Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Computing - Doctor of Philosophy

Applicants should have completed an M.Sc. in Computing Science or a closely related field at an established university. Candidates will normally enter the program at the beginning of the Fall term.


  1. Breadth: Candidates demonstrate breadth of knowledge by presenting a token in each of ten subjects normally selected from the three areas listed under fields of Study, as well as multidisciplinary courses, with no less than 2 tokens from any of the 3 areas. A token is a graduate course, or examination or a project, or a thesis, all at the Master's level in Computing Science. Although there are no formal course requirements, candidates should expect that some courses may be necessary to satisfy the breadth requirement. 
  2. Comprehensive Examination: Candidates demonstrate depth of knowledge by presenting a research proposal in the area in which they intend to pursue research. The research proposal should normally include a critical survey of the area, description of progress to date and of results sought. The research proposal is defended orally before an examining committee.
  3. Thesis: The research described in the thesis should constitute a significant contribution to knowledge and must be of such quality as to warrant its publication in a recognized journal.