Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Global Development Studies (DEVS)

DEVS 801 The Political Economy of Development    
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the relationship between political economy and the ideas and practices of development. The course grounds students in core theories, both classical and contemporary. It then examines key themes and controversies to illustrate the relationships between the political economy and development policies. This is a mandatory course for all graduate students in Global Development Studies. Fall. 

DEVS 802 The Cultural Politics of Development    
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the cultural politics of development in historical and contemporary perspective. The course focuses on narratives of development and their relationship to social and political movements in the South and North. Themes include the ideas of tradition; modernity and progress; colonialism, nationalism and liberation; and the gendered and racialised politics of development. This is a mandatory course for all graduate students in Global Development Studies. Fall.  

DEVS 803 Qualitative Research Design
The course develops the skills required to design a qualitative research project, including the application of key qualitative methods and techniques to gather and analyze data. It builds core knowledge in the philosophy, epistemology, and ethics of qualitative methods and explores the role of research in social change. This is a mandatory course for all graduate students in Global Development Studies. (3.0 credit units)
PREREQUISITE: MA or PhD standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the department.

DEVS 811 Advanced Topics in Political Economy of Development 
Not offered 2024-25. 
PREREQUISITE: MA or PhD standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department. 

DEVS 813 Advanced Topics in Sustainable Development   
2024-2025 Topic: Climate Justice  
Explores themes in the field of sustainable development with close attention to different framings of sustainability and the contested practices that seek to realize it in practice.  Winter. 
PREREQUISITE: MA or PhD standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department. 

DEVS 816 Advanced Topics in Global Health and Development 
Explores themes in global health and development introducing students to advanced research in the field.  (3.0 credit units) Not offered 2024-25.

DEVS 850 Professional Seminar in Development Studies    
This course provides a forum to discuss practical, ethical and methodological issues in conducting development research and writing, including major research papers, thesis work, and grant applications. All Global Development Studies graduate students will be enrolled in this course. Monthly meetings; Fall/Winter.

DEVS 861 to DEVS 879:  These courses are seminars offered by regular and visiting faculty on development topics related to their research interests. Consult the departmental homepage for further details of specific course offering each year. These are mixed senior undergraduate/MA graduate level courses with limited space for MA graduate students. DEVS MA graduate students may not take more than two such mixed courses. Graduate enrolment opens after the undergraduate enrolment period (consult with department). 

For a list of this year's course topics, go to this website:

DEVS 861 Topics in Development Studies 1    
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 862 Topics in Development Studies    
Topic seminars are offered by faculty on themes related to their research specializations. Consult the departmental homepage for further details of specific course offerings each year. These are mixed senior undergraduate/MA graduate level courses with limited space for MA graduate students. DEVS MA graduate students may not take more than one such mixed courses. Graduate enrolment opens after the undergraduate enrolment period (consult with department). (3.0 credit units)
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: DEVS 492XXX (Corresponding Topic ID XXX)

DEVS 863 Topics in Development Studies 3 
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 864 Topics in Development Studies 4    
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 865 Topics in Development Studies 5   
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 866 Topics in Development Studies 6   
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 867 Topics in Development Studies 7   
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 868 Topics in Development Studies 8   
FOffered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 869 Topics in Development Studies 9
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 870 Topics in Development Studies 10
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 871 Topics in Development Studies 11
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 872 Topics in Development Studies 12
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 873 Topics in Development Studies 13
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 874 Topics in Development Studies 14
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 875 Topics in Development Studies 15
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 876 Topics in Development Studies 16
Offered jointly with  an undergraduate 400 level course(s) with additional work required.
PREREQUISITE: MA standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department.
EXCLUSION: corresponding undergraduate course(s) DEVS 49x.

DEVS 890 Directed Readings in Development Studies    
Students whose proposed research lies outside the realm (thematic or regional) of regular and cognate course offerings may choose this option. In consultation with a willing supervisor, students must develop a unifying title, course description, and reading list of 24 key texts for each of 56 set topics leading toward an agreed upon set of assignments. 

DEVS 891 Graduate Work or Study Placement in Development Studies   
Experiential learning opportunities that expand a student's engagement area of study, research and work experience that involves travel opportunities and/or community engagement. The placement is designed to allow for an in depth and immersive experience. 
PREREQUISITE: MA or PhD standing in Global Development Studies, or permission of the Department. 

DEVS 892 Special Topics in Global Development Studies    
Course focuses on specific topics related to global development studies. Special topics are offered under the guidance of a faculty member in an area of the instructor’s expertise. 

DEVS 893 Special Topics in Global Development Studies    
Course focuses on specific topics related to global development studies. Special topics are offered under the guidance of a faculty member in an area of the instructor’s expertise. 

DEVS 898 Master's Research Paper    
Students will complete a library based major research project (MRP) of 50 to 60 pages. The MRP will deal with a specific interdisciplinary question directly relevant to Global Development Studies, which may be thematic or theoretical in nature or focus on peoples or places generally associated with the Global South in the context of relations with the Global North.
PREREQUISITE: Permission of Grad Chair in consultation with a willing faculty supervisor, plus completion of two mandatory and four elective DEVS or DEVS eligible courses. 

DEVS 899  Master's Thesis    
Research leading to a dissertation of 75 to 100 pages will usually involve the collection and analysis of primary data and be of publishable quality. Such data could include oral interviews, archival and other documentary sources, in some cases collected through field work.
PREREQUISITE: Permission of Graduate Chair in consultation with a willing faculty supervisor, plus completion of two mandatory and four elective DEVS or DEVS eligible courses.   

DEVS 950 Professional Seminar in Development Studies
Guiding students through the professional skills needed for completion of the doctoral degree, this course provides a monthly forum to discuss practical, ethical, and methodological issues in conducting development research and writing and the transfer of these skills to academic and nonacademic settings. Topics include effective pedagogy, writing for nonacademic audiences, conference presentations, and working within organizational contexts. All Global Development Studies PhD students will be enrolled in this course. Monthly meetings; Fall/Winter. 

DEVS 999 PhD Thesis Research