Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Art History - Master of Arts


Applicants are accepted under the general regulations of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.

Admission to the M.A. program is limited. Applicants are normally recommended for admission by the Faculty Committee on Graduate Studies. This Committee may direct the applicant to take certain secondary courses complementary to the Degree program, if this is deemed advisable in the light of the needs of the individual student. Admission is normally limited to students with a degree in Art History or a related field and a minimum strong upper second class standing in the upper years of their B.A. program.


Reading knowledge of a second language  is recommended but not required at the M.A. level.

Degree Requirements

The requirements are set according to the General Regulations specified in the calendar of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (Master's Degree Program).  Two program options are offered. In either option courses must be chosen in consultation with the Coordinator of Graduate Studies and the instructors concerned;

  • Option A (Pattern I) -- Four term-length courses and a Master's Thesis (ARTH 899 Master's Thesis Research) of 20-25,000 words (9.0 credit units);
  • Option B (Pattern II) -- Six term-length courses and a Major Research Paper  ARTH 898 Research Paper  of 10-12,000 words (3.0 credit units).

The examination procedure for the thesis, including the oral examination, conform to departmental and School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs General Regulations (Thesis).

The Major Research Paper will be read and marked Pass/Fail by two readers in addition to the supervisor.

In both options the Thesis or Major Research Paper topic must be chosen in consultation with the candidate's supervisor, who will be appointed on the advice of the Coordinator of Graduate Studies. After preliminary research, a Thesis proposal or Major Research Paper proposal written according to departmental guidelines, must be approved by the Faculty Committee on Graduate Studies before preparation of the Thesis or Major Research Paper can begin. The outside parameter indicated in Option A would normally only apply to the type of thesis that is accompanied by substantial appendices. The Master's program (both Option A and B) is normally expected to take two years. It can be completed in sixteen months, if work on the thesis topic is begun soon after the student registers.