Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Faculty Policies and Regulations

Smith Engineering at Queen's may be obliged to make changes to the curricula, academic plan descriptions, and course descriptions in this Calendar.

In that case, the corrections will appear in the Minutes of the Faculty Board. In the event of discrepancies between statements that appear on the Faculty Web Sites and the corresponding statements in this Calendar and the Faculty Board Minutes, the latter versions will apply. The following policies and regulations apply to all students registered in the Smith Engineering at Queen's.

Smith Engineering intends its students to have as much opportunity as possible to develop their individual interests and abilities. Its regulations, academic plans and fields of study have been developed with this goal in mind. The plans, curricula and courses of study are, however, constrained by many factors including accreditation requirements, timetabling, physical facilities, number of staff and the interests of faculty members. The current offerings have been designed in the light of experience and of these restrictions to provide a sufficiently diverse selection to satisfy the interests of most students. However, some students may have valid reasons for seeking variations from the prescribed programs and the regulations include provision for doing so (see Regulations 2d and 2e).

Faculty Policies

All Smith Engineering Policies conform with Senate policies. All Regulations are approved by Senate. Senate Policies of particular relevance to students in Smith Engineering are outlined below. The relevant links are provided through the Calendar website under "Senate Policies".

  • Access and Privacy
  • Student Appeals, Rights and Discipline
  • Policy on Academic Integrity
  • Student Access to Final Examination Papers
  • Confidential Exams
  • Electronic Information Security Policy Framework

Academic Integrity Policy Statement

Queen's University is dedicated to creating a scholarly community free to explore a range of ideas, to build and advance knowledge, and to share the ideas and knowledge that emerge from a range of intellectual pursuits. Queen's students, faculty, administrators and staff therefore all have responsibilities for supporting and upholding the fundamental values of academic integrity. Academic integrity is constituted by the five core fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility (see and by the quality of courage. These values and qualities are central to the building, nurturing and sustaining of an academic community in which all members of the community will thrive. Adherence to the values expressed through academic integrity forms a foundation for the "freedom of inquiry and exchange of ideas" essential to the intellectual life of the University.

Honesty in a University is an essential component in maintaining high ethical standards. In preparing students for the profession of engineering, the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science must send a clear message that high standards are expected. Consistent with this message, students are entitled to an environment where individual performance can be presented and evaluated as fairly as possible. Courses and assignments vary in the amount of collaborative versus individual work that is expected, and the intention of the instructor must be clear to the student. Similarly, the physical setting for examinations should allow individual work where invigilation need not be intrusive. The type and amount of any information that a student may take into an examination must be clearly known ahead of time and of a nature that can be easily verified.

The detailed Policies and Procedures for Departure from Academic Integrity (DFAI) are on-line at:

Faculty Regulations

1. Registration1

a. A student must register in courses within the first two weeks of the commencement of term.

b. The addition of a course after the prescribed “add course” deadline requires approval of the course instructor, the department in which the student is registered, and the Smith Engineering Faculty Board Committee.

c. A student must withdraw from courses within the first two weeks of the commencement of term to avoid financial penalty.

d. A student may withdraw voluntarily from a Fall Term course or a Winter term course prior to the deadline to drop without faculty permission. If so dropped, the course is removed from student record.

e. Withdrawal from a course after the prescribed deadline to drop without faculty permission requires the approval of the Undergraduate Chair and the Smith Engineering Faculty Board Committee, and will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances that would prevent the student from dropping the course within the prescribed deadline. Withdrawals such as these will be indicated on the student’s transcript by the designation DR (see Regulation 3h). Requests to drop a course must be submitted within one year of the end of the term in which the class was offered.

f. A student may apply for a change from one Smith Engineering academic plan to another by July 31st for the Fall term and by December 1st for the Winter term. Late requests will be considered until August 15th for Fall term and December 15th for Winter term and will be subject to late application fees.  Requests are submitted for the approval of the Associate Dean (Academic).

g. Students must obtain approval from Student Services, Smith Engineering, to add or drop first year courses.

h. A student may add an Extended Program offering of a Fall Term course or apply to write a supplemental exam in a Fall Term first year course (see Regulation 14), only within the first three weeks after the commencement of Winter Term and may drop without faculty permission such a course only within the first four weeks after the commencement of Winter Term. A student may add an Extended Program offering of a Winter Term course only within the first nine weeks after the commencement of Winter Term and may drop without faculty permission such a course only before the end of regular Winter Term classes.

i. A student who wishes to write a supplemental exam for a Winter term first year course when they are offered at the end of the Extended Program may register to do so only within the first two weeks of the Summer Term and may cancel this registration without faculty permission only within the first three weeks of the Summer Term (see Regulation 14).

2. Programs of Study1

a. Students are responsible for ensuring that their course registrations are accurate and complete, and that the courses in which they register meet the requirements for graduation. Course prerequisites and any restrictions on enrolment should be noted carefully prior to registration. The Undergraduate Chair for the academic plan, or the year advisors in the department, should be consulted whenever requirements are not fully understood.

b. (Regulation removed October 2023)

c. An upper year student may request an exemption in a course by application to the Smith Engineering Faculty Board Committee or delegate on the basis of knowledge acquired through practical experience or acquired through studies prior to first admission to Smith Engineering. Approval for a request for a course exemption must be recommended by the course instructor and by the Department, on the basis of a satisfactory assessment of the student’s proficiency in the exempted course material. In cases where the student’s total units fall below the minimum CEAB requirement, a replacement course of total weight, and CEAB units must be proposed in the exemption application. If the exemption is granted the student must take and pass the specified replacement course.

d. An upper year student may request permission for substitution of a course in their program by a similar course, either at Queen’s or elsewhere, by application to the Smith Engineering Faculty Board Committee. This request must be submitted prior to completing the substitute course. Approval for a request for a course substitution must be recommended by the instructor of the prescribed course and the Department. For courses other than Complementary Studies, the request will normally only be considered if the institution offering the course has an accredited engineering program and if the student has an Engineering Cumulative Grade Point Average (ECGPA) of at least 1.6. If a request to take a substitute course at another institution is approved, Smith Engineering will issue a Letter of Permission to allow the student to enroll in the course.

e. A student seeking a degree in Smith Engineering at Queen's may not receive more than two years of credits for work done in another Faculty or university, and such credits may not encompass more than one half of the courses of the third and fourth years of the program. Additionally, at least one half of the fourth year of the program must be taken at Queen’s.

f. Free discipline choice of academic plan (discipline) is only guaranteed during the winter term selection period, and only for students who have passed all their first‐year courses. In exceptional circumstances (i.e., academic difficulty, please refer to Regulation 2h and 10) a student may not be permitted to choose a discipline, and may instead be required to repeat first year.

g. A student who has not passed all of the courses of the first year which are specified as prerequisite to any course in the chosen upper year program must, during the next session, follow a special Fall and Winter term program arranged by the Associate Dean. During this session, the student must pass all prerequisite courses or they may be required to withdraw.

h. Students who have not passed important prerequisite courses in the first-year program and/or have a cumulative GPA below 1.6 may be determined to have deficits in the requisite knowledge, which would prevent them from successfully progressing into their upper year programs. These students will be required to remain in the first-year program for the next academic session. During this session, the students will be required to follow a special program (please refer to Regulation 10bii).

3. Course Weighting3

a. Each course in the Calendar of Smith Engineering is assigned a weight as specified in the Calendar. A weight of 1 unit is given for each 12 lecture hours in a course, with 0.5 units given for every 12 tutorial hours, and 0.5 units for every 12 lab hours. The multiplying factor to convert from ''units" to CEAB accreditation units (AUs) is thus equal to the number of weeks in a term, i.e. 1 unit = 12 AUs for a 12-week course. When engineering students take courses outside of Smith Engineering they must use the unit weighting assigned by the Faculty hosting the course.

b. The following table indicates the grading system used in Smith Engineering, including permitted letter grades, associated grade points, and equivalent percentage marks. If percentage marks are submitted by instructors, these will be converted to letter grades and grade points and will not be used in the evaluation of student progress or academic standing.

Letter Grade Grade Point Descriptor Percentage Range
A+ 4.3 90-100%
A 4.0 85-89%
A- 3.7 80-84%
B+ 3.3 77-79%
B 3.0 73.76%
B- 2.7 70-72%
C+ 2.3 67-69%
C 2.0 63-66%
C- 1.7 60-62%
D+ 1.3 57-59%
D 1.0 53-56%
D- 0.7 50-52%
FR 0.0 40-49%
F 0.0 0-39%

c. The Grade Point Averages (GPAs) used in determining a student's standing are calculated by multiplying the grade points earned in a course by the unit value of that course, summing the products so obtained for all the courses in a given period, and dividing this sum by the total number of units attempted during that given period of time over which the GPA is calculated. Each course is only counted once in calculating either the ECGPA or term GPA. When, during the period considered, a course or a course examination is repeated or replaced by a substitution approved by the Smith Engineering Faculty Board Committee, only the most recently obtained mark will be used in calculating the GPA. Changes to the GPA after the assessment period in May will not impact student assessment decisions.

d. The "Academic Year" concludes at the end of winter term, and includes the previous three consecutive terms (summer, fall, winter). The Engineering term GPA is the Grade Point Average of all Queen's courses taken in an Engineering term in an academic year, while the student is registered in Smith Engineering. Decisions regarding yearly academic progress will be based on term GPA.

e. The Engineering Cumulative Grade Point Average (ECGPA) is the Grade Point Average of all courses taken in the Summer, Fall and Winter terms of all academic years, while the student is registered in Smith Engineering. Queen's courses taken during the summer term of the academic year will also be included in the ECGPA.

f. For Classes Spring 2022 and earlier only: The Engineering Graduation Grade Point Average (EGGPA) is calculated after all academic plan requirements have been met and follows the same calculation method as the ECGPA, except that it excludes courses that are part of the First Year Curriculum.

g. Academic status of each student is assessed once a year, at the end of the Winter term. Decisions regarding yearly academic progress will be based on the Fall and Winter term GPA and the ECGPA.

h. Non-evaluative grades: The following is a list of the possible non-evaluative grades and their uses.

Incomplete (IN):
Incomplete standing (IN) is a temporary designation normally reserved for cases where students, because of extenuating circumstances beyond their control, have successfully completed the majority of the graded work, but not all course work (which may include, but is not limited to, assignments, projects, quizzes, mid-terms, and final exams). All Incomplete designations require appropriate supporting documentation, and must be approved by the Smith Engineering Faculty Board Committee. Approval of the instructor must be obtained, and a date will be set for the completion of the work (normally within 9 months of approval). An IN designation will revert to the “default grade” submitted by the instructor after the date set for completion of the work. Please see Regulation 4b for further information.
Pass in a Pass/Fail Course (P)
Some courses do not apply letter grades. The outcome is Pass (P) or Fail (F) to reflect whether the student has successfully fulfilled all the requirements. A course that has been designated as Pass/Fail will not be included in the student’s GPA but can be counted as credit towards an academic plan.
Dropped (DR)
The Dropped (DR) designation indicates a course that has been dropped after the deadline to drop without faculty permission. This designation can only be applied with approval from the Smith Engineering Faculty Board Committee. For information, please see Regulation 1e.
Failure with Review (FR)
For information, please see Regulation 14 - Supplemental Examinations
Grade Deferred (GD)
The Grade Deferred (GD) designation is a temporary designation used in situations where a student’s final grade in a course is being held.
Audit (AU)
The AU designation indicates that a course has been Audited. For information, please see Regulation 16b.

Credit Standing (CR)
Credit standing (CR) is a permanent designation normally reserved for exceptional cases where students, who have completed all of the work for a course, and achieved a passing grade in the course, but due to illness or other extenuating circumstances beyond their control, earned a substantially lower grade than might have been expected. A student seeking credit standing in a course must submit their request (supported by their course instructor) and appropriate supporting documentation to the Smith Engineering Faculty Board Committee for consideration. If the request is granted, the designation CR will appear on the student’s transcript in place of a letter grade. CR grades will not be included in the student’s GPA, and cannot be reversed to a letter grade. Students may be granted credit standing for a maximum of 18.0 units during their entire program. Requests for credit standing must be submitted within one year of the end of the term in which the class was offered.

4. Standing in a Course

a. The passing grade for a course is D- or above, or P. The basis upon which the final grade is assigned, including the weight given to course work, should be made available to students by the instructor via the course syllabus at the beginning of a course.

b. If a student is unable to write the final examination or to submit required coursework because of incapacitating illness or other extenuating circumstances, a temporary designation of IN (incomplete) will be recorded for the course on the recommendation of the course instructor, the Undergraduate Chair, and upon approval by the Smith Engineering Faculty Board Committee (see regulation 3h). The submission of a mark of IN must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation, and by a proposed date of completion, but no later than 9 months beyond the date of approval. The course for which a mark of IN has been entered will be excluded when calculating the term GPA and Cumulative GPA of the student concerned. An IN on a transcript does not preclude the application of Regulations 2g or 10. An IN designation will revert to the “default grade” submitted by the instructor after the date set for completion of the work.

5. Conduct and Attendance

a. A student may, for any form of departure from Academic Integrity, or misconduct in an academic setting, incur penalties up to and including the requirement to withdraw under Regulation 11.

b. A student who claims illness, compassionate grounds, or other extenuating circumstances, as a reason for missing any required component of the course other than the final exam is responsible to notify the instructors concerned, and make alternative arrangements. If there is a significant effect on attendance or academic performance such that the student may wish to request an incomplete (IN) grade, a course drop or a late course drop the student is responsible for providing appropriate supporting documentation to the Smith Engineering Faculty Board Committee. Students are encouraged to seek academic advise from a program or faculty advisor to obtain guidance on the appropriate action, and the relevant documentation requirements. Refer to Academic Regulation 4b for procedures and documentation required to request an incomplete grade.

6. Examinations

a. Students are referred to the Exam Regulations located on the website of the University Registrar.

b. An in-person, online, or remote exam (proctored or unproctored) final exam may be declared invalid under the circumstances outlined below. Students who had their final exam declared invalid may retake the examination, typically during the September supplemental examination period.

i. Insurmountable technical difficulties outside of the student’s control (including but not limited to camera and/or computer malfunction, internet loss, etc.)

ii. The student would normally be eligible to apply for the temporary grade designation of incomplete (IN) in the course until they are able to retake the examination.

iii. Failure to meet or follow the rules and guidelines as outlined in the examination instructions both prior to and during the in-person, online, or remote exam (proctored or unproctored) or take-home examination, if there is no sufficient evidence of a Departure from Academic Integrity (DFAI).

iv. The temporary designation of grade deferred (GD) will be applied to the impacted course until the student completes the examination.

v. A declaration of an invalid exam does not preclude a DFAI investigation, if sufficient evidence becomes available. For further information, please see the policies on (DFAI).

vi. Students who have recurrent invalid examinations due to circumstances outlined under b) may be subject to further disciplinary action under the Faculty Departure from Academic Integrity policy. For further information, please see the policies on (DFAI).
​In cases where another type of assessment is declared invalid under the circumstances outlined in i)- iii) above, mitigating measures will be decided upon by the instructor discretion in consultation with the Associate Dean (Academic).

7. Requirements for Graduation1

To qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) in Smith Engineering, a student must, at the end of not more than six active (but not necessarily consecutive) calendar years from date of first registration in Smith Engineering:

a. have passed all the courses in the First-Year program;

b. have passed all courses required by the academic plan in which they registered;

c. have achieved an ECGPA of 1.6 or higher;

d. have successfully completed field and technical excursions, or other experiential requirements specified by the department in which they are registered;

e. have satisfied the minimum curriculum content specified by the CEAB in each content category;

  • A student who has not completed the degree program in six active years will normally be required to withdraw. An extension will normally be granted to students who have completed, or are working on an Internship, Exchange, or are enrolled in a Dual Degree program, or have received accommodation through the Queen's Accessibility Services. Students who are unable to complete the degree program within six active years due to extenuating circumstances may request an extension. This request must be received prior to the completion of their sixth year. Students who are allowed to extend their program beyond six years will be placed on academic probation and their program of study will be reviewed by the Program and Smith Engineering. As a result of the review, possible changes to the student's required program will include but not be limited to the following:
    • Courses which have changed significantly in content may have to be retaken.
    • Additional Courses which have been added to the degree program may be required for graduation.
    • Courses which are no longer part of the degree program may not count toward the degree.

8. Scholarships

a. To be eligible for the Dean’s Scholars list, a student must achieve a combined term (Fall and Winter) GPA of 3.5 or higher while taking 30 units or higher over the Fall and Winter term. If granted, a Dean Scholars ruling will be added to the student’s academic transcript.

b. Students who have participated in an approved exchange program at an international partner university may be eligible for the Dean’s Scholars List for the year during their exchange provided that they have achieved the combined equivalent GPA of 3.5 or higher while taking the equivalent of 30 units or higher during the Fall and Winter term.

c. Students who have participated in the Queen’s University Internship program (QUIP) but who have not met the unit requirement for Dean Scholars (see Regulation 8a) in their final year as a direct result of their participation in QUIP may be provided special consideration. To be eligible for consideration, students must have achieved a combined term (Fall and Winter) GPA of 3.5, while taking at least 25 units or higher over the Fall and Winter term.

d. As decisions related to the Dean’s Scholars List are based solely on levels of academic performance, no part of Academic Regulation 8 may be appealed.

9. Graduation with Honours Standing

a. A student will be granted the status of graduation “with Second Class Honours” if, upon graduation, they have attained either an ECGPA of 2.2 or higher. A student will be granted the status of graduation “with First Class Honours” if, upon graduation, they have attained an ECGPA of 3.5 or more. (For Classes Spring 2022 and earlier only: The Engineering Graduation Grade Point Average (EGGPA) is calculated after all academic plan requirements have been met and follows the same calculation method as the ECGPA, except that it excludes courses that are part of the First Year Curriculum.)

10. Academic Probation and Requirement to Withdraw1

Academic probation.

a. Students Shall be placed on Academic Probation, at the time of their academic standing assessment, if they:

i. Have an ECGPA between 0.7 and 1.59.

ii. Have obtained a term GPA below 1.6 in both the Fall and Winter term.

iii. Have obtained a term GPA below 0.7 after the Fall or Winter term. At the discretion of the Associate Dean (Academic), these students may be placed on academic probation for the following term, and they will be reassessed at the end of that term.

iv. Have returned to studies after having previously been Required to Withdraw.

v. Have returned to studies after a voluntary deferral (see reg. 11). These students may also be placed on probation at the discretion of the Associate Dean (Academic) and the student’s department.

In all above cases the academic standing “Placed on Academic Probation” shall be placed on the student’s transcript.

b. A student under Academic Probation must follow a special program for the next Engineering Session:

i. Students placed on academic probation under Regulation 10a must repeat courses specified by the Associate Dean, in consultation with the Undergraduate Chair for the academic plan in which the student is registered.

ii. The Associate Dean, in consultation with the Undergraduate Chair for the academic plan in which the student is registered, may also specify additional probationary conditions to improve the chances of student success in their program. The total course load for this session must not exceed the AUs prescribed for that year of the program.

c. Any student who is placed on Academic Probation and who fulfills all of their Academic Probation conditions at the time of their next academic standing assessment shall be released from Academic Probation and will be considered in ‘good academic standing’.

d. Students on Academic Probation will only be considered for release from probation if they have taken a minimum of 12 units since their previous assessment.

Requirement to Withdraw, with opportunity to be considered for readmission after one year:

e. A student will be required to withdraw for a period of at least one year, and may be considered for readmission only after one year if they:

i. Have an ECGPA less than 0.7 and/or

ii. Have a term GPA less than 0.7 in both the Fall and Winter term, or for one term (for students who have completed only one Fall or Winter term) and/or

iii. Are on Academic Probation under Regulation 10a and do not fulfill all of their conditions of Academic Probation.

The academic standing “Required to Withdraw for a minimum of one year” shall be placed on the student’s transcript.

Requirement to Withdraw, with opportunity to be considered for readmission after a minimum of three years:

f. A student will be required to withdraw for a period of three years if they have failed a previous year and they:

i. Have an ECGPA less than 0.7 and/or

ii. Have a term GPA less than 0.7 in both the Fall and Winter term, or for one term (for students who have completed only one Fall or Winter term) and/or

iii. Are on Academic Probation under Regulation 10a and do not fulfilled all of their conditions of Academic Probation.

The academic standing “Required to Withdraw for a minimum of three years” shall be placed on the student’s transcript.

g. As decisions related to academic standing are based solely on levels of academic performance, no part of Regulation 10 may be appealed. Students who have been required to withdraw may request a waiver of the requirement to withdraw to allow them to continue in their program. This request must be submitted within two weeks of their notice of initial assessment. An appeal of the decision relating to a Requirement to Withdraw waiver request shall be directed to the Operations Committee.

11. Withdrawal

a. A student experiencing academic difficulty (refer to Regulation 10) may request a voluntary deferral of their studies at any time other than during exam periods. The student must apply for a resumption of studies to Smith Engineering. Students returning to studies after a voluntary deferral will be placed on academic probation for their returning year.

b. A student must request permission to take a leave of absence from Smith Engineering at Queen's for up to 12 months. A student must be in good academic standing (not on academic probation) to be permitted to take a leave of absence from Smith Engineering. Students who do not receive prior permission from Smith Engineering for a leave of absence or who are away from their studies for more than 12 months will be required to apply for a readmission/resumption of studies in order to return to their studies (see Regulation 12).

12. Readmission

a. A student applying for readmission after a requirement to withdraw from the program must submit a Readmission/Resumption of Studies application and provide all relevant evidence to support their request for return to studies. The student shall be readmitted if the Associate Dean (Academic) is satisfied that the submitted evidence, together with the student’s academic record at Queen’s, indicates probable success in completing the degree, provided that space is available in the required program.

b. A student readmitted to the program after a requirement to withdraw or a leave from the program (see Regulation 11) will, at the discretion of the Associate Dean (Academic) and the student’s Undergraduate Chair, be placed on Academic Probation and subsequently must follow a program constrained by the appropriate requirements outlined under Regulation 10b. In addition, during the first year of registration following a failed year the total unit weight of courses in the student’s program shall not exceed that of the regular program of the failed year. As outlined in Regulation 10f and 10h, students placed on probation after a failed year or following readmission must fulfill all of their conditions of Academic Probation or they will be required to withdraw.

c. Students who enrolled in a degree or diploma seeking program at another institution are ineligible to apply for readmission through Smith Engineering and must apply through the central Admissions Office for a formal transfer back into the program.

13. Review and Rereading of Examination Papers

Students have the right of access to their final examination papers and other written submitted term work. If the student disagrees with an assessment result, as a first step, they should request an informal review from the instructor of the course; instructors are strongly encouraged to consent. If the request for an informal review is denied or if the student is not satisfied with the decision, the student may submit a formal review request to Smith Engineering. The formal review request must be submitted in writing to Smith Engineering within 10 business days of the release of course results. Information regarding the informal and formal review process can be found here:   

14. Supplemental Examinations1

a. A student receiving a grade of FR (Failure with Review) may be permitted, upon formal request to Smith Engineering, to write a first‐year or upper‐year supplemental examination in a first year or upper year course offered in Smith Engineering. Eligible first‐year students requesting a supplemental examination must have obtained a term Grade Point Average (GPA) of 0.7 or higher in both Fall and Winter terms. Eligible upper year students requesting a supplemental examination must have an ECGPA of 1.6 or higher and a term GPA of 0.7 or higher in the previous Fall and Winter terms. All supplemental examinations will be held in‐person at Queen’s University. The privilege of writing these examinations will be confined to the designated exam period following the session in which the failure occurred. Supplemental examinations cannot be rescheduled, and there are no provisions for make‐ups of the supplemental examinations. Supplemental exams in upper year courses are limited to a maximum of three examinations during the student’s academic program, with no more than two in any calendar year. 

b. A student requesting permission to write a supplemental examination must apply in writing to Smith Engineering by the specified deadline following the session in which the failure occurred. A student may cancel a request for a supplemental examination and the examination fee will be refunded if written notice of the cancellation is received by Smith Engineering by the specified deadline following the session in which the failure occurred.

c. The result obtained on a supplemental examination will be substituted for that of the previous final examination in producing the final grade for the course. A student failing to write a supplemental examination for which they are registered and who has not canceled their registration by the specified date will be assigned a final grade of F on the supplemental examination. The final grade for a course which is based on a supplemental examination will be included in the ECGPA for the next Engineering Session. Supplemental marks will not impact or change any previous student assessment decisions.

15. English Proficiency Test (Regulation Removed Oct. 2023)

16. Special Students

a. Students may be allowed to take courses in Smith Engineering without being registered in an academic plan. Such students are defined as “Special Students” and must apply to Smith Engineering before taking any courses. A Special Student may apply for admission as a regular student proceeding to a degree but, once admitted as a regular student, a student may not re-register as a Special Student before completing a degree in Smith Engineering.

b. Students interested in auditing an Undergraduate Smith Engineering course must apply to Smith Engineering, and approval is given on a case by case basis and only when there is space in the course (refer to reg. 3h).

17. Regulations Specific to the Bachelor of Mining Engineering Technology program

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Mining Engineering Technology (“BTech”) program have specific Bridge Course requirements, as well as specific regulations relating to Requirements for Graduation (replacing Regulation 7), and Academic Probation and Requirements to Withdraw (replacing Regulation 10). The following Regulations apply to BTech students:

a. Bridge Course Requirements - BTech (MINE) 
Upon admission to the BTech program, each student will be enrolled in specific, required, Bridge courses based on their previous academic history. The required Bridge courses for each student may be different, and will be determined by the Associate Dean (Academic) in consultation with the Program Chair for the BTech (MINE) program. In order to be admitted into the Year 3 of the BTech (MINE) program, a student must pass each required Bridge course with a minimum grade of C-.

b. Requirements for Graduation - BTech (MINE)
To qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Mining Engineering Technology in Smith Engineering, a student must, at the end of not more than ten calendar years from date of first registration in Smith Engineering:

i. Have passed all courses required by the BTech (MINE) program

ii. Have achieved an Engineering Cumulative Grade Point Average (ECGPA) of 1.3 or higher

iii. Have successfully completed field and technical excursions required by the BTech Program.

iv. Have passed the English Proficiency Test.  Note: students who have not passed the English Proficiency Test as of Fall 2019 will be required to take APSC 199 (English Proficiency for Engineers).
A student who has not completed the degree program within ten years of first registering will normally be required to withdraw. An extension will normally be granted to students who have received accommodation that requires a lighter course load through the Queen’s Accessibility Services, or through academic advising. If a student is allowed to continue, on successful appeal of this regulation, his/her program of study will be reviewed by the BTech (MINE) Undergraduate Chair and Smith Engineering. As a result of the review, possible changes to the student’s required program will include but not be limited to the following:

  • Courses which are no longer part of the academic plan may not count toward the degree.

  • Additional courses which have been added to the degree program may be required for graduation.

  • Courses which have changed significantly in content may have to be retaken.

c. Academic Probation and Requirement to Withdraw - BTech (MINE)

i. A student shall be placed on Academic Probation, at the time of their academic standing assessment, if they:

(1) have an ECGPA of less than 1.3. NOTE: the ECGPA excludes final grades received in Bridge courses.
(2) return to studies after having previously been Required to Withdraw.
The academic standing “Placed on Academic Probation” shall be placed on the student’s transcript.

ii. A student under Academic Probation must follow a special program for the next Engineering Session:

(1) Students with an ECGPA less than 1.3, or students returning to studies after being previously Required to Withdraw, must repeat courses specified by the Associate Dean, in consultation with the BTech (MINE) program chair.
(2) The Associate Dean (Academic), in consultation with the BTech (MINE) program chair, may also specify additional probationary conditions to improve the chances of student success. The total course load for the probationary session must not exceed the maximum number of units prescribed for that year of the program.

iii. Any student who is placed on Academic Probation and who fulfills all of their Academic Probation conditions at the time of their next academic standing assessment shall be released from Academic Probation.

Requirement to Withdraw, with opportunity to be considered for readmission after one year:

iv. If a student is Required to Withdraw at the time of their academic standing assessment but is currently taking a Spring/Summer course at Queen’s University, they may complete the term-length course in which they are enrolled, but is then required to withdraw at the end of the term.

v. A student whose ECGPA is less than 0.7 at the time of the academic standing assessment has failed the year and is required to withdraw for a period of at least one year, and may be considered for readmission only after one year.

vi. A student who is on Academic Probation under Regulation 18.d (i) at the time of assessment and does not fulfill all of their conditions of Academic Probation is required to withdraw for a period of at least one year and may be considered for readmission only after one year. The academic standing “Required to Withdraw for a minimum of one year” shall be placed on the student’s transcript.

vii. A student who has failed a previous year, or who has been previously Required to Withdraw for academic reasons, and whose ECGPA at the time of their academic standing assessment is less than 0.7 has failed the year and is required to withdraw for a minimum period of three years, and may be considered for readmission only after a minimum of three years.

Requirement to Withdraw, with opportunity to be considered for readmission after a minimum of three years:

viii. A student who is on Academic Probation at the time of assessment, does not fulfill all of their conditions of Academic Probation and has previously been required to withdraw, is required to withdraw for a minimum period of three years, and may be considered for readmission only after a minimum of three years. The academic standing “Required to Withdraw for a minimum of three years” shall be placed on the student’s transcript.

18. Regulations specific to the B.A.Sc. with Professional Internship

Students in second or third year of any Engineering program may enroll in a five-year “Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Degree program with Professional Internship.
Students who complete successfully the requirements of the Professional Internship program, upon graduating, will receive the designation “B.A.Sc. with Professional Internship” on their transcript.
The requirements of the Professional Internship program are:

a. Students must register in the Queen’s Undergraduate Internship Program and will be enrolled in specific, required Academic Internship courses, depending upon the duration and timing of their internship.

b. Once enrolled in Academic Internship courses, students must remain enrolled in these courses until the end of the internship (successful completion of agreed upon work term, resignation or termination).

c. To receive a Professional Internship designation, students must spend a minimum of 12 months, and a maximum of 16 months on Internship.

d. Students must fulfill the requirements stipulated by their Employment contract, as well as the requirements stipulated by their Academic Internship courses, listed in the Smith Engineering Calendar.

e. A student must be in good academic standing (see Regulation 10) to undertake an Internship. The minimum ECGPA requirement at the time of application is 1.9, and a minimum term GPA of 2.0 in the last active term (excluding Summer term).

f. Undertaking a Professional Internship does not affect in any other way the current academic program of the student – all standard Smith Engineering policies apply, with the understanding that students take a minimum of 12 months, and a maximum of 16 months out of their regular academic programs to pursue Professional Internship.

g. Students participating in a Professional Internship will follow their original program plan upon their return from internship, provided course availability and that accreditation requirements are met.



The following regulations do not apply to Bachelor of Mining Engineering Technology (BTech) Regulation 1b, Regulation 1f, Regulation 1g, Regulation 2g, Regulation 3a, Regulation 3d, Regulation 3e, Regulation 7, Regulation 10, Regulation 14.

Senate Policies

From time to time, the Senate of the University adopts policies governing administrative and academic affairs of all members of the University Community, including Undergraduate Students in Smith Engineering at Queen's. These policies can be found on Senate Websites. The most convenient entry to these is the index can be found at Senate and University-wide policies.

Smith Engineering Regulations must conform with Senate policies. All Smith Engineering Regulations are approved by Senate. Digests of some of the Senate Policies of particular relevance to students in Smith Engineering are given here. The date after the title is the year in which the policy was adopted or most recently amended.

  • Access and Privacy
  • Student Appeals, Rights and Discipline (2004)
  • Policy on Academic Integrity
  • Student Access to Final Examination Papers
  • Confidential Exams
  • Electronic Information Security Policy Framework

Online Undergraduate Courses in Engineering

Smith Engineering at Queen's is committed to providing flexibility and accessibility in our curriculum.  As such, we provide one fully online undergraduate program and several fully online courses. 

Fully Online Undergraduate Program

Bachelor of Mining Engineering Technology (Online)

Fully Online Courses Available for Bachelor of Mining Technology (BTECH) Students (Offered Based on Demand)

MNTC P01Engineering Mathematics3.00
MNTC P02Mining Geology3.00
MNTC P03Foundational Mathematics3.00
MNTC P04Calculus3.00
MNTC P05Foundational Physics3.00
MNTC P06Foundational Chemistry3.00
MNTC P07Surveying Principles3.00
MNTC 301Technical Writing and Communication3.00
MNTC 302Engineering Physics3.00
MNTC 303Engineering Chemistry3.00
MNTC 304Applied Metrology and Data Analysis3.00
MNTC 305Introduction to Mining4.00
MNTC 306Mineral Processing Unit Operations3.00
MNTC 307Geomechanics and Ground4.00
MNTC 310Mining and Society3.00
MNTC 311Ore Body Modelling and Resource Estimation4.50
MNTC 313Introduction to Programming3.00
MNTC 314Drilling and Blasting4.00
MNTC 316Ventilation and Hydraulics4.00
MNTC 399Field School I (on site)5.00
MNTC 408Mine Health and Safety3.00
MNTC 409Mineral Economics3.50
MNTC 413Surface Mine Design4.00
MNTC 414Underground Mine Planning4.00
MNTC 415Metal Extraction Processes4.00
MNTC 418Sustainability and the Environment3.00
MNTC 419Mine Supervision and Project Management3.00
MNTC 420Physical Asset Management3.00
MNTC 423Geomatics3.00
MNTC 498Capstone Project3.00
MNTC 499Field School II (on site)5.00

Fully Online Courses Available for Bachelor of Applied Science (BASC) and Letter of Permission Students

APSC 221Economic and Business Practice3.00
CHEE 302Technical Entrepreneurship3.50
MTHE 225Ordinary Differential Equations3.50

To Apply for Registration in a Smith Engineering Online Course or Program

  • Existing Queen's students, please visit SOLUS to enroll.
  • Students interested in the BTECH program, please see here
  • For non-Queen's undergraduate students applying as a Letter of Permission student, use the Queen's Online Application Portal. See below for further information.

​Step-by-Step Letter of Permission Application Guideline for Non-Queen's Undergraduate Students

Please Follow the Step Below When Applying to Queen's Engineering as a Letter of Permission Student:

  1. Access the online application portal found here
  2. Create an account
  3. Under 'External Applicant' select 'Letter of Permission/Non-Degree'
  4. Under '1st Program/Plan':
    1. Select 'Non-Degree Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science' as your program
    2. Select 'Engineering Online Letter of Permission' as your plan
    3. Select 'Part Time' as your course load
    4. Indicate the term of study (eg. Summer 2020) under term
  5. Enter Personal Details section
  6. Review application
  7. Attach required documentation
  8. Submit application payment
  9. Complete Application
  10. After you have submitted your application, you will work with the Admissions Office who will review your application and, provided you have accurately completed your application, will issue you an offer of admission.
  11. Once you have accepted your offer of admission, Smith Engineering will reach out to you to assist you with your course registration.

Application Deadlines for BTECH and Letter of Permission

Summer term (May)

  • Application process opens: January 1
  • Application deadline: April 15

Fall term (Sept)

  • Application process opens: May 1
  • Application deadline: August 15

Winter term (Jan)

  • Application process opens: September 1
  • Application deadline: December 1

Important Term Dates 

Tuition Fees

Information on tuition fees for Domestic and International students can be found here

Pay Your Tuition

Tuition is generally due on the first day of class. Please make note of the upcoming tuition due dates per term.

To Pay Tuition

Method 1: Credit Card (only available to Distance Students)

  • Log in to SOLUS
  • Click on the green dollar sign
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to complete payment

Method 2: Bank Transfer

  • Using online or in-person banking, find Queen's University as a Payee
  • Use your 8-digit student number as the 'account number'
  • Once set up, you can pay this payee using funds directly from your bank account online, in person, or by telephone.
  • Please note that some payments can take between 3- 5 business days to reflect in your Queen's account.
  • The Office of the Registrar can help with all questions about fees and payments. 613-533-6894 or
  • Student Awards can help you with questions about OSAP, financial aid, bursaries and awards. 613-533-2216.

Set up your NetID

  • Your NetID is your login for the Queen's online Student Centre. Once you apply, you will receive an email with your student number. You will use this to create your NetID following these steps:
  • Go to
  • Click on Don't have a NetID?
  • Under Students, click on Activate your NetID
  • Record your NetID, you will need it every time you log into SOLUS, OnQ and your Queen's email account.

Access your Queen's Email

As a Queen's student, you have a permanent Queen's email address that consists of your All communication from Queen's will go to this email address. Check it frequently or consider forwarding it to your most commonly accessed email address.

Access your Courses (OnQ)

Our online courses are run through OnQ, our online learning platforms.

You will be able to begin your online course on the first day of class (or, in the case of a late enrolment, 48 hours after you enrol in SOLUS) by logging into OnQ. From here you will be able to access the course syllabus, timeline and lesson modules, submit assignments and check your grades. You can also communicate with your instructor, TA, and other students in the course. Your instructor or TA will email you at your Queen's email address within the first week of the term to introduce themselves and the course to you.

Credit Transfer

You will need to initiate a request at your home university to have the credit transferred – so you should contact your faculty or department regarding the process and regarding how the grade would show on your transcript.

You will also likely need to request an official Queen's transcript be sent from Queen's as proof – please refer to this page for that process:
Please see the Queen's Registrar's pages regarding the process to ordering an official transcript:

Questions can be directed to the registrar's office at: