Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Health Professions Education

HPE 801 Introduction to Health Professions Education
This course serves as the introduction/foundation for the Master of Health Professions Education offered through the Faculty of Health Sciences at Queen’s University. As health professions are collaborative in nature, this master’s course will include content delivered by faculty who span the disciplines who will provide an overview of each of the courses/key health profession areas. This approach will not only provide learners with opportunities to view subject matter from multiple perspectives, it is also in alignment with a competency-based model wherein learners acquire various health professions competencies throughout the course and program.

HPE 802 Health Professions Education Curriculum and Design 
This course introduces a range of theories and approaches to curriculum development, such as competency-based education and outcomes-based education. Sessions will be literature-informed but activity and discussion-based with an expectation of a high degree of collaboration and participation. This course highlights the importance of curricular alignment including connections between course outcomes/goals, delivery of instruction, and the assessment and evaluation of learning. The course is designed to encourage reflection on the importance of designing and developing positive learning environments with a focus on how curricular design promotes learning in health education settings. The course has been organized in such a way as to balance theory and practice and to support both conceptual and skill development.

HPE 803 Scholarship in Health Professions Education
This course has been designed to establish a foundation from which learners can engage in scholarship across diverse disciplines, ontologies, and pedagogical approaches. The course covers a range of scholarly approaches, including an overview of literature search strategies, operationalizing conceptual frameworks, and critically appraising the validity and reliability of the scholarly inferences resulting from data analyses.  

HPE 804 Health Professions: Teaching & Learning in Collaborative Practice
To ensure the delivery of optimal care to patients, a collaborative practice approach to teaching, learning, and communication needs to be adopted across health teams. This course will explore best practices for facilitating learning, strategies for delivery of content, and ways of conducting assessments and evaluations to learners from varied health backgrounds. This course will explore common challenges such as communication, leadership style, self-awareness, mode of delivery, and dealing with difficult learners.

HPE 805 Simulation
The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive introduction to simulation for health professional educators. The history of simulation and the pedagogical theories and frameworks underpinning simulation-based education will be explored. Components of simulation design and how they impact learning will be examined and applied. Further, the role of simulation in assessment of competency, licensure, certification, and research will be discussed.

HPE 806 Indigenous Health Professions Education
This course provides health profession educators with an introduction to Indigeneity in healthcare professions. In the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, number 22 states “we call upon those who can effect change within the Canadian healthcare system to recognize the value of Aboriginal healing practices and use them in the treatment of Aboriginal patients in collaboration with Aboriginal healers and Elders where requested by Aboriginal patients.” This course will provide health profession educators with an overview of teaching from an indigenous perspective but also raise awareness of how to teach others within their clinical education setting.

HPE 807 Leadership in Health Professions Education
This course provides health profession educators with an introduction to leadership in healthcare professions. With the constantly evolving needs of healthcare systems, it is imperative that strong leaders drive the need for change and innovation. Course participants will be introduced to numerous concepts critical to healthcare leadership such as principles of change and innovation, conflict mediation, leadership identity, strategic planning, and design. Through readings, case studies, and individual and group activities, learners can expect to gain valuable skills and perspectives on healthcare education leadership and to apply their knowledge in a variety of professional contexts. Through a variety of engagement and reflection opportunities, participants will gain insight into their strengths and challenges to best leverage their leadership potential.

HPE 898 Project: Health Professions Education
The focus of this course is on the scholarship of integration, implementation, and application.  The course will be guided by a faculty member at Queen’s University and/or a mentor based in practice.  Learners will identify their project by the end of the first year so that if ethical and administrative approvals are required there will be plenty of time to complete the project by the end of the program.