Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Awards and Financial Assistance

All students accepted for full-time admission into full-time graduate programs are considered for limited funding from the department/program. In addition to department/program funding, there are some internal fellowships and scholarships available annually. Prospective or enrolled students do not make individual application for most internal fellowships or scholarships administered by the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (SGSPA). Departments/Programs are notified of all annual fellowship competitions, and nominate eligible students appropriately. Most of these fellowship allocation decisions are made in June.

In their own interests, applicants and continuing students must make early inquiry and annual application for fellowship support to all possible sources external to Queen's University, to ensure adequate financial assistance.  Many external awards are restricted to Canadian citizens and landed immigrants who have held this status at least one year.  Some Queen's University internal awards have similar restrictions.  In particular, some internal fellowships, scholarships and awards are designated as "Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Funds (OSOTF)" OR "Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS) awards.  These are awards that have resulted from the Ontario government's "matching" programs.  Under the program, the Ontario government has matched every dollar of donation received for student assistance.  There are two major conditions for all OSOTF/OTSS awards, scholarships and fellowships:  recipients must be Ontario residents, and demonstrate financial need.

After ensuring that any applications for external awards have been made, Departments/Programs review the individual merits and circumstances of incoming and continuing students. They make recommendation to the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs for Queen's internal scholarships and other merit awards and bursaries.  Departments/Programs assist students, where possible, out of support funds at their own disposal.

Since students with physical or learning disabilities may require a longer period of time than usual to complete a program of graduate study, Departments/Programs may in duly attested cases, give special consideration to extending the normal period of support from Department/Program sources. They may also, in consultation with the Coordinator of Services for Special Needs and the Director of the Student Counselling Service, or the Director of Student Health Service, recommend to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs that such students be considered for additional support from Student Wellness Services.

Students registered as part-time in a graduate degree program to accommodate a documented permanent disability may be eligible for internal scholarships and awards when the terms of the awards permit this flexibility.

The School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs will extend the normal funding eligibility period for graduate students whose documented permanent disability impacts their academic progress such that more time to complete their degree is required; a request for such extension should normally be made within the first term of study. An extension provides students with the option of distributing the normal funding package over a longer period of time. The allocation of funding support beyond the funding eligible period will be considered on a case-by-case basis, based on the principle of individualized and particular accommodations and, if granted, will normally be limited to no more than one additional term for Master’s students or one additional year for doctoral students.

Awards held by students who are required to withdraw or who withdraw voluntarily, or who become withdrawn due to failure to maintain registration, will be terminated, and students may be required to repay some or the entire award. In the case of some external granting bodies, refund of the award portion paid out is mandatory if the award holder withdraws from the graduate program.  Partial or complete award repayment is also required if a student switches to part-time, or inactive, status.

External Awards Offered by Government and Other Granting Bodies

Federal and Provincial Government Awards

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Funding

NSERC is a federal funding and granting agency. The agency supports some 26,500 university students and postdoctoral fellows.

NSERC aims to make Canada a country of discoverers and innovators for the benefit of all Canadians. The agency supports university students in their advanced studies, promotes and supports discovery research, and fosters innovation by encouraging Canadian companies to participate and invest in postsecondary research projects. NSERC researchers are on the vanguard of science, building on Canada’s long tradition of scientific excellence.

Funding from NSERC for graduate level studies is possible through a number of annual competitions.  Details can be found here:
or by contacting NSERC:
350 Albert Street
16th Floor
Ottawa, ON
K1A 1H5

Phone: Toll free: 1-855-275-2861
Fax: 613 992-5377
All information also available in French from the website. Information on the application processes, and the internal competition deadlines will be circulated to all graduate departments/programs each Fall term.

Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) and the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST)

These scholarships are funded by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities in partnership with Ontario universities. The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) and the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) programs encourage excellence in graduate studies at publicly assisted universities in Ontario. Since 1975, the OGS program has been providing merit-based scholarships to Ontario’s best graduate students in all disciplines of academic study. In 1998, the Ontario government introduced the QEII-GSST, a merit-based scholarship program targeted specifically toward graduate students in science and technology.
OGS awards are tenable in all disciplines and the scholars must have a high level of academic achievement. The awards are intended primarily for Canadian citizens and for lapermanent residents of Canada; however, a small number of awards may be made to student visa holders who are students at Queen's University during tenure of the OGS. The current value of the award is $5,000 per term. Awards will be for two or three consecutive terms; one-term awards will not be made.  

QEII-GSST awards can be held by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, enrolled in a research master’s or doctoral program in a science and technology discipline. The current value of the award is $5,000 per term. Awards will be for two or three consecutive terms; one-term awards will not be made.  

Information on the application processes will be circulated to all graduate departments/programs each Fall term.

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Funding

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) is the federal research funding agency that promotes and supports postsecondary-based research and training in the humanities and social sciences. By focusing on developing Talent, generating Insights and forging Connections across campuses and communities, SSHRC strategically supports world-leading initiatives that reflect a commitment to ensuring a better future for Canada and the world.
Funding from SSHRC for graduate level studies is possible through a number of annual competitions.  Details can be found here:
or by contacting SSHRC:
350 Albert Street
P.O. Box 1610
Ottawa, ON  K1P 6G4
Canada  Phone: 613 992-0691 Fax: 613 992-1787


All information also available in French from the website. Information on the application processes, and the internal competition deadlines will be circulated to all graduate departments/programs each Fall term.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Funding

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is Canada’s federal funding agency for health research. Composed of 13 Institutes, CIHR provides leadership and support to more than 14,100 health researchers and trainees across Canada.

Funding from CIHR for graduate level studies is possible through a number of annual competitions.  Details can be found here:
or by contacting CIHR:

Contact Centre
Telephone: 613-954-1968
Toll Free: 1-888-603-4178
Fax: 613-954-1800
Mailing address
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
160 Elgin Street, 10th Floor
Address Locator 4809A
Ottawa ON K1A 0W9

CIHR Reception
160 Elgin Street, 9th Floor
Ottawa ON K1A 0W9
Telephone: 613-941-2672

All information also available in French from the website. Information on the application processes, and the internal competition deadlines will be circulated to all graduate departments/programs annually.

Canada Graduate Scholarships – Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements Program

This foreign study supplements program is available to Canadian citizens or permanent residents who hold the SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier, the NSERC Alexander Graham Bell, or the CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) at the master’s or doctoral level, or a Vanier CGS at the doctoral level.

Details can be found here: or by contacting the applicable funding agency listed under Program Contacts on that website.

All information also available in French from the website. Information on the application processes, and the internal competition deadlines will be circulated to all eligible CGS holders whenever a competition is planned.

Other External Awards

American Association of University Women Fellowship

The American Association of University Women Educational Foundation awards International Fellowships for advanced study and training to women of outstanding ability who are citizens of countries other than the United States. There are no restrictions as to the age of the applicant or the field of study. Upon return to their own countries, fellowship recipients are expected to provide effective leadership in their fields. The Fellowships are awarded annually for one year of graduate study or advanced research at an approved institution in the United States. Application deadline 1 December annually for the upcoming fellowship year. For details see:


Canadian College of Health Leaders Eastern Ontario Chapter Award of Excellence

The purpose of this Award is to recognize significant and exemplary efforts of students while completing their formal educational programs.  The recipient will receive a Certificate of Citation together with a cheque for $1000.  To qualify, submissions considered for the award will address a formal activity/project undertaken by students which advance or have the potential to: advance health care management in an applied context, make a substantive contribution to current or evolving health care policy interpretation/development, and/or give evidence of lessons learned/compelling case studies relevant to an applied health care system/leadership issue.

All applicants for the Award of Excellence must be enrolled in the MPA at Queens University or have successfully completed the requirements for graduation within the previous six months.  All submissions for the Award must be based on a project completed during the current academic year.  Submissions must be received by the Award of Excellence Coordinator by April 30. For more information, please contact:  Elizabeth Bardon, CHE Tel: (613) 544-3400 x2656; Email:

Canadian Federation of University Women Fellowships

Each year, the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) provides a range of awards and fellowships to women through its charitable trust program to encourage the development of high quality scholarship.

CFUW Fellowships and Awards Program is an affirmative action program as provided for in the Constitution of Canada. Eligibility for these fellowships and awards is restricted to women. Deadline for Applications: November 1.

Direct questions to:
CFUW Fellowships Program Manager
331 Cooper Street, Suite 502
Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 0G5
Toll-free in Canada & the US: 1-888-220-9606; Phone: 613-234-8252 ext. 104

Canadian Northern Studies Trust Graduate Scholarships

For over thirty years the Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies (ACUNS) has successfully promoted the advancement of northern scholarship through its mandate and programs.  Established in 1978, ACUNS is a registered charitable organization operating with an office in Ottawa, and active volunteer representatives at over 40 member institutions across the country.

The Canadian Northern Studies Trust (CNST) is ACUNS scholarship awards program. It was established in 1982 to further the Association’s mandate to advance knowledge and understanding of Canada’s North by offering student awards for exceptional northern-based research. The purpose of the CNST is to foster scholars and scientists with northern experience and at the same time to enhance educational opportunities available for northern residents to obtain post-secondary education at Canadian colleges and universities.

Application deadline: last business day in January.

Scholarship and Contact Information is available from this website:

The International Council for Canadian Studies Scholarships

The International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS), founded in 1981, is a not-for-profit organization composed of twenty-two member associations and five associate members in thirty-nine countries, dedicated to the promotion and support of research, education and publication in all fields of Canadian Studies around the world.

Information about ICCS scholarships can be found here:
International Council for Canadian Studies
250 City Centre Avenue, Suite 303
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 6K7 Canada
Telephone: 613-789-7834
Fax: 613-789-7830

Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship

This award is provided by the bequest of Mrs. Frank Knox to enable students from Canada to study for an academic year at Harvard University.  Up to three fellowships are available.   Knox Fellowship pays full Harvard tuition and mandatory health insurance fees and provides a stipend sufficient to cover the living expenses of a single Fellow for a 10-month academic year. Open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada who have graduated or who are about to graduate from a recognized university or college in Canada. No application will be considered from a student already studying in the United States. Other restrictions apply.

For more information and the application form: Please visit Harvard University's website or contact Universities Canada:

Governor General's Academic Gold Medals

The Governor General's Academic Gold Medals are awarded annually to two graduate students who achieve the highest academic standing in their graduate degree program. These medals will be awarded to graduating Master's and Doctoral students in any field. Information is sent to all graduate Departments/Programs in March regarding the annual competition to select the medallists.

Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire Doctoral Awards

These memorial awards perpetuate the memory of those who gave their lives in World Wars I and II. Applicants must be Canadian citizens and in at least the second year of their doctoral program. Scholarships valued at $15,000 are awarded to students attending Canadian or Commonwealth universities.  More details and application forms may be obtained from the IODE's website.

J. H. Stewart Reid Memorial Fellowship

Value $5,000 One fellowship is offered for Doctoral studies in any field, to honour the memory of the first Executive Secretary of the Canadian Association of University Teachers. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Applications are made online at: Deadline 30 March. More information is available from the Awards Officer, Canadian Association of University Teachers, 2675 Queensview Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2B 8K2.  Email:

The Mackenzie King Open Scholarship

Value up to $7,500 In the will of the late Right Honourable William Lyon Mackenzie King, provision is made for the award of a one-year scholarship of up to $7,500. The scholarship is open to a graduate of any Canadian university, and provides for full-time graduate study in any field in any university in Canada or elsewhere. Application deadline 1 February. Information on the application process, and the internal competition deadline will be circulated to all relevant departments/programs annually.

The Mackenzie King Travelling Scholarships

Value up to $10,000 In the will of the late Right Honourable William Lyon Mackenzie King, provision was made for four scholarships of up to $10,000 each. The Scholarships are open, on application, to graduates of any Canadian university who propose to engage, either in the United States or the United Kingdom, in postgraduate studies in the field of International or Industrial Relations (including the international or industrial aspects of Law, History, Politics, Economics). Applicants should be persons of unusual worth and promise; awards will be determined on the basis of academic achievement, personal qualities and demonstrated aptitudes. Consideration will also be given to the applicant's proposed program of postgraduate study. Application deadline 1 February. Information on the application process, and the internal competition deadline will be circulated to all relevant departments/programs annually.  

The Rhodes Scholarship

The Rhodes Scholarships are considered the oldest and most prestigious international scholarships for outstanding scholars from any academic field of study. Funded by the estate of Cecil J. Rhodes (the Rhodes Trusts), the Rhodes Scholarships support students who demonstrate a strong propensity to emerge as 'leaders for the world's future'. Rhodes Scholarships are tenable for postgraduate studies or a second bachelor's degree at Oxford University, for two years with the possible extension of a third year. A full statement of requirements and conditions is outlined on the internal application form which may be obtained from the Office of the Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs. Completed application forms and supplementary documents must be submitted by early September each year.


The Trudeau Foundation Scholars Programme

The Trudeau Foundation Scholars Programme will grant up to fifteen new scholarships every year to outstanding doctoral candidates in the humanities and social sciences. Trudeau Scholars are selected through a process that involves nomination by a university, an application supported by references and transcripts, internal and external review and selection panels, an interview, and the approval of the Board of Directors.  The Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship is tenable for three years. During their third year, Trudeau Scholars may apply for a thesis writing scholarship or a postdoctoral scholarship, for a fourth year of financing. The Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship consists of two distinct financial categories:

  1. an annual stipend of $40,000, which is intended to cover the cost of tuition and reasonable living expenses. If a Trudeau Scholar concurrently holds other scholarships or fellowships that allow for the accumulation of awards, and if the total value of those external awards exceeds $10,000, the Foundation will subtract the amount over $10,000 from the $40,000 annual stipend.
  2. an annual travel allowance of $20,000, which is available to support research-related travel and to cover networking expenses associated with the Foundation's Public Interaction program.

Far beyond a financial assistance, the Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship offers award winners the opportunity to interact with an exciting community of leaders and committed individuals in every field of the social sciences and humanities. Trudeau Scholars will be required to spend a portion of their time during the tenure of their award at an institution or fieldwork location away from their home university, and outside the province in which that university is located. Other restrictions apply.

Complete information and the online application for this scholarship is available from the website:

All information is also available in French (and other languages) on the website.

Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Programme

The Government of Canada offers scholarships as part of the Commonwealth Scholarship Plan (CSP). These scholarships are tenable at recognized public Canadian institutions and affiliated research institutes only.  These scholarships are designed to provide opportunities for students of other Commonwealth countries to pursue research and studies in Canada. The Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program is funded by Global Affairs Canada which also determines the number of scholarships available each year. The agency responsible for financial and administrative matters is the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE).

Complete details, deadlines and application instructions are available here:

All materials also available in French on the website.     

Queen's University Minimum Funding Guarantee for Eligible Doctoral Students

Queen’s University provides a  minimum funding guarantee currently valued at $23,000 per year,  for eligible doctoral students. This amount is a minimum, and actual doctoral student support may be substantially higher in many cases, depending on the program of study.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. The guaranteed minimum will apply to all full time doctoral students registered in years 1 – 4 (ie. new and continuing students) of their programs.
  2. Eligible doctoral students must maintain good academic standing in order to qualify.
  3. Eligible doctoral students must be qualified to receive the usual sources offered by their home department as part of a funding package. This implies that, particularly in the case of a TA position, the student must be in residence for enough of the full academic year in order to be reasonably available for employment. In addition, students must apply for all major external and internal (where appropriate) scholarships for which they are eligible in order to qualify for the minimum guarantee.
  4. Students must have requested financial support upon their initial application for admission to a Queen’s doctoral program in order to be eligible. It is assumed that the information provided in terms of a Yes or No in response to the query ‘Do you require financial support from Queen's University’ applies throughout the student's academic program.

Queen's University Internal Fellowships, Scholarships, and Other Awards


These merit fellowships, established by benefactors of Queen's University, make an important contribution to the support of graduate students.

For most of the fellowships listed here, the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs adjudicates nominations from departments/programs through an annual competition.

The departments/programs concerned administer some of the fellowships which apply to particular fields of study.

For all fellowships listed here, consideration is given to students who have high academic qualifications.

All applications for admission submitted before 1 March are considered for these awards.

The Alfred Bader Graduate Fellowship

Established in May 2014 by Dr. Alfred Bader and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a funding-eligible Ph.D. level student enrolled in a graduate program in Arts and Science in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, to undertake studies in history related to 20th century Europe.  Preference will be given to students whose research is related to Germany, 1933-1945. A one page research proposal will be required as part of the application process. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: $7,000 approx.

The Alfred Bader Graduate Fellowship in the Humanities

Established in May 2014 by Dr. Alfred Bader and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Ph.D. level students enrolled in a graduate program in the Humanities in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.  Preference will be given to incoming Ph.D. students in a graduate program in the Humanities. Consideration will be given to newly admitted doctoral students in other graduate programs in the Faculty of Arts and Science whose planned research falls under the general category of ‘the Humanities’. A one page research proposal will be required as part of the application process. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: $7,000 approx.

The E. G. Bauman Fellowship

Awarded to doctoral students in the departments of Biology, Economics, English  Mathematics and Statistics and the Biochemistry and Cell Biology field of the Biomedical and Molecular Sciences graduate program. Candidates must be registered in the first or second year of a doctoral program and students may receive the award for two years. Candidates for the awards must show exceptional promise for making significant contributions to the study of biochemistry and cell biology, economic theory and/or econometrics, English language and literature or mathematics. Value: $15,000

The Bert Wasmund Scholarship for Sustainable Energy Research

Established in November 2006 by Dr. Bert Wasmund, B.Sc. 1961; M.Sc. 1963; Ph.D. 1966 (UofT), and Dr. Eric Wasmund, B.Sc. 1988; Ph.D. 2005 (McMaster) and awarded to an eligible graduate student in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral research degree program in Smith Engineering whose stated research area is studying sustainable energy research. Preference will be given to candidates who are engineering graduates from a Canadian University included in the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Selection will be based on academic achievement and a demonstrated commitment to the development of sustainable energy technologies. Value: variable.

The Geoffrey and Shelagh Ballard Award for Sustainable Energy Engineering

Established in October 2013 by Shelagh Ballard, B.A. 1956, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.) or Ph.D. level students in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs who are Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents enrolled in graduate programs in Smith Engineering. Applicants must have a demonstrated research interest in the area of sustainable engineering, with a focus on energy, where the goal is to help society move from a gasoline based economy to a hydrogen based economy, through the innovative application of science and engineering. A one page research summary must be provided as part of the application process. Selection will be made by the Fellowships Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and  Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: variable.

The Huntley Macdonald Sinclair Tuition Fellowships

Established by Mr. Huntley M. Sinclair, B. Comm. 1924, to assist students from countries other than Canada to undertake a graduate degree program. Two or more fellowship are awarded annually on the basis of need by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. The value of the fellowships will normally be equal to the difference between International student and Canadian student fees. Value: variable, normally be equal to the difference between International student and Canadian student tuition fees.

The Kevin Armstrong Memorial Award

Established in April 2007 by Alan and Ursula Armstrong in memory of their son, Kevin A. Armstrong, M.A. (Philosophy) 1999, and awarded to a graduate student in the first year of any graduate program, with preference given to a student in the Master's program in the Department of Philosophy.  Selection will be based on academic achievement. Value: variable

The G.E. Ted Courtnage Graduate Award in Engineering

EEstablished in October 2006 by Dorothy Courtnage in memory of her husband G.E. Ted Courtnage, B.Sc. 1956, and awarded on the basis of academic achievement to full-time funding eligible graduate students in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in any year of study in graduate programs in Smith Engineering. Application should be made to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs by the annual internal fellowship competition deadline, normally in early April. Value: variable

The Morgan Brown Scholarships

Established from the estate of Mr. Morgan Brown, B. Comm. 1930. Awarded to master's or doctoral students who have first-class standing. Preference will be given to students in the social sciences, and the financial needs of students will be considered. Value: $10,000

The D. W. Stewart Graduate Fellowship

Awarded to support study in the humanities; open to candidates for both the master's and the doctoral degrees. Value: $10,000

The Duncan and Urlla Carmichael Fellowships

Established from the estate of Urlla Eillene Carmichael. Awarded to master's and doctoral students in any field who have first class standing. Value: $10,000

The Franklin and Helene Bracken Fellowship

Awarded to Ontario graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and leadership ability. These awards are intended primarily for the encouragement of new graduate students, although second and third year doctoral students will be eligible for subsequent awards, provided that their graduate work continues to be of the highest quality. Value: $10,000

The Franklin Bracken Fellowships

Awarded to master's and doctoral students in Health Sciences. Candidates for the award must have a first class standing. Value: $10,000

The Louisa A. Fowler Graduate Fellowship

Awarded to a full-time Ph.D. student in any field who has first-class standing and who has completed or is completing one full academic year of graduate work. Value: $10,000

The R. Samuel McLaughlin Fellowships

Awarded to first class master's and doctoral students in all fields who are residents of Ontario. Value: $10,000

The Reuben Wells Leonard Resident Fellowship

Provided for under the will of the late Reuben Wells Leonard.  Awarded in any field to a graduate of Queen's University who plans to carry on studies and research for a twelve-month period at Queen's University. Value: variable

The Arts '49 Principal Wallace Fellowship

Established in January 2001 by Arts '49 in memory of Dr. Robert Charles Wallace, Principal of Queen's University from 1936-1951. Awarded by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs to a deserving student in a graduate program in departments in the Faculty of Arts and Science, or the School of Urban and Regional Planning, or the School of Policy Studies. Value: variable

The Robert Charles Wallace Graduate Award

Established by donations from Mr. Fred Moote, B.A. 1949, and admirers of Principal Wallace. This award will go to a first-class master's or doctoral student in any field, accepted into or enrolled in a graduate program in the Faculty of Arts and Science, or School of Urban and Regional Planning, or School of Policy Studies. Value: variable

The Senator Frank Carrel Fellowships

Established by the late Senator Frank Carrel of the City of Quebec. Fellowships will be awarded for general proficiency to Canadian students enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs who for at least one year prior to their application to Queen's (or for at least one year prior to 30 April if enrolled in an upper year) and until the expiry of their fellowship have been and remain domiciled in the Province of Quebec and as far as possible in the City and County of Quebec or in the Gulf Division of the Legislative Council of Quebec as constituted at 30 July 1940. Value: $10,000

The Trevor C. Holland Fellowships

Established from the estate of Trevor C. Holland.  Awarded to master's or doctoral students in any field who have first-class standing and who are Canadian citizens or landed immigrants. Value: $10,000

The Martin Schiralli Fellowship

Established from the estate of Martin Schiralli, who was an active and well-regarded member of the Faculty of Education.  Awarded annually on the basis of financial need and academic excellence to eligible graduate students with a preference given to doctoral students in Education. Value: variable

The Grace L. Boileau Graduate Award

Established by a bequest from the estate of Grace L. Boileau, B.A. 1941, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to full-time funding-eligible graduate students in any year of a masters or doctoral program at Queen’s University. Value: variable

The Michael Durland Graduate Fellowship

Established by Dr. Michael Durland, Ph.D. ’91, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to a full-time funding-eligible graduate student in any master’s or doctoral program at Queen’s University. Preference will be given to graduate students studying Finance in the Smith School of Business. Value: variable

The Seanix Graduate Award

Established by Paul Girard (BA ‘1987) for Seanix and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to full-time funding-eligible graduate students. Preference will be given to graduate students in the area of Mechanical and Materials Engineering in Smith Engineering in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value: variable

The William C. Leggett Graduate Fellowship

Established in October 2004 by the Board of Trustees of Queen’s University, faculty, staff, family and friends in recognition of Dr. William C. Leggett’s ten years as Principal and Vice-Chancellor at Queen’s University. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement to a full-time funding eligible graduate student with a preference for those enrolled in a doctoral program in English, History, Philosophy or Cultural Studies at Queen’s University. Value: variable

The Herman K. Walter Graduate Award

Established in October 2004 by Herman K. Walter, B.Sc.(Eng.) 1945 and awarded on the basis of academic achievement to a full-time funding eligible graduate student in any graduate program with a preference for those enrolled in a graduate program in Smith Engineering. Value:  variable

The Douglas Sheppard Wilson Fellowship

Established by a bequest from the estate of Douglas Sheppard Wilson for postgraduate studies in film.  Open to full-time first-class candidates for both the master's and doctoral degrees for one year of study and research.
Value: variable

The Norman D. Wilson Fellowship

Established by a bequest from the estate of Douglas Sheppard Wilson for postgraduate studies in urban transportation and economics.  Open to full-time, first-class candidates for both the master's and doctoral degrees for one year of study and research.  Value: variable

The Norma Nugent Graduate Award

Named in honour of Norma Nugent, a dear friend, invaluable colleague and dedicated employee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs who died in May 2002. Established in October 2005 by a Smith Engineering graduate who chooses to remain anonymous, and awarded to full-time funding eligible graduate students. Preference will be given to graduate students in Smith Engineering in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value: variable

The Irene MacRae Memorial Graduate Award

Established in October 2005 by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in memory of Irene MacAllister MacRae, Arts '14, who was vice-president of the Mathematics Club while at Queen's and was one of the first female graduates in Mathematics and Statistics at Queen's University. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement to eligible graduate students in the Physical Sciences, with preference given to female students in Mathematics and Statistics. Value: variable

The Dr. Robert John Wilson Fellowships

Established by the Estate of Kathryn Anna Wilson in memory of her husband, Dr. Robert John Wilson, Meds. 1941.  Awarded to funding eligible doctoral students registered in health sciences related disciplines at Queen's University.  Candidates for the awards must show exceptional promise for making significant contributions to studies or research in health sciences.  Value: $10,000

The TD Bank Financial Group Graduate Fellowship in Arctic Environmental Issues

Established in March 2009 by TD Bank Financial Group and awarded to funding eligible Master’s or PhD level students pursuing research work in environmental issues that are of practical relevance to the Arctic region. The fellowship will provide travel and stipend support for graduate students to continue critical field research within the Arctic. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. A one-page research summary must be submitted with the application materials. Value: variable.

The Nancy Simpson Scholarship in Genetics

Established in November 2004 and last revised in October 2019 by Nancy Simpson to recognize the best research Master’s or PhD student at Queen’s University studying in a field of genetics. Open to funding eligible Master’s and Doctoral students registered in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in any graduate program or department at Queen’s University whose research is in a field of genetics, including but not limited to molecular genetics, ethics in genetics, bioinformatics, behavioural genetics, evolutionary genetics and geonomics. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: variable.

The U.S. Steel Canada Graduate Fellowship

Established by U. S. Steel Canada and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or PhD level students enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in the area of mechanical and materials engineering with a specialization related to steel. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: $10,000

The Dorrance Family Award

Awarded on the basis of excellence in scholarship and/or research, to a full time funding-eligible graduate student enrolled in a graduate program in an area in Science and Technology with preference given to Mathematics and Statistics. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: $5,000

The Ian M. Drum Scholarship

Founded by Ian M. Drum, Science '37, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master's or Ph.D. level students enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in graduate programs in Smith Engineering who have a demonstrated interest in a project with potential for commercial applications.  Preference will be given to students who have taken some courses in either the humanities, social sciences, law or business as part of their postsecondary education at the time of application or who are enrolled in a program where innovation and commercialization are key aspects of the curriculum.  Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition.  Value:  $10,000 to $15,000.

The Margaret Anderson Graduate Scholarship

Established in December 2016 by the estate of Margaret Anderson, B.A. (Hons) 1957, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master's or Ph.D. level students enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made by the Fellowships Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: variable

The George W. Bracken Memorial Scholarship

Established in June 2017 in memory of George W. Bracken, B.Sc. (Eng) 1956, by his wife Margaret Bracken, B.A. (Hons) 1997 and family. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs who are pursuing field research at the Queen’s University Biological Station. Selection will be made by the Fellowships Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: variable

The Dr. Kimberly A. Woodhouse Fellowship

Established in 2018 in honour of Dr. Kimberly A. Woodhouse to recognize her dedication and commitment to Queen’s University as Dean of Smith Engineering (2007 – 2017). Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible female PhD students enrolled in graduate programs in Smith Engineering, or female PhD students in one of the three Engineering Sciences departments (Departments of Mathematics and Engineering, Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, and/or Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy) under the supervision of faculty members who are Professional Engineers and teach in the engineering science programs at the undergraduate level. Preference will be given to students who have experienced an interruption in their formal education. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: $5,800 approximately

The Lucas Family Graduate Fellowship

Established in September 2019 by David Lucas, BSc 1981 (Physics), and his wife, Susan Lucas. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible female Master’s or PhD students in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs enrolled in graduate programs in Smith Engineering, or female Master’s or PhD students in one of the three Engineering Sciences departments (Departments of Mathematics and Engineering, Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, and/or Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy). Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: $8,000 

The Paul Semple Memorial Fellowship

Established in September 2019 by family and friends in memory of Paul Semple, BSc 1983 (Mining Engineering). Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible MASc or PhD level students in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs enrolled in graduate programs in Smith Engineering who are pursuing research in mining innovation and sustainability and/or research that will benefit the mining industry (1 page research summary must be provided). Preference will be given to students who are residents of Northern Ontario. Selection will be made by the Fellowships Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: $2,500

The Bert Wasmund Graduate Fellowship

Established in February 2023 by Hatch Ltd. in memory of Bert Wasmund, BSc 1961, MSc 1963, LLD 2008. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD level students in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs enrolled in graduate programs in Smith Engineering. Preference will be given to Indigenous students and/or students resuming postsecondary education following career or professional experience. Selection will be made by the Fellowships Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: $20,000 (Approx.)

The Kevin Gordon Rankin Memorial Graduate Award

Established in January 2020 in memory of Kevin Rankin by his parents Gord and Marie Rankin. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in a graduate program in the Faculty of Health Science or the Faculty of Arts and Science, with a demonstrated research interest in depression and psychosis in young adults (a one page research summary, written by the student describing their research and its relevance to a field of depression and psychosis must be provided.) Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: approximately $2,000

The Dr. Michael Maher Graduate Award

Established in March 2024 by Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories in memory of their colleague, Dr. Michael Maher, Ph.D., P.Eng. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD students enrolled in Civil Engineering, Geological Engineering, or GeoEngineering in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs pursuing research or course work in the field of Geotechnical Engineering. Selection will be made by the Fellowships Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: $5,000

Other Scholarships and Awards

The Robert Sutherland Fellowships

The Robert Sutherland Fellowships (formerly known as Graduate Dean's Scholarships for Aboriginal and Canadian Visible Minority Students) were established in 1992 to help diversify the Queen’s campus by attracting applications from visible minorities that are under-represented at Queen's. Awards are available to incoming Black Canadian students and other Canadian visible minority students. Selection will be made through a competition held each year in May-June.  Application must be made when a student applies for graduate study at Queen's.  Value: $15,000

The Teyonkwayenawá:kon – Graduate  Scholarship

(Teyonkwayenawá:kon  is from the Mohawk language and refers to a mixed group of people.)
The Teyonkwayenawá:kon (day / yoon / gwa / yay / naw / waah / goon)  Graduate  Scholarship was established in  2021 with the purpose of welcoming  new Indigenous graduate students to  Queen’s to help diversify our teaching and learning culture. The Teyonkwayenawá:kon – Graduate  Scholarship is available to incoming Indigenous graduate students. Indigenous is defined as First Nation, Métis or Inuit (FNMI).  Selection will be made through a competition held each year in May-June.  Application must be made when a student applies for graduate study at Queen's.  Value: $15,000

The Graduate Dean's Travel Grant for Doctoral Field Research

The Graduate Dean's Travel Grant for Doctoral Field Research provides financial support for doctoral students pursuing dissertation research at a considerable distance from Queen's. Awards will be made through a competition.  The maximum value of the award is $3,000. Graduate programs and Departments are sent details and application materials approximately 8 weeks prior to the annual competition deadline.

Huntley Macdonald Sinclair Travelling Scholarship

The Huntley Macdonald Sinclair Travelling Scholarship provides financial support for doctoral students pursuing dissertation research abroad. Awards will be made on a competition basis annually. Applicants should provide an outline of their dissertation research, a description of the work to be undertaken abroad, and an estimate of the costs. The recipient will be chosen through the adjudication process of the Graduate Dean's Travel Grant for Doctoral Field Research competition. Value: variable

The Alfred Bader Fellowship in Memory of Jean Royce

Established in November 2003 by Alfred Bader, Sc '45, Arts '46, M.Sc. '47, LLD '86, and other friends, in memory of Jean I. Royce, B.A. 1930, LL.D. 1968, Registrar, Queen's University, and awarded to a woman graduate of Queen's University for one year of study and research or to pursue an endeavour which contributes to the advancement of knowledge, contributes to society, or allows creative expression. All requirements for a Queen's degree must be completed by the spring convocation in the year of the competition. Application, along with official transcript(s), and three letters of reference, should be submitted to the Associate University Registrar (Students Awards) before 15 February.

The Jean Royce Fellowship

This fellowship in memory of Jean I. Royce, B.A. 1930, LL.D. 1968, Registrar, Queen's University, is awarded annually by the Queen's University Alumnae Association to a woman graduate of Queen's University for one year of study and research. Value Variable. Applications should be submitted to the Associate Registrar (Student Awards) before 15 February.

The Marty Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship was established in memory of Dr. Aletta Marty, M.A. 1894, LL.D. 1919 and her sister, Sophie Marty, a distinguished graduate of Queen's University. Awarded annually by the Queen's University Alumnae Association to a woman graduate of Queen's University, for one year of study and research. Value Variable Applications should be submitted to the Associate Registrar (Student Awards) before 15 February.

Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Award

Established by the Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University (CFHU) and awarded on the basis of financial need to undergraduate and graduate students who have been accepted during the fall, winter or spring/summer session at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for courses recognized for credit at Queen's University. Students may participate in courses offered at the Rothberg International School, the regular Hebrew University curriculum, other accredited Hebrew University programs, or any accredited study abroad program between Queen's University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Application should be made to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) by 31 March.

The Mireille Calle-Gruber International Studies Award

Established by Mireille Calle-Gruber and annually awarded, on the basis of academic merit, to a student doing a Master or PhD program in the Humanities, who wishes to study in France. Departments may send a written statement of nomination to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, by the deadline of March 1.  An ad hoc committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs will review the statements of nominations and select the winner.  Alternatively and when such applicants are identified, the recipient could be chosen through the adjudication process of the Graduate Dean's Travel Grant for Doctoral Field Research. If candidates for the award are identified through the latter process, the award will go to the applicant with the highest overall score in that competition. Value: variable

The Ted Reeve Memorial Award

Established by friends and associates of Ted Reeve, who was a football coach and a long time friend of Queen's. Awarded to upper-year students to recognize outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated qualities of courage, team loyalty and fair play on an intercollegiate team. Preference will be given to students who play on the Queen's Golden Gaels Football team. The maximum amount of each award will be according to O.U.A. regulations and will adhere to all other O.U.A. and C.I.S. regulations for Athletics Awards. The recipients will be chosen by a Selection Committee, including representatives of former Queen's football players and two representatives appointed by the Senate Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid. Application should be made by 1 October to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards). The application will be by letter and accompanied by a resume and two letters of reference, one of which will be from the applicant's interuniversity coaching staff.

The Rector Norman McLeod Rogers Prize

Established in memory of Norman Rogers (1894-1940), who held the Chair of Politics at Queen's from 1929 to 1935.  Combining academic distinction with a commitment to public life, Mr. Rogers was elected M.P. for Kingston in 1935 and served subsequently as Minister of Labour.  At the time of his death he was Canada's Minister of National Defence.  Among his many accomplishments and honours, Mr. Rogers was selected as a Rhodes Scholar for Nova Scotia and from 1938 was Rector of Queen's.  The prize is awarded to a graduating undergraduate or graduate student in the Departments of Political Studies, Economics, History, or the Public Administration program in the School of Policy Studies, who intends after completion of his or her studies to enter politics or the public service.  A letter of application, with a current transcript and resume, should be submitted to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) by 1 February; no other material will be considered by the committee.  Selection will be made by a committee chaired by the Head of Political Studies, and comprising the Heads of Economics and History, the Director of the School of Policy Studies and a representative of the Senate Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid, or their delegates.  The three top-ranked candidates will be interviewed by the Committee. Candidates interviewed should expect the focus of the interview will relate, directly or indirectly, to topics associated to the candidate's interest in public service and/or public policy issues.

The Alexander and Ian Vorres Hellenic Travel Fellowship

Established by Ian Vorres, B.A. '50, and awarded to an upper year undergraduate or a graduate student, on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, and a written proposal, who is intending:

  1. to pursue original work (a thesis or other project) in Greece for one year or two consecutive years on a subject related to Greece of any historical period, in philology, archaeology, history, or philosophy; or
  2. to participate in a summer session or excavation in Greece sponsored by the Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, or other approved institutions; or
  3. to attend a full year program at The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, The College Year in Athens, or other approved institution. (These alternatives are listed in order of priority.)

Applicants should complete a bursary application form available from the department, submit a letter of application with C.V. and project description, along with the names of two referees to the Department of Classics. Selection will be made in consultation with the Student Awards Office. Application deadline: March 31 Value: variable

The Department of Classics Travel Grant

Established in January 2010 by the friends of the Department of Classics.  Granted to graduate students or undergraduates registered in the Department of Classics.  The grant is available to contribute to the support of field research that must be carried out at a considerable distance from Queen’s University. Granted on the basis of the academic merit and feasibility of the proposed field study research described within the Department of Classics Travel Grant application.  Selection will be made by the Department of Classics Awards Committee. Value: variable.

The International Student Tuition Award

Awarded to an international graduate student enrolled in any Master’s research-based or Doctoral program in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.  The recipient must be enrolled full time in year 1 or 2 of an eligible Master’s program or full time in years 1 through 4 of a Doctoral program and must also hold an International Tuition Award (ITA) from the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be determined by an ad hoc committee appointed by the Vice-Provost and Dean, School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value: variable (amount to be applied directly towards tuition fees).


AMS Sesquicentennial Bursaries

Value: variable
Established in 1990 by the Alma Mater Society of Queen's University. Awarded to students in any faculty or school with preference given to single parents with day care expenses. Application should be made to the Associate Registrar (Student Awards) by 1 December.

The Award for Graduate Students with Disabilities

Value: variable
Established by the Graduate Student Society (now called the Society for Graduate and Professional Students) from donations over a five year period (1989/90 to 1993/94) and awarded on the recommendation of the Disabilities Services Advisor, Queen's University.

The Adelaide Haggart Bursaries

Value: variable
Established from a bequest by Adelaide E. (Haggart) Robinson and awarded to a student in any faculty or school on the basis of financial need.
Application should be made to the Associate Registrar (Student Awards) by 1 December.

The Disabled Students' Bursaries

Value: variable
Established by the Alma Mater Society and Arts and Science '82 to assist disabled students attending Queen's University. Awarded on the basis of need.
Application should be made to the Associate Registrar (Student Awards) prior to 1 December.

The Inuit Bursary

Value: $200
Awarded to an Inuit student in financial need. Applications to be made to the Associate Registrar (Student Awards) by 1 December.

The Dr. John Freeman Bursary in Education

Established in June 2018 by John I. Freeman in memory of his son, Dr. John G. Freeman, B.A. 1976, B.Ed. 1977, M.A. 1990, a dedicated teacher and mentor of many graduate students during his 20 year career in the Faculty of Education at Queen’s University. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral degree program in the Faculty of Education. Applications are to be made to the Office of the University Registrar, Student Awards by 31 October. Value: variable.

The MIR Class of 1985 Bursary 

Value: variable
Established in October 2020 by members of the Master of Industrial Relations Class of 1985. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students enrolled in the Master of Industrial Relations degree program at Queen's University. Applications are to be made to the Office of the University Registrar, Student Awards by 31 October, through the General Bursary program.

The Norman L. Bowen Bursary

Value: variable
This bursary was established by Mrs. Mary Lamont Bowen and her daughter, Mrs. Catherine B. Orne, in memory of Dr. Norman L. Bowen, world renowned petrologist, a graduate and one-time professor in mineralogy at Queen's University. Awarded annually in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering to a student of mineralogy and petrology, preferably one who has completed one year of graduate study at Queen's University.

The Phyllis Mary Robinson Bursary

Established in February 2018 by Joy Patrick, BNSc 1970, in memory of Phyllis Mary Robinson, dedicated teacher of nursing students for many years. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to undergraduate or graduate students in any year of a degree program in the School of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Applications are to be made to the Office of the University Registrar, Student Awards by 31 October. Value: variable.

The Rehab Therapy Society Sesquicentennial Bursary

Value: variable
Established by the Rehab Therapy Society in 1990, in celebration of Queen's Sesquicentennial. The bursary is awarded on the basis of financial need to undergraduate and/or graduate students in any faculty who are challenged with a physical disability. Application to be made to the Associate Registrar (Student Awards) by 1 December.

The Richard J. Hand Graduate Bursary

Value: variable
Established by friends, family, alumni, and colleagues in memory of Richard J. Hand, dedicated professor and Dean of the School of Business, Vice-Principal (Resources) at Queen's, and cherished colleague and friend. Awarded on the basis of financial need to one or more students in the doctoral program in management. Funds are intended to support the doctoral work/research of students, and to provide some benefit to their education. Application to be made by letter to Chair of Doctoral Program in the School of Business with details of financial need and the activities the bursary would support. Application can be made at any time.

The Sutton Bursaries

Value: variable
Established by Gerald D. Sutton (B. Comm. '48, M. Comm. '49) and Margaret (Scally) Sutton (B.A. '48) to be awarded to students in need of financial assistance.
Applications should be submitted to the Associate Registrar (Student Awards) prior to 1 December.

The Walter F. Light Bursaries for Graduate Students in Education

Value: variable
Established by gifts from the late Walter F. Light, Sc. 1949, LL.D. 1981, former Chair of the Queen's University Board of Trustees, and CEO and Chair of Northern Telecom, Margaret Light, Arts 1947, and gifts in memory of Walter F. Light. Awarded on the basis of financial need to full-time students in graduate programs offered by the Faculty of Education. Applications are to be made to the Office of the University Registrar, Student Awards by 31 October.

Discipline Specific Fellowships, Scholarships, and Other Awards

For Students in the Humanities or Social Sciences

The Alfred Bader Graduate Fellowship

Value: $7,000 approx.
Established in May 2014 by Dr. Alfred Bader and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a funding-eligible Ph.D. level student enrolled in a graduate program in Arts and Science in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, to undertake studies in history related to 20th century Europe.  Preference will be given to students whose research is related to Germany, 1933-1945. A one page research proposal will be required as part of the application process. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition.

The Alfred Bader Graduate Fellowship in the Humanities

Established in May 2014 by Dr. Alfred Bader and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Ph.D. level students enrolled in a graduate program in the Humanities in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.  Preference will be given to incoming Ph.D. students in a graduate program in the Humanities. Consideration will be given to newly admitted doctoral students in other graduate programs in the Faculty of Arts and Science whose planned research falls under the general category of ‘the Humanities’. A one page research proposal will be required as part of the application process. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: $7,000 approx.

The Alan R. Dennis Doctoral Award

Established in June 2017 by Alan R. Dennis, MBA 1984, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Ph.D. level students enrolled in the Smith School of Business doctoral program in the areas of Management Information Systems or Operations. Preference will be given to use funding for travel costs to conferences. The applicant must be nominated by a faculty member in the Management Information Systems or Operations area. Applicants are required to submit a one page description of their research. Final selection will be made by the PhD/MSc Awards Adjudication Committee of the Smith School of Business. Value: variable.

The Alice Corry Award in Education

Established through gifts from members of the Faculty Women's Club at Queen's University, along with gifts from family and friends of Alice Corry. The Alice Corry Award in Education was established to assist women pursuing graduate studies in Education, either at the Masters or Doctorate level. The award may be used to help fund fieldwork outside the province or may be used to assist with expenses associated with conference travel if the recipient is presenting a paper. A proposed budget must be submitted with the request for funds. If there is a request for more than the award, a decision regarding the amount will be made by a Faculty of Education subcommittee. The successful applicant must be a registered, full-time student at the time the award is used, must demonstrate financial need, and under the trust fund guidelines the recipient must be considered an Ontario resident. The student must also demonstrate first class standing in the last two years of university study. Apply to the Graduate Studies Office in the Faculty of Education. Value: Variable

The Andrew Halkett Fellowship in Philosophy

Established by Margaret T. Halkett, in memory of her father, Andrew Halkett. Awarded biennially to a promising full-time candidate for the master's degree in the Department of Philosophy. Value: variable.

The Arthur and Evelyn Lower Graduate Fellowship in Canadian History

Established in memory of Arthur R. M. Lower, C.C., M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Harvard), F.R.S.C., and his wife Evelyn from the estate of Professor Lower. One of Canada's most eminent historians, Dr. Lower was for many years Professor of History at Queen's. The Lower Fellowship will be awarded to a graduate student whose principal study at Queen's University shall be Canadian history. When such applicants are identified, preference will be given to incoming or continuing graduate students whose previous degree(s) is/are from the University of Winnipeg. Recipients preferably will be intending to enter the teaching profession in Canada. The fellowship is open to Master’s or doctoral students. The fellowship is renewable, subject to eligibility, availability of funding and departmental recommendation, at the doctoral level. Whenever the Department of History at Queen's University judges that there are no worthy candidates in a given year, the award will be deferred to another year. Value: approximately $10,000.

The Arthur Child Graduate Fellowship in Public Policy

Established in memory of Dr. Arthur Child, B.Comm. 1931, LL.D. 1983, by the Arthur J.E. Child Foundation and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to graduate students in the Master of Public Administration program in the School of Policy Studies at Queen’s University. Selection will be made by the Admissions Committee of the School of Policy Studies. Value: variable.

The Bader Fellowships   

Established in November 1995 by Drs. Alfred and Isabel Bader and last revised in May 2019 to support research abroad, preferably in Europe, on realistic Pre-World War I art, with preference given to the study of baroque art by doctoral students in Art History for a period of up to one year. Students in the Ph.D. program in Art History who have completed their Comprehensive Examinations and language requirements, and are ready to commence thesis research and writing are eligible to apply. Adjudication will be by the Graduate Committee in the Department of Art. Successful applicants must complete the Research Seminar and have their Thesis Proposals approved by the Graduate Committee before taking up their Fellowships. Two or more fellowships. Value $22,000 each for students holding external awards of $10,000 or more during the tenure of the fellowship; $30,000 each for students with no external awards.

The Bamji Art Conservation Award

Established by Dr. Pervez (Perry) and Mrs. Annamaria Bamji, B.A. 1998, to assist with the costs associated with international travel, for a graduate student in the Art Conservation Program at Queen’s University, during the course of their study for the purpose of research, coursework or conference participation. The travel must involve active participation by the student in an art conservation program endorsed by Queen’s University. The Award is for travel preferably to Italy or to another European country, for graduate research work endorsed by Queen’s University. If no suitable candidate is found in the Art Conservation Department, this Award should be given to a student in Graduate Studies in the Art History Department. Application should be made to the Department of Art History and Art Conservation by March 1. Value: variable.

The Bowen Graduate Fellowship in Human Geography

Established in October 2011 by Dawn Bowen, PhD 1998, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible humanities and social science graduate students in the Ph.D. degree program in the Department of Geography in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students in years 2 through 4 of a doctoral program, with preference given to students in year 3 or 4 of their program, whose research is in human geography and/or historical geography. This may be defined broadly as including research focused on historical issues employing either qualitative approaches (archival, hermeneutic, or interview) or mixed methodologies (e.g. historical research involving GIS or quantitative methods and qualitative methods). The research may be focused on any region of the world or past time period. Applicants shall submit a CV, copies of publications or other evidence of scholarly productivity, and a brief (1-2 page) proposal for the research to be conducted during tenure of the award. The research proposal shall be crafted in consultation with a full-time member or members of the faculty of the Department. Selection will be made by the Graduate Committee of the Department of Geography. Value:$2,500 maximum.

The Bruce C. McDonald Award

Established by friends, colleagues and co-workers in memory of Bruce C. McDonald,(Law '63). Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master's or doctoral students enrolled in Law in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made by the Associate Dean (Graduate Studies), Faculty of Law. Value: variable.

The C.A. Curtis Prize

Established by family, colleagues and former students in memory of Professor C.A. Curtis. Awarded annually for the best doctoral thesis in economics. Applications must be submitted by the thesis supervisor in January. Any Ph.D. thesis in economics completed during the preceding two calendar years is eligible for consideration. Selection is made by a committee of faculty members nominated by the Head of the Department. Value: Variable 

The Cameron-Wood Prize

Established by friends to honour Professor James Carruthers Cameron, founder and Head of the Industrial Relations Department from 1937 to 1960 and Dr. W. Donald Wood, Director of the Industrial Relations Centre from 1960 to 1985 and first Director of the School of Industrial Relations. Awarded on the recommendation of the Director of the School to the graduating student who completes the M.I.R. degree program within one year and who has the most outstanding academic record. Value: variable

The Canadian College of Health Service Executives Eastern Ontario Chapter - Award of Excellence

The purpose of this Award is to recognize significant and exemplary efforts of students while completing their formal educational programs.  The recipient will receive a Certificate of Citation together with a cheque for $1000.  To qualify, submissions considered for the award will address a formal  activity/project undertaken by students which advance or have the potential to: advance health care management in an applied context, make a substantive contribution to current or evolving health care policy interpretation/development, and/or give evidence of lessons learned/compelling case studies relevant to  an applied health care system/leadership issue.All applicants for the Award of Excellence must be enrolled in the MPA at Queens University or have successfully completed the requirements for graduation within the previous six months.  All submissions for the Award must be based on a project completed during the current academic year.  Submissions must be received by the Award of Excellence Coordinator by April 30. For more information, please contact:  Elizabeth Bardon, CHE Tel: (613) 544-3400 x2656; Email:

The Canadian Institute of Planners Student Awards for Academic Excellence

Awarded annually to a graduate of the M.PL. program who has the highest academic average in the graduating class, and who has completed the degree requirements in no more than three years as a full-time student and not more than five years as a part-time student. On recommendation of the selection committee, the Director of the School of Urban and Regional Planning will nominate the candidate to CIP. The candidate must be a member of CIP. The award will consist of a CIP certificate and a book prize. The awardee will be selected in October from the graduates making the degree lists for the spring or fall convocations in the same calendar year.

The Catherine McGann Memorial Award

Established in June 1998 by family and friends in memory of Catherine McGann. Awarded annually to the graduate student in the Department of French Studies who has produced the best thesis in the past calendar year. Selection will be made by the Admissions and Awards Committee in the Department of French Studies. Value: variable.

The C.G. Prado Prize in Philosophy

Established in June 2008 by faculty and friends in honour of Carlos G. Prado, Ph.D. 1970, who was born in Guatemala, and received degrees from University of California at Berkeley and Queen's. During his distinguished career at Queen's he published more than a dozen books, supervised over thirty Ph.D. and M.A. theses, and inspired many students. The prize will provide an annual award to a graduate student in the Department of Philosophy who submits an outstanding doctoral thesis. To be eligible, a Doctoral student’s thesis must be submitted within 7 years of the candidate’s first registration in the Ph.D. program in the Department of Philosophy. Allowance will be made for maternity or other leaves.  The prize will normally be awarded in October or November for theses submitted between October 1st of the previous year and September 30th of the year of the award.  The winning thesis will be chosen by the Department of Philosophy’s Board of Graduate Studies, in consultation with the Head of the Department. Value: variable.

The Christine Morin Fellowship

Established in June 2019 by Christine Morin, BA 1990. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible female Master's or PhD students enrolled in the Department of Economics. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/similar group. Value: $10,000, to one recipient annually.

The Clarence J. Hicks Fellowship in Industrial Relations

Founded by friends of the late Clarence J. Hicks, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Industrial Relations Counsellors, Inc., New York City, and pioneer in the field of industrial relations through whose leadership and assistance the Department of Industrial Relations was established at Queen's University in 1937. The fellowship is awarded annually for graduate study or research in industrial relations at Queen's University. Value: variable.

The Clifford M. Brown Discovery Travel Award

Established in March 2009 by Clifford M. Brown in memory of his parents Dr. Abbey A. Brown and Isabelle Ann Weintraub Brown and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding -eligible Master’s or Ph.D. students enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs who wish to pursue travel opportunities that support the student’s area of study and their appreciation of arts and culture. Preference will be given to the study of art by graduate students from the Department of Art, and then to graduate students in any department of the Faculty of Arts and Science; for instance, study of languages, history, other creative arts, as well as the social sciences. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition.  Value: variable

The COGECO Scholarship

Established in 1995 by COGECO Inc., a Canadian communications company, and awarded on the basis of high academic standing to students pursuing graduate studies in the social aspects of communications at Queen's University. Selection will be made by a committee in the Department of Sociology. Two awards are available annually. If there are no available candidates in the area of social aspects of communications in the Department of Sociology, the committee can consider candidates from other departments in areas of communications. Value: variable, at least  $2,500 per award.

The Daniel Soberman Ph.D. Scholarship in Constitutional and Federalism Studies

Established in March 2012 by Daniel Soberman, LLD 2008, and Patricia Soberman, MA 1963, in recognition of Daniel’s leadership as Dean, Faculty of Law, in establishing the Faculty of Law’s LL.M. program in 1969. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students registered in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs full-time in years 1 through 3 inclusive of the Ph.D. degree program in Law. Recipients must have a demonstrated interest in constitutional law and federalism studies. Selection will be made by the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research in the Faculty of Law, and the name(s) of the recipients shall be forwarded to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value: $6,000 approx.

The David C. Smith Memorial Fellowship in Economics

Established in January 2001 by Alfred and Isabel Bader in recognition of the tremendous contribution of David C. Smith, LLD 1994, to the growth and development of the Graduate Program in the Department of Economics at Queen's University, while he was department head from 1968 to 1981, and to his work with Alfred and Isabel Bader in establishing the International Study Centre at Herstmonceux. Awarded to a Ph.D. student in Economics showing particular promise in his or her graduate work.  The Fellowship will be awarded on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Economics in consultation with the Chair of Graduate Studies.  Value: variable 

The David L. Lindsay Award for Public Policy Studies

Established in April 2013 by friends and colleagues in honour of David L. Lindsay, BCom 1981, former deputy minister in the Ontario government and a fellow at the School of Policy Studies. Awarded to a graduate student or graduate students entering the first year of the full-time Master of Public Administration program or the part-time Professional Master of Public Administration program, School of Policy Studies, in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs at Queen’s University. Preference will be given to: students whose academic interests and/or professional field are in the areas of natural resources, environment, infrastructure, economic development, energy, and innovation; and who are employed with the Ontario Public Service at the time of selection. The selection criteria will include factors that help shape a well-rounded public servant, including academic excellence, record of community service, and demonstrated promise in their field of public service. The School of Policy Studies Selection Committee will review the dossier of incoming students every year and will select the successful recipient(s). Value: variable.

The David Elder Award in Global Public Policy

Established in September 2018 by colleagues and friends in honour of David C. Elder, Assistant Secretary, Machinery of Government, Privy Council Office (1998-2001) and Adjunct Professor and Distinguished Fellow in the School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and demonstrated promise in the field of public service to funding eligible Master-level students enrolled in Master of Public Administration or Professional Master of Public Administration program in the School of Policy Studies. Preference will be given to students in the full time MPA program whose academic interests and/or professional field is in the area of global public policy including the study of international organization or foreign policy. Applicants will be invited to submit a brief outline of some combination of their experience, previous education, research interests, and career aspirations. Selection will be made by the School of Policy Studies awards committee or similar group. Value: $3,000

The D.D Monieson Doctoral Fellowship

Established in honour of Professor Emeritus D.D. Monieson. An enduring passion that guided Professor Monieson’s scholarship was his interest in the nature of knowledge, its origins, its limits, and its validity. Many of Professor Monieson’s writings related in one way or another to the idea of usable knowledge – research that advances our thinking about business practice. Funding-eligible post-comprehensive examination Ph.D. students in the Smith School of Business are eligible for this award, and students must be nominated by their thesis supervisors. In celebration of Professor Monieson’s career, this award is based on academic excellence and a thesis topic that contributes to our usable knowledge of a business issue of contemporary importance, in addition to making a contribution to a relevant theoretical domain. This award will be adjudicated by the Chair of the Ph.D. program in consultation with the Director of the Monieson Centre. Value: $5,000.

The D.D. Monieson Graduate Business Scholarship

Established in November 2003 in honour of Professor Emeritus D.D. Monieson.  Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student at the beginning of the Ph.D. in Management at Queen's University, who graduated in the previous term from the M.Sc. in Management program in the Smith School of Business at Queen's University. Awarded in early Fall.  Value: Variable.

The Department of Classics Travel Grant

Established in January 2010 by the friends of the Department of Classics. Granted to graduate students or undergraduates registered in the Department of Classics.  The grant is available to contribute to the support of field research that must be carried out at a considerable distance from Queen’s University. Granted on the basis of the academic merit and feasibility of the proposed field study research described within the Department of Classics Travel Grant application. Selection will be made by the Department of Classics Awards Committee. Value: variable.

The Department of Gender Studies Graduate Award

Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s students enrolled in Department of Gender Studies in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies Subcommittee. Value: $2,500.

The Department of Geography Graduate Fellowship

Established in January 2001 by an anonymous donor to the Department of Geography at Queen's University. Awarded to a full-time graduate student in the Department of Geography on the basis of academic excellence, and meaningful research and study. This Fellowship will be awarded annually to a graduate student pursuing a Ph.D., M.Sc. or M.A. Value: minimum of $15,000.

The Department of Geography Graduate Awards for Exceptional Merit

Established in January 2001 by an anonymous donor to the Department of Geography at Queen's University. Awarded to five to seven full-time graduate students who have been admitted to a Master's or Ph.D. program in the Department of Geography on the basis of academic excellence, and meaningful research and study. Value: $2,000 to $3,000.

The Dianne Lougheed Graduate Award

Established in February 2023 by Dianne Lougheed, BA (Hons.) 1973 (Economics and Math), MBA (University of Alberta), and Certified Management Consultant. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD level students enrolled in the Department of Economics in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students who are pursuing research in areas related to innovation and science policy in Canada. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/similar group. Value: variable.

The Donald Matthews Award in Policy Studies

Established by Donald Matthews, B.Sc.(Eng.) 1950 and awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need to a Master of Public Administration student pursuing studies on issues related to national unity and government. Value: variable.

The Donald S. Rickerd Fellowship in Canadian-American Studies

Established jointly by the Donner Canadian Foundation of Toronto and the William H. Donner Foundation, Inc. of New York City in appreciation of the outstanding contribution to the work of the two Foundations made by Donald Rickerd, graduate of Queen’s University, who served for some twenty years as their President.  The Fellowship, subsequently supported through Donald Rickerd’s own personal donations, is awarded to graduate students working on any aspect of Canadian-American Studies, including Canadian-American relations and comparative studies.  The fellowship may be renewed for a second, and in exceptional cases for a third, year after adjudication by the selection committee. Awarded on the recommendation of a selection committee appointed by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, chaired by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (or delegate) and composed of representatives of the Departments of Economics, History and Political Studies, and the School of Policy Studies. In any given year the fellowship may be awarded to the top candidate or two candidates if the selection committee deems both candidates to be equally qualified and deserving. Value: variable.

The Don Wood Fellowships in Industrial Relations

Established through a special appeal to honour Dr. W. Donald Wood, Director of the Industrial Relations Centre from 1960 to 1985 and first Director of the School of Industrial Relations. Awarded on the recommendation of the Director of the School to students in the Master of Industrial Relations program. Value: variable.

The Dorothy Warne Chambers Memorial Graduate Fellowships

Established from the estate of Harold Bair Chambers in memory of his wife Dorothy Warne Chambers. Two one-year fellowships tenable in the Departments English, History or Philosophy are awarded to students in a Doctoral degree program at Queen's University. The fellowship is to be used to help defray travel costs associated with research projects in distant North American destinations or abroad. The recipient will be chosen through the adjudication process of the Graduate Dean's Travel Grant for Doctoral Field Research competition.  Value: variable

The Douglas H. Clark and Bonney G. Clark Memorial Scholarship

Established in March 2017 in memory of Douglas H. Clark and Bonney Clark by their four children, Wendy Bailey, B.Sc. 1979, Heather Faris, B.Sc. 1983, Andrew Clark, and Carolyn Clark, B.Sc. 1991, M.D. 1995. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in Political Studies in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students whose research is related to federal/provincial relations in Canadian politics. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/group. Value: variable

The Dr. H. Martyn Estall Graduate Award

Established in memory of Dr. H. Martyn Estall, former Professor of Philosophy, by family, friends, colleagues and former students. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement to assist graduate students in the Department of Philosophy to attend a significant conference. Preference will be given to students who wish to present a paper at or attend the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophical Association. Selection will be made by the Coordinator of Graduate Studies and the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee. Application should be made in writing and may be submitted at any time throughout the year. Value:variable.

The Dr. Shirley Taylor Memorial Scholarship

Established in September 2007 by friends and colleagues in memory of Dr. Shirley Taylor, who served as an associate professor and Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow in Marketing at the School of Business. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement, demonstrated research ability, and service to the Queen’s community to full-time students enrolled in the marketing field of study in the Ph.D. in Management program who have successfully completed the comprehensive examination requirement and have defended or made substantial progress on their thesis proposal for the purposes of attending a marketing doctoral consortium. Awarded on the recommendation of the Marketing area faculty and the Chair of the Research & Graduate Programs, or designate, at the Queen’s School of Business. The School of Business will forward the nomination to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value: variable

The Durland Learning Foundation Fellowship

Established in May 2021 by the Durland Learning Foundation and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD level students enrolled in the Smith School of Business in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.  Preference will be given to students doing research in business in a domain related to social or environmental themes with particular emphasis on current and emerging issues. In the Fall, a call will go out to research Masters, PhD students and faculty asking for nominations for the award. Eligible students can be nominated by a Smith School of Business faculty member, or students, or can self-nominate. The nomination must include the following: a) a statement by the nominator stating why s/he feels that student is worthy of the award; b) the nominee must submit an up-to-date CV. Selection will be made by the PhD/MSc Awards Committee in the Smith School of Business. Any faculty member on the Committee who has nominated a student will be recused from the adjudication discussion. Selection will be made by the PhD/MSc Awards Committee in the Smith School of Business. Value: $2,500

The E. Gay Mitchell Graduate Fellowship in Finance

Established by E. Gay Mitchell, B.A. '84, and awarded on the basis of academic achievement to a graduate student in either the Master's or Doctoral degree program in the Department of Economics and/or the School of Business, with a designated research specialization in Finance. The fellowship will be awarded to a graduate student from the Department of Economics in even years and to a graduate student from the Smith School of Business in odd years. Application should be made to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs by 1 March.  Value: variable

The Elaine Galway Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of Elaine Galway, BA 1989, LLB 1992, in 2002 and revised in September 2018. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Master's level students enrolled in Religious Studies in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made by the School of Religion Graduate Awards Committee.

The Elizabeth Neave Fellowship

Established in 2014 by Edwin (Ted) Neave in memory of his wife Elizabeth Lees Neave and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible M.Sc. students in the School of Business. The applicant is required to submit a half page outline of their research project. Selection will be made by the QSB PhD/MSc Awards Adjudication Committee. Value: variable.

The Ellen Wilson Buzek Fellowship

Established by a bequest from the estate of Douglas Sheppard Wilson for postgraduate studies in the history of Eastern Europe commencing 1914. Open to first-class candidates for both the master's and doctoral degrees for one year of study and research.Value: variable

The Empire Life Scholarship

Established by the Empire Life Insurance Company to commemorate its 75th anniversary, this scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a full-time student or students entering the Masters of Public Administration program. The scholarship is awarded on the recommendation of the School of Policy Studies.Value: $5,000

The Environmental Studies Graduate Scholarship

Established in September 2006 by the School of Environmental Studies and awarded to graduate students in the Master of Environmental Studies degree program who achieve the highest overall combined average in ENSC 801 Environmental Studies Methods* and ENSC 802 Global Environmental Problems*. If more than one student qualifies for the award, the funds available for an award for that year will be divided equally among the awardees. Selection will be made annually by the Graduate Program Committee of the School of Environmental Studies. Value: variable.

The Eric W. Cross Fellowship in Law

Established in May 2009 by the Estate of Daphne Cross in memory of her father Eric W. Cross, B.A. 1824, M.A. 1925.  Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible graduate students enrolled in one of the graduate programs in the Faculty of Law.  Selection will be made by the Awards Committee, Faculty of Law.  Value: variable.

The Ernst Loeb Memorial Graduate Scholarship 

Established from the estate of Raymond Max Immerwahr to honour the memory of the late Professor Emeritus of German Literature, Ernst Loeb. Selection of this award is by a committee in the Department of German and is awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a Master's or Doctoral student in the Department of German who is specializing in German Literature from the Classical Period through the Twentieth Century. Value:variable

The Founder's Medal

Established by an anonymous donor in honour of Donald Gow, Founder and first Director of the School of Policy Studies.  Presented to a full- or part-time student graduating from the MPA Program with the highest academic standing.  Value: Medal

The Frank Collom Memorial Graduate Award

Established in September 2006 by family, friends and colleagues of Professor Frank Collom, a long-time faculty member of the Queen’s School of Business.  Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student in the first year of the Master of Industrial Relations (MIR) program who has an undergraduate degree from Queen’s University.  Preference will be given to a student with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Queen’s University. Selection will be made by the MIR Admissions Committee in the School of Policy Studies. Value: variable.

The Frank Wyatt MacLean Graduate Fellowships in Education

Established by a bequest from the late Frank Wyatt MacLean (BA'49) who spent many years in the field of Education. Awarded to full-time students in the M. Ed. program on the basis of academic achievement at the B. Ed. level and demonstrated professional achievement in the field of education. Recipients must be graduates of the Queen's Faculty of Education and may not hold other Queen's Fellowships or Scholarships totaling more than $2,000. Application must be made to the Dean of the Faculty of Education not later than 1 April. Value: variable.

The G. G. Baron Van der Feltz Prize

Mrs. Ellen Frei has established a prize in memory of her father to be awarded annually upon the recommendation of the Head of the Department for the best major research paper on an international topic submitted to the Department of Political Studies in completion of degree requirements for the Master of Arts. Value: variable.

The Gary Gannage Memorial Award

Established in February 2023 by AMAPCEO - Ontario Professional Employees in memory of their past president, Gary Gannage, BA 1979. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible graduate students enrolled in the full-time Master of Industrial Relations program in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to Indigenous peoples, Black Canadians, Visible Minority/Racialized students, Persons with Disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ individuals. Value: variable.

The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation Master of Science in Management Awards

Established by the Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation. Awarded on the basis of financial need to one or more students in the Master of Science Program in Management. Funds are intended to support the Master's work/research of students. Application is to be made by letter to the Chair of the Master of Science Program in Management, Smith  School of Business with details of financial need and the activities the bursary would support. Application may be made at any time. Value: variable.

The Geoffrey H. Wood Scholarship

Established by the Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation. Awarded annually to student(s) in the doctoral program in Management at Queen's University with high academic standing. Selection will be made by the Chair of the Ph.D. program in the Smith School of Business. At the Chair's discretion, the scholarship may be divided among two or more doctoral students. The award monies can be designated, by the Chair, to support travel to academic conferences, research studies, and other activities which will enhance the student's graduate education. Value: variable

The George MacBeth Milligan Fellowship in Philosophy

A fellowship, endowed by George MacBeth Milligan of Toronto, is awarded annually to a university graduate qualified to carry on independent research work in Philosophy at Queen's University for the whole session and embody the results in a thesis. Value: variable

The H. Carl Goldenberg Scholarship in Industrial Relations

Established in memory of H. Carl Goldenberg (1907-1996), lawyer, advisor to provincial and federal governments, Royal Commissioner, Senator, and one of Canada's most eminent labour mediators and arbitrators. Awarded to a student with a record of strong academic achievement who is pursuing a Master of Industrial Relations degree with a focus upon industrial relations. The recipient will be encouraged to develop a research initiative based upon Carl Goldenberg's interest and work in dispute resolution and to make use of the Queen's Archives Goldenberg Papers Collection. Recipients of this award will be known as the Goldenberg Scholar. Value: variable 

The H.R. Stuart Ryan Fellowship in Law

Established in March 2015 by Andrew Best, LL.B. 1981, in memory of H.R. Stuart Ryan, LL.D. 1991, who was a founder of the Law School. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible international students who are from one of the Commonwealth countries. Recipients must be enrolled as regular full-time international students in years 1 through 3 of the PhD program in Law in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. A student can hold the fellowship for more than one year if eligible/nominated. Selection will be made by the Awards Committee of the Faculty of Law with the assistance of a recommendation from the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research in the Faculty of Law. Value:$12,000

The Ida Mmari Memorial Award

The award will be given to the student with the highest Grade Point Average who completes the M.PL. Report or Thesis within two years of commencement of the program. Value: variable

The Isabel Bader Bursary in Textile Conservation

This bursary was established by Dr. Isabel Bader for the study of textile conservation, which links to one of her great interests, costumes and their design. The award is available to graduate students in the Master of Art Conservation Program, Department of Art, who are pursuing summer internships in art conservation, with preference given to students in textile conservation. Application is by letter to the Director of the Art Conservation program, no later than February 15th. Value: variable.

The Iva Speers Fellowship in Art History

Established by Mrs. Iva Speers to support and enhance the study of graduate students in Art History at Queen's University.  The fellowship will be awarded to a student whose work explores spirituality and art. Value: variable.

The James W.S. Jamieson Award

Established by a bequest from the estate of James W.S. Jamieson for graduate studies in the Department of English. This scholarship is to be awarded annually to an outstanding student specializing in Canadian literature. Students in Years III or IV of a doctoral program are eligible for consideration, and selection will be made in the Spring by a committee established by the Head of the Department of English. Value: variable.

The Jeff McGill Graduate Fellowship

Established by Kamyar Moud, M.Sc. 2004, in honor of Professor Jeff McGill who has brought significant advancements in knowledge to the field of Management Science, as well as having inspired many students over the years. This scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students enrolled in the MSc or PhD program in Management in the following order of priority: i)international MSc students in Management Science, ii) international PhD students in Management Science, iii) international MSc students in other areas of specialization in Smith School of Business. The applicant must be nominated by the Management Science faculty. The applicant is required to submit to the Management Science area a full page outline of their research project. Selection will be made by the PhD/MSc Awards Adjudication Committee of Smith School of Business. Value: variable.

The James Robertson Carruthers Memorial Prize in History (MA students)

Established in January 1984 and revised in March 2017 in memory of James Robertson Carruthers, M.A. 1975. Awarded to Master’s level students enrolled in Department of History in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs with the highest academic standings at the end of their first term of registration. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/similar group. Value: variable.

The James Robertson Carruthers Memorial Scholarship (Doctoral students)

Established in November 2003 by a bequest from the estates of Mr. Walter and Mrs. Jessie Carruthers in memory of their son, James Robertson Carruthers, M.A. 1975, LL.B. 1979. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student entering the Doctoral program in the Department of History at Queen's University. Preference will be given to a student completing his/her Master's degree in the Department of History at Queen's University. Value: variable

The Joseph Leslie Engler Dissertation Fellowship in Canadian History

In honour of the late Joseph Leslie Engler, B.A. (Hon)'40, M.A. '41, and established in accordance with the will of the late Henrietta Aileen Engler, the Joseph Leslie Engler Dissertation Fellowship in Canadian History will be awarded to an outstanding Ph.D. student who, during the tenure of the award, is expected to be in the final full year of research and writing for a Ph.D. degree in Canadian history at Queen's University. Application must be made by letter to the Chair of the Department of History by 30 March in the year of application. Value: variable

The Joseph S. Stauffer Foundation Scholarship in Canadian Art and Architecture

To be awarded annually to a student entering his/her second year of the M.A. program in Art History, deemed to have both high academic standing in course work and demonstrated potential for original research, who can provide sufficient evidence of intent to write a thesis on a topic in Canadian Art or Architecture in order to fulfill the requirements of the degree. Value approx. $4,000

The Just Society Award

Established by Thomas S. Axworthy, M.A. '71, Ph.D. '79, with royalty proceeds realized from the sale of the publication entitled A Just Society, co-authored with former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Awarded to a full-time student in the Masters of Public Administration Program on the basis of academic excellence and financial need. This award is intended for a student who is doing research on the issues of federalism, social justice and equity in Canadian society and the ways in which they can be strengthened in the future. Application is by letter to the School of Policy Studies at the time of application for admission to the MPA program. The selection is made by the Director of the School of Policy Studies. Value variable.

The Ken Lockwood Memorial Award in Art Conservation

Established in memory of Ken Lockwood, M.A.’84, by family, friends and colleagues, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to a graduate student registered in the Master’s program in Art Conservation at Queen’s University. Selection will be made by the Department of Art's Graduate Committee on Awards by 31 October. Value: variable.

The Kevin A. Armstrong Memorial Award

Established in April 2007 by Alan and Ursula Armstrong in memory of their son Kevin A. Armstrong, M.A. (Philosophy) 1999, and awarded to a graduate student in the first year of any graduate program, with preference given to a student in the Master’s program in the Department of Philosophy. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Selection will be made based on academic achievement. Value: variable.

The Law Visible Minorities and Indigenous Students Award

Established in December 2005 and revised in May 2018 by donations from alumni of the Faculty of Law at Queen’s University and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible graduate students enrolled in one of the graduate programs in the Faculty of Law. Recipients must be members of a visible minority or of Canadian Indigenous descent. For the purposes of this Award, Indigenous is defined as First Nation, Métis and Inuit (FNMI).  Selection will be made by the Graduate Committee in the Faculty of Law. Value: variable.

The Legal Professionals Education Network Scholarship

Established in February 2023 ary 2023 by the Legal Professionals Education Network.  Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students graduating from the Graduate Diploma in Immigration and Citizenship Law with the highest mark in ICL 810 Foundations. Selection will be made by the Awards Committee of the Faculty of Law. Value: $1,250 (one award per class, total two per year)

The Lia Dower Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of Lia Maria Dower (nee Fatels), (1967-1997), whose generosity of spirit, commitment to student life, and freely given friendship influenced a wide variety of people from many different places. At the time of her death, Lia Dower was enrolled in the MIR program in the School of Industrial Relations. Awarded to a mature student who is returning to university from the work force to pursue a Master of Industrial Relations degree. The recipient must demonstrate involvement in community service and volunteer work, with evidence of commitment to the improvement of student life, accompanied by outstanding academic performance. Recipients of this award will be known as the Lia Dower Scholar. Value: variable.

The Lower Fellowship in Canadian History

Established in October 2010 in memory of Arthur R.M. Lower, C.C. , M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Harvard), from the estate of Professor Lower. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible graduate students enrolled in the Department of History in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, whose principal area of study is Canadian History. Selection will be made by the Department of History. Value: variable.

The L.R. Wilson Public Service Internship Award

Established by The Wilson Foundation and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible graduate students enrolled in the Master of Public Administration program who will be participating in the four-month cooperative education placement with a government agency or organization. Students must be enrolled in the MPA professional placement course scheduled for the fourth term of MPA program. Selection will be made by the Queen’s School of Policy Studies (QSPS) Awards Committee. Value: $4,000 (5 students per year)

The Mac Urquhart PhD Award in Economics

Established in (SCSSA-month/year) in memory of Dr. Malcolm Urquhart, LLD 1991 by David S. Brown, BA 1984. Awarded annually to Doctoral students in their third year of study, who have submitted the best second-year required research paper in the field of Economics. Supervisors of these PhD students may send a letter of nomination, which specifies the name of the student and the title of the research paper to the Head of the Department by the annual deadline. Selection will be made by a committee of faculty members selected by the Head of the Department of Economics in consultation with the Coordinator of Graduate Studies. Value: $2,500

The Marni Lithgow de Pencier (Arts '54) Award

Established by the Estate of Marianne de Pencier, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s level students enrolled in the Department of Philosophy in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/similar group. Value: variable.

The Masters of Industrial Relations Alumni Fellowship

Established in 2012 by Industrial Relations alumni and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible graduate students entering the first year of the Master of Industrial Relations degree program in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.  Selection will be made by the MIR Student Awards Committee and the name(s) of the recipient (s) shall be forwarded to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value: variable.

The Martin F. J. Prachowny Award

Established in May 2018 by Marguerite Prachowny in memory of her husband Martin F.J. Prachowny, who taught in the Department of Economics, 1967-2000. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Masters or PhD students enrolled in the Department of Economics in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students pursuing study and research in the field of Macroeconomics. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee or similar group. Value: $2,500

The McCall MacBain Sustainable Finance Fellows

Established in October 2020 by the Smith School of Business. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a funding-eligible research Master’s or Ph.D. level student enrolled in the Smith School of Business in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in a domain related to social or environmental themes. The research must be related to sustainability, with particular emphasis on current and emerging issues. In the Fall, a call will go out to research Masters, PhD students and faculty asking for nominations for the award. Eligible students can be nominated by a Smith School of Business faculty member, or students, or can self-nominate. The nomination must include the following: a) a statement by the nominator stating why s/he feels that student is worthy of the award; b) the nominee must submit an up-to-date CV. Selection will be made by the PhD/MSc Awards Committee in the Smith School of Business. Any faculty member on the Committee who has nominated a student will be recused from the adjudication discussion. The award will be presented at the annual Social Impact Summit held in October each year. Value: $2,500 plus name on plaque

The Melville S. Hatch Memorial Fellowships

Established from the estate of Muriel (Billie) D. Hatch in memory of her husband Melville S. Hatch and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to full-time funding eligible graduate students in the M.Sc. or Ph.D programs in the Smith School of Business. Value: variable.

The Michael D. Failes Graduate Fellowship in Labour and Employment Law

Established in December 2012 by students, friends and colleagues in memory of Michael D. Failes, LLM 1986, distinguished scholar, highly respected counsel and advocate, teacher and friend. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible students registered in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs as full-time first-year students in the LL.M. program or full-time students in the Ph.D. program in Law, who have a stated research interest in the area of labour and employment law. For doctoral students, the fellowship may be renewed each year provided that the cumulative multi-term grade point average over each academic year (fall, winter and spring term) is at least B+ (equal to or greater than GPA 3.30). Selection to be made by the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research in the Faculty of Law, in consultation with the Director of the Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace. Value: variable

The Moira Anne (Courtney) Hudgin Graduate Scholarship in Art

Established in February 2004 and revised in September 2016 by Moira Anne (Courtney) Hudgin, B.A. (Hons) 1968. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Masters or PhD level students enrolled in the Department of Art History and Art Conservation with preference to a student pursuing research in North American Indigenous art. Preference will also be given to students who self-identify as Indigenous. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/similar group. Value: variable

The Molson Canadian Science of Marketing Award in the Smith School of Business

Established by the firm of Bension-Byrne D'Arcy and by Molson Inc. as a tribute to Daniel J. O'Neill, CEO Molson Inc (MBA 1976) who has demonstrated leadership in the field of marketing throughout his career. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student studying the science of marketing in a Master's or Ph.D. program. Selection will be made by the Smith School of Business. Value: variable.

The Neil Morrison Fellowship in Economics

Established in 2014 by Neil Morrison, BA 1986. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Masters and Ph.D. level students enrolled in the Department of Economics in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. First preference will be given to Ph.D. level students. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/group. Value: variable

The Norman Macintosh Memorial Fellowship in Accounting

Established in May 2015 and revised in September 2018  as an initiative of Dr. Cheryl S. McWatters and with financial support from SSB Faculty and PhD alumni, in memory of Professor Emeritus Norman B. Macintosh. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible PhD students in the School of Business in the Accounting field. Selection will be made by the SSB PhD/MSc Awards Adjudication Committee.  Value: $2,000

The Ollan White Graduate Award

Established in February 2023 by the Estate of Wyona Thompson in memory of her husband Ollan White, BA 1960, MA 1968. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD level students enrolled in the Department of Psychology in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee or a similar group. Value: variable

The Poole Award in Women's and Gender Studies

Established in May 2012 by Alice Poole, Arts 1942, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s students enrolled in Gender Studies in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, and who have a demonstrated research interest in studies related to increasing understanding of and action on improvement of the status of women. Selection will be made by the Awards Committee of the Department of Gender Studies.Value:variable, minimum $2,000

The Prism Scholarship for Master of Industrial Relations

Established in June 2020 by Prism Economics and Analysis and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible graduate students enrolled in the full-time Master of Industrial Relations program in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students expressing interest in research and/or a career related to labour market analysis or trade unions and joint labourmanagement organizations. A one-page Statement of Interest to be written by the student is required. Selection will be made by the Admissions Committee of the MIR Program. Value: $2,500

The Professor Frank Pearce Prize

Established in September 2016 in honour of Professor Emeritus Dr. Frank Pearce by The Steve and Sally Stavro Family Foundation. Awarded to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in the Department of Sociology, Department of Political Studies, Department of Geography and Planning, Department of Philosophy, or Cultural Studies who submit the best essay (5,000 words) on the topic of radical critical theory and social justice. Applicants are to submit a letter of application to the office of the Vice-Dean in the Faculty of Arts and Science prior to 15 February. Selection will be made by a committee convened and chaired by the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science. Value: $1,500

The QSR Graduate Fellowship

Established in 2014 by Dr. Bruce and Mrs. Linda Hutchinson and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master's level students enrolled in Religious Studies in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students in year 1 of the Master's program. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Awards Committee (or equivalent committee within the Department). Value: variable

The Queen's MPA Alumni Award

Established by the School of Policy Studies in recognition of the continuing support of MPA alumni to advanced education in public policy and management. Awarded to one or more full-time students in the Master of Public Administration Program on the basis of academic excellence and financial need. Application is by letter to the School of Policy Studies at the time of application for admission to the MPA program. The selection is made by the Director of the School of Policy Studies. Value: variable.

The Rani Sivanathan Graduate Scholarship

Established in February 2023 by Niro Sivanathan, BA(Hons) 2001, MSc 2002, in memory of his mother and in honour of the 25th anniversary of the Master of Science Program in Smith School of Business. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters level students enrolled in Smith School of Business, with preference given to students in the Organizational Behaviour program. Selection will be made by the PhD/MSc Awards Adjudication Committee of the Smith School of Business. Value: $2,500

The R.E. Olley Graduate Award

Established in January 2022 by Robert E. Olley, MA 1961, PhD 1969, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible PhD level students enrolled in the Department of Economics in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. The fellowship will be renewable for three additional years provided good academic standing and full-time status is maintained. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee or a similar group. Value: $18,000 ($4,500 per year x 4 years)

The Richard J. Hand Graduate Awards in Management

Established by friends, family alumni, and colleagues in memory of Richard J. Hand, dedicated professor and Dean of the School of Business, Vice-Principal (Resources) at Queen's, and cherished colleague and friend. Awarded annually, on the basis of academic achievement, to one or more students entering or enrolled in the doctoral program in management at Queen's. As far as possible the award will be given to a student who exemplifies the values so dearly held by Professor Hand: service to Queen's and the community, leadership, humanity, and the pursuit of excellence. Preference will be given to individuals who hold an undergraduate degree from Queen's. Application to be made to the Chair of Doctoral Program in Management. Selection will be made by the Chair in conjunction with the Ph.D. committee. Deadline: 1 November. Value: $4,000

The Richard S. Malone Memorial Fellowship in Economics

Established by his wife and family in memory of Richard S. Malone, retired publisher of The Globe and Mail, to encourage the study of Economics by Canadian citizens who are pursuing or who intend to pursue a career in Journalism in Canada. Awarded annually to a full-time graduate student in the Department of Economics who, within the twelve calendar months immediately preceding the award of the Fellowship, was either i) in full-time attendance at a recognized Canadian school of journalism and has advised Queen's University in writing that he or she intends to pursue a career in journalism in Canada; or ii) pursuing a full-time career in journalism in Canada; or iii) pursuing a full-time career in journalism outside Canada in the employment of a Canadian corporation which carries on a journalistic endeavour within Canada. Value: variable

The Robert Grant Fellowship in Industrial Relations

Established in February 2004 by Robert M. Grant, MIR' 87. Awarded on the recommendation of the Director of the School to a graduate student in the Master of Industrial Relations degree program at Queen's University on the basis of financial need and achievement. Value: variable.

The Robert J. Wilson Thesis/Dissertation Development Award

Established in November 2006 and awarded to a graduate student or students in the Faculty of Education with a demonstrated research interest in theoretical and practical contributions to the fields of (a) classroom assessment practice, (b) large-scale assessment practice, or (c) program evaluation. Applicants are required to use established or innovative theoretical frameworks in at least one of these areas as a foundation for their research to be eligible for this award. Applicants who have had their research approved by their supervisory committee as part of their graduate degree at the Faculty of Education within one year of the application deadline are eligible to apply. The application deadline will be the same as the one established each year by the Faculty’s Graduate Studies and Research Office for student award applications to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Details on how to submit an application for the Robert J. Wilson Thesis/Dissertation Award are available from the Faculty of Education’s Graduate Studies and Research Office. Selection will be made by the Wilson Award subcommittee of the Faculty of Education Graduate Studies Committee. Value: variable, to a maximum of $500

The Robert Sutherland Fellowship in Law

Established in November 2014 by alumni and friends of Queen’s Faculty of Law to honour Robert Sutherland (BA, 1852), British North America’s first black lawyer, and the first person of African heritage to graduate from Queen’s University. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible international students enrolled in the Master’s (LL.M.) or Doctoral program in Law in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students from the Caribbean nations, including Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago. Selection will be made by the Awards Committee of the Faculty of Law. Value: variable; approx. $6,000 minimum

The Roger Graham Fellowship in Modern Canadian History

A fellowship endowed by Mrs. Kathleen Graham is awarded annually on the recommendation of the Department of History to an incoming graduate student who will be specializing in modern Canadian history in the Department of History. Value: variable.

The Rosa Baier and Luis Bruno Fund

Established in January 2016 by Rosa Bruno-Jofré in memory of her mother Rosa Baier and father Luis Bruno. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in the Faculty of Education in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Funding is to be used for expenses related to data collection for a student’s project or thesis. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/similar group. Value: $500

The Rose A. Freeman Memorial Award

Established in September 2006 by John G. Freeman, B.A. 1976, B.Ed. 1977, M.Ed. 1990, in memory of his mother Rose A. Freeman.  Awarded to a graduate student Teaching Assistant in the Faculty of Education who directly contributes to the learning experience of Bachelor of Education (Con.Ed.,B.Ed., Dip. Ed.) students through exhibiting outstanding commitment to the value of learning, availability to students, good organizational skills, and motivation.  Con.Ed., B.Ed., Dip. Ed. students may nominate their TA by submitting a letter to the Faculty’s Graduate Studies and Bureau of Research Office by November 30th and March 31st each year. Complete nomination packages must consist of a minimum of two letters, one of which must be from a professor.  The name of the TA and courses taught by him or her must be included in the nomination document as well as the details for why the TA is being nominated as deserving of the award. Selection is made by the Graduate Studies and Research Committee in the Faculty of Education.  The Committee will review all nomination packages and determine Award winning TAs by taking into consideration all information received from both students and professors.  All decisions are final.  Value: variable.

The S. Mathwin Davis Memorial Award

Established in March 2009 by friends and colleagues in memory of S. Mathwin Davis, Ph.D. 1979, former Professor in the School of Policy Studies.  Awarded on the basis of academic excellence, to a student interested in studying health policy and management, registered full-time or part-time, in a Master of Public Administration program offered by the School of Policy Studies. Selection will be made by the School of Policy Awards Committee by February 1. Value: variable

The Scarthingmoor Prize in Economics

Established in April 2006 by John Weatherall and awarded annually to a student whose Master’s essay received a mark of at least 85%. Preference will be given to a student whose essay contributes to our understanding of political economy, economic growth and development, macroeconomic policy, or financial markets. However, an essay on any subject in Economics could be considered eligible. Selection will be made by a committee of faculty members selected by the Head of the Department of Economics in consultation with the Coordinator of Graduate Studies. To be eligible, the student must have submitted the final approved version of their Master’s essay to the Department during the twelve-month period ending September 30 of each year. Value: variable.

The Scarthingmoor PhD Prize in Economics

Established in March 2017 by John Weatherall and awarded annually to a student whose has submitted the best PhD thesis in the field of Economics. Preference will be given to a student whose thesis contributes to our understanding of political economy, economic growth and development, macroeconomic policy, financial markets, international economics, or economic history. Supervisors of eligible PhD students may send a letter of nomination, which specifies the name of the student and the title of the thesis to the Head of the Department by the annual deadline. Selection will be made by a committee of faculty members selected by the Head of the Department of Economics in consultation with the Coordinator of Graduate Studies. To be eligible, the student must have submitted the final approved version of their PhD thesis to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in fulfillment of degree requirements, during the twenty-four month period ending September 30 of each year. Value: variable

The Sherri Campbell Memorial Award

Established in December 2020 by Peter Edwards, BA 1984, MIR 1988, in memory of fellow classmate, Sherri Campbell, BA (Hons.) 1982, BEd 1984, MA 1984 (English). Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters students enrolled in Department of English Language and Literature. Preference will be given to students pursuing thesis or course work in Renaissance Literature.  Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee or similar group. Value: $2,000 approximately

The Sir James Aikins Fellowship in Canadian History

A fellowship endowed by Sir James Aikins, K.C., LL.D., of Winnipeg, and supplemented by the University is awarded on the basis of distinguished work in the advanced Honours course in Canadian History or such other courses as the Professor(s) of Canadian and Colonial History shall determine and may be held only by students who return to the university for further work in Canadian History.  Value: variable

The Stanley Drabek Graduate Award in Political Studies

Established in November 2013 by Stanley Drabek, BA’58, M.A.’65, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in Political Studies in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.  Preference will be given to students studying Canadian politics. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/group. Value: variable.

The Sue Hendler Graduate Fellowship

Established in February 2011 by the Estate of Sue Hendler, who was an Associate Professor with the School of Urban and Planning from 1987 to 2009.Sue was also cross-appointed to Women’s Studies, now Gender Studies, and served as its head for two separate terms. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible graduate students enrolled in Urban and Regional Planning in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs who are working on planning ethics or women/gender and planning. Selection will be made by the School of Urban and Regional Planning Graduate Studies committee. Value: variable

The Sylvain Routhier Memorial Award

Established in May 2023 by the Sylvain Routhier Memorial Foundation. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD level students enrolled in the Department of Psychology in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students pursuing thesis research or coursework in clinical psychology or research in first responder therapy and rehabilitation. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee or similar group. Value: variable

The TD Bank Financial Group Graduate Fellowship in Arctic Environmental Issues

Established in March 2009 by TD Bank Financial Group and awarded to funding eligible Master’s or PhD level students pursuing research work in environmental issues that are of practical relevance to the Arctic region. The fellowship will provide travel and stipend support for graduate students to continue critical field research within the Arctic. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. A one-page research summary must be submitted with the application materials. Value:variable.

Terrie Easter Sheen Graduate Award

Established in May 2024 by alumni, colleagues and friends in recognition of long-time Queen’s employee, Terrie Easter Sheen. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible graduate students enrolled in a graduate program in the Department of Gender Studies. Preference will be given to students who self-identify as 2SLGBTQ+, Visible Minority/Racialized persons, Black Canadians, or Indigenous persons. Selection will be made by the Graduate Committee in the Department of Gender Studies. Applicants are to submit a letter of application which includes a self-identification statement. Value: variable.

The Timothy C. S. Franks Research Travel Fund

The Timothy C. S. Franks Research Travel Fund provides financial support for doctoral candidates in the Departments of History and Political Studies pursuing dissertation research abroad. Doctoral candidates in the two departments may apply for funding to help cover travel and subsistence costs for field research outside North America. Grants will be made on a competitive basis annually or more frequently at the discretion of the awards committee. Applicants should provide an outline of their dissertation research, a description of the work to be undertaken abroad, and an estimate of the costs. Applications will be adjudicated by the Heads of History and Political Studies or their delegates, who may make one or more awards as they see fit. Value: variable.

The Tom Williams Award in Policy Studies

Established by Dr. Tom Williams, Professor in the School of Policy Studies, Dean of Education (1977-1986), and Vice-Principal Operations and Institutional Relations (1986-1995). Awarded to one or more students in the Master of Public Administration program, on the basis of academic excellence and financial need. Application is by letter to the School of Policy Studies at the time of application for admission to the MPA or PMPA program. The selection is made by the Director of the School of Policy Studies. Value: variable.

The Tripp-Smith Family Graduate Fellowship in Economics

Established in October 2005 by Eric C. Tripp, B.A. (Hons) 1981, and awarded on the basis of academic achievement to a graduate student in either the Master's or Doctoral degree program in the Department of Economics whose research is related to financial markets. Preference will be given to students whose research is concerned with financial derivatives. the Fellowship will normally be awarded annually to one student on the recommendation of the Coordinator of Graduate Studies of the Department of Economics, subject to the approval of the Head of the Department. Value:variable.

The Walter F. Light Graduate Fellowships in Education

Established by gifts from Walter F. Light, Sc. 1949, LL.D. 1981, former Chair of the Queen's University Board of Trustees, and CEO and Chair of Northern Telecom, Margaret Light, Arts 1947, and gifts in memory of Walter F. Light. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need to full-time students in graduate programs offered by the Faculty of Education. Selection will be made by the Dean of Education on the advice of the Advisory Committee on the Walter F. Light endowments for Education. Applications must be made to the Dean of Education. The number and value of the scholarships awarded each year may vary.

The W. C. Good Memorial Fellowship Award

Established by members of the Good Family in memory of William Charles Good. The fellowship is to be awarded to a graduate student in the Department of Economics, the Department of History, the Department of Political Studies, or the Department of Sociology, and will normally be granted for two years with the possibility of extension for a third year. Preference will be given to a student whose research interests focus on issues of economic and social justice, human cooperation and/or egalitarian concerns.  Master's students within their first two years of research, and Doctoral students within their first four years of research, are eligible.  The School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs calls for nominations from eligible departments.  In a year in which a competition is held, the deadline is normally mid-March. Selection will be made by the W. C. Good Memorial Fellowship Award Committee.  Value: $20,000

The Wilhelmina Gordon Foundation in English

Established by the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, in appreciation of the work of Professor Wilhelmina Gordon who served as National Educational Secretary from 1923 to 1937. Awarded to the Canadian student who qualifies for a first-class honours B.A. with a concentration in English and ranks first in the graduating group in English at Queen's University. The student must be proceeding to graduate work.Value $1,000

The William G. Davis Award

Established by the friends and supporters of William G. Davis, in recognition of his important contribution to public life as Premier of Ontario for over 15 years. Awarded to one or more full-time student in the Master of Public Administration program on the basis of financial need and academic excellence. Application is by letter to the School of Policy Studies at the time of application for admission to the MPA program. The selection is made by the Director of the School of Policy Studies. Total value for any year: $5,000.

The Women's Canadian Historical Society of Toronto Master's and Doctoral Award

Established by the Women's Canadian Historical Society of Toronto to celebrate the Society's 100th Anniversary and awarded annually to a Master's student and a Doctoral student with a specialization in Canadian History. Preference will be given to a Canadian Citizen or Landed Immigrant. Candidates must have a minimum of A- (or equivalent) standing. A selection committee in the Department of History will select the two candidates annually.  Value: variable, but at least $2500 per award.

For Students in Life or Health Sciences

The Abrahams Award in Experimental Medicine

Established in March 1996 and revised in 2014 by the Abramsky Foundation to honour Dr. Vivian Abrahams, distinguished physiologist, Professor of Physiology at Queen's from 1963 to 1995 and Head of the Department from 1976 to 1988. Awarded on the basis of research excellence to funding-eligible PhD level students enrolled in the current Physiology program, or in the field of Experimental Medicine in the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences (DBMS), who shows exceptional promise for independent research. Selection will be made by the Abrahams PhD award committee (Experimental Medicine field, Biomedical and Molecular Sciences graduate program). Value: $1,400

The Advanced Research Design and Analysis Award

Established by Professor Sharon Burke and awarded annually beginning in 1996 to the student with the highest mark in Advanced Research Design and Analysis (NURS-800). The value is a one year subscription to the Canadian Journal of Nursing Research.

The Albert and Anne Francis Foundation Graduate Award

Established in February 2011 by The Albert and Anne Francis Foundation and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Masters or PhD students enrolled in Nursing in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made on the recommendation of the School of Nursing Awards Committee to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value: variable, not less than $2500.

The Alumni Scholarship for Nursing Graduate Students

Established by Queen’s Nursing Alumni and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student entering the first year of the graduate program in Nursing. Students in second year may also be deemed eligible for this scholarship if they have maintained first class standing. Value: variable

The Andrew McGhie Prize

Established by family, colleagues, students, and friends in memory of Andrew McGhie, Professor of Psychology at Queen's from 1968 to 1988 and Head of Department from 1981 to 1988. Awarded to the student graduating from the Department of Psychology who is judged to have submitted the most outstanding doctoral thesis in the previous twelve months. The judgement is made each Spring by a committee selected by the Head of the Department. The names of all winners are engraved on a plaque which is retained in the Department of Psychology. Value: variable

The A. Z. Arthur Book Prize

Established by family, colleagues, students, and friends in memory of Arthur Z. Arthur, Professor of Psychology at Queen's from 1966 to 1990. A book prize to be awarded to each of the top two students who have the highest standing in the M.A. Clinical Program in the Department of Psychology. The selection is made each August by a committee appointed by the Head of the Department of Psychology.  The award will be divided equally between the two qualified candidates.  Value: variable.

The Beryl Bracken (Ferguson) Memorial Award in Nursing

Established in March 2012 by George W. Bracken, B.Sc.(Eng) 1956, and Margaret Bracken, B.A. 1997, in memory of his sister, Beryl Bracken (Ferguson), R.N., and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Ph.D. level students in year one of Nursing in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made on the recommendation of the School of Nursing Awards Committee to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value

The Brian R. Shelton Graduate Fellowship

Established in May 2003 by Deborah Shelton, B.Ed. 1978, in memory of her husband Dr. Brian Shelton, Ph.D. 1979. Awarded on the recommendation of the Department of Psychology, Queen’s University, to a graduate student entering the Ph.D. program in the department, with preference given to a student whose stated research interest is in the area of human experimentation psychology or psychophysics. The successful candidate may hold other awards for which he/she may be eligible in addition to this Fellowship. The Fellowship may be renewable each year for three years, with a possible extension for a fourth year, based upon the department's annual nomination for renewal. Value: variable.

The Bronwyn Keatley Scholarship

Established in May 2022 by colleagues, friends, and family in honour of Bronwyn Keatley, BSc 2002, PhD 2007. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD students enrolled in the School of Environmental Studies or the Department of Biology in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs who are pursuing coursework, research, or knowledge translation work that includes components of science policy or science communication. Preference will be given to students who self-identify as an underrepresented or inequity group in science. Applicants will be invited to submit a brief outline of their research, experience, previous education, research interests, and career aspirations. Selection will be made annually by a committee of at least 3 faculty members, one from Biology, one from Environmental Studies, and one more, and on the basis of the nomination outline submitted by the applicant(s). Value: app. $2,000

The Bruce and Janet Elliott Graduate Award in Transdisciplinary Cancer Research

Established in September 2018 by Bruce Elliott, BSc (Hons) 1970, MSc 1972, PhD 1974, and Janet Elliott, BSc (Hons) 1972. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in a graduate program in the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, and who are carrying out research in the Collaborative Cancer Graduate Program of the Sinclair Cancer Research Institute.  Selection will be made by the Graduate Committee of the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine. Value: $2,500

The Caroline (Cairnie) Jenkins Memorial Prize

Established in October 1985 and last revised in January 2019 by the family and friends of Caroline Jenkins, B.Sc. Occ. Therapy 1981, who died in 1984. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence in Cognitive-Neurological and Physical Function coursework to two students in the Master of Science (Occupational Therapy) program who are entering the final professional year of the Occupational Therapy program in the School of Rehabilitation Therapy. Selection will be made by the Student Progress and Awards Committee for the Occupational Therapy Program. Value: $550 approximately

The Chen-Aronson Graduate Research Fellowship

Established in 2018 by Zheng Chen (“Donor”), in honour of Dr. Kristan J. Aronson. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible M.Sc. or Ph.D. level students enrolled in the Department of Public Health Sciences in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, with a demonstrated research interest in the causes of cancer.  Selection will be made by the Awards Committee of the Department of Public Health Sciences. Value: $10,000

The Cora E. Hewitt Scholarship in Occupational Therapy

Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student entering the final professional year of the Occupational Therapy program in the School of Rehabilitation Therapy. Value: variable.

The Cora E. Hewitt Scholarship in Physical Therapy

Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student entering the final professional year of the Physical Therapy program in the School of Rehabilitation Therapy. Value: variable.

The Craigie Fellowship

Master's Fellowship: Established in February 2018 by Dr. James S. Craigie, B.A. 1955, M.A. 1957, PhD. 1959. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and demonstrated research ability for funding eligible Master's level students enrolled in the Department of Biology in theSchool of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students researching primary productivity and energy flow as they relate to sustainable productivity in freshwater systems at the Queen's University Biological Station, or other relevant research location. The applicant will be required to submit a brief outline of their research project, past research experience, and principal objectives. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee or similar group. The fellowship will be renewable for one additional year provided good academic standing and full-time status is maintained. Value: $12,000 ($6,000 per year x 2 years).

Doctoral Fellowship: Established in February 2018 by Dr. James S. Craigie, B.A. 1955, M.A. 1957, PhD. 1959. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and demonstrated research ability for funding eligible PhD level students enrolled in the Department of Biology in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students researching primary productivity and energy flow as they relate to sustainable productivity in freshwater systems at the Queen's University Biological Station, or other relevant research location. The applicant will be required to submit a brief outline of their research project, past research experience, and principal objectives. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee or similar group. The fellowship will be renewable for three additional years provided good academic standing and full-time status is maintained. Value: $24,000 ($6,000 per year x 4 years).

The Deborah Louise Healey Memorial Award

Established in July 2011 by the family of Deborah Louise Healey and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner student enrolled in the School of Nursing in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made by the School of Nursing’s Graduate Program Committee. Value: $2,500

The Dr. Gerald and Marion Marks Award in Pharmacology and Human Toxicology

Established in June 2008 and revised in 2014 by family, friends and colleagues in honour of Dr. Gerald Marks, former Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Mrs. Marion Marks.  Awarded to the M.Sc. or Ph.D. graduate student deemed to have had the best thesis in the current Pharmacology and Toxicology program or in the field of Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology in the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences graduate program, in a calendar year. Students are nominated by their supervisor(s), which will include

  1. a letter of nomination from the supervisor;
  2. a letter of support from another faculty member who is familiar with the student’s research;
  3. the abstract of the thesis; and
  4. an up-to-date curriculum vitae of the student.

The Field Coordinator for Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology will identify the successful candidate(s) in consultation with members of the staff, and make a recommendation to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.  Value: Award (value variable) and Plaque.

The Dr. Jeremy Nesheim Memorial Award in Biochemistry

Established in May 2002 and revised in February 2015 by family, friends and colleagues in memory of Dr. Jeremy Nesheim, B.Sc. 1991, Ph.D. (Minnesota). Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student enrolled in the first year of the Master's or Ph.D. program in the current Biochemistry program or in the field of Biochemistry and Cell Biology in the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences graduate program. Preference will be given to a student who received their undergraduate degree at Queen's University. The candidate should demonstrate intent to pursue a career in research. The Field Coordinator for Biochemistry and Cell Biology will identify the successful candidate(s) in consultation with members of the staff, and make a recommendation to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value: variable.

The Eldon Boyd Fellowship

Established in September 1972 by Professor E.M. Boyd and revised in October 2014. Awarded to a graduate student or students in the current Pharmacology and Toxicology program, or in the field of Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology in the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences graduate program. Preference will be given to a student or students with the M.D. degree wishing to pursue graduate studies in Pharmacology and Toxicology or Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology. The Fellowship is renewable for 2 years dependent upon the student maintaining satisfactory progress. If there is no suitable candidate, the Fellowship may be awarded to a post-doctoral student for one year. The Field Coordinator for Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology will identify the successful candidate(s) in consultation with members of the staff, and make a recommendation to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value: variable

Empire Life Public Health Sciences Fellowships

Established in January 2010 and last revised in September 2024[SCSSA month year] by the Empire Life Insurance Company. Three fellowships will be awarded annually on the basis of academic excellence and the potential to make an important contribution to the field of public health sciences. These awards will be available to research students (MSc or PhD) enrolled in Public Health Sciences in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. The fellowships will contribute to the support of students undertaking graduate work in a research program in a wide range of public health disciplines. A digital copy of the graduate thesis (MSc, PhD) supported by these funds shall be presented to Empire Life upon completion of the recipient’s degree requirements. Annual selection of fellowship recipients will be made by a committee of faculty members in the Department of Public Health Sciences who teach in the graduate program. The committee will be chaired by the Graduate Coordinator of the Department. Value: three fellowships of approximately $6,666 each will be awarded each year.

The Environmental Studies Graduate Scholarship

Established in September 2006 by the School of Environmental Studies and awarded to graduate students in the Master of Environmental Studies degree program who achieve the highest overall combined average in ENSC 801 Environmental Studies Methods* and ENSC 802 Global Environmental Problems*. If more than one student qualifies for the award, the funds available for an award for that year will be divided equally among the awardees.  Selection will be made annually by the Graduate Program Committee of the School of Environmental Studies.  Value:  variable

The Faculty Award for Graduate Students in the School of Nursing

Established by faculty in the School of Nursing, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to graduate students in the second year of the Master’s degree program in the School of Nursing. Selection is made by the School of Nursing Graduate Program Committee.  Nominations are to be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs by 30 April.  Value: variable

The Francis-Rivoire Fellowship in Nursing Science

Established in March 2015 and last revised in (SCSSA month/year) by the children of Mary ‘May’ N. Francis in her memory and also in honour of her daughter Eleanor Rivoire. Last revised in September 2023. Awarded to funding-eligible Master of Nursing Science (MNSc) students or PhD students in Nursing Science in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, with preference given to MNSc level students in Year 1, or PhD level students in Years 1 or 2. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence coupled with personal attributes of compassion and caring for patients that defines the nursing profession and as practiced by May and Eleanor, as determined by two letters of support from clinical colleagues who have worked in the last two years with the applicant. A student can hold the fellowship for more than one year if eligible. Selection will be made on the recommendation of the School of Nursing Awards Committee to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value: variable.

The Gordon Wallace Swan Memorial Fellowship

Established in October 2010 by Grace and Andrew Swan in memory of their son, Gordon Wallace Swan, B.Sc. 1972 (Electrical Engineering), and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. students enrolled in the Centre for Neuroscience Studies in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students who are conducting research in neurodegenerative disorders that include PSP (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) and Parkinson’s Disease. Selection will be made by the Graduate Committee of the Centre for Neuroscience Studies. Value: variable.

The Graduate Award for Neuroscience Research

Established in May 2023 by an anonymous donor. Awarded annually on the basis of academic excellence and/or research achievement to funding-eligible Master's or Ph.D. level students enrolled in Neuroscience Studies in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs who are conducting research in the area of neurodevelopmental disorders. Preference will be given to students pursuing research related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Selection will be made by the Graduate Committee of the Centre for Neuroscience Studies. Value: variable.

The Gwen Keough Memorial Scholarship

Established in April 1992 and revised in March 2015 by her parents Leona and William (Sc. 1948 1/2) and sisters Terry (Arts 1979) and Nancy (Ed. 1986) in memory of Gwenlyn J. Keough (Physical Therapy 1982). Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a graduate student enrolled in an M.Sc. or Ph.D. program in Rehabilitation Science in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made by the Leadership Team of the School of Rehabilitation Therapy. Value: variable

The Helen Chan Memorial Scholarship

Established by family and friends in memory of Helen Chan, B.Sc., Physical Therapy ’91, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student entering the final professional year of the Physical Therapy program in the School of Rehabilitation Therapy. Value: variable.

The Honourable Hugh F. Gibson Memorial Award in Alzheimer's Research

Established in memory of Hugh F. Gibson, Q.C., (B.A. 1937, B. Comm. 1938) by his wife and awarded on the basis of outstanding academic and/or research achievement to a graduate student in either a Master's or Doctoral degree program in the area of Neuroscience with a focus on Alzheimer's research at Queen's University.  Selection will be made by the Education and Training Committee of the Centre for Neurosciences Studies.  Value: variable

The James Inglis Prize

Established by family, colleagues, students and friends in memory of James Inglis, Professor of Psychology at Queen's from 1959 to 1965 and from 1968 to 1992 and one of the founders of the Clinical Programme. A book prize to be awarded to the graduating doctoral student who has the highest standing in the Clinical Programme. The Selection is made each August by a committee appointed by the Head of the Department of Psychology. Value: variable

The Jane Poulson Memorial Award

Established in February 2004 by the Estate of Dr. Jane Poulson, B.Sc. 1974, M.Sc. 1976, with additional contributions by friends and colleagues and awarded on the basis of academic achievement to graduate students in the Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology field of the Biomedical and Molecular Sciences graduate program. The adjudication committee shall comprise three members including the graduate student representative, and the graduate field coordinator, and another faculty member associated with the field. Selection will be based upon all aspects of the student's graduate endeavour including: performance in course work, progress in research (based on a one-page abstract written by the candidate), participation in seminars/journal clubs, and performance in teaching in the first year of their training in the Biomedical and Molecular Sciences graduate program. Value: variable.

The Jellinck-Lyttle Graduate Fellowship in Biochemistry

Established in July 2011 and revised in February 2015 by Richard Lyttle, Ph.D. 1973, in honour of Dr. P. Harry Jellinck, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Biochemistry. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Masters or Ph.D. level students enrolled in the current Biochemistry program or in the field of Biochemistry and Cell Biology in the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences graduate program. Relevant working experience may also be considered. The Field Coordinator for Biochemistry and Cell Biology will identify the successful candidate(s) in consultation with members of the staff, and make a recommendation to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value: variable.

The Jeremy Nesheim Graduate Travel Award

Established in July 2011 by family, friends and colleagues in memory of Dr. Jeremy Nesheim, B.Sc. 1991, Ph.D. (Minnesota). Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or PhD level students enrolled in Pathology and Molecular Medicine in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. This should focus on support for graduate travel and expenses to an expert laboratory relevant to the student's field of study and recommended by the student's supervisor. Preferably this should provide the student with experience outside Canada. Prospective candidates should present their typed application to the Head of the Department during the second week of October. The application should include:

  1. a brief summary of the proposal (one page double spaced);
  2. details of the laboratory that she/he intends to visit;
  3. a summary statement as to the basis for the choice made;
  4. an estimate of the level of financial support required, including the availability of additional funding support available;
  5. a statement of support from the student’s graduate supervisor.

Selection will be made by the Department of Pathology Graduate Studies Committee. Value: variable.

The John and Eileen Hutton Graduate Student Nursing Award

Established in May 2018 by Dr. Eileen Hutton, BNSc 1974, DSc 2016, and Mr. John Hutton, BSc(Eng) 1972, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Ph.D. level students enrolled in Nursing in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made by the School of Nursing Awards Committee. Value: $5,000

The John Deakin Buckley Walton Scholarship in Nursing

Established in October 2006 through a bequest from the estate of John D.B. Walton, Arts 1945. Awarded to the second year student enrolled in the Master of Science program of the School of Nursing, who achieved the highest overall average in the four required half courses in the first year of the Master of Science program of the School of Nursing. Selection will be made by the Graduate Program Committee of the School of Nursing. Value: $350

The Julio Arboleda-Florez and Heather Stuart Award

Established in March 2007 by Drs. Julio E. Arboleda-Florez and Heather L. Stuart. Last revised in October 2023. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to M.Sc., MPH or Ph.D. students enrolled in the graduate program in Epidemiology with a stated research interest in the field of mental health. The statement of research interest will be taken from the application to graduate studies materials, or, if not available in the application materials, solicited at the time of adjudication of the award in the form of a one page research interest statement from the student(s). Funding can be used for recipients to attend conferences on mental health related topics. Selection will be made by the Department of Public Health Sciences’ Awards Committee by May 30. Value: variable.

The Kitty Noble Memorial Ontario Graduate Scholarship

Established in January 2014 in memory of Kitty Noble, Occupational Therapy 1974, by Stephen Sorensen, BCom 1976, with matching support from the Province of Ontario. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, with preference given in the following order of priority:

  1. to students in the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (M.Sc [O.T.]) program,
  2. to students in the PhD in Rehabilitation Science program who have a background in Occupational Therapy,  
  3. to students in any other graduate program in the School of Rehabilitation Therapy.

Selection will be made by the Leadership Team of the School of Rehabilitation Therapy. The award will be administered in compliance with all OGS Program Guidelines. Value: $15,000 maximum ($5,000 per term)

The Larry Gibson Graduate Fellowship

Established in January 2012 by Larry Gibson and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD level students enrolled in a Nursing program in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, who have resided in Kingston, Ontario for not less than ten (10) years prior to attending the Graduate Nursing program at Queen’s University. Preference will be given to students with a demonstrated research interest in palliative care. A one-page research summary must be submitted with the fellowship application/nomination materials. Selection will be made by the School of Nursing Graduate Studies committee. Value: variable.

The Latham Family Award in Social Neuroscience

Established in October 2011 by Ruth Hill and her children and awarded on the basis of academic excellence and/or research achievement to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in Neuroscience Studies in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students who are conducting research in Bullying, Behavioural or Addiction Research. Selection will be made by the Education and Training Committee of the Centre for Neuroscience Studies. Value: variable.

The Mary Joan Dolores Webber Nurse Practitioner Award

Established in March 2017 by Joan Webber and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students enrolled in the Master of Nursing (Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner) program in the School of Nursing. Selection will be made by the School of Nursing Graduate Program Committee. Value: $2,000

The Mitchell and Wilda Andriesky Award
Established by Mitchell Andriesky (Arts '53) and Wilda Andriesky (Arts '59, M.A. '61) and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic achievement to graduate students in the Department of Psychology with preference to a student in clinical child psychology. Applications are to be made to the Office of the University Registrar, Student Awards by 31 October. Value: variable.

The Nancy Simpson Scholarship in Genetics

Established in November 2004 by Nancy Simpson to recognize the best Masters or Ph.D. student at Queen’s University studying in a field of genetics. Open to Masters and Doctoral students registered in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in any graduate program or department at Queen’s University whose research is in a field of genetics, including but not limited to molecular genetics, ethics in genetics, bioinformatics, behavioural genetics, evolutionary genetics and genomics. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: variable

Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology Alumni Fellowship

Established in April 1992 and revised in March 2015 with donations by alumni and friends of the graduate program in Pharmacology and Toxicology. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a graduate student(s) in the current Pharmacology and Toxicology program or in the field of Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology in the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences graduate program. The Field Coordinator for Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology will identify the successful candidate(s) in consultation with members of the staff, and make a recommendation to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Value: variable

The Phyllis Anne Elizabeth Whitaker Award

Established from the estate of Phyllis Anne Elizabeth Whitaker and awarded to a native student in a Master's or Ph.D. program in the School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, on the basis of academic excellence, and who has indicated a desire to serve for one year of professional care to native peoples in a community of native peoples. Value $1,700

The Physical Therapy Clinic Award in Ambulatory Care

Established by the Physical Therapy Clinic at Queen’s University and awarded to a graduating student for excellence in ambulatory care as judged by the Physical Therapy faculty members. The student will be chosen on the basis of performance in both academic courses and clinical placement related to ambulatory care of musculoskeletal dysfunction. Value: variable

The Physical Therapy Clinical Award for Fieldwork Performance in Occupational Therapy

Established by the Physical Therapy Clinic at Queen’s University and awarded annually to two graduating students in the Occupational Therapy program for excellence in fieldwork performance as judged by the Occupational Therapy faculty members. The award will be based on the fieldwork performance report scores and preceptor feedback from all fieldwork placements. Value: variable.

The Physical Therapy Clinical Award in Rehabilitation & Continuing Care

Established by the Physical Therapy Clinic at Queen’s University and awarded to a graduating student in Physical Therapy for excellence in rehabilitation and/or continuing care as judged by the Physical Therapy faculty members. The student will be chosen on the basis of performance in both academic courses and clinical placements related to rehabilitation and/or continuing care of major physical dysfunction. Value: variable.

The Physical Therapy Graduation Prize

Established by Catherine Walker, B.Sc. P.T. 1980, M.Sc. 1999 (Rehabilitation Science) and awarded to a graduating Physical Therapy student on the basis of outstanding involvement in extra-curricular activities in the Queen's community, including sports, and academic achievement.  Students may be nominated for this award by their peers. Nominations should be submitted to the Chair of the Physical Therapy Program by 1 September. Value: $100.

The Professors' Award for Outstanding Graduate Work in Anatomy

Awarded to a graduate student in the second or subsequent years of study in the current graduate program in Anatomy and Cell Biology or in the Anatomical Sciences degree program, or in a research Master’s or PhD  degree whose research relates to anatomical sciences including gross anatomy, neuroanatomy, histology and embryology, in the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences. The recipient must demonstrate outstanding performance in research and course work. Consideration will also be given to teaching and extracurricular activities. Students must be nominated by their supervisor and can win only once in each degree program. Selection will be made by a committee consisting of the Department Head, Coordinator of Graduate Studies and two faculty members who teach Anatomy courses. Deadline for nominations is 1 April and the winner will be announced by 1 June. Value: variable.

The "Queen's Gang" Award

Established in February 2004 by the Estate of Doris Noftall. Awarded on the basis of outstanding academic and/or research achievement to a full-time graduate student registered in either a Masters or Doctoral degree program at the Centre for Neuroscience, in the area of Neuroscience with a focus on Stroke Research at Queen's University. Selection shall be made by the Education and Training Committee of the Centre for Neuroscience Studies. Value: variable

The R.W. Leonard Prize in Occupational Therapy

Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student entering the final professional year of the Occupational Therapy Program in the School of Rehabilitation Therapy. Value: variable.

The R.W. Leonard Prize in Physical Therapy

Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student entering the final professional year of the Physical Therapy Program in the School of Rehabilitation Therapy. Value: variable.

The School of Nursing 55th Anniversary Award

Established from Alumni donations, this fund provides financial assistance to graduate students for travel to conferences to present their research findings. Awarded to students in the Master of Science or Doctoral programs in the School of Nursing. Application forms to be submitted to the Graduate Program Committee. Value: variable

The Susan Elizabeth Phillips Scholarships in the School of Medicine (MD/Graduate Students)

Established by the Estate of Susan Elizabeth Phillips and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible graduate students enrolled in a Master’s or PhD program in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs and concurrently enrolled as an undergraduate student in the School of Medicine. Selection will be made by the School of Medicine Awards Committee. Value: variable

The TD Bank Financial Group Graduate Fellowship in Arctic Environmental Issues

Established in March 2009 by TD Bank Financial Group and awarded to funding eligible Master’s or PhD level students pursuing research work in environmental issues that are of practical relevance to the Arctic region. The fellowship will provide travel and stipend support for graduate students to continue critical field research within the Arctic. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. A one-page research summary must be submitted with the application materials. Value:variable.

The Thomas J. Zakos Graduate Award in Nursing

Established in memory of Thomas J. Zakos by his daughters Margaret Zakos, BNSc 1969, Maria Zakos, BA(Hons) 1966. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Master’s or PhD level students enrolled in a Nursing program in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students with a demonstrated clinical or research interest in mental health and addictions. A one-page clinical studies summary or research summary must be submitted with the fellowship application/nomination materials. Selection will be made on the recommendation of the School of Nursing Awards Committee to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.

The Torrible Goldman Sachs Scholarship

Established in February 2011, by Goldman Sachs Gives and awarded to an eligible full time student in the Master of Science (Physical Therapy) (M.Sc.[P.T.]) program in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given first to a student who self-identifies as the child of immigrant parents (both parents born outside of Canada. If a suitable recipient cannot be found under this criterion, preference will be given to a student from a remote or rural area of Canada. Awarded on the basis of good academic standing, and good communicative and interpersonal skills. The Fellowship is renewable for a second year provided good academic standing and full time status are maintained. Selection will be made by the Admission Committee in the School of Rehabilitation Therapy/ Master of Science Physical Therapy program. Value: $10,000.00 per annum per recipient.

The Tracey Gourlay Memorial Scholarship

Established by family and friends in memory of Tracey Gourlay, a Master's student in Rehabilitation. This scholarship will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student in Rehabilitation Science on the basis of academic excellence in their graduate coursework and their contribution to graduate life. Value: $500.

The Violet Head Fellowship

Established from the estate of Dr. Violet Beryl Head. Awarded on the basis of merit and need to the female Ontario resident completing the Clinical M.A. program with the highest standing, who is proceeding to a doctoral degree in clinical Psychology at Queen's or another well-recognized university in North America, Great Britain, or Continental Europe. The student must not receive any other award of higher value. A committee appointed by the Head of the Department makes the selection each spring. The scholarship may be renewed, normally up to a maximum of twice, provided that satisfactory standing has been maintained.  Value: variable

For Students In Natural or Applied Sciences

The Bert Wasmund Scholarship for Sustainable Energy Research

Established in November 2006 by Dr. Bert Wasmund, B.Sc. 1961; M.Sc. 1963; Ph.D. 1966 (UofT), and Dr. Eric Wasmund, B.Sc. 1988; Ph.D. 2005 (McMaster) and awarded to an eligible graduate student in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral research degree program in Smith Engineering whose stated research area is studying sustainable energy research. Preference will be given to candidates who are engineering graduates from a Canadian University included in the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Selection will be based on academic achievement and a demonstrated commitment to the development of sustainable energy technologies. Value: variable.

The Bert Wasmund Graduate Fellowship

Established in February 2023 by Hatch Ltd. in memory of Bert Wasmund, BSc 1961, MSc 1963, LLD 2008. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD level students in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs enrolled in graduate programs in Smith Engineering. Preference will be given to Indigenous students and/or students resuming postsecondary education following career or professional experience. Selection will be made by the Fellowships Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: $20,000 (Approx.)

The Carl Reinhardt Fellowships

A number of Reinhardt Fellowships in varying amounts are awarded annually to graduate students in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering and the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy.

The Endeavour Silver Corp. Graduate Award

Established in January 2012 by Endeavour Silver Corp. and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to full time funding-eligible graduate students in the Master of Science in Applied Geology, or research-based Master's or Doctoral students in the field of Economic Geology and Mineral Exploration, in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering. Selection will be made by the Graduate Scholarship Committee of the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering. Value: $10,000

The Edna Winnifred Derbyshire Bennett Graduate Award

Established in 2018  by Dr. Constance Nozzolillo, B.A. 1949, M.A. 1950. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD level students enrolled in the Department of Biology in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Preference will be given to students pursuing research at the Queen’s University Biological Station. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee or similar group. Value: variable

The E. L. Bruce Memorial Scholarship

A scholarship established in memory of Professor E. L. Bruce, former Head of the Department of Geology, is awarded to a student in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering in any year of graduate work at Queen's University. Value: variable

The Department of Geography Graduate Awards for Exceptional Merit

Established in January 2001 by an anonymous donor to the Department of Geography at Queen's University. Awarded to five to seven full-time graduate students who have been admitted to a Master's or Ph.D. program in the Department of Geography on the basis of academic excellence, and meaningful research and study. Value: $2,000 to $3,000

The Department of Geography Graduate Fellowship

Established in January 2001 by an anonymous donor to the Department of Geography at Queen's University. Awarded to a full-time graduate student in the Department of Geography on the basis of academic excellence, and meaningful research and study. This Fellowship will be awarded annually to a graduate student pursuing a Ph.D., M.Sc. or M.A. Value: minimum of $15,000.

The Dorrance Family Award

Awarded on the basis of excellence in scholarship and/or research, to a full time funding-eligible graduate student enrolled in a graduate program in an area in Science and Technology with preference given to Mathematics and Statistics. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. 

The David Money Memorial Prize

Established by family, friends, colleagues and Falconbridge Limited. Awarded at the Fall Convocation to a graduating Master of Science student in practical economic geology with high academic standing. The recipient may be from the MINEX program or be undertaking economic geology research directly related to the exploration and mining industry. This award is not intended for theoretical studies. Selection will be made by a committee from the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering.  Value: $500 plus a medal.

The Dr. Michael Maher Graduate Award

Established in March 2024 by Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories in memory of their colleague, Dr. Michael Maher, Ph.D., P.Eng. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD students enrolled in Civil Engineering, Geological Engineering, or GeoEngineering in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs pursuing research or course work in the field of Geotechnical Engineering. Selection will be made by the Fellowships Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: $5,000

The E.C. Speers Fellowship in Geological Engineering

Established by Mrs. Iva Speers in memory  of her husband, Al Speers (Ph.D. '56).  Al Speers was one of Canada's most promising geological scientists and this fellowship recognizes his excellence in learning, research and education. The E.C. Speers Fellowship in Geological Engineering will be awarded to the graduate student with a first-class standing and who is judged by the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering to have the best research proposal after the first year of graduate work.  Value: variable.

The F.E. Smith Award in Communications Engineering Theory

Established by Frank E. Smith, who was instrumental in the establishment of research in communications engineering theory at Queen's University in the early 1960's. The award will be presented to a graduate student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering or in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, entering a program where the thesis research will be in communications engineering theory. Value: variable

The Fondation J. Armand Bombardier Humanitarian Engineering Fellowship

Established in November 2008 by Fondation J. Armand Bombardier and awarded to a funding-eligible graduate student in the Department of Civil Engineering at Queen’s University. Awarded to a student pursing humanitarian efforts through engineering. Awarded on the basis of above average academic achievement and exceptional interest in helping disadvantaged communities around the world. The purpose of this fellowship is to place students with partner organizations all over the world to help establish or develop sustainability projects. Selection will be made by the Graduate Studies Committee in the Department of Civil Engineering. Application to be made to the graduate coordinator in the Department of Civil Engineering by March 1. Value:variable.

The Geoffrey and Shelagh Ballard Award for Sustainable Energy Engineering

Established in October 2013 by Shelagh Ballard, B.A. 1956, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.) or Ph.D. level students in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs who are Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents enrolled in graduate programs in Smith Engineering. Applicants must have a demonstrated research interest in the area of sustainable engineering, with a focus on energy, where the goal is to help society move from a gasoline based economy to a hydrogen based economy, through the innovative application of science and engineering. A one page research summary must be provided as part of the application process. Selection will be made by the Fellowships Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and  Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value: variable.

The G.E. Ted Courtnage Graduate Award in Engineering

Established in October 2006 by Dorothy Courtnage in memory of her husband G.E. Ted Courtnage, B.Sc. 1956, and awarded on the basis of academic achievement to full-time funding eligible graduate students in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in any year of study in graduate programs in Smith Engineering. Application should be made to the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs by the annual internal fellowship competition deadline, normally in early April. Value: variable

The G. Neilson Whyte Memorial Fellowship

Established by his family and friends in memory of G. Neilson Whyte, a distinguished graduate of Queen's University and a member of the Department of Physics from September 1958 until his death in 1963. A resident fellowship awarded annually to the outstanding graduating student with first-class honours in either Engineering Physics in Smith Engineering or Honours Physics in Arts and Science at Queen's University, or secondly to a first-class honours graduate of another university, for postgraduate work in the Physics Department.

The George C. Bateman Memorial Fellowship

A bequest by the late George C. Bateman to provide graduate fellowships to students in Mining Engineering. Three awards are available annually. Value: variable

The George Tsikos Award

Established by Smaro Skoulikidis-Tsikos in memory of George Tsikos, M.Sc. '87. Awarded annually on the basis of academic merit and on the recommendation of the Head of the Department and Graduate Coordinator to a student from a developing country, as defined by the United Nations of CIDA, pursuing a graduate degree in Geological Sciences. Value: variable.

The Gordon Bell Fellowship in Transformative Mining

Established in November 2019 by Gordon Bell, BSc (Eng) 1980. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD level students enrolled in the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, whose areas of research show potential for transforming the means by which mineral resources are extracted. A key objective of the scholarship is to foster interdisciplinary research to develop new or apply emerging technological advances to the mining and processing of minerals, or by advancing and applying new or developing technologies in other industries which can be transformative to the mining industry. The applicant will be required to submit a brief outline of their proposed research project and career aspirations, including a resume and academic transcript. Selection will be made by the Graduate Studies Committee in the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining. Value: variable

The Harold M. Cave Graduate Travel Scholarship

Established in 2015 by estate of Harold M. Cave, B.A.1925, M.A. 1926 and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy, in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.  The award will be used to support travel, conference, and field work expenses related to the student’s research.  Selection will be made by the Departmental Awards Committee (or equivalent). Applicants are to submit a letter of application to the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy by 28 February.  Value: variable.

The Harry Isaacs Memorial Graduate Scholarship

Established in October 2005 by a bequest from the estate of Mary L. Isaacs, B.A. 1950 in memory of her brother Harry Isaacs, and awarded to eligible full-time funding graduate students in Mining Engineering. Selection will be made by the Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Mining Engineering. Value:variable

The Hugh Evans Graduate Award in Physics

Established in September 2019 by Estate of Hugh Carlyle Evans and awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need to funding eligible Masters or PhD level students enrolled in Department of Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/similar group. Value: Variable

The Ian M. Drum Scholarship

Founded by Ian M. Drum, Science '37, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master's or Ph.D. level students enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in graduate programs in Smith Engineering who have a demonstrated interest in a project with potential for commercial applications.  Preference will be given to students who have taken some courses in either the humanities, social sciences, law or business as part of their postsecondary education at the time of application or who are enrolled in a program where innovation and commercialization are key aspects of the curriculum.  Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition.  Value:  $10,000 to $15,000.

The Ian A. Macleod Award

Established by friends, colleagues and students in memory of Professor Ian A. Macleod, who was a member of the Department of Computing and Information Science from its inception in 1969 until 1995. To commemorate his belief in the importance of a strong departmental spirit, the award is granted in the fall to the graduate student who made the greatest contribution to the intellectual and social spirit of the Department of Computing and Information Science during the preceding academic year. The recipient is chosen on the basis of a recommendation made by a committee formed by the Head of the Department. A plaque bearing the names of the recipients is on display in the department. Value: variable.

The Irene MacRae Memorial Graduate Award

Established in October 2005 by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in memory of Irene MacAllister MacRae, Arts '14, who was vice-president of the Mathematics Club while at Queen's, and was one of the first female graduates in Mathematics and Statistics at Queen's University.  Awarded on the basis of academic achievement to an eligible graduate student in the Physical Sciences, with preference given to female students in Mathematics and Statistics.  Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.  Value: variable

The J. J. Denny Memorial Fellowship in Mining Engineering

Established from the sale of gold nuggets donated by Mrs. J. J. Denny in memory of James Denny, M.Sc. '21 and awarded on the recommendation of the department to a graduate student in mining engineering.Value: variable

The James H. Rattray Scholarship in Economic Geology

A scholarship, approximate value $250, founded by Major James H. Rattray, MC, is awarded on the basis of standing in fourth year economic geology to a student in the Faculty of Arts and Science or Applied Science who is registered for graduate work in the following year. Value: $250

The Komatsu Graduate Scholarship

Established in May 2018 by Komatsu (formerly Modular Mining Systems Inc.) and last revised in April 2024. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/similar group. Preference will be given to students pursuing research in Mining Optimization, Automation, Technology, and/or Innovation. The scholarships may be granted in the following manner at the discretion of Queen’s University: (1) to supplement an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (max $5,000) and to be administered in compliance with all OGS Program Guidelines; or (2) to support an annual graduate scholarship. Value: Variable.

The Komatsu Graduate Award

Established in May 2018 by Komatsu (formerly Modular Mining Systems Inc.) and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible research Masters or PhD level students enrolled in the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining. Preference will be given to students pursuing research in the fields of Mining Optimization, Automation, Technology, and/or Innovation. The applicants will be required to submit a brief proposal of their research project and principal objectives. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/similar group. Value: variable

The Maria Nathanson and IAMGOLD Corporation Graduate Scholarship in Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering

Established in October 2004 in honour of Maria Nathanson, spouse of the co-founder of IAMGOLD Corporation, Mark Nathanson, and awarded to a graduate student in the Master’s program in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering at Queen’s University. Priority will be given to those students with an interest in enrolling in the course-based Mineral Exploration Program (MinEx) and who have good professional recommendations. Students accepted for a qualifying year are eligible. Preference will also be given to citizens of Mali, Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania, Botswana, Ecuador, Peru, French Guiana or Suriname. Selection will be made by the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering. Application in writing should be made to the Head of the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering by 15 March, for consideration for admission the following September. Value: full graduate tuition and student fees.

The McAdie Chemistry Doctoral Student Award

Established in March 2006 by Dr. Harry McAdie, M.A. 1954, Ph.D 1956, in memory of his supervisor, Professor Grenville B. Frost, teacher, mentor and friend. Dr. McAdie received the first Ph.D. in Chemistry at Queen’s University in 1956. Awarded on the basis of academic merit to a student enrolled in the first year of the Doctoral program in Chemistry at Queen's, who obtained a baccalaureate degree at a Canadian university. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens or permanent residents.Value:$1,000

The Mel Williamson Fellowship

Established by the Mel Williamson Foundation and awarded in alternate years to a graduate student in the Department of Mining Engineering and the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence with consideration given to leadership ability, civil responsibility and/or athletic ability. Selection will be made by a committee comprised of representatives from each department. Value: $4,500

The Mel Williamson Lectureship Fund

Established by the Mel Williamson Foundation and offered in alternate years to the Departments of Mining Engineering and Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering to invite guest lectures. Each department will make their own selection of invited speakers.Value: $1,000

The Michael A. Jenkins Graduate Fellowship in Computer Science

Established in October 2004 by an anonymous donor in honour of Dr. Michael A. Jenkins and awarded on the basis of outstanding academic achievement and/or research to a full time student in either the Master's or Doctoral program in the School of Computing.  Application must be made by letter to the Graduate Coordinator in the School of Computing.  Value: variable.

The Milton Hersey Fellowship in Chemistry

A fellowship, endowed by Milton L. Hersey, M.Sc., LL.D., of Montreal, is awarded annually to a graduate of a university or technical college who will carry on research for the whole session and embody the results in a thesis. Value: variable.

The Norman and Grace Miller Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics
Established in November 2013 by Drs. Alfred and Isabel Bader, in memory of Norman Miller, Queen's Math professor and beloved teacher from 1919 until 1959, and his wife, Grace. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in Mathematics and Statistics in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Selection will be made by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Value: $8,000 approx.

The Paul D. D. Chick Memorial Scholarship

A scholarship established in memory of Paul D. D. Chick, M.Sc. '80, is awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of the Department to a promising graduate student registered in the Department of Mining Engineering. Value: variable

The Pickles Family Scholarship

Established in October 2019 by Dr. Christopher Pickles and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD level students enrolled in the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining. Preference will be given to students pursuing research in the field of sustainable processing in extractive metallurgy. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee/similar group. Value: $3,000

The R. T. Mohan Graduate Scholarship in Chemistry

Awarded annually to a promising student engaged in full-time graduate work. Value: $1,000

The R. S. McLaughlin Teaching Fellowships in Mechanical Engineering

Fellowships were established by the late R. S. McLaughlin, LL.D., of Oshawa, for students proposing to do graduate work in mechanical engineering at Queen's University. One fellowship is available. Value: variable

The Robert J. Mitchell Prize

Established in 2001 in honour of Dr. Robert Mitchell and awarded to a full-time thesis stream graduate student in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, Department of Civil Engineering. The candidate must demonstrate leadership ability, either within the university or in extra-university activities. This can include, but is not limited to, involvement in such activities as: mentoring, volunteering, intramural and extramural sports participation, student design teams, other student teams or clubs. The candidate will be chosen by representatives of the Department of Civil Engineering. Value: $5,000

Rose Family MEERL Award

Established in March 2024 by Michael Rose, BSc 1979, and Susan Riddell Rose, BSc 1986. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to graduate students enrolled in the Master of Earth and Energy Resources Leadership (MEERL) program in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee or similar group. Value: variable

The TD Bank Financial Group Graduate Fellowship in Arctic Environmental Issues

Established in March 2009 by TD Bank Financial Group and awarded to funding eligible Master’s or PhD level students pursuing research work in environmental issues that are of practical relevance to the Arctic region. The fellowship will provide travel and stipend support for graduate students to continue critical field research within the Arctic. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. A one-page research summary must be submitted with the application materials. Value:variable.

The Thurber Engineering Graduate Scholarship

Established in 2014 by Thurber Engineering Ltd. and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in Civil Engineering in the area of geotechnical engineering conducting research on landslides. Selection will be made by the Department of Civil Engineering Scholarship Selection Committee. Value: one award of $25,000 or two awards of $12,500

The U.S. Steel Canada Graduate Fellowship

Established by U. S. Steel Canada and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or PhD level students enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in the area of mechanical and materials engineering with a specialization related to steel. Selection will be made by the Fellowship Committee of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs through the annual internal fellowship competition. Value:variable.

The W. W. King Graduate Fellowships

Six awards, total value $4,500 each, are made annually to students studying for the M.A.Sc. degree at Queen's University. Value: $4,500

The William Neish Fellowship in Chemistry

A fellowship, endowed by Ada E. Neish and Laura Neish Black of Kingston, is awarded annually to a university graduate who will carry on research work for the whole session and embody the results in a thesis. Value: variable

The William Patrick Doolan Award in Chemistry

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of the Department to the graduate student who contributes the most to demonstrating in the first year chemistry laboratories. Value: $500

The Woeller Graduate Award in GeoEngineering

Established in May 2006 and revised in October 2017 by David Woeller, B.Sc. 1978 (Civil Engineering), and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible Masters or PhD level students enrolled in the GeoEngineering program. Preference will be given to students with a demonstrated interest in site investigation and soil characterization. Selection will be made by the Departmental Graduate Studies committee or similar group. Value: variable.

The Xiaoting Liu Memorial Award

Established by friends and colleagues of Xiaoting Liu (1962-1995) in the Department of Chemical Engineering, in her memory as a dedicated researcher, and as an individual with a great sense of humanity and humility. Awarded annually by the Department of Chemical Engineering to a graduate student in the Department who has, through her/his kindness and personal efforts, enhanced the quality of the teaching and learning environment for students in the Department. Applications and nominations for this award will be evaluated by the Coordinator of Graduate Studies and the Head of Department in consultation with graduate students in the Department.

Research Fellowships

Faculty who are engaged on extensive research programs and who are holders of major research grants may have funding available for research fellowships for graduate students. In most cases, payments to graduate students from research grants awarded to a faculty member are classified as Graduate Research Fellowships. The primary purpose of the funding is to provide financial support to a graduate student to pursue research directly linked to their program of study, and is accepted as financial assistance toward completing the degree requirements through acquisition of research training. Contact the graduate department/program for more information.

Note. Research Fellowships are different than Research Assistantships (RAs).  An RA is work-for-hire performed by a graduate student as an employee. At Queen's RAs are unionized members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC). The collective agreement is posted on the Faculty Relations Office website.

Teaching Assistantships

Most graduate departments/programs engage several graduate students each year to assist in undergraduate teaching, tutorial work, and laboratory demonstrating, as Teaching Assistants (TAs).

At Queen’s University, TAs are unionized members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC). The collective agreement is posted on the Faculty Relations Office website.

The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) provides programming, resources and support for graduate students’ and post-docs’ development as educators.

Non-Competitive Awards and Loans

The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)

OSAP is a financial aid program assisting students with the costs of post-secondary studies. OSAP consists of funding from both levels of government (the federal government and the government of Ontario). Eligibility for both repayable loans and non-repayable grant funding is determined based on financial need as defined by the governments via an OSAP application and is based on a number of factors, including family income. Repayable loan and non-repayable grant funding is available for both full-time and part-time post-secondary students.

Graduate students who are residents of Ontario may qualify for OSAP.  For more information, go to to the OSAP website.

For advice and assistance about OSAP, and similar programs available to graduate students, consult the Office of the University Registrar-Student Awards.

Work Study Program

The Work Study program is offered to provide students with demonstrated financial need with the opportunity to receive priority for certain part-time jobs during their studies. The Work Study Program is a need-based program, meant to supplement, not replace, government student assistance, student and family contribution. Students must demonstrate a financial need over resources available to them in order to be eligible for the program. More information and application materials are available from the website of the Office of the University Registrar-Student Awards.

Financial Assistance for Students With Disabilities

There is a range of financial assistance and services available to students with disabilities at Queen's. For more information,see the website of the Office of the University Registrar -Student Awards.

Maternity/Parental Leave Funding 

The School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (SGSPA) provides Maternity/Parental Leave Funding for doctoral students. These funds are intended to support a new parent who takes a leave from full-time graduate study to start or expand their family.

The SGSPA will provide $5,000 to funding-eligible Ph.D. students who have been granted maternity or parental leave under the Maternity and Parental Leave regulation.

Eligibility criteria for Doctoral Student Maternity/Parental Leave Funding are as follows:

  1. The student must have been registered as a full-time doctoral student for at least one term to qualify for this funding.
  2. The student must be a full-time student in year 1, 2, 3 or 4 of their doctoral degree program at the time of the maternity/parental leave to qualify for this funding.
  3. The SGSPA Maternity/Parental Leave Funding is normally not provided to students who are eligible for parental leave financial support from one of the Tri-Agencies (CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC), or to students who receive benefits for maternity/parental leave through an employment relationship.
  4. To receive this funding, the student must take the maternity/parental leave during the first year of the child’s life or, in the case of adoption of a child, within 12 months after the child first comes into the custody of the parent.
  5. The funding will be paid in one instalment near the beginning of the first term of a one term maternity/parental leave, or near the beginning of each of the first two terms of a maternity/parental leave that is longer than one term. Payment will be made via the normal SGSPA award payment methods.
  6. A student may apply for and receive the Graduate Student Maternity/Parental Leave Funding no more than two times during their Ph.D. program. All eligibility criteria must be met each time. Students who receive two Maternity/Parental Funding payments in the amount of $5000 each, for a leave that is longer than one term, have been granted their full entitlement of this funding.
  7. Students must indicate that they wish to be considered for this funding by completing the relevant section(s) of the Maternity/Parental Leave Request Form.
  8. All terms and conditions of the SGS Maternity and Parental Leave regulation apply.