Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Chemical Engineering - Master of Engineering

The requirements for this program are 8 term length courses or a combination of term length and modular courses to equal 8 term length courses. At least 4 term length courses must be taken from the Department of Chemical Engineering and be entered as primary on the registration form. A maximum of 2 term length 400 series undergraduate courses or double number 400/800 level courses or a combination thereof may be taken provided that:
a) the courses are approved by the student's supervisor or graduate coordinator and
b) the student has not received credit for similar courses in their Bachelor's program.


a) 2 term-length 400 series undergraduate courses,
b) one 400 series undergraduate and one double number 400/800 graduate level courses, or
​c) two double number 400/800 graduate level courses are taken,

the remaining courses must be graduate level courses and must not be combined undergraduate/graduate courses (also known as a double numbered 400/800 graduate level courses).

All programs of study must be approved by the department. 

All students must take CHEM 801 Safety in the Laboratory,  a non-credit course in laboratory safety, at the first opportunity after their initial registration. With a graduate program focused on research, the current Departmental policy is to admit qualified applicants to the M.Eng. program with no financial support being offered by the University or the Department.