Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Mechanical and Materials Engineering: Technical Electives

These lists establish which courses qualify to meet the program elective requirements for each of the academic plans.

List 1: General Mechanical Engineering Electives

These courses provide experiences that are central to the development of General Mechanical Engineering attributes. Lists 1A and 1B are included in List 1 for meeting technical elective requirements.

APSC 381Advanced Design and Skills for Innovation3.50
APSC 400Technology, Engineering & Management (TEAM)7.00
APSC 401Interdisciplinary Projects4.50
CHEE 490Polymer Formulations and Processing Technology3.50
ELEC 280Fundamentals of Electromagnetics3.75
ELEC 333Electric Machines4.25
MECH 330Applied Thermo II (Option core to ME1, and a List 1 Tech for ME2 and ME3)3.50
MECH 341Fluid Mechanics II (Option core to ME1, and a List 1 Tech for ME2 and ME3)3.50
MECH 361Project Based Engineering: Conceive, Design, Implement & Operate3.50
MECH 370Prin Of Materials Processing (Option core to ME2, and a List 1 to ME1 and ME3)3.50
MECH 371Deformation and Fracture Failure of Engineering Materials (Option core to ME2, and a List 1 to ME1 and ME3)3.50
MECH 393Biomechanical Product Development (Option core to ME3, and a List 1 Tech for ME1 and ME3)3.50
MECH 394Frontiers in Biomechanical Engineering (Option core to ME3, and a List 1 Tech for ME1 and ME3)3.50
MECH 420Vibrations3.50
MECH 423Introduction To Microsystems3.50
MECH 424Sustainable Product Design3.50
MECH 430Thermal Systems Design4.00
MECH 435Internal Combustion Engines3.50
MECH 437Fuel Cell Technology3.50
MECH 439Turbomachinery3.50
MECH 441Fluid Mechanics III3.50
MECH 444Computational Fluid Dynamics3.50
MECH 448Compressible Fluid Flow3.50
MECH 452Mechatronics Engineering5.00
MECH 455Computer Integrated Manufacturing3.50
MECH 456Introduction To Robotics3.50
MECH 457Additive Manufacturing4.00
MECH 461Research Project4.00
MECH 462Team Project - Implement and Operate (Option core to ME3, and a List 1 Tech for ME1 and ME2)3.50
MECH 465Computer Aided Design3.50
MECH 480Airplane Aerodynamics and Performance3.50
MECH 481Wind Energy3.50
MECH 482Noise Control3.50

List 1A: Engineering Science

These List 1 courses include substantial Engineering Science content and are staffed by Mechanical and Materials Engineering with licensed Professional Engineers, or EITs, as instructors to meet the requirements of CEAB Appendix 3.

MECH 492Biological Fluid Dynamics3.50

List 1B: Engineering Design

These List 1 courses include substantial Engineering Design content and are staffed by Mechanical and Materials Engineering with licensed Professional Engineers as instructors to meet the requirements of CEAB Appendix 3.

MECH 495Ergonomics And Design3.50

List 2: Materials Engineering Electives

MECH 461Research Project4.00
MECH 470Deformation Processing3.50
MECH 476Engineering of Composite Materials and Polymers3.50
MECH 478Biomaterials3.50
MECH 479Nanomaterials Science and Engineering3.50
MECH 483Nuclear Materials3.50

List 3: Biomechanical Engineering Electives

MECH 461Research Project4.00
CHEE 380Biochemical Engineering3.50
CHEE 440Pharmaceutical Technology3.50
CHEE 484Bioremediation3.50
ELEC 408Biomedical Signal and Image Processing3.00
MECH 465Computer Aided Design3.50
MECH 478Biomaterials3.50
MECH 492Biological Fluid Dynamics3.50
MECH 494Kinematics Of Human Motion3.50
MECH 495Ergonomics And Design3.50
MECH 496Musculoskeletal Biomechanics3.50

List 4: Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Electives

ANAT 100Anatomy of the Human Body3.00
APSC 250Biology Through an Engineering Lens3.50
APSC 303Professional Internship3.50
CHEE 340Biomedical Engineering (for ME1 & ME2 only)3.50
CHEE 342Environmental Biotechnology3.50
CHEE 371Mitigation of Industrial Pollution3.50
CHEE 412Transport Phenomena3.50
CHEE 363Electrochemical Engineering3.50
CIVL 371Groundwater Engineering4.00
CIVL 372Water and Wastewater4.00
CIVL 471Subsurface Contamination4.00
CIVL 473Water Resources Systems4.00
ELEC 271Digital Systems4.00
ELEC 274Computer Architecture4.00
ELEC 371Microprocessor Interfacing and Embedded Systems4.00
MTHE 212Linear Algebra3.50
MTHE 337Intro. To Operations Research3.00
MTHE 338Fourier Methods for Boundary Value Problems3.50
MTHE 434Optimization Theory with Applications to Machine Learning3.50
MTHE 472Optimization and Control of Stochastic Systems3.50
MINE 272Applied Data Science4.50
MINE 431Life-Cycle Assessment for Green Technologies3.50
MINE 459Risk and Reliability Analysis for Industrial Asset Management, Health & Safety4.00
ENPH 491Physics Of Nuclear Reactors3.50

Areas of Concentration in Mechanical

Although there is no formal streaming of electives in the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum, the following groupings are provided in order to give students some guidance in areas where they may wish to concentrate their studies.

Aerospace Engineering

MECH 371Deformation and Fracture Failure of Engineering Materials (Core for ME2 option)3.50
MECH 437Fuel Cell Technology3.50
MECH 439Turbomachinery3.50
MECH 441Fluid Mechanics III3.50
MECH 444Computational Fluid Dynamics3.50
MECH 448Compressible Fluid Flow3.50
MECH 465Computer Aided Design3.50
MECH 480Airplane Aerodynamics and Performance3.50
MECH 481Wind Energy3.50

Biomechanical Engineering

MECH 370Prin Of Materials Processing (Core for ME2 option)3.50
MECH 371Deformation and Fracture Failure of Engineering Materials (Core for ME2 option)3.50
MECH 393Biomechanical Product Development (Core for ME3 option)3.50
MECH 394Frontiers in Biomechanical Engineering (Core for ME3 option)3.50
MECH 465Computer Aided Design3.50
MECH 478Biomaterials3.50
MECH 492Biological Fluid Dynamics3.50
MECH 494Kinematics Of Human Motion3.50
MECH 495Ergonomics And Design3.50
MECH 496Musculoskeletal Biomechanics3.50

Manufacturing Engineering

APSC 381Advanced Design and Skills for Innovation3.50
MECH 370Prin Of Materials Processing (Core for ME2 option)3.50
MECH 424Sustainable Product Design3.50
MECH 455Computer Integrated Manufacturing3.50
MECH 457Additive Manufacturing4.00
MECH 462Team Project - Implement and Operate (Core for ME3 option)3.50
MECH 465Computer Aided Design3.50
MECH 476Engineering of Composite Materials and Polymers3.50
MECH 482Noise Control3.50

Mechatronics Engineering

ELEC 271Digital Systems4.00
ELEC 274Computer Architecture4.00
ELEC 371Microprocessor Interfacing and Embedded Systems4.00
MECH 420Vibrations3.50
MECH 423Introduction To Microsystems3.50
MECH 452Mechatronics Engineering5.00
MECH 455Computer Integrated Manufacturing3.50
MECH 456Introduction To Robotics3.50
MECH 482Noise Control3.50

Energy and Fluid Systems

MECH 430Thermal Systems Design4.00
MECH 435Internal Combustion Engines3.50
MECH 437Fuel Cell Technology3.50
MECH 439Turbomachinery3.50
MECH 441Fluid Mechanics III3.50
MECH 444Computational Fluid Dynamics3.50
MECH 448Compressible Fluid Flow3.50
MECH 480Airplane Aerodynamics and Performance3.50
MECH 481Wind Energy3.50
MECH 492Biological Fluid Dynamics3.50

Materials Engineering

MECH 370Prin Of Materials Processing (Core to ME2 option)3.50
MECH 371Deformation and Fracture Failure of Engineering Materials (Core to ME2 option)3.50
MECH 470Deformation Processing3.50
MECH 476Engineering of Composite Materials and Polymers3.50
MECH 478Biomaterials3.50
MECH 479Nanomaterials Science and Engineering3.50
MECH 483Nuclear Materials3.50