Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Physical Therapy (PT)

Course credit units are as show in the descriptions. 

PT 811     Professionalism, Collaboration, Leadership and Management I
Weight=3 credit units
This course covers four physiotherapy competency domains: professionalism, collaboration, leadership, and practice management. Learners gain foundational knowledge and competencies related to Canadian health systems, jurisprudence, ethical practice, interprofessional practice, individual practice management, humanism and cultural humility.

PT 812      Professionalism, Collaboration, Leadership and Management II
Weight=3 credit units
This course builds on competencies developed in PT811 related to professionalism, collaboration, leadership, and practice management. Learners further develop competencies for jurisprudence, ethical practice, teamwork, collaborative decision-making, practice management, humanism, cultural humility, and innovation in health services.PRE-REQUISITES: successful completion of PT 811, PT 831, PT 871, or approval from the PT Program.

PT 813       Professionalism, Collaboration, Leadership and Management III
Weight=6 credit units
This course builds on competencies developed in PT 812 related to professionalism, collaboration, leadership, and practice management. Learners prepare for complex scenarios by extending competencies in ethical practice, interprofessional practice, shared leadership, mentorship, quality improvement and assurance, humanism, and cultural humility.
PRE-REQUISITES: PT 812, PT 832, PT 872, PT 882
*This course will be offered 2024-2025

PT 822     Business Practices in Rehabilitation     
Weight= 3 credit units
This course encompasses the areas of public versus private sector business practices, including, but not limited to, finance, accounting, human resources, venues, marketing/advertising, and negotiation. The emphasis will be on the practical application of the material and, normally, the development of a useable business plan. Community practitioners and small business leaders act as Community Advisors and/or assist in the delivery of this course. The intent of this learning opportunity is to facilitate the students’ acquiring the fundamental business skills necessary for career development in any sector of health care.
PREREQUISITES: successful completion of all Year 1 courses in the MScPT Program and PT 883, or approval from the PT Program.
*This course will be discontinued 2024-2025

PT 831 Evidence-Based Practice and Clinical Reasoning I
Weight=6 credit units
Students gain foundational competencies in evidence-based, client-centred clinical assessment and management. These competencies include seeking, appraising, and applying evidence by integrating it with client values and contexts, and clinician experiences using clinical reasoning and effective communication.

PT 832 Evidence-Based Practice and Clinical Reasoning II
Weight=9 credit units
Students build on competencies developed in PT 831 related to evidence-based, client-centred assessment and management. This course involves applying evidence-based practice, clinical reasoning, and communication in complex clinical scenarios, adapting clinical care in response to changes in client presentation.
PRE-REQUISITES: successful completion of PT 811, PT 831, PT 871, or approval from the PT Program.

PT 833 Evidence-Based Practice and Clinical Reasoning III
Weight=6 credit units
Students build on competencies developed in PT 832 related to evidence-based, client-centred assessment and management. This course involves applying evidence-based practice, clinical reasoning, and communication in more complex individual, community, and population health scenarios.
PRE-REQUISITES: PT 812, P T832, P T872, PT 882
*This course will be offered 2024-2025

PT 857     Cardiorespiratory Function II
Weight = 4.5 credit units
Students will gain proficiency in applied exercise physiology and produce safe and effective exercise prescriptions in clinical populations. In addition, students will incorporate their critical thinking, problem solving and clinical skills in the study of complex cardiorespiratory cases related to rehabilitation, acute and critical contexts of care. Topics include physiological monitoring, oxygen delivery and ventilation. Lab component.
PREREQUISITES: successful completion of all Year 1 courses in the MScPT Program, or approval from the PT Program.  
*This course will be discontinued 2024-2025

PT 861     Paediatrics
Weight= 4.5 credit units
Students will gain knowledge of typical and atypical development, and skill in assessment of children and youth with selected developmental, neurological and orthopaedic conditions. Changes in musculoskeletal status, movement coordination, exercise capacity, posture and gait control, and motor learning will be included. Principles of family-centered and interprofessional care will be applied. Students will gain an understanding of the leadership and advocacy roles of physiotherapists within the contexts of paediatric care including end-of-life issues. Lab and Interprofessional components. PREREQUISITES: successful completion of all Year 1 courses in the MScPT Program, or approval from the PT Program.
*This course will be discontinued 2024-2025

PT 863     Gerontology
Weight= 4 credit units
Students will gain knowledge and skill in applying assessment principles related to representative conditions common in older adults. Changes in musculoskeletal status, exercise capacity and neuromotor control with aging are included. Students will gain understanding of the need for advocacy and education in the contexts in which physical therapists work with older clients. Social and cognitive factors that may affect the motor function of older adults are discussed. End of life and palliative care issues are included. Lab component
PREREQUISITES: successful completion of all Year 1 courses in the MScPT Program, or approval from the PT Program.  
*This course will be discontinued 2024-2025

PT 864     Complex Health Conditions     
Weight= 4 credit units
Students will gain knowledge about the ways in which clients may present with movement dysfunction arising from multiple causes including disorders of musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiorespiratory functions. Students will develop skills to systematically assess complex, unforeseen problems and deliver patient-centred care.This course consists of five modules: a) rheumatology, b) lower extremity amputations, c) burn injury, and d) oncology and e) narrative practice. Clinical Skills Lab Component.
PREREQUISITES: successful completion of all Year 1 courses in the MScPT Program and PT 883, or approval from the PT Program. 
*This course will be discontinued 2024-2025

PT 865     Motor Function Occupation
Weight= 4.5 credit units
Students will gain knowledge and skill in the assessment and management of individuals with musculoskeletal injuries related to physical work, sport and leisure activities. They will be able to critically evaluate the literature related to ergonomic assessment and intervention, including psychophysical, physiological and biomechanical approaches. Topics in occupational health and safety related to injury prevention, as well as advanced manual therapy approaches to the assessment and management of musculoskeletal injury will be included. Lab component.
PREREQUISITES: successful completion of all Year 1 courses in the MScPT Program, or approval from the PT Program.
*This course will be discontinued 2024-2025

PT 871  Applied clinical competencies I
Weight=9 credit units
Students gain and apply foundational competencies across domains, including physiotherapy expertise and communication. Students develop, practise, and demonstrate evidence-based, client-centred assessment and management competencies through clinical lab learning activities and simulated practice scenarios.

PT 872  Applied clinical competencies II
Weight= 9 credit units
Students build on competencies developed in PT 871 across domains, including physiotherapy expertise and communication. Students further develop and demonstrate evidence-based, client-centred assessment and management competencies through clinical lab learning activities and complex simulations that include changes in client presentation.
PRE-REQUISITES: successful completion of PT 811, PT 831, PT 871, PT 881, or approval from the PT Program.

PT 873 Applied clinical competencies III
Weight=9 credit units
Students build on competencies developed in PT 872 across domains, including physiotherapy expertise and communication. Students further develop and demonstrate evidence-based physiotherapy competencies through clinical lab learning activities and simulations that include more complex individual, community, and population health scenarios.
PRE-REQUISITES: PT 812, PT 832, PT 872, PT 882
*This course will be offered 2024-2025

PT 881  Clinical Placement I     
Weight= 6 credit units.
This course includes: a) clinical education preparation sessions to understand clinical education processes and requirements; b) a clinical placement in physiotherapy practice where students continue to develop and demonstrate competencies achieved during the preceding academic block with guidance and supervision from a clinical instructor.
PREREQUISITES: successful completion of PT 811, PT 831, PT 871 or approval from the PT Program.

PT 882  Clinical Placement II     
Weight= 6 credit units.
This course includes: a) clinical education preparation sessions to understand clinical education processes and requirements for placement two; b) a clinical placement in physiotherapy practice where students are expected to develop and demonstrate physiotherapy competencies with guidance and supervision from a clinical instructor.
PREREQUISITES: successful completion of PT 881, or approval from the PT Program.

PT 883  Clinical Placement III     
Weight= 6 credit units.
A 6-week full-time placement providing experience in physiotherapy practice in a clinical facility or community-based agency. During their third clinical placement students will be expected to further develop their skills, knowledge and behaviours and integrate material presented during the academic blocks VII and VIII. By the end of the clinical placement students should be developing increased proficiency in assessment and management skills with single system to more complex representative conditions involving all body systems.
PREREQUISITES: PT 882, PT 863, PT 861 and/or PT 857 or approval from the PT Program.

PT 884     Clinical Placement IV     
Weight= 6 credit units.
A 6-week full-time placement providing experience in physiotherapy practice in a clinical facility or community-based agency. During their fourth clinical placement students will be expected to further develop their skills, knowledge and behaviours and integrate material presented during block 10 in year two. By the end of the clinical placement students should have developed skills to work efficiently as a member of a multidisciplinary health care team, providing consultation and care to clients of all ages and with simple to complex conditions. In addition, students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of the business, administrative and legal issues related to clinical practice.
PREREQUISITES: successful completion of PT 883, PT 857, PT 861, PT 863, PT 864, and PT 865, or approval from the PT Program.

PT 885  Clinical Placement V
Weight= 6 credit units
A 6-week full-time placement providing experience in physiotherapy practice in a clinical facility or community-based agency. Students will be expected to consolidate their skills, knowledge and behaviours and integrate all material presented throughout the academic curriculum. By the end of the final clinical placement students should be able to consistently and efficiently provide quality care with simple and complex clients of all ages in a variety of clinical environments, requiring guidance or supervision only when addressing new or complex situations. Students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of the business, administrative and legal issues related to clinical practice. Students will be ready for independent clinical practice.
PREREQUISITES: PT 884 or approval from the PT Program.   

PT 886 Clinical placement VI
Weight=6 credit units
Course description: This course involves a clinical placement completed in the academic setting in collaboration with a community partner where students will develop plans for a community or population health intervention that is based on or includes plans for a quality assurance or quality improvement evaluation.
*This course will be offered 2024-2025

PT 898     Critical Enquiry Project     
Weight=6 credit units
Students will work with a faculty supervisor to complete a critical enquiry project. The project will enable students to apply critical inquiry skills by participation in an area of clinical investigation and to examine the relevance of findings to clinical practice.
PREREQUISITES: PT 897 or permission of the course coordinator.