department that they have an adequate preparation in calculus and linear algebra. 

There is no foreign language requirement. 

Comprehensive Examinations

All eligible Economics Ph.D. students are required to take both the Microeconomics and Macroeconomics comprehensive examinations no later than September of their second year in the program. All eligible Economics Ph.D. students are required to pass both the Microeconomics and the Macroeconomics comprehensive examinations by the end of June of their second year in the program. The comprehensive examinations are normally offered twice each year: once in May or early June and once in late August or early September. 

All eligible Economics Ph.D. students are also required to submit a research paper that demonstrates readiness to carry out research on a topic on the scale of a Ph.D. level dissertation. This paper must be submitted by end of November of their third year in the program, and all eligible Economics Ph.D. students are required to obtain a Pass on the research paper by end of March of their third year in the program.