Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Earth and Energy Resources - Master of Earth and Energy Resources Leadership

Students must successfully complete 30 credit units comprised of 10 courses – 7 core courses of 3 units each and a selection of 3 electives out of 4 offered, at 3 units each. For most of the courses, the delivery will be a combination of multiple asynchronous lectures and online tutorials, and several synchronous webinars to summarize the learning outcomes, conduct class discussions, review key concepts, kick-off case studies, and have group presentations.

The courses EERL 801, EERL 802, EERL 803, and EERL 805 are offered during the 1st and 2nd terms.   EERL 804, EERL 809 and EERL 810 are offered during the 3rd term and EERL 806, EERL 807, EERL 808, and EERL 811 are offered in the 4th and 5th terms.

Degree requirements are to be delivered via a blended learning program, containing both residential and online components. The overall program will be primarily online: residential mix for conventional lecture, applied/experiential learning, case analysis, integrated learning, and project work.

Students will begin the program with an intensive residential session of 5 full days, during which they will be introduced to all the courses and given an overview of specific topics that will be covered in greater depth throughout the remainder of the program. A second residential session will occur in summer term during which students will complete the residential course Economic Essentials (Part II), with Part I being delivered entirely online in the preceding Fall term. The fourth and fifth terms is when electives and an online core course will be completed.  Should the student choose as an elective the Field-based Synthesis course this will require an approximate 8 day face-to-face site visit.