Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Arts Leadership (ARTL)

ARTL 801 Arts Marketing
Students will apply the principles of audience development, audience diversity, arts marketing and multiple income-generating streams; generate marketing plans; market research; implement all aspects of arts marketing handled in an arts marketing department.  This course includes a capstone project which will be a group investigative field study of an arts organization and best arts marketing practices (national and international) that culminates in a final written and oral presentation which will include recommendations to the arts organization being examined. Students will apply the theories and principles of arts marketing and audience development; apply theories and best practices in arts marketing with product, communication, distribution channel and pricing strategies; understand the continuum of audience development and engagement; generate marketing budgets and forecasts using analytics and metrics; and create and implement a strategic marketing plan. Skills workshops on social and digital media, arts education and community engagement will be offered to compliment the course curriculum. (3.0 credit units)

ARTL 802 Arts Philanthropy
Students will apply the principles of philanthropy; create campaign structures and implement techniques; plan corporate, foundation, and individual fundraising campaigns using direct response, prospect research; sponsorship and philanthropic selling; patron fundraising, membership programs and major gift donor cultivation programs; grant writing; foundation fundraising, fundraising data base management; annual operating, capital, and endowment campaigns; museum programs and techniques; communication strategies for fundraising; staffing and department structures. Students will understand the continuum of giving, and be able to create a prospect pipeline to move prospects through a process of cultivation resulting in donations; be knowledgeable of current giving and demographic trends and practices in fundraising in a dynamic national and international environment; and develop realistic fundraising goals and plans with a solid understanding of individual, major gift, planned giving, capital gifts, sponsorship, and foundation fundraising.  (3.0 credit units) 

ARTL 804 Artistic Producing 
Students will be introduced to the role of Artistic Producer, which combines the positions of Artistic Director and General Manager. Concepts and skills covered will include strategic planning and execution, mapping and realizing artistic vision, management of day-to-day operations, and planning and critical paths for various organizational sizes.  (1.5 credit units)

ARTL 805 The Arts General Manager
This course will provide a broad, integrative framework useful for all subsequent courses. Various aspects of the general manager's role will be explored: strategic planning and execution, management of day-to-day operations, change leadership, human resource management, stewardship, and governance. (1.5 credit units). Not offered in 2022-23 / 2023-24. 

ARTL 806 Leadership, Governance, and Cultural Policy
This course introduces concepts and models of leadership and governance, including legal and fiduciary responsibilities, funding strategies, and organizational evaluation. Students will learn about developing mission and vision statements, recruiting a Board of Directors, and navigating cultural policies. Projects will include work on innovation, strategic planning, and grant writing. (3.0 credit units)

ARTL 807 Cultural Policy
This course provides an overview of Canadian cultural policy and its impact on arts organizations. This includes a study of the historical development, formulation and execution of cultural policy in municipal, provincial and federal jurisdictions. Students will focus on the status of the artist through the exploration of institutional and governmental acts, policies, reports, objectives, strategic initiatives and programs. This course includes a research paper comparing Canadian and indigenous cultural policy to other international practices to provide strategic recommendations for future cultural policy development. Students will gain an intellectual grounding in theoretical conceptual frameworks and socio-political approaches to cultural policy; appreciate its public and artistic impact; gain an understanding of its historical evolution; be familiar with granting bodies and processes; government relations; and be able to evaluate the impact of cultural policy on cultural organizational planning and programming. Experiential learning includes the completion of a government grant. (1.5 credit units). Not offered in 2022-23 / 2023-24. 

ARTL 808 Arts Management: Human Resources
Students will examine key human resources management frameworks and explore the roles and responsibilities as well as the legal and regulatory requirements of arts organizations across Canada. Students will apply their knowledge to a variety of real-life contexts and case studies. (1.5 credit units)

ARTL 810 Arts Leadership Capstone Project
Students will gain practical experience, apply theoretical knowledge and interact with arts colleagues in a professional practicum placement leading to a research report that includes a strategic review and recommendations for the future success of the organization. The practicum / research report represents the culmination of the student's learning to apply and integrate knowledge from the program. This course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis. (6.0 credit units).
PREREQUISITES: ARTL 801, ARTL 802, ARTL 804, ARTL 808, MIR 875, ARTL 806, and one elective of either ARTL 814, ARTL 815, ARTL 820, or ARTL 890.

ARTL 814 Leadership in the Arts
This course examines principles and models of leadership about and through various artistic practices. Students will develop a deep understanding of how leadership can manifest and identify the tools and approaches they can use as leaders of various-sized arts organizations. The course investigates the unique outcomes that make artistic projects and organizations successful, and learners are encouraged to reflect on their personal strengths and vulnerabilities as leaders who provide value that extends value beyond the balance sheet. (3.0 credit units)

ARTL 815 Public Relations and Communications for the Arts
This course covers the basic principles, processes and applications of public relations and strategic communications in the arts and entertainment sectors and across the creative industries. History of the profession, theoretical context and practical and creative aspects of planning will be approached through case studies and situational analysis. (3.0 credit units). Not offered in 2022-23 / 2023-24 .

ARTL 820 Theatre Administration
This course examines a range of administrative and collaborative skills necessary for producing theatre works. Among the areas that will be defined and discussed are marketing, budgeting, fundraising, staffing, and production management. A variety of theatre-producing organizations (commercial, non-profit, university, and community) will be dissected to examine the assumptions which drive production decisions. The nature and importance of a “mission statement” for producing bodies will be stressed, and organizational structures will be analyzed. There will be a particular focus on the relationship between financial and physical resources and artistic vision. The nature of theatrical production as a larger social force and the outreach potential of theatre pieces will also be explored. Graduate students must complete an additional assignment demonstrating higher level analytical and interpretive skills, applying concepts learned in other Arts Leadership graduate courses. Offered jointly with DRAM 448. Graduate students taking this course will be required to do an additional assignment or assignments. ( 3.0 credit units)

ARTL 890 Directed Study
Individual directed study under the guidance of a faculty member in an area of the instructor's expertise. (3.0 credit

See also: MIR 875 Finance and Accounting for HR/LR