Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Academic Progress Committee Terms of Reference

Smith School of Business
Master of Business Administration, Master of Management, and Graduate Diploma Programs

Adopted by Faculty Board September 12, 2017

Terms of Reference

The Master of Business Administration (“MBA”), Master of Management (“MOM”), and Graduate Diploma (“GD”) Academic Progress Committee is responsible for making decisions about academic progression and other academic matters relating to MBA, MOM and GD students at Smith School of Business. The committee will hereafter be referred to as the “MBA/MOM APC”.

Academic Progress Committee members are knowledgeable about Smith School of Business Master of Business Administration, Master of Management and Graduate Diploma programs, and Queen’s University policies and procedures. The MBA/MOM APC provides a uniform approach in the handling of academic matters across the Smith School of Business professional Masters programs.


The Academic Progress Committee (APC) is established by the Smith School of Business Faculty Board to monitor and make decisions about academic matters and the academic progress of Master of Business Administration students in: the Full-Time, Executive, and Accelerated MBA Programs; all Master of Management Programs; and all Graduate Diploma Programs.

The APC considers the cases and special circumstances, if any, of students who appeal a decision regarding the application of the academic regulations, or another academic matter, that has been made at the Program level.

No Jurisdiction

The APC does not have jurisdiction to hear appeals of:

  1. matters related to individual or team assignments and/or exam grades (such appeals are made to the Program Director);
  2. findings or sanctions related to departures from Academic Integrity (such appeals are heard by the Smith School of Business Academic Integrity Panel);


The MBA/MOM Academic Progress Committee is comprised of a total of seven voting members, all of whom are knowledgeable about the MBA, MOM and GD programs. APC members are faculty members of Smith School of Business and are appointed by the Associate Dean, Faculty. Two faculty members are appointed Co-Chairs.

Members normally hold a term of three years (preferably in staggered terms). New members assume their duties on July 1 of each year.
Hearing Panels of the MBA/MOM APC shall be appointed by the Co-Chair to hear individual student appeals. Hearing Panels shall normally consist of a minimum of three APC members, including one Co- Chair, and a maximum of six APC members, based on availability and any conflict of interest issues.

Role of the Co-Chair

The Co-Chairs of the APC will be faculty members. Another member of the APC may be delegated the role of Co-Chair if the appointed Co-Chairs are unable to participate in a particular case.

Normally, one Co-Chair will act as Chair of a Hearing Panel. The Co-Chair will:

  1. appoint a Hearing Panel;
  2. serve as the Chair of a Hearing Panel, unless that role is delegated as above;
  3. convene hearings;
  4. preside over hearings of the MBA/MOM APC Panel according to the Rules of Procedure1 and give procedural direction for the conduct of individual cases to the extent that a procedural issue is not dealt with in the Rules of Procedure;
  5. participate in the Hearing Panel deliberations and decision-making;
  6. guide the APC in the uniform and consistent application of the regulations and relevant policies within and across the MBA/MOM/GD programs;
  7. ensure hearings are conducted fairly and with due process; and
  8. draft and finalize the decision of the Hearing Panel consistent with the findings and reasons of the APC members and communicate the Panel’s Decision to the parties involved.

See the MBA/MOM APC Rules of Procedure for the rules regarding pre-hearing, hearing, and post-hearing matters.